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Public Procurement Bill - April 2023 update!

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Oct 03, 2022

Following several months of negotiations, the Procurement Reform Bill has now been introduced in Parliament. Expected to go live in mid-2023, the bill now requires secondary legislation to bring certain elements and the wider plan into effect, after which it will also have to be granted Royal Assent. This Bill will reform the existing EU Procurement Rules, which, after Brexit, are no longer valid within the UK.

The Transforming Public Procurement programme aims to improve the regulation of public procurement in order to create a simpler and more flexible system for users. The changes created by this new bill will apply to the public sector as a whole; including central and local government and public sector organisations such as the NHS etc. These changes will be applied across England, Wales and Northern Ireland, however they will not affect Scotland, whose policies surrounding procurement legislation remain a devolved matter.

At around £300 billion, public procurement accounts for around a third of all public expenditure each year and is the largest area of public spending; thus a key area where getting the most for your money is critical. Value for money is a key driving factor for the changes to regulations, with new, more competitive, yet simplified procedures aimed at allowing government to spend more with SMEs.

Greater flexibility will allow buyers to have more opportunity to negotiate directly with suppliers by creating what is being called a “competitive flexible procedure”. This will ensure, for the first time, that contracting authorities can design a competition to best suit the particular needs of their contract and market. The Bill will enshrine into law the basic objectives of public procurement; delivering value for money, maximising public benefit and acting with integrity.

April 2023 updates

The Procurement Bill completed its passage through the Committee Stage in the House of Commons in February and will now progress to Report and then Third Reading. We are still awaiting a date for this next stage but anticipate this will be in May. You can view the Hansard records of the committee debates and the current version of the Bill (incorporating all amendments to date) here.

The final stage in the Bill’s Parliamentary journey is “consideration of amendments”, when it returns to the House of Lords. If the Lords disagrees with any Commons amendments, or makes alternative proposals, then the Bill is sent back to the Commons. The Bill might go back and forth between each House until both Houses reach agreement on the exact wording – this is known as ‘ping pong'. Soon after the Bill achieves Royal Assent - which we expect to be later this spring - work to finalise the secondary legislation (Statutory Instruments, or regulations) will take centre stage and will include a public consultation on the draft regulations.

We continue to engage with eProcurement systems providers to assist them to make the changes needed to support the new noticing regime. We recently shared further information on the content of the first batch of new notices that will soon be released to a test environment.

These are as follows:

  • Planned procurement notice - this will be used for above threshold procurements, giving suppliers advance notice of an upcoming procurement opportunity. If published between 40 days and a year ahead of the tender notice, this notice allows the contracting authority to reduce the tendering period (the length of time that suppliers have to submit tenders after the publication of the tender notice) from 25 days to 10 days. This is the equivalent of the current Prior Information Notice for reducing time limits.

  • Tender notice - this notice advertises a competitive contract opportunity, giving suppliers information on what is being procured and the value, to enable them to decide whether to submit a tender. For below threshold procurement opportunities, there is a simplified Tender notice with a reduced set of fields. This is equivalent to the current Contract notice in Find a Tender and the Opportunity notice on Contracts Finder.

  • Transparency notice - this notice advises the market that an above threshold direct award will be made, and what the justification is for that. This is equivalent to the current Voluntary Ex-Ante Transparency notice (VEAT).

  • Contract award notice - this notice must be published after the decision has been made to award an above threshold contract but that contract has not yet been signed. This notice begins the standstill period, if it applies, during which any challenges to the award can be made. There is no current equivalent.
Expected Regulation Changes

Whilst the Procurement Reform Bill has not yet been formally passed through Parliament, there are several areas where changes to procurement can be expected.

Transparency remains a key focus within this new Bill, with a single, central platform for all procurement information being a new initiative. This aims to ensure access for all and strengthen the new Procurement Review Unit’s ability to investigate concerns surrounding both transparency and contract awards. Featuring information for all tenders, including pipeline opportunities and spend, this single system will also have a dedicated area of the publication of Supplier performance, meaning that this could impact supplier references moving forward.

Terminology changes are also expected, with “Contract Notices” now being advertised as “Tender Notices”, and new notice types to cover the full life cycle of a contract. The Bill will also include provisions to exclude suppliers from defence and security tenders, should they be deemed to present a risk to national security.

Direct Awards of contracts could be possible, if seen to be “in the public interest” – however this may be a section of the Bill that faces some scrutiny.

The Procurement Reform Bill, whilst looking to overhaul public sector procurement, will still maintain compliance with international obligations, including the Agreement on Government Procurement from the World Trade Organisation, which guarantees British businesses access to £1.3 trillion in public sector procurement opportunities oversees.

How Could These Changes Affect Your Business?

At a glance, there are likely to be several changes which could become apparent to businesses once this Bill is formally accepted and written into law. Primarily, the overall look and feel of the tenders themselves could change somewhat, however, from the information available, it looks like many of the questions will remain the same.

Perhaps, most conveniently, there will now be a single registration service for supplier, a “one stop shop”, operating on a “tell us once” style system to avoid unnecessary administrative headaches with multiple portal spaces.

Maintaining quality of works will become an even greater focus, as it may now become much easier for contracting authorities to reject bids from suppliers who pose risks through threats such as poor previous performance. These incidents will become much more easily accessible for potential buyers to view, thus the need to provide exceptional service and value for money is even more critical.

The way businesses are alerted to upcoming tenders is likely to change too, with external platforms no longer being the space where contract notices are hosted. This may however provide the benefit of ease, with all opportunities being advertised in a single space for public sector procurement.

Buyers requesting the Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT) will remain, however a renewed emphasis may be places on Most Advantageous Tenders (MATs) too, meaning buyers can set their priorities to other areas, such as innovation, when assessing a tender.

How can Thornton & Lowe support you to navigate these changes?

There are several areas where Thornton & Lowe can provide support to ensure you are in the best position to navigate any future changes to procurement regulations. These regulation changes are coming in to place to support SMEs, making tendering more accessible and simplifying existing systems.

We offer expert bid writing and bid training services, in order to support on both the writing of bids and upskilling your team to ensure they are ready to bid successfully. Understanding the latest advancements in procurement best practice could be the ideal way to begin preparations for the release of new opportunities. Equipping yourself and your team with this key knowledge will ensure you approach all new tenders with clarity and confidence moving forward.

Our team of highly experienced bid writers can assist you to complete tenders and ensure the key evidence you may require is in place. Thornton & Lowe can help you add significant value to your offering, showcasing your services to the best of your abilities in order to win work.

Speak with a Bid Writing expert today

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Tender Value Published Deadline
C002087 - Delivery of an Infant Mental Health (IMH) online training course to up to 40 practitioners per year
UK EDINBURGH NHS Education for Scotland

NES are looking for a provider to deliver an Infant Mental Health online training course. It is anticipated that practitioner numbers will be up to 40 per year and that training will be required from Autumn 2024 – March 2028.

Published: 2024-07-26
Deadline: 2024-09-02
2024-07-26 2024-09-02
P25-0032 - On-Line Compliance Training Content
UK Glasgow Scottish Enterprise

The purpose of this Invitation to Tender is to appoint a single supplier to provide licenced access to a compliance on-line training platform and training content as set out below to Scottish Enterprise.We require a supplier who can provide Scottish Enterprise with licenced access to a learning platform to deliver specific on-line mandated compliance training content for all staff in SE in the follow three areas:- Data Protection Law (as it applies in the UK)- Cyber Security- Equality, Diversity & InclusionIt is envisaged that the contract will start in early Autumn for an initial period of 3 years with the option to extend for a further 12 months if required

Value: 85000
Published: 2024-07-26
Deadline: 2024-08-27
85000 2024-07-26 2024-08-27
P25-0019 Manufacturing Property Challenge Programme - Property Advice
UK Glasgow Scottish Enterprise

Scottish Enterprise is seeking to appoint a supplier to support the assessment and due diligence requirements for Stage 2 applications for grant funding support via the Manufacturing Property Challenge Programme (MPCP). Further details are set out in the Invitation to Tender (ITT).It is anticipated that the contract will start in September 2024 until January 2025. The value of the contract is expected to be in the region of between GBP60000 and GBP90000 excluding VAT.

Value: 90000
Published: 2024-07-24
Deadline: 2024-08-12
90000 2024-07-24 2024-08-12
Supply and Delivery of Catering Sundries
UK Paisley Scotland Excel

This Contract Notice is in relation to the renewal framework for Catering Sundries. It is anticipated that the scope of materials covered under the framework will include, but not be limited to Catering Disposables, Catering Sundries, Insulated containers and Trolleys to all 32 member councils in Scotland, Tayside Contracts, all associate members of Scotland Excel and cross collaborating authorities.

Value: 18000000
Published: 2024-07-22
Deadline: 2024-08-19
18000000 2024-07-22 2024-08-19
SPS-02132 Vulnerability Assessment Tool
UK Edinburgh Scottish Prison Service

The SPS requires relevant tools to provide its IT department with visibility of vulnerabilities which may exist on the corporate systems. The Goods shall allow the SPS to do this in a safe and automated way. The principal objective of this Contract is to mitigate against known threats and vulnerabilities and to provide a tool set that allows nominated SPS Representatives to prioritise actions for all vulnerabilities and to monitor and manage this for compliance with Cyber Essentials Plus certification.

Published: 2024-07-22
Deadline: 2024-07-22
2024-07-22 2024-07-22
Taxi Services
UK Aberdeen University of Aberdeen

It is the intention of the University to establish a ranked framework agreement with a maximum of (3) three contractors to provide the University with a comprehensive cost and time efficient taxi service in and around the Aberdeen City area.

Published: 2024-07-18
Deadline: 2024-08-15
2024-07-18 2024-08-15
Provision of a Host Body for the Anti-Racism Observatory for Scotland (AROS)
UK Glasgow Scottish Government

We are seeking a Supplier who can operate in the anti-racism arena showing strong ties and commitment to anti-racism from a corporate level down to all levels of their organisation For avoidance of doubt the Host Organisation will be the Supplier. The Scottish Government (on the recommendation of the Anti-Racism Interim Governance Group and built from the recommendation from the Covid19 and Ethnicity Expert Reference Group) is seeking to contract with a host organisation for a period of two years to incubate the Anti-Racism Observatory for Scotland (AROS) The AROS will be an independent organisation funded by the Scottish Government and will deliver its mission and strategy through the governance of an Advisory Group.Scottish Government (the Buyer) are fully funding AROS. Therefore the commercial relationship will be between Scottish Government and the Supplier.Further information can be found on the Scottish Government’s website Developing National Anti-Racism Infrastructure: Interim Governance Group - ( and Anti-Racism Vison Mission and Anti-Racism Method and Structure documents.The Supplier must provide the following services:Administrative, FinanceHuman Resources including Recruitment (excludes employment)Operational DeliveryAccommodation for AROS Staff andRecommendation ReportThe successful bidder will enable AROS to meet its objectives and support AROS to become a fully independent body. It will house senior staff (appointed by the advisory group) to lead the AROS workplan.

Value: 3000000
Published: 2024-07-11
Deadline: 2024-09-02
3000000 2024-07-11 2024-09-02
Finance Professional Development Training
UK Glasgow Scottish Police Authority

Police Scotland are seeking to procure technical accountant training / CPD training for Finance Staff to ensure CIPFA requirements are upheld. Police Scotland are seeking a provider who can work in collaboration with the Authority to provide a pro-active suite of training courses, but also be responsive to need, working with the Authority to identify relevant training opportunities for Finance Staff.Training should include as a baseline:- tax training- payroll training- business partner training- CPD for CIPFAHowever, the requirements for financial training are varied and providers should be able to deliver a full suite of relevant training, and provide a course catalogue to allow for the creation of a training calendar. In addition, personalised training based on the needs of Finance Colleagues should also be available.Training should be delivered by suitably qualified trainers, who hold relevant registrations / memberships if required. It is anticipated the majority of training will be delivered virtually, however, based on need, there may be ad hoc requirements for Face-to-Face training. Providers should be aware, Police Scotland covers the entirety of Scotland.

Published: 2024-07-10
Deadline: 2024-08-12
2024-07-10 2024-08-12
NHS-Grampian Social Media Campaign Management Services
UK Aberdeen NHS Grampian

NHS Grampian has a requirement to support our marketing and communication strategies it is essential that we produce high quality, cost effective, targeted, paid social media campaigns which will enable us to reach and engage with our audiences.NHS Grampian are reviewing their service provision to deliver their paid social media campaigns.

Published: 2024-07-10
Deadline: 2024-07-30
2024-07-10 2024-07-30
G24976 Shaw Park Pavilion, Symington - Fire Damage Reinstatement
UK Ayr South Ayrshire Council

The Works comprise: reconstruction of fire damaged sports pavilion.The building has been already stripped out and it is mainly the masonry walls and concrete slabthat remain.Refer tender package for full details.

Published: 2024-07-05
Deadline: 2024-08-02
2024-07-05 2024-08-02
Clyde Waterfront and Renfrew Riverside (CWRR) Maritime Linesmen
UK Paisley Renfrewshire Council

The CWRR project includes a new opening road bridge linking Renfrew to Glasgow and West Dunbartonshire at a location just east of Rothesay Dock on Dock Street Clydebank.The operational provisions require that the bridge opens to shipping as a priority over road traffic crossing the bridge.While the bridge is designed and constructed in a manner which minimises the risk of the bridge failing to open when required. It also includes a number of redundancy features to enable intervention to overcome mechanical failure and allow the bridge to open.As an absolute fail-safe measure, the project includes a layby berth, located on the riverside of Rothesay Dock, where vessels travelling up river, will be able to berth, should all other measures not allow the bridge to open.The Council are looking to appoint two suitably experienced Maritime Linesmen, who will be available 24 hours per day, 365 days per year on on-call basis to support mooring and let go operations as and when required by the Client and in the event of the bridge not opening.

Published: 2024-07-05
Deadline: 2024-08-05
2024-07-05 2024-08-05
IT and Technology Related Electrical Waste Management
UK Motherwell North Lanarkshire Council

North Lanarkshire Council wishes to secure a contract with a sole supplier for the disposal and recycling of all ICT equipment. Included in the Specification is the Disposal, Recycle, Repurpose of ICT, Electrical & Various Ad-Hoc Goods from North Lanarkshire Council sites.The Council wishes to ensure that a robust Staff Buy Back scheme is implemented alongside wider community benefits.

Value: 150000
Published: 2024-07-05
Deadline: 2024-08-05
150000 2024-07-05 2024-08-05
Review of Community Led Local Development in rural Scotland
UK Edinburgh Scottish Government

The Scottish Government is developing a new Rural Support Plan and associated rural policy which will follow on from the Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill.To inform this work, we wish to commission a research project comprising the design and delivery of a review of three Scottish Government-funded programmes:- Community Led Local Development- Scottish Rural Action- Scottish Rural NetworkThis research will constitute a review of the role and impact of these programmes. It will involve:- evaluating the delivery of these programmes against their intended aims;- engaging with a range of stakeholders to examine the strategic fit of these programmes within a wider policy and funding context, and in relation to other public and third sector policy and interventions;- producing options and practical recommendations on future areas of focus and delivery models.This review will draw on a range of previous research, including a desk review due for completion by June 2024 (see Section 3).This specification sets out the aims and objectives of this work, provides background information on the policy approach and provides a suggested methodological approach to realising these aims. It sets out the tasks required of the contractor, management arrangements and timescales. Where appropriate, contractors are invited to suggest alternative approaches to meeting the aims and objectives of this review within the available budget and timescale.The research will support the work of Scottish Government policy officials and Ministers in developing a new Rural Support Plan as well as wider rural policy. It should also benefit, and provide practical outputs for wider stakeholders, including those delivering the Community Led Local Development, Scottish Rural Network and Scottish Rural Action programmes, and people living and working in rural and island areas.The review will take place in three stages, and outputs at each stage are required so that interim findings can feed into ongoing policy work, including the development of the Rural Support Plan and wider rural policy / legislation during 2024-25.

Value: 250000
Published: 2024-07-05
Deadline: 2024-08-07
250000 2024-07-05 2024-08-07
Kincorth New Build Housing Project
UK Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council

Aberdeen City Council (The Client) is to carry out the redevelopment of the site to form social housingrented accommodation (c. 195 nr units) comprising a mix of housing and flatted units, with associatedstreets, parking and amenity space. The works are being undertaken as part of an ambitiousprogramme of works to create high quality social housing units across Aberdeen City and involves thefollowing:- All properties to meet Gold Technical Standard- HfVN- Current statutory regulation- Any other requirements set in the ACC High Level Requirements document- Terms and conditions or the contract- Take on sites in current conditions and works complete to dateThe contract shall be the SBCC Design and Build, 2016 edition, providing a fixed price lump sum. It isthe intention of ACC to novate the design team to the Successful Tenderer. Further detail regardingthe Conditions of Contract shall be provided at the Invitation to Tender stage when the Council shallconfirm which terms and conditions shall apply.4 | P a g e SPD InstructionsThe Works are expected to start in Quarter 3 2024 and will have a 2 year contract period.The Successful Tenderer will undertake the role of Principal Contractor as recognised in the abovedocumentation and fulfilling the Construction Design and Management Regulations and all relevant UKHealth and Safety Legislation

Published: 2024-07-02
Deadline: 2024-07-31
2024-07-02 2024-07-31
Cyber Security Assurance Services Framework
UK Edinburgh The City of Edinburgh Council

The City of Edinburgh Council is focused on establishing a robust Framework for the procurement of secure digital services. It aims to enhance the Councils ability to assess and select IT service providers that meet stringent security requirements, ensuring the delivery of secure and reliable digital services.

Value: 750000
Published: 2024-07-02
Deadline: 2024-07-31
750000 2024-07-02 2024-07-31
TechHUB Technology Advice service
UK Inverness Highlands and Islands Enterprise

HIE requires a suitably qualified and experienced supplier to provide tailored 1:1 support and advice to an estimated 35 businesses operating in the food and drink sector in the Highland Council (only) area to increase the level of technology adoption and implementation within the food and drink sector. It will be funded by HIE and the Inverness and Highland City-Region Deal and is part of the Northern Innovation Hub (NIH) programme.

Published: 2024-07-01
Deadline: 2024-08-05
2024-07-01 2024-08-05
Contract for Housing Improvement Programme 2025 – 2029
UK Aberdeen Aberdeenshire Council

The Housing Improvement Programme is a large capital investment of up to approximately 30 million GBP annually with the capital investment commencing 2025. It is anticipated that the capital investment will be shared relatively equally amongst the successful Providers so far as is reasonably practicable. The Potential Providers should note the share of the works may be impacted by their performance against the Key Performance Indicator’s (KPI’s).Potential Provider’s will be expected to carry out a survey of each residential housing property to confirm a final scope of works required under the scenario/s identified for that property. The overall portfolio of refurbishment work for the contract may include:- External works- Internal works- Sheltered Housing works

Published: 2024-07-01
Deadline: 2024-08-09
2024-07-01 2024-08-09
Flexible Framework for the Provision of Supported Living and Community Based Support Services for Adults with Social Care Needs
UK Paisley Renfrewshire Council

Renfrewshire Council (the Council) is seeking to establish a multi–Provider Flexible Framework Agreement (Flexible Framework) for the Provision of Supported Living and Community Based Support Services for Adults with Social Care Needs. The Services will be for Adults with support needs relating to Mental Health, Learning Disabilities, Autism, Physical Disabilities, complex needs or other care and support inclusive of personal care, housing support, non-personal care, emotional and practical support. There may be the occasional requirement for a Service to be arranged for a child. The Council will utilise the Flexible Framework for SDS Option 2 & Option 3.It is anticipated that the Flexible Framework will be for 4 years with the option to extend for up to 12 months on 3 occasions, subject to satisfactory operation and performance. It is anticipated that the Flexible Framework will start on the 1st November 2024 and will expire on the 31st October 2028. Should all extension options be taken, the end date will be the 31st October 2031. In the event that the Flexible Framework does not start on 1st November 2024, the Flexible Framework will start on the Commencement Date as stated in the Letter of Acceptance. The length of any Individual Service Contract (ISC) made under this Flexible Framework will be stated in the relevant ISC. Please note an ISC may expire after the Flexible Framework End Date.Tenderers should note there is no guaranteed level of spend for any ISC awarded under the Flexible Framework; there is also no guarantee of payment being made to a Provider solely by appointment to the Flexible Framework.A flexible approach has been designed which will allow New Entrants to apply to be on the Flexible Framework.

Value: 210000000
Published: 2024-06-28
Deadline: 2024-07-29
210000000 2024-06-28 2024-07-29
CT1293 - Framework Agreement for Children’s Residential Care and Education
UK Edinburgh The City of Edinburgh Council

The City of Edinburgh Council (the Council) seek to establish a Framework Agreement for Children’s Residential Care and Education.Service RequirementThe Council requires to put a multi provider framework agreement in place for the provision of Residential Care and Education within Residential Schools and Care Homes for Children and/ or Young People who have multiple and complex needs and for whom provision of residential care is the best means of improving Outcomes.The principles of Getting It Right for Every Child are at the heart of this Service. The Council and Providers shall work in partnership to commission and deliver services that will fully support Children and Young People as they grow and develop.This is broken into three lots:Lot 1 – Provision of Residential Care:Residential Care where the child or Young Person attends School elsewhere or is not in education;Lot 2 – Provision of Education:Education where the child or Young Person resides elsewhere;Lot 3 – Provision of Residential Care & Education integrated service:Residential Care and education provided as a package for the child or Young Person.

Value: 50000000
Published: 2024-06-27
Deadline: 2024-07-30
50000000 2024-06-27 2024-07-30
Supply and Delivery of Double / Triple Glazed Units and Single Glazed Sheets
UK Larbert Falkirk Council

The Council propose to enter into a Framework Agreement for the Supply and Delivery of Double / Triple Glazed Units and Single Glazed Sheets to various locations within the Falkirk Council Area.The Authority at all times reserves the right to award all, some, part or none of the agreement. It is intended that up to 5 Contractors are to be appointed.

Value: 240000
Published: 2024-06-20
Deadline: 2024-07-26
240000 2024-06-20 2024-07-26
Spare Parts for Bow and Stern Thrusters for MPV Jura
UK Aberdeen Scottish Government

The Scottish Ministers wishes to order appropriate spare parts so that it can overhaul the thrusters of the MPV Jura during its next refit.The existing thrusters are manufactured by Brunvoll, Norway so any references to codes below are to their parts which are the desired replacement parts rather than alternative solutions.

Value: 130000
Published: 2024-06-20
Deadline: 2024-07-19
130000 2024-06-20 2024-07-19
Bridgewater Housing Association - Two Year Common Close Cleaning Contract
UK Inchinnan Bridgewater Housing Association Limited

The Contract applies to tenement stairs, common close areas, lifts, windows and external common close doors, common close canopies and bin stores & cycle stores within properties belonging to Bridgewater Housing Association within Erskine, Renfrewshire (See tender Document 3). The Contract term will be for an initial two year period with optional 1 year extension up to a maximum contract duration of three years overall.The decision to award the Contract extensions will be at the discretion of Bridgewater Association and will be on the basis of one year increments. Bidders should note that the list of properties and scope of works required to be carried out may increase or decrease during the contract period. Bidders are also advised that Bridgewater Housing Association may extend the Contract to additional locations throughout Erskine to take account of any changes to requirements or new stock acquired during the Contract.The service will commence on 2nd September 2024 and the specification requirements will be provided on a weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual basis (refer Tender Document 2 ‘Close Cleaning Specification).It is envisaged that the Contract will be concluded through an exchange of letters between Bridgewater Housing Association and the successful Bidder.

Value: 47986
Published: 2024-06-19
Deadline: 2024-07-19
47986 2024-06-19 2024-07-19
UK Glasgow Southside Housing Association Ltd

The Contract primarily involves providing an annual maintenance service and 24 hour a day 365 days a year reactive repairs maintenance service to existing heating installations throughout tenant occupied properties within the Cardonald and Pollokshields areas of Glasgow. The Contract duration is two years (twenty-four months) from the commencement date of 1st October 2024 until 30th September 2026, and will primarily include;Annual maintenance servicing of Air Source Heat Pump heating installations (approximately 175no properties);Annual maintenance servicing of Heat Interface Unit installation served by Communal Heating Installations (approximately 231no properties);Annual maintenance servicing of Unvented Cylinder Heating installations (approximately 291 properties)Operation and Condition Check of interconnected smoke detectors and heat alarms which shall be replaced by the Contractor where existing alarms are missing; andAn annual reactive maintenance repairs service including replacement of defective parts and components (replacement parts and components up to the value of 100GBP per property) including any part or components requiring replacement that are identified during the annual maintenance service visits to Air Source Heat Pump and Heat Interface Unit installations served by Communal Heating properties only (approximately 406no properties).Subject to satisfactory performance of the Contractor, which will be assessed through measurement of the Key Performance Indicator’s (Refer Tender Document 8) it is intended that the Contract will be further extended annually in twelve months increments up to a maximum of three years and an overall maximum contract period of five years.

Value: 420000
Published: 2024-06-11
Deadline: 2024-07-11
420000 2024-06-11 2024-07-11
GRI Princess Royal Maternity Ductwork
UK Glasgow NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

We require a lead consultant to produce an options appraisal study on the existing ductwork at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary PRM unit. Lead consultant needs to have M&E experience (Ducting preferably) . Lead consultant will undertake Principal Designer role and manage any other required consultants under this appointment. The Board will not make individual appointments with each component member of the team, it will be the Lead Consultant's responsibility to prepare a comprehensive team submission, including costs, for each discipline of the team by stage as well as a schedule of hourly rates.A Cost Consultant will be appointed separately and directly by NHSGG&C.

Value: 30000
Published: 2024-06-11
Deadline: 2024-07-09
30000 2024-06-11 2024-07-09
Learning Needs Assessors
UK Edinburgh Edinburgh College

The Authority is setting up a Framework of Needs Assessors, it is therefore seeking Bids from those able to provide the specified Needs Assessors services to the Authority on a call-off basis subject to demand by the client. Individual call-offs will be agreed with Needs Assessors and confirmed in writing and by the issue of an Authority Official Purchase Order.

Value: 690000
Published: 2024-06-10
Deadline: 2024-07-10
690000 2024-06-10 2024-07-10
Wild Strathfillan – Hydrological survey, Colin Burt Reserve
UK Balloch Loch Lomond & The Trossachs Countryside Trust

The Countryside Trust has been awarded funding through NatureScot’s Nature Recovery Fund to deliver the initial delivery phase of Wild Strathfillan. The Trust is working in partnership with land managers, local communities, environmental NGOs, businesses and the Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park Authority to deliver this long-term project.Wetland habitat restoration at the Colin Burt Reserve has been identified as one of several key nature restoration initiatives that will be delivered across the Strathfillan landscape over the next two years. The reserve is 16.5 hectares in area, with wetland habitat covering 9.5 hectares. Attempts to drain the wetland habitat for cattle and sheep grazing have been made in the past, but unsuccessfully. After the purchase in 2005, it has been unmanaged and is now dominated by Deschampsia cespitosa (Tufted hairgrass).The site is situated on the floodplain of the River Dochart, and in addition to wetland habitat, the site includes a conifer plantation, grassland habitat, and areas of recent native woodland planting. The site floods extensively every winter, completely submerging the wetland habitat, right up to the conifer plantation. With sensitive management, we aim to reduce the grass cover, and increase botanical species diversity. We would like to do this by introducing some wetland features to increase habitat heterogeneity. This includes creating scrapes and ponds, as well as maintaining and increasing the existing botanically rich ditches that currently support Beaver on the site.

Published: 2024-06-07
Deadline: 2024-06-21
2024-06-07 2024-06-21
Structural and Civil Engineering Framework
United Kingdom UK-london: Engineering works and construction work Royal Botanic Gardens

Kew is looking to appoint four separate Civil/ Structural Engineers to the framework. It should be noted that consultants on the framework may be called upon to perform the following services as part of a project. Therefore, Suppliers must be willing to accept these roles and must be able to demonstrate experience of delivering projects where they have acted as: Lead Consultant; Contract Administrator.

Value: 4000000
Published: 2024-06-07T00:00:00Z
4000000 2024-06-07T00:00:00Z
Wild Strathfillan – Rhododendron Removal at Bull Park Wood, Auchlyne Estate
UK Balloch Loch Lomond & The Trossachs Countryside Trust

LLTCT has been awarded funding through NatureScot’s Nature Recovery Fund to deliver the initial delivery phase of Wild Strathfillan. LLTCT is working in partnership with land managers, local communities, environmental NGOs, businesses and the Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park Authority to deliver this long-term project.Removal of invasive non-native Rhododendron ponticum forms part of the suite of nature restoration initiatives that will be delivered across the landscape. Rhododendron ponticum has been identified at Bull Park Wood in the Auchlyne Estate. This woodland is just over 6ha in area, and the Rhododendron covers less than 10% of this area, mainly as scattered shrubs, circa 1 meter to 1.5 metres tall.Site Location:Auchlyne Estate is situated within Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park. It lies to the north of park, off the A85 between Crianlarich and Killin. The woodland is located due east of Auchlyne farm buildings, and north of the River Dochart. The location of the woodland compartment is shown on the map below (blue-outlined polygon). There are two gates enabling vehicular access to the woodland compartment across a sheep field. A vehicular access track runs through some of the site, though most Rhododendron flanks the burn and is growing amongst fairly dense circa 20-year-old native broadleaf tree growth. If a site visit is required, please get in touch and we will provide you with the location for access.Services Required;We require Rhododendron ponticum to be removed from the woodland using small, preferably tracked, machinery, or by hand using a chainsaw. All Rhododendron ponticum growth roughly 1 metre high by 0.5 metres wide and larger will be removed by the contractor as part of this contract. Smaller plants will be removed by hand at a later date although the contractor should record a GPS or what-three-words location for shrubs identified that were not removed during these works. All Rhododendron that has been removed by the contractor needs to be left in tidy piles on site away from watercourses. After works are completed, we expect the site to be left tidy and any impacts from accessing the site to be made good, including access route to and from the site through the sheep field. The woodland consists of native trees, and so felling and removal of any trees for access should be avoided as far as possible.A site visit will be required prior to submitting a bid for this work to ensure accurate costings are submitted and equipment requirements are identified. Access requirements should be considered, including minimising impact on surrounding environment (e.g. avoiding the felling of native trees).

Published: 2024-06-04
Deadline: 2024-07-01
2024-06-04 2024-07-01
Courtroom Technology Maintenance, Support and Upgrade Services
UK Edinburgh Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service

The Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS) is looking to procure a contract to provide support, maintenance, replacement and refresh services for the equipment within our courtroom facilities. The contract will cover 52 sites across Scotland. As a critical component of our Justice system, it is imperative that all courtroom technology and equipment remain fully operational and reliable to ensure the fair and efficient administration of Justice.

Published: 2024-06-04
Deadline: 2024-07-05
2024-06-04 2024-07-05
Supply and Delivery of 40 Cubic Yard Heavy Duty Open Hooklift Container Skips
UK Motherwell North Lanarkshire Council

North Lanarkshire Council operates six Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC) throughout it geographic region that allows residents to dispose and recycle their waste that is not suitable for collection via the councils kerbside collection services or not willing to utilise the councils special uplift / bulky waste service.To enable operation of the HWRC sites, the council require multiple large container type skips to collect waste in designated streams e.g. general refuse, paper / cardboard, wood, etc. This is a key aspect of HWRC operations as it enables maximum operation and capacity objectives for each site.

Value: 300000
Published: 2024-05-31
Deadline: 2024-07-05
300000 2024-05-31 2024-07-05
Town House Replacement Backup Generator (8396)
UK Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council

The works comprise the removal and replacement of a standby diesel generator, cabling and control equipment.System currently serving IT equipment.

Published: 2024-05-30
Deadline: 2024-06-14
2024-05-30 2024-06-14
Strategy Shift Programme Delivery Partner
UK Aberdeen Energy Transition Zone Limited

ETZ Ltd created an Energy Transition Pathway programme, to support the local energy supply chain as it transitions into low carbon energy revenue streams. ETZ’s supply chain support seeks to sustain and grow North East Scotland’s energy supply chain and support its transition to low carbon energy. Supply chain capability and effectiveness development will ensure it remains globally competitive, contribute to local content ambitions of, for example, Scotwind, and will help meet the demands of future green energy growth. Support for the supply chain makes a significant contribution to creating and maintaining jobs, to securing a Just Transition, and to the delivery of net zero.

Published: 2024-05-24
Deadline: 2024-06-07
2024-05-24 2024-06-07
Backup Solution Requirement, 2024-27
UK Edinburgh Cairn Housing Association

IT backup services for Microsoft 365 Azure and a single on-premises server

Published: 2024-05-24
Deadline: 2024-06-21
2024-05-24 2024-06-21
Larriston Fell - Blanket Bog Restoration Project
UK Melrose Tweed Forum

It is proposed to restore 70 hectares of upland blanket bog at Larriston Fell. This will involve using a mixture of ditch blocking and reprofiling and wave damming and zippering techniques.

Published: 2024-05-23
Deadline: 2024-06-20
2024-05-23 2024-06-20
5, 7 & 9 North Street Refurbishment
UK Guardbridge University of St Andrews

Description: The Works comprise the internal refurbishment works and replacement windows all as indicated on Drawings, Specifications and Bills of Quantity. It is anticipated that the contract will commence on 1st July 2024.

Published: 2024-05-23
Deadline: 2024-06-20
2024-05-23 2024-06-20
Smart Infrastructure Pilot Programme
UK Irvine North Ayrshire Council

In a landmark initiative set to propel North Ayrshire into the future of digital infrastructure, North Ayrshire Council (“NAC”) has embarked on a Smart Infrastructure Pilot Programme (“SIPP”). This pioneering project is driven by a grant of approximately GBP 242K from the Department for Science Innovation and Technology (“DSIT”) as part of a 'Smart Infrastructure' Pilot. The grant will support the rollout of innovative PAS 191:2023 capable innovative smart multi-purpose poles that will redefine NAC’s urban landscape. NAC will supplement the grant by 20K for operation and maintenance, taking the overall project value to GBP 262,765.The SIPP is a pivotal component of DSITs Advanced Wireless Innovation Strategy. The strategy aims to be a catalyst for economic growth, connectivity enhancement, and the promotion of sustainable practices. This strategic investment will enable the procurement of state-of-the-art multi-purpose poles, in place of traditional single-use street furniture for a more versatile and sustainable infrastructure that supports a multiple use case ecosystem.Central to this endeavour is the Maritime Mile, the route from the Irvine train station to Irvine Beach Park, where the aim is to transform the area into a national waterfront destination. The Maritime Mile is one component of the ‘Great Harbour’ – a transformation of the waterfront in Irvine, North Ayrshire. The Great Harbour is a key component of the GBP 251m Ayrshire Growth Deal and is one of the most ambitious and transformational regeneration tourism proposals for the region. This significant investment is intended to regenerate the waterfront, turning it into a hub of transformational tourism and an exemplar of modern Smart Connected Places.Structured around key use cases such as CCTV/security, movement detection, waste detection, and the enhancement of visitor and business connectivity, the project is also poised to consider the integration of EV charging points and augmented reality experiences in the future. NAC’s forward-thinking approach paints a future where the power of advanced wireless connectivity smartens public services and puts Smart Connected Places at the core of urban development.

Value: 262765
Published: 2024-05-22
Deadline: 2024-06-26
262765 2024-05-22 2024-06-26
Cutting of Verges, Visibility Splays and other areas
UK Stirling Stirling Council

This contract is for grass cutting within the Stirling Area of the verges alongside the public roads predominantly in the rural areas - it will however, also include some grass cutting within an urban context but still within the boundaries of the Stirling Council areaIn addition, this contract will contract also include Hedge Cutting (both Roadside Hedges and Amenity Hedges), Roadside Vegetation Cutting, and Vegetation Cutting in Meadow Cutting (i.e. Wild-Flower Areas), and Vegetation Cutting in Daffodil-Bulb Growing Areas.The contract will involve an element of ‘scavenging’ (i.e. litter picking) required in support of the cutting activities.

Published: 2024-05-22
Deadline: 2024-06-25
2024-05-22 2024-06-25
Building Fabric Maintenance and Small Works (up to GBP 150k) MTC Framework Agreement
UK Edinburgh University Of Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh wishes to appoint a Building Fabric Framework Agreement incorporating a Measured Term Contract, for the provision of reactive maintenance, planned small works and associated services, up to GBP 150,000, excluding VAT. The primary purpose of the Framework is to provide a mechanism for carrying out building fabric maintenance work, including reactive repairs and planned small works or projects, such as alterations or renovations. It will also include any reactive maintenance or alteration work that may be required to mechanical and electrical plant and equipment, arising out of or associated with any building fabric maintenance work.The Framework Agreement will include the entire University of Edinburgh estate together with other property owned, occupied or otherwise used by the University of Edinburgh. Lists of University of Edinburgh properties are provided within this Invitation to Tender.The University estate comprises a number of listed buildings. The quality of work delivered across the entire estate should meet specified standards at all times, but particular attention will be brought to the specification of maintenance work on a listed property.A list of trades commonly required under the framework are as noted below but not limited to these alone.- Roofing: pitched and flat roof trades; lead and zinc work;- Joinery: framing and finishing trades; including high quality window and door manufacture and internal shop-fitting trades;- Masonry: Natural stone building, replacement and remedial work; lime mortar pointing;- Hard landscaping: stone and concrete paving stones and bituminous road surfaces, paving, paths and car parks;- Window work: maintenance, repair and replacement of uPVC, metal etc windows and skylights, especially opening and locking mechanisms;- Doors: maintenance, repair and replacement of doors comprising all material types, operation types: including powered; all types of ironmongery – easing, removal and trimming, adjusting door closers, repairing/replacing handles and locks;- Internal wall finishes: plasterboard and plaster finishes; waterproof and laboratory grade board finishes;- Internal floor and ceiling finishes;- Kitchens and bathrooms: shower-pods and wet rooms; general plumbing and drainage;- Medical laboratories and Veterinary laboratories and hospitals; scientific and medical experiment areas; specialist fixtures and fittings;- Glazing to windows, doors, skylights and cupolas;- External drainage services;- Specialist external cleaning services;- Pest Control services.The framework agreement will operate under the Scotland (FA/Scot) 2014 Editionincorporating the Measured Term Contract for use in Scotland (MTC/Scot) 2019 Editionall as published by the Scottish Building Contract Committee.This Framework Agreement will be operational for a period of four years.The Framework is tendered on behalf of The University of Edinburgh and all University of Edinburgh Subsidiary Companies. Any, and all, of The University of Edinburgh’s Subsidiary Companies may access and utilise this Framework at any time during the life of the agreement.Bidders should note that TUPE may apply to this Contract.Schedule 11 provides TUPE information from our incumbent suppliers who have stated that they consider that TUPE will apply.Please note that all costs submitted in response to this tender bid must be fully INCLUSIVE of any TUPE costs should they apply.Please note that a TUPE transfer happens by operation of law and the University of Edinburgh’s view is not determinative

Value: 20000000
Published: 2024-05-21
Deadline: 2024-06-24
20000000 2024-05-21 2024-06-24
Laboratories Managed Service
UK Glasgow NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) require a Contractor to provide a Managed Laboratory Service for the large majority of analyses performed within the NHSGGC Laboratory Medicine Department across the full range of laboratory specialties.The individual requirements for the Procurement are:Section A - GeneralSection B - Board IT RequirementsSection C - Biochemistry and ImmunologySection D - HaematologySection E - PathologySection F - MicrobiologySection G - Sample Collection Devices

Value: 540600000
Published: 2024-05-17
Deadline: 2024-08-19
540600000 2024-05-17 2024-08-19
Social Research and Analysis Framework
UK Edinburgh Scottish Government

The Framework Agreement shall cover the provision of Social Research and Analysis across the Core Scottish Government departments. It shall comprise a multi lot/multi supplier agreement with 3 lots: Lot 1 Consultation Analysis, Lot 2 Evaluations, and Lot 3 Research.

Value: 15700000
Published: 2024-05-17
Deadline: 2024-07-08
15700000 2024-05-17 2024-07-08
Learning Opportunities Services
UK Aberdeen North East Scotland College

The College is seeking a partner with which it can deliver approximately 56,000 learner hours of activity annually across the Aberdeen City and Shire region. The arrangement is for the delivery of education and training programmes which are typically aimed at hard to reach, disadvantaged, homeless and/or at-risk individuals. The personal development programmes will help those individuals to find positive outcomes including access to mainstream College provision and /or employment

Value: 945000
Published: 2024-05-15
Deadline: 2024-06-14
945000 2024-05-15 2024-06-14
Provision of Steeplejack and Associated Services for the Edinburgh Area
UK Edinburgh Historic Environment Scotland

HES requires provision of a hire of steeplejacks and rope access service to cover the Edinburgh Area. Masonry checks should be predominately visual. Any areas where masonry appears loose or in danger of falling should then be checked by hand. However this should be done with as little force as required. If any areas are found to be in immediate danger of falling then it should be brought to the attention of the District Works Manager for that area, prior to any works taking place. HES will provide the pointing mix as required. The estimated staffing minimum requirement for this contract including the Rope Access Supervisor is between one and three ropes access operatives at any time.

Published: 2024-05-14
Deadline: 2024-06-13
2024-05-14 2024-06-13
External Redecoration to Council Houses - Shetland - Contract 2024 B Lerwick-Sandveien
UK Shetland Shetland Islands Council

Shetland Islands Council propose to carry out External Redecoration of 402 Council houses at various locations throughout Shetland during 2024. For the purpose of tendering it is proposed to split these works into four location based contracts (2 Contracts Lerwick; 1 Contract South Mainland; 1 Contract West Mainland. This is for Contract B Lerwick - Sandveien

Value: 144000
Published: 2024-05-13
Deadline: 2024-05-28
144000 2024-05-13 2024-05-28
External Redecoration to Council Houses - Shetland - Contract 2024 D South Mainland
UK Shetland Shetland Islands Council

Shetland Islands Council propose to carry out External Redecoration of 402 Council houses at various locations throughout Shetland during 2024. For the purpose of tendering it is proposed to split these works into four location based contracts (2 Contracts Lerwick; 1 Contract South Mainland; 1 Contract West Mainland). This is for Contract D South Mainland

Value: 82000
Published: 2024-05-13
Deadline: 2024-05-28
82000 2024-05-13 2024-05-28
External Redecoration to Council Houses - Shetland - 2024 Contract C West Mainland
UK Shetland Shetland Islands Council

Shetland Islands Council propose to carry out External Redecoration of 402 Council houses at various locations throughout Shetland during 2024. For the purpose of tendering it is proposed to split these works into four location based contracts (2 Contracts Lerwick; 1 Contract South Mainland; 1 Contract West Mainland). This is for Contract C West Mainland

Value: 65000
Published: 2024-05-13
Deadline: 2024-05-28
65000 2024-05-13 2024-05-28
External Redecoration to Council Houses - Shetland - Contract 2024 A Lerwick
UK Shetland Shetland Islands Council

Shetland Islands Council propose to carry out External Redecoration of 402 Council houses at various locations throughout Shetland during 2024. For the purpose of tendering it is proposed to split these works into four location based contracts (2 Contracts Lerwick; 1 Contract South Mainland; 1 Contract West Mainland). This is for Contract A Lerwick

Value: 68000
Published: 2024-05-13
Deadline: 2024-05-28
68000 2024-05-13 2024-05-28
Tender for the Provision of Dundee Christmas Village
UK Dundee Dundee City Council

It is Dundee City Council’s ambition to continue to improve the city’s celebrations by hosting the main Christmas Village in Dundee’s City Square in 2024 which should include the following elements.The requirement is for a Christmas Village in City Square, which operates 7 days a week and features.A real ice rink, minimum size of 10m x 20m, managed by the appointed company, providing an authentic ice-skating experience for visitors.A varied food and drink offering that provides a sense of place to Dundee and caters for a range of tastes and dietary requirements.A funfair, which has an appropriate mix of traditional, family, and thrill rides. These should be themed appropriately for the season.  Traditional elements that align with the weight restriction and site capacity will be considered.Associated theming and dressing, including but not limited to, Christmas decorations, light features, projections, background music and designed site signage.

Value: 540000
Published: 2024-05-13
Deadline: 2024-06-13
540000 2024-05-13 2024-06-13
Executive Search
UK Glasgow University of Strathclyde

The University of Strathclyde is one of the most distinctive and dynamic higher education institutions in the UK. Building on our Enlightenment roots as a “place of useful learning”, the University is recognised for engagement with business and industry, world-class teaching, leading research and deep commitment to innovation and enterprise.The University of Strathclyde wishes to identify a suitable executive search & recruitment agency to support the recruitment of a number of future vacancies which may arise across its most senior academic leadership roles. The successful executive search company will have an in-depth understanding of the Higher Education sector, and the international recruitment market in which it operates, and will have a track record of successful international search and recruitment for academic colleagues at Senior Executive Academic levels in organisations of the size and scope of Strathclyde. The successful firm will also have a clear understanding of the University of Strathclyde’s distinctiveness as a leading international technological university which is socially progressive.

Value: 300000
Published: 2024-05-13
Deadline: 2024-06-13
300000 2024-05-13 2024-06-13
Affordable Childcare for Working Parents
UK Edinburgh The City of Edinburgh Council

The Council requires registered childcare providers in the highest areas of deprivation in the city, defined as SIMD1 and/or 2, to ensure that there is childcare provision available to support low income working families to access subsidised childcare provision in each of the four localities in Edinburgh. The service will deliver early years and school age childcare year-round for children aged 0 - 12 years for Edinburgh families. They will be a partner provider for the Affordable Childcare for Working Parents service. This means working with the Council to offer childcare places to low-income families that are assessed by the Council as being eligible for a subsidised space.The childcare provider(s) will work with the Council to refer any parents who are/would be struggling financially to pay for childcare to a central Council team who will provide a financial assessment to ensure that these families are accessing all available financial interventions, such as Universal Credit, tax-free childcare and 1140 hours. If the cost of childcare would still leave the family in poverty, they may be eligible for a subsidised place where a vacancy exists. This contract 4.11. It is recognised that this service would incur an additional administrative obligation for the childcare provider and so funding would be provided to support this. The budget allowance is estimated to be up to a maximum of 20000 GBP per annum per sublot for each of the four localities.

Value: 1440000
Published: 2024-05-10
Deadline: 2024-06-10
1440000 2024-05-10 2024-06-10
AI Software for NHS Scotland Radiology Imaging – Dynamic Purchasing System
UK Edinburgh The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) (NSS)

This notice is to allow the management of a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the development of Artificial Intelligence decision support systems in NHS in Scotland with a unique opportunity to improve service provision, particularly in Radiology.To support this ambition the Authority has set up a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) as advertised on UK Find a Tender Contract notice Notice reference: 2022/S 000-002310 on 26/1/22. This notice allows suppliers not on the DPS to submit an application to get on it. To get on the DPS suppliers must submit their SPD responses by email to Jim Binnie at Suppliers already live on the DPS do not need to re-apply.Lots1. Neuro Al- Thrombectomy/stroke- Lesion Detection- Any other relevant application2. Chest x-ray- Prioritisation- Diagnostic Support3. MRI- Prostate contouring and lesion localisation4. CT- Lung Nodule identification, characterisation and follow up- Pulmonary Embolism detection5. Osteoporosis- Support in the form of osteoporotic fracture identification and bone mineral density calculation6. Mammography- Diagnostic Support7. Radiotherapy- CT contouring8. Workflow and scheduling

Value: 5000000
Published: 2024-05-08
Deadline: 2026-07-20
5000000 2024-05-08 2026-07-20
Hairmyres Park and Ride
UK Hamilton South Lanarkshire Council

South Lanarkshire Council, in cooperation with Network rail and Transport Scotland intend to construct a new car park adjacent to the new location of Hairmyres railway station in East Kilbride. The works consist of 2 phases, the South car park, south of the railway lines and the North car park, on the north side of the railway lines.The site is located at national grid reference NS 260200,654300 and the works are within land owned by Network Rail. The site boundary is denoted on drawing TE/8Z2323/Bou 01 – Scheme Boundary Plan.The design for the scheme is detailed in the drawings listed within this contract. The works will comprise site clearance, tree clearance, fencing, drainage, ducting, carriageway construction, car park construction including electric charging points, earthworks, soil stabilisation, kerbing, signing, and lining, street lighting, traffic signals installation.The proposed start date for this project is 14th August 2024 and the proposed completion date is 27th June 2025, with a sectional completion date for the South car park of 28th March 2025. This date ties in with the opening of the new station.The award of this contract is dependant on approval confirmation for the funding, planning approval and a land lease agreement with Network Rail. It is anticipated that these will be in place prior to the anticipated award date, however any delay may hold up the award.

Value: 3700000
Published: 2024-05-08
Deadline: 2024-06-14
3700000 2024-05-08 2024-06-14
Supply and Installation of Shower Trays and associated Bathroom work
UK Larbert Falkirk Council

The Council propose to enter into a Framework Agreement for the Supply and Installation of Shower Trays and associated Bathroom work to various locations within the Falkirk Council Area.The Authority at all times reserves the right to award all, some, part or none of the agreement. It is intended that up to 5 Contractors are to be appointed.

Value: 3880000
Published: 2024-05-03
Deadline: 2024-06-10
3880000 2024-05-03 2024-06-10
PROC 24-2480 - E-learning training platform licences
UK Glasgow Scottish Police Authority

The Authority has a requirement for an Online training platform to supply training for ICT technical specialists and ICT support staff, for access to 354 licences providing a comprehensive portfolio of high-quality training content, with unlimited access over the term of the contract. Ideally include desktop and remote (handheld, android etc.) access. Ability to support development within existing and aspirational career paths.The training platform must include the following content as a minimum (not limited to) –-Data Science-Database Management-Dev Ops-IT Helpsdesk-Software Development-Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Web Development-Mobile Development-Cyber Security-Network and System Administration-Network Security-Data Analysis-Agile-Project Management-Team Management-Presentation Skills-Microsoft Software Packages-Power BI-SQL-Mental Health Support-Team Working-Cisco Supporting Material-Business Analysis-Active Directory-Firewalls-Linux-WAN-Network Switches-Routers-Systems security certified practitioner (SSCP)

Published: 2024-05-03
Deadline: 2024-06-05
2024-05-03 2024-06-05
UK Bristol Ministry of Defence | Defence Operational Energy Authority (DOEA)

If you are interested in participating in the competition for this requirement and have any queries in regards to it, please contact our Ship Broker Braemar at the following email: and cc by the closing date of this PIN. Please visit - Opportunity Listing URL for further information:

Published: 2024-05-03
UK Bristol Ministry of Defence | Defence Operational Energy Authority (DOEA)

If you are interested in participating in the competition for this requirement and have any queries in regards to it, please contact our Ship Broker Braemar at the following email: and cc by the closing date of this PIN. Please visit - Opportunity Listing URL for further information:

Published: 2024-05-03
UK Bristol Ministry of Defence | Defence Operational Energy Authority (DOEA)

If you are interested in participating in the competition for this requirement and have any queries in regards to it, please contact our Ship Broker Braemar at the following email: and cc by the closing date of this PIN. Please visit - Opportunity Listing URL for further information:

Published: 2024-05-03
Interpretative Design Brief
UK Leven Fife Employment Access Trust

Implementation of interpretative design within Silverburn Flax Mill. To enhance local people’s sense of place and their pride in Silverburn and Levenmouth through its rich and distinctive cultural and natural heritageTo reveal and reconnect local people and visitors with the story of Fife’s flax and linen industry, a significant part of local and national heritage, and the role of Silverburn Flax Mill within it

Value: 78000
Published: 2024-05-02
Deadline: 2024-05-10
78000 2024-05-02 2024-05-10
Barrhead Housing Association - Landscape Maintenance Contract 2024-2027
UK Barrhead Barrhead Housing Association Limited

The Contract will principally comprise litter picking, grass cutting and leaf collection landscape maintenance services to existing properties and common landscaped areas throughout East Renfrewshire to the areas detailed within SAC Consulting’s landscape architects drawings. The Contract may also include tree maintenance services, tree and stump removal works, and repairs to existing damaged grass areas.The Contract, as tendered, only includes properties and landscaped areas throughout Barrhead and Neilston. However, Barrhead Housing Association also provide services to their customers in Newton Mearns and Thornliebank, and additional properties or landscaped areas throughout East Renfrewshire may be introduced by Barrhead Housing Association during the Contract at the rates described within the Contractor’s Pricing Matrix.The commencement date for the Measured Term Contract is currently estimated to be 8th July 2024 and the completion date is 31st March 2027.Subject to satisfactory performance of the Contractor, which will be assessed through measurement of the Key Performance Indicator’s (Refer Tender Document F), it is intended that the Contract will be extended on an annual basis by a maximum of two further years until 31st March 2029.

Value: 435000
Published: 2024-05-01
Deadline: 2024-05-31
435000 2024-05-01 2024-05-31
Macduff Fishmarket Pier Repairs
UK Aberdeen Aberdeenshire Council

To carry out repairs to a collapsed section of stone masonry quay wall, below the fishmarket pier, with concrete bag work. It should be noted that access to the damaged section of wall is through a 600mm by 450mm manhole cover and that the area is only dry for a maximum of one to one and a half hours each side of a spring tide.

Value: 25000
Published: 2024-04-26
Deadline: 2024-05-10
25000 2024-04-26 2024-05-10
Linn of Dee Fencing Works
UK Edinburgh National Trust for Scotland

This contract involves the replacement and re-alignment of the Linn of Dee strategic fence to bring this 33ha area of pinewood under favourable management to allow its recovery and expansion. This project will primarily replace and re-align the strategic fence shifting it south and west to capture the stand of pinewood and also to protect a total of 106ha of ground from deer impacts thus facilitating future natural regeneration establishment and recovery of the woodland and moorland ground flora.

Published: 2024-04-24
Deadline: 2024-05-28
2024-04-24 2024-05-28
Media Training Consultancy
UK Edinburgh Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

Training for a selection of colleagues at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh will involve close consultation on the individual requirements of individuals, some of whom will have a background of media engagement and others will be relatively new to the experience. While the objective is to prepare all to represent the organisation through effective communications with the media and, therefore, the public, different levels of engagement is likely to be required. It is likely the training might need to be over two sessions.

Published: 2024-04-17
Deadline: 2024-05-01
2024-04-17 2024-05-01
Keystone IT Consultancy Support
UK Edinburgh Viewpoint Housing Association

IT support services for the Keystone asset management system

Value: 40000
Published: 2024-04-15
Deadline: 2024-04-30
40000 2024-04-15 2024-04-30
Health & Vocational Rehabilitation Assessment
UK Paisley Renfrewshire Council

Renfrewshire Council requires a professional organisation to deliver Occupational Health and Vocational Rehabilitation Assessment with specialist health interventions delivered, where required to assist clients journey back to employment. Clients will be registered with Invest in Renfrewshire Employability Services and will receive this service as part of a package of support including a dedicated Client Management Case Worker and access to a range of training, work experience and subsidised employment opportunities.This service will provide a full Condition Management Programme and will be provided as part of a package of support for clients with a health-related condition looking to return to work. The service seeks to enhance this package of support by providing detailed assessment of clients’ health barriers and capability for work and to offer specialist health interventions.The successful provider will be required to provide a detailed report and action plan for up to 110 registered employability clients and provide additional health interventions for 100 of these clients. It is essential this is an individual-centred approach to supporting people with greater health needs. The service will coach individuals to better understand their conditions and develop self-management skills.

Published: 2024-04-12
Deadline: 2024-05-03
2024-04-12 2024-05-03
FLS-0071-FW Responsive Chainsaw Operations, Arboriculture Work & Dangerous Tree Surveys
UK Inverness Forestry and Land Scotland

Forestry & Land Scotland (FLS) has a requirement to let a Framework Agreement to external service providers for the provision of Responsive Chainsaw Operations, Arboriculture Work & Dangerous Tree Surveys.This framework shall cover chainsaw, arboriculture services and tree surveying including, tree felling, road line felling, clearing wind blow, tree surgery and many other related services. It will also include the facility for clearing up the site following chainsaw operations such as small machinery extraction, via tractor mounted winch, mini forwarder.This Framework is split into two different requirements: Lots 1-18 Responsive Chainsaw Operations and Lots 19-38 Arboriculture Work & Dangerous Tree Surveys.The Framework term is four (4) years with no option to extend.

Published: 2024-04-12
Deadline: 2024-05-17
2024-04-12 2024-05-17
Evaluation Planning Support for Archaeology – Unearthing a Better Future
UK Dalkeith Archaeology Scotland

Archaeology Scotland wishes to commission an evaluation consultant for the Archaeology – Unearthing a Better Future project. It is a NLHF supported project and designed to build greater resilience for Archaeology Scotland, our membership and the wider heritage sector through several organisational improvements and business planning processes, together which will support development of increased public benefit through the work we can deliver together.

Value: 8000
Published: 2024-04-11
Deadline: 2024-04-26
8000 2024-04-11 2024-04-26
Design Services Support for Archaeology – Unearthing a Better Future
UK Dalkeith Archaeology Scotland

Archaeology Scotland wishes to commission Graphic Design services for the Archaeology – Unearthing a Better Future project. It is a NLHF supported project and designed to build greater resilience for Archaeology Scotland, our membership and the wider heritage sector through several organisational improvements and business planning processes, together which will support development of increased public benefit through the work we can deliver together.

Value: 8000
Published: 2024-04-11
Deadline: 2024-04-26
8000 2024-04-11 2024-04-26
IT Support Services Support for Archaeology – Unearthing a Better Future
UK Dalkeith Archaeology Scotland

Archaeology Scotland wishes to commission an IT consultant for the Archaeology - Unearthing a Better Future project. It is a NLHF supported project and designed to build greater resilience for Archaeology Scotland, our membership and the wider heritage sector through several organisational improvements and business planning processes, together which will support development of increased public benefit through the work we can deliver together.

Value: 10000
Published: 2024-04-11
Deadline: 2024-04-26
10000 2024-04-11 2024-04-26
UK Perth Caledonia Housing Association

Caledonia Housing Association Group invites tenders for the provision of internal audit services to the Group for an initial period of three years (with the option to extend for up to a further two years depending upon performance). Caledonia Housing Association was formed on 1st October 2011 by a merger of the former Servite and Perthshire Housing Associations The Group currently comprises Caledonia Housing Association, as the parent organisation, and Cordale Housing Association, which joined as a constitutional partner in 2014.The Group has grown over recent years through three transfers of engagement, acquiring the assets of the former Antonine, Bellsmyre, and Faifley housing associations in 2018, 2020 and 2022 respectively. It now operates in 8 local authority areas across Tayside, Fife, the Highlands, West and East Dunbartonshire owning over 5,700 properties for social rent, which generates a Group annual turnover of approximately GBP37 million for the 2022/23 financial year. The Group is classed as being a systemically important landlord by the Scottish Housing Regulator due to its size and development programmeThe Group is required to work within the regulatory framework set out by the Scottish Housing Regulator (2019). This includes a requirement to have an internal audit function. The responsibility for ensuring the Group meets the regulatory requirements rests with the Caledonia Housing Association Management Board, and the Cordale Housing Association Management Committee. The work of these two governing bodies is supported by a Group Audit and Risk Management Committee that has a specific role in developing and implementing comprehensive internal audit arrangements. Internal Audit is required to provide assurance to the governing bodies on the systems of internal controls for the Group across its full range of functions and activities.

Value: 125000
Published: 2024-04-11
Deadline: 2024-05-13
125000 2024-04-11 2024-05-13
Provision of an Independent Advocacy Service
UK Glenrothes Fife Council

This Contract is for the provision of an Independent Advocacy Service to adults and children/young people across Fife. The requirement will support Fife HSCP in achieving the priorities set out in the Advocacy Strategy (2023-26) and in Fife Health and Social Care Strategic Plan (2023-26). This contract will help ensure that NHS Fife, Fife Council & Fife Health and Social Care Partnership meet their statutory obligations. It will also provide advocacy for a wider group of vulnerable people.

Value: 1559460
Published: 2024-04-11
Deadline: 2024-05-10
1559460 2024-04-11 2024-05-10
Business Planning Support for Archaeology – Unearthing a Better Future
UK Dalkeith Archaeology Scotland

Archaeology Scotland wishes to commission a business planning consultant for the Archaeology – Unearthing a Better Future project. It is a NLHF supported project and designed to build greater resilience for Archaeology Scotland, our membership and the wider heritage sector through several organisational improvements and business planning processes, together which will support development of increased public benefit through the work we can deliver together

Value: 12000
Published: 2024-04-11
Deadline: 2024-04-26
12000 2024-04-11 2024-04-26
Provision of Modern Foreign Language (MFL) Teaching (GCU)
UK Glasgow Glasgow Caledonian University

Glasgow Caledonian University is seeking a Contractor(s) for the provision of Modern Foreign Language (MFL) Teaching. The University will offer Modern Foreign Language (MFL) teaching through:(i) the formal credit structure of the Bachelor of Arts with Honours in International Business with Languages (IBL) programme (two core languages per level, language choice set at year 1 in consultation with student and carried through to completion of programme);(ii) optional credit structure of the Bachelor of Arts with Honours in International Business (one language option per level); and(iii) Master of Urban Climate and Sustainability (Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters) programme (introductory level French, German or Spanish only).Students will participate in a range of levels of language learning including introductory, preliminary, intermediate, general, professional and advanced. Potential providers must be able to offer provision at these levels. It is anticipated that there will be student demand for modules in French, Spanish, German and Italian across the majority of all levels.

Published: 2024-04-05
Deadline: 2024-05-10
2024-04-05 2024-05-10
New Build Residential Construction
UK Paisley Scotland Excel

This framework is for new build construction of residential developments. It is anticipated that the majority of schemes under this framework will comprise properties for social rent, although councils may utilise the framework for other tenure, mixed tenureand any other residential schemes with particular requirements (e.g. care homes, supported living accommodation, student accommodation, temporary accommodation).

Value: 1500000000
Published: 2024-04-05
Deadline: 2024-05-13
1500000000 2024-04-05 2024-05-13
InTune Remediation Project Delivery Re-issue
UK Kilmarnock Ayrshire College

The purpose of this procurement is to appoint a single contractor to carry out actions identified in a review of the college’s Intune position, that will enhance Ayrshire College’s device management and security posture strategy using Microsoft Intune to achieve a more efficient, secure, and user-friendly technology environment.Please note that this is a re-issue of the previous tender with revised timescales as the college looking to have the work completed by the end of June 2024 - not full roll out of windows 11, but process and build to start. This will allow us to prepare for our summer classroom rebuild in July/August 2024. If bidders consider that to ensure successful delivery of the project that it may run beyond this, then they are asked to justify why and also indicate the additional time needed.

Published: 2024-04-04
Deadline: 2024-04-16
2024-04-04 2024-04-16
Police Officer Pay and Benefits Independent Review / Research
UK Glasgow Scottish Police Authority

Background to the requirement:A commitment was given as part of the 23/24 police officer pay agreement to progress independent research/review in relation to police officer pay and benefits. The Authority is required to tender this opportunity to appoint a suitably experienced and competent Contractor.Overview:The intention is not to provide explicit recommendations but to provide a shared evidence base to support collaborative working and collective bargaining with regards to future pay negotiationsThe review/research may inform but will not determine specific changes to pay and benefits in recognition that such changes would require to be agreed through collective bargainingWhilst the pay agreement provides high level direction for the scoping of the research it is essential that both sides work jointly with the independent organisation to determine and agree a more detailed scoping document prior to the research progressing.Submissions are welcome from organisations that feel they are only able to progress one stage of the research.

Published: 2024-04-04
Deadline: 2024-05-06
2024-04-04 2024-05-06
R&M and Voids - Framework
UK Berwickshire Berwickshire Housing Association Ltd

The Framework is a multi-lotted trade specific to service the Associations Reactive Repairs & Maintenance and Voids to tenants and owners and may include Cyclical maintenance services, Medical Adaptations and adhoc major repairs works. The Framework will be for a period of 4 years; it will initially run for 24 months and then will have the option to extend for a further 2 single 12-month periods at The Association’s individual discretion.All lots may include cyclical maintenance works relevant to each trade lot.Lot 1 will cover the majority of voids but BHA reserve the right to use the trade lots for Minor Works required in Voids or if the Void performance in Lot 1 contractors don’t meet the MLAP from the KPIs.

Value: 6500000
Published: 2024-04-03
Deadline: 2024-05-03
6500000 2024-04-03 2024-05-03
LSL/MED/0154 - The Supply of Flaked Ice Machines
UK Bristol Leidos Supply Limited

In April 2015 the MOD signed a thirteen year contract with Leidos Europe Ltd to provide the procurement and inventory management of commodity items (as well as the storage and distribution services) historically provided in-house by the Logistic Commodities and Services Operating Centre. Leidos, working with the MOD, will transform the way these services are delivered to ensure requirements continue to be met whilst providing best value for money for the department. The organisation delivering these services is known as Team Leidos. Team Leidos would like to make interested suppliers aware that it is inviting tenders for its supply and delivery of Flaked Ice Making Machines Leidos Supply Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Leidos Europe Ltd, is undertaking this procurement as a subcontractor to Leidos Europe Ltd to meet a requirement of the UK Ministry of Defence pursuant to the logistics commodities and services transformation delivery partner contract (LCS(T)/0001 dated16.4.2015) between Leidos Europe Ltd and the UK Ministry of Defence. Please note all information provided to organisations or individuals that respond to this notice should be treated as Confidential, and not shared further without express written permission from Leidos Supply Ltd.

Published: 2024-04-02
LSL/MED/0154 - The Supply of Flaked Ice Machines
UK Bristol Leidos Supply Limited

In April 2015 the MOD signed a thirteen year contract with Leidos Europe Ltd to provide the procurement and inventory management of commodity items (as well as the storage and distribution services) historically provided in-house by the Logistic Commodities and Services Operating Centre. Leidos, working with the MOD, will transform the way these services are delivered to ensure requirements continue to be met whilst providing best value for money for the department. The organisation delivering these services is known as Team Leidos. Team Leidos would like to make interested suppliers aware that it is inviting tenders for its supply and delivery of Flaked Ice Making Machines Leidos Supply Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Leidos Europe Ltd, is undertaking this procurement as a subcontractor to Leidos Europe Ltd to meet a requirement of the UK Ministry of Defence pursuant to the logistics commodities and services transformation delivery partner contract (LCS(T)/0001 dated16.4.2015) between Leidos Europe Ltd and the UK Ministry of Defence. Please note all information provided to organisations or individuals that respond to this notice should be treated as Confidential, and not shared further without express written permission from Leidos Supply Ltd.

Published: 2024-04-02
The Supply of Future Maritime Operating Tables
UK Bristol Leidos Supply Limited

In April 2015 the MOD signed a thirteen year contract with Leidos Europe Ltd to provide the procurement and inventory management of commodity items (as well as the storage and distribution services) historically provided in-house by the Logistic Commodities and Services Operating Centre. Leidos, working with the MOD, will transform the way these services are delivered to ensure requirements continue to be met whilst providing best value for money for the department. The organisation delivering these services is known as Team Leidos. Team Leidos would like to make interested suppliers aware that it is inviting tenders for its supply and delivery of Future Maritime Operating Table. Leidos Supply Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Leidos Europe Ltd, is undertaking this procurement as a subcontractor to Leidos Europe Ltd to meet a requirement of the UK Ministry of Defence pursuant to the logistics commodities and services transformation delivery partner contract (LCS(T)/0001 dated16.4.2015) between Leidos Europe Ltd and the UK Ministry of Defence. Please note all information provided to organisations or individuals that respond to this notice should be treated as Confidential, and not shared further without express written permission from Leidos Supply Ltd.

Published: 2024-04-02
The Supply of Future Maritime Operating Tables
UK Bristol Leidos Supply Limited

In April 2015 the MOD signed a thirteen year contract with Leidos Europe Ltd to provide the procurement and inventory management of commodity items (as well as the storage and distribution services) historically provided in-house by the Logistic Commodities and Services Operating Centre. Leidos, working with the MOD, will transform the way these services are delivered to ensure requirements continue to be met whilst providing best value for money for the department. The organisation delivering these services is known as Team Leidos. Team Leidos would like to make interested suppliers aware that it is inviting tenders for its supply and delivery of Future Maritime Operating Table. Leidos Supply Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Leidos Europe Ltd, is undertaking this procurement as a subcontractor to Leidos Europe Ltd to meet a requirement of the UK Ministry of Defence pursuant to the logistics commodities and services transformation delivery partner contract (LCS(T)/0001 dated16.4.2015) between Leidos Europe Ltd and the UK Ministry of Defence. Please note all information provided to organisations or individuals that respond to this notice should be treated as Confidential, and not shared further without express written permission from Leidos Supply Ltd.

Published: 2024-04-02
LSL/MED/0154 - The Supply of Flaked Ice Machines
UK Bristol Leidos Supply Limited

In April 2015 the MOD signed a thirteen year contract with Leidos Europe Ltd to provide the procurement and inventory management of commodity items (as well as the storage and distribution services) historically provided in-house by the Logistic Commodities and Services Operating Centre. Leidos, working with the MOD, will transform the way these services are delivered to ensure requirements continue to be met whilst providing best value for money for the department. The organisation delivering these services is known as Team Leidos. Team Leidos would like to make interested suppliers aware that it is inviting tenders for its supply and delivery of Flaked Ice Making Machines Leidos Supply Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Leidos Europe Ltd, is undertaking this procurement as a subcontractor to Leidos Europe Ltd to meet a requirement of the UK Ministry of Defence pursuant to the logistics commodities and services transformation delivery partner contract (LCS(T)/0001 dated16.4.2015) between Leidos Europe Ltd and the UK Ministry of Defence. Please note all information provided to organisations or individuals that respond to this notice should be treated as Confidential, and not shared further without express written permission from Leidos Supply Ltd.

Published: 2024-04-02
The Supply of Future Maritime Operating Tables
UK Bristol Leidos Supply Limited

In April 2015 the MOD signed a thirteen year contract with Leidos Europe Ltd to provide the procurement and inventory management of commodity items (as well as the storage and distribution services) historically provided in-house by the Logistic Commodities and Services Operating Centre. Leidos, working with the MOD, will transform the way these services are delivered to ensure requirements continue to be met whilst providing best value for money for the department. The organisation delivering these services is known as Team Leidos. Team Leidos would like to make interested suppliers aware that it is inviting tenders for its supply and delivery of Future Maritime Operating Table. Leidos Supply Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Leidos Europe Ltd, is undertaking this procurement as a subcontractor to Leidos Europe Ltd to meet a requirement of the UK Ministry of Defence pursuant to the logistics commodities and services transformation delivery partner contract (LCS(T)/0001 dated16.4.2015) between Leidos Europe Ltd and the UK Ministry of Defence. Please note all information provided to organisations or individuals that respond to this notice should be treated as Confidential, and not shared further without express written permission from Leidos Supply Ltd.

Published: 2024-04-02
Truro & Penwith Academy Trust - Provision of Multi Functional Devices
UK Truro Truro & Penwith Academy Trust

NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the myTenders Web Site at The buyer has indicated that it will accept electronic responses to this notice via the Postbox facility. A user guide is available at Suppliers are advised to allow adequate time for uploading documents and to dispatch the electronic response well in advance of the closing time to avoid any last minute problems. (MT Ref:231667)

Published: 2024-03-29
Truro & Penwith Academy Trust - Provision of Multi Functional Devices
UK Truro Truro & Penwith Academy Trust

NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the myTenders Web Site at The buyer has indicated that it will accept electronic responses to this notice via the Postbox facility. A user guide is available at Suppliers are advised to allow adequate time for uploading documents and to dispatch the electronic response well in advance of the closing time to avoid any last minute problems. (MT Ref:231667)

Published: 2024-03-29
Truro & Penwith Academy Trust - Provision of Multi Functional Devices
UK Truro Truro & Penwith Academy Trust

NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the myTenders Web Site at The buyer has indicated that it will accept electronic responses to this notice via the Postbox facility. A user guide is available at Suppliers are advised to allow adequate time for uploading documents and to dispatch the electronic response well in advance of the closing time to avoid any last minute problems. (MT Ref:231667)

Published: 2024-03-29
Batchen Lane Car Park Phase 2
UK Elgin Moray Council

In 2021 the asphalt surface of Level 2 & 4 of Batchen Lane car park was removed and replaced with a surface waterproofing system (Decseal). Due to poor surface preparation and installation a full replacement of level two and four, split level and ramps leading to it is required. In 2023 the waterproofing to level 2 and the exit ramp was replaced.This project will require the surfacing of level 4; including the ramps and mezzanine floor leading up to it, to be replaced. The surface water drainage and expansion joints will also require renewal.

Value: 250000
Published: 2024-03-28
Deadline: 2024-04-26
250000 2024-03-28 2024-04-26
Provision of a Laboratories Managed Service
UK Bothwell NHS Lanarkshire

NHS Lanarkshire seeks to appoint a Managed Service Provider for the provision of a managed service to the laboratory services across NHS Lanarkshire incorporating four principle disciplines:1. Biochemistry;2. Cellular Pathology;3. Haematology;4. Microbiology.The requirement includes integrated IT solutions, major analysers, equipment, reagents and consumables to deliver the test repertoire for all laboratory disciplines. Bidders must be able to provide all aspects of the managed services. Including the provision of third-party instruments and/or services by subcontractors.The Boards laboratory services are provided from three acute hospital sites within the geographical area of Lanarkshire:1. University Hospital Hairmyres (UHH)2. University Hospital Monklands (UHM)3. University Hospital Wishaw (UHW)The objective of this Contract Notice is to invite potential managed service providers to respond to this opportunity to provide qualification information.

Value: 160000000
Published: 2024-03-28
Deadline: 2024-05-07
160000000 2024-03-28 2024-05-07
Enrolment Support Services - International Students
UK University of Brighton

The University is seeking a third-party organisation to support the Application processing and conversion support for all overseas undergraduate and postgraduate applications. This is expected to include all undergraduate and postgraduate programmes that do not require an interview. Application processing includes: o Qualifying and processing student applications. Ensuring applications are completed correctly and fully with relevant accompanying documents included. Following-up on in-complete applications and tracking reasons for delays. o Matching eligibility of applicants against entry criteria and issuing offer letters to qualified applicants. o Updating applicant records on Brighton's admissions systems. o Consulting with the Brighton based team about borderline applications. o Supporting the CAS team with the delivery of pre-CAS interviews. o Reporting regularly on progress and working to agreed KPI's. It is expected that the conversion support services will work under the direction of the University of Brighton's Marketing & Recruitment Team and will include: o email marketing campaigns to applications at the enquiry stage that generate new applications. o email marketing campaigns at offer holder stage that drive conversion. o Undertake work to enhance offer to enrolment conversion rates. o Proactively develop initiatives to enhance and improve conversion. o Gain marketing intelligence through telephone campaigns e.g. reasons why students are accepting/declining their offer or other sentiments as required by the University. o Develop and execute an offer to enrolment phone call strategy that provides a high level of service and care to offer holders.Additional information: Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : Yes

Value: 0
Published: 2024-03-28T00:00:00Z
0 2024-03-28T00:00:00Z
Flexible Framework for Services linked to Scottish Attainment Challenge (SAC) and Pupil Equity Fund (PEF) - Entry Point 3
UK Motherwell North Lanarkshire Council

The Council have already established a Flexible Framework ( services linked to Scottish Attainment Challenge and Pupil Equity Fund..This notice is for Entry Point 3, which is applicable for any potential Provider and/or setting that is not already on the Framework..The original Framework was set up for 4 years, with included annual entry points to allow new Providers to apply to join the Framework, this would enable the Council to maintain capacity and choice..Key objectives of Scottish Attainment Challenge is to provide opportunities for local authorities in addressing the poverty related attainment gap..The Pupil Equity funding is additional funding allocated directly to schools with objective to allow flexibility within a local context for schools to target interventions aimed at closing the poverty related attainment gap..It is envisaged that Service Providers appointed to this Flexible Framework will support these objectives. The resultant services will be made available to Primary, Secondary and Additional Support Needs schools within NLC.

Published: 2024-03-27
Deadline: 2024-04-30
2024-03-27 2024-04-30
Cloch Housing Association - Replacement of Existing Lift Installation at 58 Regent Street Greenock
UK Greenock Cloch Housing Association Ltd

The existing installation consists of one 8 person, 630kg electric traction passenger lift servingfour floors with a single entrance having a power operated, side opening door arrangement.The proposed works includes for the removal of the existing lift installation and for themanufacture, site erection, commissioning, certifying and maintenance for 1 year followingpractical completion of one machine-room-less, AC gearless traction passenger lift packageincorporating VVVF drive system complete with all facilities required by this specification.Inclusion shall be made for all necessary control wiring including trailing flexes and theContractor shall liaise with the manufacturer and establish the precise requirements for sameto ensure compatibility between components.Inclusion shall also be made for all necessary attendant trades’ works and the Contractor shallbe responsible for the appropriate co-ordination and site management of any sub-contractorsengaged in this respect.The Contractor shall submit a programme to the Engineer for comment and agreement prior tocommencing site activities. Activities considered noisy or of nuisance, e.g. drilling, hammeringand large deliveries, shall only be undertaken during periods agreed with the Purchaser.It is essential that a site presence is evident throughout the working week and accordingly it isa requirement that, as a minimum, 8 hours per day are worked each Monday to Thursday and6 hours on Fridays.It is a fundamental requirement that the existing lift shall not be taken out of service until all keyelements of the new plant are in the Contractor’s possession.Prior to submitting their offer, firms Tendering shall undertake all necessary site inspections &evaluation of prevailing site conditions and/or restrictions to ensure that their Tender takes fullaccount of same and to verify the feasibility of the proposed works as Specified. In undertakingsuch inspection firms tendering shall provide their own labour and equipment. For inspection ofthe landing entrances and well this inspection shall be undertaken at a time to be agreed withthe Purchaser. The safety of building users shall be protected at all times.The Contractor shall submit a programme to the Engineer for comment and agreement prior tocommencing site activities. Activities considered noisy or of nuisance, e.g. drilling, hammeringand large deliveries, shall only be undertaken during periods agreed with the Purchaser.A complete survey of the existing installation shall be carried out by the Contractor upon theirappointment to verify the viability of installing the proposed equipment and to agree the finalsizing of such items. The Contractor shall provide all necessary details to suppliers to satisfythemselves of the suitability and compatibility of specified components in meeting thisSpecification and the design intent.Inclusion shall be made for all necessary components and labour, specified or otherwise, toprovide a complete and working installation meeting this Specification and the design intent.The Contractor shall establish the capacity of the existing sub main cable and earthingarrangement, switch gear and distribution arrangement serving the lift plant room and, takingaccount of the new lift equipment being installed, shall confirm to the Engineer that thisproposed arrangement can be accommodated.At all times working areas shall be kept clean, tidy and free from debris during the works andany redundant materials or packaging shall be removed on a daily basis.On completion of the works The Contractor shall provide test records, certificates of complianceand manuals and the works shall not be taken over until these have been delivered.

Value: 100000
Published: 2024-03-27
Deadline: 2024-04-24
100000 2024-03-27 2024-04-24
Nature Restoration Fund (NRF) interim evaluation
UK Edinburgh Scottish Government

The Scottish Government (SG), on behalf of the Scottish Ministers, wishes to commission research that will conclude an interim evaluation of the Nature Restoration Fund (NRF). This research is being commissioned to understand the NRF in terms of outputs and outcomes that it has achieved so far, and how these relate to broader policy priorities and desired impacts in the area of biodiversity, including those in the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy (SBS).

Published: 2024-03-26
Deadline: 2024-04-23
2024-03-26 2024-04-23
Umbraco content management system
UK Kirkcaldy NHS Fife

The website was redeveloped in 2020 using the Umbraco content management system (CMS) (now version 13). We are now looking for a digital agency to continue to support and securely host the website, ensuring 24/7 availability and resilience.The website has developed over time to house functionality such as an online prospectus and an environment to host projects web pages with a bespoke look and feel. Additionally, the same instance of Umbraco hosts https://www.fifehealthandsocialcare.orgAdditionally, we are looking for the successful supplier to deliver up to 30 days of development time to ensure the website can continue to evolve with technological developments and also deliver an excellent user experience. We expect this development time to be flexible in that it may be under or over the 30 days per annum and we'd expect to be billed accordingly by the agreed rate.The digital agency may also be expected to deliver specific "call off" projects outwith, and in addition to, the above arrangement.

Published: 2024-03-22
Deadline: 2024-04-08
2024-03-22 2024-04-08
BMS, Bureau Service and Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM)
UK Paisley Renfrewshire Council

The Contract is for a Contractor to provide a Building Management System (BMS) and Bureau Service, condition surveys, integration of existing systems with the Councils IT network, creation of an energy dashboard, creation of floorplans, janitorial training, new BMS installs, installation of temperature sensors and installation of thermostatic radiator valves.

Published: 2024-03-22
Deadline: 2024-04-23
2024-03-22 2024-04-23
Sport Educator Framework
UK Glasgow The Scottish Sports Council trading as sportscotland

sportscotland is seeking to establish a Sport Educator Framework of suitably qualified sport educators with learning design and delivery experience. It is anticipated that the contract will commence in July 2024 for a period of two years with the option to extend for two periods of up to twelve months each.

Published: 2024-03-21
Deadline: 2024-04-24
2024-03-21 2024-04-24
UK Forfar Angus Council

The requirement is for the supply and delivery of a range of basic recycled furniture and ‘starter pack goods’. It is estimated the scheme will assist around 350 households per annum within Angus.Type of goods to be supplied – a selection from the following items:- Single bed (Frame & Mattress / Frame only / Mattress only)- Double bed (Frame & Mattress / Frame only / Mattress only)- Bedroom wardrobe- Bedroom drawers- Double Sofa- 2 piece suite- 3 piece suite- Oven/Hob, Microwave Oven, etc.- Cutlery, crockery, pots and pans etc.- Double Duvet plus cover- Single Duvet plus cover

Value: 108000
Published: 2024-03-19
Deadline: 2024-04-18
108000 2024-03-19 2024-04-18
MTC for Re-Roofing, Re-Rendering & Energy Efficiency Works including EES:ABS HO RF 23 052
UK Motherwell North Lanarkshire Council

Planned re-roofing, re-rendering & energy efficiency works to Council owned, owner-occupier and private sector domestic properties throughout the North Lanarkshire Council area. Contractors will be required to provide detailed individual property cost estimates for private owners prior to such works being instructed. Property types will be varied.-All Lots may be subject to Scottish Government Funding (EES:ABS) and the candidate will be responsible for securing the participation of private owners and subsequent agreements to any project works.-Works within this tender as a minimum requirement candidates are expected to have an ECO partner, such as a utility company, to maximise this funding opportunity.-Works will also include photovoltaic installations; mechanical ventilation; electrical upgrade works; and smoke detection.-Contractors Design and associated elements, including but not limited to the following:- External wall insulation (EWI) and associated works;- Roof structural integrity;- Metal roofing systems;- GRP canopies,- Rooflights,- PV and associated electrical systems,- Chimney demolitions-Additional details provided under II.2.4 Description of the Procurement and Additional Information Document for PCS II.2.4 attached separately.-It is anticipated that the Council will award one contractor to each Lot for this proposed contract.-Candidates can bid for all Lots, however, they can only be successful in one Lot. Lots will be evaluated in numerical order (lot 1, then Lot 2, then Lot 3). In the event that a Candidate bids for more than one Lot, then should they be successful in the first Lot they had bid for, they will be excluded from the next Lot they bid for and so on.-Candidates are restricted to utilising sub-contractors for up to a maximum percentage of 50% of any Contract Works across all Lots.-The deadline for submission of Candidate's clarifications is Wednesday 10th April 2024 at 12.00 noon.-Suppliers are advised to allow adequate time for uploading documents and to dispatch the electronic response well in advance of the closing time to avoid any last minute problems.

Value: 99000000
Published: 2024-03-15
Deadline: 2024-04-17
99000000 2024-03-15 2024-04-17
Commercial Catering Equipment
UK Antrim Procurement and Logistics Service

In section 1.2, it is stated that this procurement is a joint procedure and contract award is by a Central Purchasing Body. This contract is not a joint contract, it is a Central Purchasing Body Contract operated by Business Services Organisation Procurement and Logistics. Service on behalf of the participants listed in section 1.1. The Contracting Authorities will identify the Most Economically Advantageous Tender(s) (MEAT)on the basis of the “lowest price/cost” submission(s), once full compliance has been demonstrated with all of the. elements of the specification and any other requirements as listed in the Tender Documentation. Details of the evaluation process incorporating price and compliance are provided as part of the Tender Evaluation Methodology and Marking Scheme (TEMMS) (SS20b).

Published: 2024-03-12
Commercial Catering Equipment
UK Antrim Procurement and Logistics Service

In section 1.2, it is stated that this procurement is a joint procedure and contract award is by a Central Purchasing Body. This contract is not a joint contract, it is a Central Purchasing Body Contract operated by Business Services Organisation Procurement and Logistics. Service on behalf of the participants listed in section 1.1. The Contracting Authorities will identify the Most Economically Advantageous Tender(s) (MEAT)on the basis of the “lowest price/cost” submission(s), once full compliance has been demonstrated with all of the. elements of the specification and any other requirements as listed in the Tender Documentation. Details of the evaluation process incorporating price and compliance are provided as part of the Tender Evaluation Methodology and Marking Scheme (TEMMS) (SS20b).

Published: 2024-03-12
Commercial Catering Equipment
UK Antrim Procurement and Logistics Service

In section 1.2, it is stated that this procurement is a joint procedure and contract award is by a Central Purchasing Body. This contract is not a joint contract, it is a Central Purchasing Body Contract operated by Business Services Organisation Procurement and Logistics. Service on behalf of the participants listed in section 1.1. The Contracting Authorities will identify the Most Economically Advantageous Tender(s) (MEAT)on the basis of the “lowest price/cost” submission(s), once full compliance has been demonstrated with all of the. elements of the specification and any other requirements as listed in the Tender Documentation. Details of the evaluation process incorporating price and compliance are provided as part of the Tender Evaluation Methodology and Marking Scheme (TEMMS) (SS20b).

Published: 2024-03-12
IPCU Leverndale Options Appraisal
UK Glasgow NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

We require a lead consultant to produce an options appraisal study on the existing Ward 1 – IPCU at Leverndale Hospital. Lead consultant needs to have experience in designing for this patient group. Lead consultant will undertake Principal Designer role and manage any other required consultants under this appointment. The Board will not make individual appointments with each component member of the team, it will be the Lead Consultant's responsibility to prepare a comprehensive team submission, including costs, for each discipline of the team by stage as well as a schedule of hourly rates.A Cost Consultant will be appointed separately and directly by NHSGG&C.

Published: 2024-03-11
Deadline: 2024-04-05
2024-03-11 2024-04-05
Cambridgeshire County Council CORE Project Augmented Reality Visitor Experience
UK Huntingdon Cambridgeshire County Council

The AR experience will form part of the Cambridgeshire Open RAN Ecosystem (CORE) project that is funded by the Department for Science Innovation and Technology (DSIT) and being delivered by a number of commercial and academic partners in collaboration with Cambridgeshire County Council as the Project Lead. The primary purpose of the CORE project is to deploy and demonstrate the capabilities of Open RAN technology within a standalone 5G network in High Demand Density locations.The Authority, as part of the CORE project, require a bespoke venue specific Augmented Reality (AR) experience to be delivered and deployed at the Cambridge Corn Exchange that will run over the 5G Open RAN network that is being developed by the CORE project. The AR experience has a dual purpose within the project to firstly test the capabilities of a 5G Open RAN network utilising the data intensive/low latency requirements of AR technology and secondly to demonstrate how 5G Open RAN technology can support innovative technologies to generate new opportunities for a local economy.In order for the AR experience to demonstrate value to the local economy it is essential that the experience is bespoke to the venue. The AR experience will need to be designed, developed and deployed in collaboration with Cambridge City Council who own and run the venue. It will also be vital for the successful bidder to work with the already assigned technical partners to ensure that the AR hardware/experience is successfully integrated/deployed on the 5G network and to support the testing/optimisation of the network capabilities through the use of the AR experience.The theme of the AR experience will be to celebrate the Cambridge Corn Exchange entering its 150th year.Output requirements include the following:• A bespoke AR experience that will help celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Cambridge Corn Exchange. Deployable on the main ground floor (the venue layout can be found in appendix 1) by end December 2024.• Easily deployable and removable experience that can be set-up, run and removed within a day. The experience will run on dates/times to be agreed by Cambridge City Council that fit in-between the other planned events at the venue.• Integration of the AR experience hardware on to the 5G network that is being developed.• Verbal and/or written data/reports on the performance of the AR experience in different operational environments and advice on how to utilise the experience to support testing.• Maintenance and operational support of the AR experience must be included for the duration of the contract.• AR capable hardware to deliver the experience.The testing of the 5G Open RAN network capabilities utilising the AR experience is a key outcome of the procurement. The ability to support the integration of the AR hardware on to the network and scale up and down the number of devices/data download and upload will play a key component in understanding the network and its ability to optimise in different scenarios.The Supplier will need to be able to articulate how AR hardware can be operated over a 5G network, this may vary from device to device, and provide guidance on how AR experience can be used to test the capabilities of the network. The supplier will additionally need experience of commercialising an AR experience.With this in mind, the successful bidder must be able to demonstrate the following:• Experience of the technical requirements and processes of integrating various AR capable hardware on to a 5G network including upload, download & latency requirements.• Experience of supporting the testing of 5G networks capabilities utilising AR hardware. Previous working or reporting on government funded R&D projects would be an advantage.• Examples of working on previous bespoke AR content creation and the processes that were followed to create the exp

Value: 499357
Published: 2024-03-06
Deadline: 2024-04-09
499357 2024-03-06 2024-04-09
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