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Bid Writing Consultancy Unveiled: Navigating the Complexities of Bidding Processes

Written by Thornton & Lowe


Feb 09, 2024

Introductory Overview

The ever-increasing competitiveness of business landscapes has urged organisations to incorporate innovative strategies to stay ahead. Among these strategies, securing public sector contracts has emerged as a popular option. However, the process of bidding for these contracts can seem like an alien concept for many. This is where a bid writing consultancy comes in, providing professional guidance and expertise to businesses in preparing and submitting bids for contracts.

The Essence of Bid Writing Consultancy

Bid writing consultants are experienced professionals who understand the technicalities of the tendering process. They possess the necessary skills to create compelling bids that appeal to evaluators. These professionals relieve you of the bidding burden, allowing you to focus on other crucial aspects of your business.

Key Services Offered by Bid Writing Consultants

Bid writing consultants provide a host of services, all aimed at assisting businesses in creating compelling and successful bids. These services include:

  1. Bid Writing: Crafting a persuasive bid from scratch, focusing on presenting the organisation's capabilities in the best possible light.
  2. Bid Review: Reviewing an existing bid and suggesting improvements to ensure compliance with the tender requirements.
  3. Bid Management: Overseeing the entire bidding process, from understanding the tender requirements to submitting the final bid.
  4. Bid Training: Providing training to in-house teams on effective bid writing strategies and procedures.
  5. Strategic Advice: Offering strategic advice on bidding strategy, helping organisations identify the most lucrative contracts to bid on.

Advantages of Hiring a Bid Writing Consultant

Working with a bid writing consultant can offer numerous benefits. Firstly, it can save valuable time and resources, allowing your organisation to focus on core business activities. Secondly, they bring a level of expertise that may not be available in-house. Thirdly, these consultants provide an external perspective, objectively assessing your business and highlighting strengths that you might have overlooked.

Bid Writing: The Lifeblood of Businesses

Bid writing can be the deciding factor for companies looking to secure lucrative contracts. It communicates your business’s capabilities to potential clients, helping them understand why you're the best fit for the contract. A well-written bid can secure a contract that brings in substantial revenue, boosts your company’s reputation, and opens doors to more opportunities.

The Role of Bid Writing Consultants

Bid writing consultants play a crucial role in helping businesses navigate the complex world of tendering. They offer a host of services, from interpreting tender requirements and developing bid strategies, to crafting compelling bids and providing post-submission support. They also bring a wealth of industry experience, giving them an edge in creating bids that meet specific industry standards.

Advantages of Professional Bid Writing Services

Engaging professional bid writing services offers several advantages. First, it frees up your time to focus on running your business. Second, bid writing services bring expertise that may not be available in-house. They understand the nuances of bid writing and know what evaluators look for in a winning bid. Third, bid writing services provide an external perspective. They can objectively assess your business and highlight strengths that you might have overlooked.

Choosing the Right Bid Writing Consultants for Your Business

Selecting the right bid writing consultants for your business is crucial. You need a team that understands your business, knows the intricacies of the tendering process, and can craft bids that reflect your strengths and uniqueness.

The Process of Working with a Bid Writing Consultancy

The process of working with a bid writing consultancy usually begins with a discovery session. This is where the consultants learn about your business, your goals, and the contracts you're targeting. They will ask various questions to get a clear picture of what you bring to the table.

Maximising Business Success with Bid Writing Consultancy

In conclusion, a bid writing consultancy can have a profound impact on business success. By providing expert assistance in crafting compelling bids, these professionals can help businesses secure lucrative contracts, boost their reputation, and grow their operations.

With the right bid writing consultants by your side, you can navigate the complex world of tendering with confidence and increase your chances of success. For more insights into bid writing consultancy, feel free to get in touch with our team of experts today.

Why do businesses choose to outsource their bid writing, especially for public sector tenders?

Public sector tenders are contract or framework opportunities published by contracting authorities (organisations funded largely by the public purse) for goods, services, utilities and all other works. They give businesses the chance to competitively bid to central and local government bodies.

However, writing for these tenders is fiercely competitive, and requires specific skills and an in-depth understanding of public sector procurement in order to be successful. These tenders are also less based on relationships and who you know and more based on the tender response and supporting evidence.

There are often peaks and troughs in the number of tenders being published, which can make it difficult for many businesses to recruit their own dedicated Bid Team. As such, many organisations choose to outsource this to bid writers with experience and knowledge in this key area.

How is bid writing for public sector tenders different to private sector tenders?

Private sector tender requirements vary substantially, from a brief conversation which then requires a quote or proposal, through to a more formal response to a brief or specification.

Typically, there is more freedom when responding to a private sector tender with regards to layout and the information you can include. In comparison, public sector procurement has:

  • High levels of regulation
  • To be deemed open, fair and transparent - so requires systems to evidence this
  • Online procurement portals
  • Defined timescales and qualifying stages
  • Often more of a focus on Social Value, Carbon Reduction, Added Value and Innovation.

If you would like to understand more about public sector procurement, see our tendering business advice tender business advice and FAQs.

For many of our clients, the Sales Team/Lead or Business Development Manager will be responsible for producing proposals to send to private sector clients. They have built a relationship with them already, there is trust and often when it gets to the stage of a formal proposal, the offer is already understood and the focus is often on price. A proposal template is used and tailored for the specific client and sent out. Followed by negotiation on price, negotiation on the terms and a deal.

Often the same team is expected to complete public sector tenders, as they already lead on proposals for the business. While they can be confident in the pricing and fully understand the solution, they can lack the experience, expertise and capacity to complete the lengthy requirements of public sector tenders. With tender responses typically ranging from 6,000 to 30,000 words, plus the supply of evidence, references, finances, procedures, plans and prices. They understand the expectations of the private sector but may struggle to know ‘what good looks like’ for public sector tender responses.

However, government contracts provide stability and are often longer in duration. There is also a renewed focus on involving SMEs in the procurement process with the current updated Procurement Regulations which are going through Parliament now. This indicates that businesses, no matter their size have the chance to enter the public sector supply chain through winning contracts.

How long do you have to respond to a tender?

Typically, you have 20 working days to respond to a tender - by the time you have found the tender, expressed an interest and got approval to proceed. This means that it is increasingly important to locate opportunities early and assess their suitability effectively to ensure you have the time to create a compelling proposal.

Being aware of upcoming contracts, through PIN Notices and careful monitoring of relevant portals, such as Find a Tender, is critical.

Having trouble locating the correct public sector opportunities for your business? Speak to our team now about our dedicated Search and Selection service to find out how we can save you valuable time and streamline your bid selection process.

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