What are Recruitment Bids, Tenders and Frameworks?
Recruitment services, or the supply of staff whether on a permanent or temporary basis. Many organisations choose to outsource their recruitment needs to a third partner agency. They may set up a Recruitment PSL (Preferred Suppliers List) which you need to bid to get jobs or with larger businesses or the Public Sector they may advertise the requirements for recruitment agency services via tender.
A recruitment tender is a document that a buyer/ contracting authority will ask you to complete and submit a response to.
A recruitment bid is your response, it is your proposal offering your services. The response to the tender.
In this guide, we will cover the essentials of what you need in place if you are bidding for public and private sector recruitment and supply of staff tenders and frameworks.
This includes:
- Bid library content for recruitment bids
- Accreditations, policies and procedures
- Evidence, case studies and statistics
- Finding and monitoring key public sector recruitment frameworks (both medical/ healthcare and non-medical)
- Top tips for ensuring compliance and high-performing bids
Request a free list of recruitment industry frameworks
Contact usRecruitment Bid Writing Courses
In addition to bid writing consultancy services, we also provide both in-house/ bespoke bid writing training and workshops available to recruitment agency.
The bid training is delivered by our Director of Development of who has worked at Thornton & Lowe for 12 years, as a Bid Writer and Manager, before heading up our bid development and mentoring services.
All courses can be found on bid training directory.
What is a Recruitment Framework?
A framework is similar to a PSL but largely used in the public sector. Many public sector bodies such as the NHS, Blue Light Services, Central Government, Councils, Schools, Colleges and Universities, MoD, MoJ and Housing Associations, for example, require recruitment services.
As a public body, or classed as a contracting authority they need to procure services in a specific way which is open, fair and transparent to achieve value for money. It needs to be compliant. Rather than each organisation going through this individually, which is highly costly, a framework is set up that certain groups of the public sector or all of the public sector can use. The framework is advertised and recruitment agencies have the chance to demonstrate they are suitable (compliant) and on most occasions, that they are the most suitable (competitive on rates and quality of the offer and supporting proposal describing the solution).
These are usually advertised every 4 years and there is 6 weeks to find the tender and submit the response.
Depending on your sector, there are some key recruitment services frameworks that can often be a ‘must have’. E.g. supplying nurses or medical staff to the NHS.
We cover frameworks and Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS) in more detail here.
Key UK Public Sector Recruitment Frameworks
The largest frameworks for recruitment services in the UK are via Crown Commercial Services (CCS). CCS, their role and their approach is covered in our CCS blog.
Their recruitment services come under the business area of ‘people frameworks’. Let’s dig into more detail about the requirement of the Staff Banks framework and what it requires from bidders:
CCS Managed Staff Banks (Flexible Resource) – Bidding essentials
Managed Staff Banks (Flexible Resource) current agreements runs till July 2023 with the procurement of the new agreement live now (October 2022). Estimated contract value £2,000,000,000.00. We are working with our clients on this framework now to develop the quality aspects of the bid and ensure compliance.
This key NHS recruitment framework is managed by CCS on behalf of the NHS Workforce Alliance. It allows trusts to balance up their workforce capacity due to staff absences, unplanned staffing gaps or general shortages in the specific sector. Trusts can manage their own staff bank or work with an approved agency.
Like many CCS recruitment frameworks, it is a single-stage opportunity but with a selection questionnaire (SQ) built into the tender. This will require your core business information and commitments to their terms and policies, such as that relating to skills and apprenticeships.
Managed Staff Banks – the bidding essentials
- £10m insurance across the board (employers, professional, public)
- Cyber Essentials in place or prior to the award
- ISO 27001 – Information Security Management and ISO 14001 in place or within 6 months or contract award. This includes your key subcontractors also having this accreditation
- Carbon Reduction Plan in place
- Previous and relevant supply experience is crucial – ‘in a single 12-month period within the last 3 years, and within a maximum of 5 contracts, delivered a minimum of 400,000 hours in the delivery of services. CCS will often make these quantifiable pass/fail requirements part of the recruitment frameworks
- Financial standing – they provide a tool for you to assess if can pass this stage of the selection. It can be quite complex so well worth giving this time at the start of the process to ensure you create a pass and successfully bid for this framework. This will differ from framework to framework with some being more accessible than others.
CCS - Non-Clinical Staffing Framework
Non-Clinical Staffing – non-clinical temporary and fixed term staff running till July 2023 with the procurement live now (November 2022). Estimated contract value £2,000,000,000.00. We are working with our clients on this framework now, providing bid writing services to develop the quality aspects of the bid and ensure compliance.
CCS - Temporary Healthcare Staff
Temporary Healthcare Staff – procurement start date May 2023 with an estimated contract value of £7,000,000,000.00
CCS - Future Workforce Framework
Future Workforce Framework which is currently in place till January 2024. The estimated contract value of £15,000,000,000.00
CCS - Permanent Recruitment Solutions
Permanent Recruitment Solutions in place till March 2024. June 2023 is the estimated date for the procurement of the new framework to begin. Contract value - £45,000,000.00.
CCS - Executive Recruitment Services
Executive Recruitment Services in place till September 2024, likely to be re-procured in December 2023.
CCS - Supply Teachers and Temporary Staff (STaTS)
Supply Teachers and Temporary Staff (STaTS) in place till July 2026, procurement is likely to begin in October 2024. Estimated contract value £400,000,000.00.
Other UK Recruitment Agency Frameworks (non-CCS)
NHS Wales Shared Services
The supply of Agency Nurses, Midwives, Health Visitors, Healthcare Assistants and Operating Department Practitioners. Managed by NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership-Procurement Services (hosted by Velindre University NHS Trust) with an estimated contract value of £70,000,000.00.
Procurement of a new framework could be in April/ May 2023
ESPO – MSTAR (Managed Services for Temporary Agency Resources)
This temporary agency recruitment framework is managed by ESPO and currently in place till April 2023. Typically expect the re-procurement exercise to take place 6 – 9 months prior to the current framework expiring, which gives enough time to run the new tender and award the contract.
ESPO frameworks can be used by the whole of the public sector, however, we typically associate them with Schools, Councils and Housing.
Procurement for Housing (PFH) – Recruitment Services Framework
A compliant framework for Housing Associations/ Registered Providers to source their recruitment agencies, covering:
- Managed Recruitment Services
- Recruitment Process Outsourcing and
- Talent Bank Technology.
Established in 2019 and running till September 2023. We would expect to see the tender advert for new suppliers looking to bid for the framework in March 2023.
How do I find recruitment tenders and frameworks?
At Thornton & Lowe we have software which is totally free to monitor tenders, set up tender email alerts and monitor your competitors. Tender Pipeline can be accessed here.
You can simply search ‘Recruitment’ and your location – e.g. ‘UK’. Or on the advanced search, you can search via the CPV code (common procurement vocabulary) – start typing recruitment and you will find the code really easily. You can then set up alerts for recruitment tenders.
If you offer broader or associated recruitment services such as recruitment advertising it is worth including ‘advertising’ in your search or adding the ‘advertising’ CPV code as well.
Recruitment Bid Writing Top Tips
We also have some recruitment agency bid writing top tips in a recent article.
Need a bid writing quote?
Let's speak todayRecruitment Agency Tender Readiness
What ‘bid writing content’ is handy to have?
We have completed hundreds of successful recruiting and staffing tenders and frameworks. Below we have provided an overview of the key items you should have in place to help you bid more easily and with a higher win rate.
Executive Summary
An executive summary is a great way to introduce your bid, summarise your win themes, and demonstrate your value. It’s the perfect opportunity to improve the perception of your proposal before the buyer reaches the assessed content. Positive perceptions mean the assessor is looking to add points, rather than take them away.
A good executive summary should have flow and focus on the benefits rather than drilling to specifics. Try to keep it to a single page, no more than two is necessary. It should be structured to ensure you are writing about the buyer’s needs, not just what you think is good about your agency.
These are more commonly used in private sector bids, but great to have a template in place even if you largely bid for public sector recruitment tenders.
Technical and Professional Ability
Demonstrate with evidence your capability and capacity:
• Discuss the likely client’s specifications and how you are best suited to fulfil them. This is a base of information to then tailor for each opportunity. Create sector-specific content highlighting what you offer
• What is unique to you? For example, do you have any software or processes that make you stand out?
• What added value will you offer?
• How big is your candidate pool and how do you ensure it is relevant? How does it perform? Having these statistics and evidence can be very useful.
Account Management
• Details of sector-specific management structures and account managers, including their personal experiences and how they can benefit the contract (these again will be tailored each time)
• Details of the support team, including their personal experiences and how they can benefit the contract
• Add their bio and a professional-looking photograph to give your response a more personal touch. Their bio should give depth and detail to highlight their relevant experience and achievements in similar contracts
• Offer evidence of their experience, use testimonials from clients praising the account management team
• Communication – single point of contact? Framework Director? Contract Manager
Candidate Attraction
It can be beneficial to detail how you attract your candidates. Include methods such as:
• Job market websites
• Social media, such as Facebook or Twitter
• Business networks, such as LinkedIn
• Local area or sector advertising sites if the contract requires local recruitment
This needs to be relevant to the roles and provide reassurance to the buyer.
Candidate Matching
• Detail how you go about identifying individuals with the specific knowledge and qualifications required – how do you source the best?
• How do you ensure compliance, what are your vetting procedures?
• Explain how you get to know the candidate to ensure they are the best fit for the role
• Offering a breakdown of how many candidates you have immediately available would give the buyer confidence
• Include the candidate’s expertise, qualifications, and experience specific to the roles and experience being requested in the tender
• Include if you use specific software, third-party consultants or advertising processes
• What onboarding and aftercare do you provide once the candidate has been placed
You should also have an implementation process template prepared with guidance so the user can make amends based on the contract specifics.
This should include:
• Identifying key tasks
• Realistic timescales
• Names of responsible parties for each task
• Who is accountable for the whole process?
• Identify ongoing tasks, goals and KPIs
• Work with your client to establish review meeting frequency
• Propose the format of applicable reports
• Communication
GANTT charts are always beneficial here.
Previous Experience
Collate a library of your recent contracts (last 3 years) broken down by sector. Put together the library from small to large requirements so you can include details of comparable contracts. Contract value, scope, volumes, and KPIs are essential. Case studies and testimonials, including any challenges and how you overcame them, can help strengthen this. Having 3 comparable case studies for each key sector you operate in will save last-minute chasing down of information. We should suggest a quarterly review exercise to ensure these are kept up to date.
Complaints Procedure and Escalation
It is common for buyers to expect a robust complaints procedure. A clear escalation path based on timescales and severity is essential. Flow charts demonstrate these procedures very well. Review the requirements of the tender or framework in question to ensure your standard process in compliance or exceeds their requirement. Examples of case studies where a complaint has led to a policy/process change help strengthen these responses.
Financial Standing
Include evidence of your financial history, and 3 years’ accounts. This demonstrates stability, and hopefully low risk. A buyer may wish to know what percentage of your turnover is generated in their sector, so having this breakdown available can be very useful and save time when the tender is live. Include your group financials too, being part of a large successful group strengthens the perceived stability. If you are a new or smaller agency ensuring you fully understand the financial thresholds is essential before investing further time in creating the bid response.
KPI Identification and Reporting
Make it very clear in your response how you will identify and measure KPIs. Give an example of how these KPIs will be reported to your client, how often and by who. The specification will often give what KPIs are expected, so alignment is essential and if you can add others which will have a clear benefit to the buyer – you are adding value! But ensure the benefit is clear.
As part of the account management process, you should include details regarding communication. This should include the different means of communication:
• Single point of contact? Or dedicated team? Who are they and what are their details – include them. Make it specific to bring the bid to life
• Hours available (as your default and then checking against any specific requirement of a buyer)
• Online chat functions. Including active hours
You may find guidance on communication expectations within a tender specification. It is important to detail how you would meet and exceed the expectation, including the who, how and when. How you track your contact with clients will add weight to this, especially if you can provide evidence. CRM reporting requirements and procedures can act as good evidence.
Added Value and Innovation
Adding value and innovation is a strong winning theme for recruitment bids. It often comes down to reviewing the specific buyers' requirements, what are they trying to achieve, and how are they being evaluated and then tailoring your solution around that. Having an open discussion with your team to consider how you can better help them. Running through all the key requirements and expectations and considering how you can exceed these and offer added value will really help demonstrate your approach across the contract.
Do you have evidence of successfully implementing innovations which have had a significant impact on other contracts? A case study to demonstrate how your approach works in practice can be beneficial. Ensuring the outcomes of what is achieved align with the likely goals of your clients.
Social Value
We have a specific article here on Social Value if you're looking for a more in-depth look. It is important for the agency to consider what they are willing to commit to. Depending on the contract value, what is feasible? As a guide, you can review more prescriptive tenders which have clear Social Value expectations. It is then important to ensure you have evidence of what you have achieved. A good route for creating this evidence is being proactive and approaching your key strategic clients with a Social Value offer. This can then be monitored.
In Public Sector Recruitment and Staffing Frameworks it is quite often committing to their Social Value standards, which can make it easier, though you still need to consider how you will do this.
House Style
To improve the overall look and tone of your bids, it is recommended you build a house style and guide on its use. This will ensure your bids are uniform in appearance and writing style. Things to consider:
• Font and font size
• Headings and text styles
• Colours to use, including RGB/CMYK or Hex codes so they can be easily duplicated
• Page layouts
• Consistent writing styles such as sentence structures, sentence formality, and acronym use.
Bid Graphics and Images
If your response allows for it, strengthen your bids with relevant graphics and images.
Enhance information reporting using graphics such as tables, charts, and diagrams. Questions to consider:
• Are you using the correct format, should that table be a flow chart?
• Is the information clear, uncluttered and formatted to your house style?
• Does it fit on the page, maintaining the flow rather than restricting it?
• Has it been inserted as an image? If so, consider changing it to being a functional graphic or increase the resolution so it can scale without losing quality.
Images and photography can be used to:
• Improve the buyer’s perception of your business through interesting images with positive connotations
• Break up blocks of text. Text-heavy responses become difficult to read. Help maintain the buyer’s attention by breaking it up into shorter paragraphs with imagery slotted between
• Improve the overall visual appeal of a document, giving it a more professional feel.
However, keep the images relevant. For example, you would not put a photograph of nuclear cooling towers into a wind farm recruitment bid.
To make this quicker and easier, build a library of sector-specific photographs.
Have your certificate and values ready.
- Employers Liability - Minimum £10 million cover is standard
- Professional indemnity - Minimum £10 million cover is standard
- Public Liability Minimum £10 million cover is standard.
£5m - £10m is an expectation for public sector recruitment tenders and frameworks.
These accreditations will assist in winning bids and getting onto frameworks easier. If you do not hold them, you may need to prove that you have suitable systems in place to comparable standards or confirm evidence you are working towards them or will have in place prior to contract award. But if you have them, having the certification and manuals, up to date in a single folder will make it really easy. Ensuring you set a reminder to update them.
- ISO 9001 - Quality Management
- ISO 14001 - Environmental Management
- ISO 27001 - Information Security – covers all data, including non-digital
- Cyber Essentials - Cyber Essentials Certified or CE+. These cover all digital information and networked IT assets.
While ISO accreditations are not always mandatory, they are vastly beneficial through the process improvements and evidence of compliance that come from accreditation.
Of course, within the recruitment industry you would also be expected to have:
- REC Accreditation - Recruitment & Employment Confederation
Make a point of your recruitment or sector-specific awards. Where you have won, give details of what the award was for. Usually, you have had to apply for the awards – so the application itself can be a really useful document to support your bids.
Policies and Systems
These are the minimum you should expect. You should set out a document register that highlights who is responsible for which part, how frequently they should be reviewed, previous review date, details of amendments and document version.
- Anti-corruption Policy. A statement that your company adheres to the law prohibiting bribery and corruption
- Business Continuity Plan (BCP). This will help demonstrate your ability to continue providing a service with little or no disruption following a critical event. This should include contingencies for all events, such as power or telecoms failure, unforeseen site closures such as fires or floods, or staff shortages such as throughout a pandemic
- Code of Conduct. This should be a robust document detailing the standards and expectations of your staff. It should include the core values of your business.
- Complaints Procedure/Manual. Buyers will want to understand what happens when something goes wrong. Must include escalation, contingency, and resolution plans. Must also include a review plan.
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) including your CSR is a great way to show in detail what your business is passionate about. A CSR should include overviews of social and ethical topics
- Social Value Policy – detailing your corporate commitment
- Environmental Management System (EMS) - this is a framework designed so your company’s environmental performance can be controlled and monitored. ISO 14001 guidelines can help build a robust EMS
- Environmental Policy Statement - a statement relating to your environmental practices, and how you reduce your impact. This will reference your EMS. If accredited, ISO 14001 should be referenced. Often this can be provided in place of your EMS as a support document
- Carbon Reduction Plan
- Equal Opportunities Policy - must be in line with the Equalities Act 2010. This should include details of your equality and diversity practices
- Information Security and GDPR Policy - detailing the data security rules and protocols your staff using IT equipment must adhere to
- Modern Slavery Policy - in line with the requirements under Modern Slavery 2015
- National Minimum Wage or Living Wage
- Quality Management System (QMS) - this is a framework of processes and responsibilities designed specifically to ensure consistency and improvement to your business practices. ISO 9001 guidelines can help build a robust QMS
- Quality Policy Statement - this would be a statement relating to and summarising your QMS. If accredited, ISO 9001 should be referenced. Often this can be provided in place of your QMS as a support document
- Recruitment Policy - maintain a robust recruitment policy that references the how, who and where. This should include references to your Equality Opportunities Policy.
Recruitment Bid Library Summary
By having these items in place and up to date, you will find bidding for recruitment and staffing frameworks and tenders much easier and more effective. You will be able to focus your efforts on tailoring your information, researching the specific requirements of the tender and creating a persuasive and compliant offer.
Tips for Bid Writing in the Recruitment Sector
4 Practical Tips for Winning Public Sector Framework Contracts
Winning public sector recruitment contracts can be challenging, but with the right approach, you can increase your chances of success. Here are four bid writing tips, aimed at the recruitment sector, to help you craft winning bids:
1. Understand the Requirements Inside Out
Before you start writing, make sure you thoroughly understand the tender documents. Read everything carefully – the ITT, specifications, and all the terms and conditions. If something’s not clear, don’t hesitate to ask questions. Clarifying doubts early on can save you a lot of headaches later.
2. Showcase Your Experience and Success
Highlight your past successes and relevant experience. Use specific examples that match the requirements of the tender. If you’ve completed similar projects, detail the outcomes and benefits. Real-life case studies can make your bid stand out and show that you know what you’re doing. Having your statistics of previous supply can be very useful.
3. Be Clear and Concise
Keep your language simple and to the point. Avoid jargon and unnecessary fluff. Make sure your responses directly address the questions asked. Use bullet points and headings to make your bid easy to read. Remember, evaluators often have to read many bids, so making yours clear and straightforward can work in your favour.
4. Focus on Value, Not Just Cost
While pricing is important, public sector contracts often look for best value rather than just the lowest cost. Explain how your services offer value for money. Highlight any added benefits or innovations you bring to the table. Show how your approach will meet their needs effectively and efficiently.
This includes demonstrating your commitment to Social Value, which only has an increasing weighting in all bids, including recruitment tenders. For example, highlight how your agency contributes to the local community by creating jobs and offering training programs. Provide specific examples of how you’ve helped local people gain employment or improve their skills. Mention any partnerships with local colleges, training providers, or community organisations.
Public sector clients value diversity and inclusion, so highlight your efforts in this area. Explain how your recruitment processes ensure equal opportunities for all candidates, regardless of background. Share statistics or success stories that showcase your agency’s track record in placing diverse candidates. Emphasising your commitment to creating an inclusive workforce will resonate well with evaluators looking for social value in tender responses.
With regards to Social Value the key is having a system to monitoring all the good work you are doing now. If you aren't, then pick some of key clients which you use as case studies and propose some social value projects with them. And when bidding make sure you what you are committing to is easily quantifiable and measurable.
Get notifications of Future Tenders of this type
Tender | Value | Published | Deadline | Re-Tender/End Date | |||||||
PURCH2473 PROVISION OF RECRUITMENT OF ONLINE PARTICIPANTS IN SURVEYS AND EXPERIMENTSUK Glasgow University of GlasgowPURCH2473 PROVISION OF RECRUITMENT OF ONLINE PARTICIPANTS IN SURVEYS AND EXPERIMENTSTender documents available from Public Contracts Scotland.Tender returns should be submitted via Public Contracts Scotland, no paper copies will be accepted. Should paper tenders be submitted, they will be rejected. Further to this any questions or communications regarding individual tender exercises must be sent via the Public Contracts Scotland Portal. Tender queries received through any other channel will not be answered. Should users of Public Contracts Scotland have any problems with the web site they should contact website Support Desk, contact details can be found by following the ‘Contact Us’ option on the left hand menu at http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/default.aspx
2024-09-05 | 2024-10-07 | |||||||||
Framework Tender for Fostering Families and Adult Caring Households (Continuing Care and Aftercare) ServicesUK Glasgow Glasgow City CouncilA Framework is being established with Providers registered as Fostering Services and Adult Placement Services to secure future Fostering Families and Adult Caring Household provision for children and young people who require to be looked after and accommodated away from home. From this point on any reference to Bidder will mean the Provider Organisation who is bidding to provide Fostering Families and Adult Caring Household services, referred to hereafter for ease as Fostering Families.Glasgow City Council (the Council) is seeking to establish a multi-supplier Framework. Successful Bidders and Fostering Families will play a key role in supporting the Council to meet its statutory duties in providing care and support to children and young people who need to be Looked After or Looked After and Accommodated in a family setting. Successful Bidders will work in collaboration and close partnership with Social Work staff and key partner agencies, including NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) and Education services to deliver the outcomes for the children and young people as specified by the Council in the child or young person’s My Plan. Contract Duration: 3 Years, plus the option to extend for a further 1 year.Providers will be expected to recruit Fostering Families from within the Glasgow City boundary. Where this is not possible, and to ensure the most compatible match for the child or young person, recruitment of Fostering Families within a 20 mile radius of the Glasgow City boundary and beyond will be considered.
39900000 | 2024-08-27 | 2024-10-08 | ||||||||
PURCH2300 PROVISION OF A FRAMEWORK FOR THE DELIVERY OF FINANCE RECRUITMENT SERVICESUK Glasgow University of GlasgowPURCH2300 PROVISION OF A FRAMEWORK FOR THE DELIVERY OF FINANCE RECRUITMENT SERVICESTender documents available from Public Contracts Scotland.Tender returns should be submitted via Public Contracts Scotland, no paper copies will be accepted. Should paper tenders be submitted, they will be rejected. Further to this any questions or communications regarding individual tender exercises must be sent via the Public Contracts Scotland Portal. Tender queries received through any other channel will not be answered. Should users of Public Contracts Scotland have any problems with the web site they should contact website Support Desk, contact details can be found by following the ‘Contact Us’ option on the left hand menu at http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/default.aspx
2024-08-22 | 2024-09-16 | |||||||||
PROC 24-2598 - Provision of Job Advert services for Public Sector Vacancies (Multi-Supplier Framework Agreement)UK Glasgow Scottish Police AuthorityThe recruitment department within Police Scotland regularly have a requirement to publish job adverts on recruitment platforms to reach the wide recruitment pool via the use of job board credits.Therefore the Authority has a requirement to put in place a compliant Multi- supplier framework Agreement for the ongoing purchase of job board credits from a range of suitable online job board platforms for staff recruitment. This will enable the recruitment department to have control over where and when adverts are published and on which platforms, in the hope that it will attract high calibre external applicants for Business as usual (BAU) and hard to fill niche roles for both The Scottish Police Authority (SPA) and Police Scotland.The list below details job roles that the Authority have been required to advertise through the use of job board credits, however please note that this list is not exhaustive and shall be subject to change throughout the Framework period:- Police Officer all roles and ranks- Project managers- IT specific job roles- Change Management- Forensics specific job roles- Procurement specific job roles- Finance specific job roles- Service Centre specific job roles
2024-08-20 | 2024-09-19 | |||||||||
Provision of a Host Body for the Anti-Racism Observatory for Scotland (AROS)UK Glasgow Scottish GovernmentWe are seeking a Supplier who can operate in the anti-racism arena showing strong ties and commitment to anti-racism from a corporate level down to all levels of their organisation For avoidance of doubt the Host Organisation will be the Supplier. The Scottish Government (on the recommendation of the Anti-Racism Interim Governance Group and built from the recommendation from the Covid19 and Ethnicity Expert Reference Group) is seeking to contract with a host organisation for a period of two years to incubate the Anti-Racism Observatory for Scotland (AROS) The AROS will be an independent organisation funded by the Scottish Government and will deliver its mission and strategy through the governance of an Advisory Group.Scottish Government (the Buyer) are fully funding AROS. Therefore the commercial relationship will be between Scottish Government and the Supplier.Further information can be found on the Scottish Government’s website Developing National Anti-Racism Infrastructure: Interim Governance Group - gov.scot (www.gov.scot) and Anti-Racism Vison Mission and Anti-Racism Method and Structure documents.The Supplier must provide the following services:Administrative, FinanceHuman Resources including Recruitment (excludes employment)Operational DeliveryAccommodation for AROS Staff andRecommendation ReportThe successful bidder will enable AROS to meet its objectives and support AROS to become a fully independent body. It will house senior staff (appointed by the advisory group) to lead the AROS workplan.
3000000 | 2024-07-11 | 2024-09-02 | ||||||||
Provison of Oracle Cloud RecruitmentUK Edinburgh Scottish Legal Aid BoardOracle Cloud Recruitment
2024-06-21 | 2024-07-12 | |||||||||
Recruitment Services - Scottish Futures TrustUK Edinburgh Scottish Futures Trust LimitedSFT wishes to appoint one (1) supplier to each of 4 Lots of a Framework Agreement for the provision of recruitment services for a term of 4 years. Tenderers may bid for one, some or all of the 4 lots within the Framework Agreement.The services are for both fixed term and permanent recruitment across SFT and are split into the following lots:Lot 1 - Business Support, including but not limited to administration and HR;Lot 2- Technical including but not limited to project managers, economists, quantity surveyors, engineers, renewable energy, architects and procurement;Lot 3 – Legal including but not limited to lawyers and paralegals; andLot 4 - Financial roles, including but not limited to accountancy and project finance.
240000 | 2024-06-20 | 2024-08-02 | ||||||||
RoS - Provision of Recruitment Assessment Centres & Associated ServicesUK Edinburgh Registers of ScotlandRoS is looking for a suitable supplier for the provision of Recruitment Assessment Centres and Associated Services delivered virtually or at one of our offices.
400000 | 2024-05-27 | 2024-06-27 | ||||||||
Executive SearchUK Glasgow University of StrathclydeThe University of Strathclyde is one of the most distinctive and dynamic higher education institutions in the UK. Building on our Enlightenment roots as a “place of useful learning”, the University is recognised for engagement with business and industry, world-class teaching, leading research and deep commitment to innovation and enterprise.The University of Strathclyde wishes to identify a suitable executive search & recruitment agency to support the recruitment of a number of future vacancies which may arise across its most senior academic leadership roles. The successful executive search company will have an in-depth understanding of the Higher Education sector, and the international recruitment market in which it operates, and will have a track record of successful international search and recruitment for academic colleagues at Senior Executive Academic levels in organisations of the size and scope of Strathclyde. The successful firm will also have a clear understanding of the University of Strathclyde’s distinctiveness as a leading international technological university which is socially progressive.
300000 | 2024-05-13 | 2024-06-13 | ||||||||
Recruitment Advertising and Public Information Notices - 2024UK Edinburgh Scottish GovernmentThis Framework Agreement is for the provision of Recruitment and Public Appointments Advertising and Public Information Notice Adverts. The Contractor will be required to work with the Framework Public Bodies to meet all requirements of the service, this will include providing copy-writing and type-setting services, advice on digital advertising options, along with advice relating to the wording, branding and placement of adverts and use of various media routes.The framework agreement will be available for use by the Scottish Ministers (including Agencies), Scottish Non-Departmental Public Bodies, offices in the Scottish Administration which are not ministerial offices, cross-border public authorities within the meaning of section 88(5) of the Scotland Act 1998, The Office for the Secretary of State for Scotland, the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body, councils constituted under section 2 of the Local Government etc. (Scotland) Act 1994, , bodies registered as social landlords under the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001, Scottish health boards or special health boards, Student Loans Company Limited, the Commissioner of Northern Lighthouse operating as the Northern Lighthouse Board, Scottish Futures Trust, Equality and Human Rights Commission, Business Stream Ltd, the Business Gateway National Unit at the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities, further or higher education institutions being fundable bodies within the meaning of section 6 of the further and Higher Education (Scotland) Act 2005, any public body established by or under the Scotland Act 1998 or any Act of the Scottish Parliament, any association of or formed by one or more of the foregoing, bodies financed wholly or mainly by one or more of the foregoing, bodies subject to management supervision by one or more of the foregoing and bodies more than half of the board of directors or members of which, or, in the case of a group of individuals, more than half of those individuals, being appointed by one or more of the foregoing. In addition to the contracting authorities listed, the framework agreement will be available to charities entered on the Scottish Charity Register and voluntary organisations entered on the Membership Database of the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations.Information about agencies of the Scottish Ministers ,Scottish Non-Departmental Public Bodies and offices in the Scottish Administration which are not ministerial offices are listed athttp://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Government/public-bodies/about/BodiesOverview of the governance structure of public procurement for Scotland, including the Public Procurement Group.https://www.gov.scot/publications/public-procurement-governance/
12000000 | 2024-04-11 | 2024-05-14 | ||||||||
Assessment and Selection Services for Senior Civil Service RolesUK Glasgow Scottish GovernmentThe Scottish Government requires to appoint a supplier of Psychometric assessment services to be used in relation to external and internal recruitment at all levels of the Senior Civil Service (SCS), ie primarily Deputy Director, Director and Director General Level. The successful tenderer will provide the service to the Senior Resourcing & Staffing Team in the Scottish Government.
600000 | 2024-04-09 | 2024-05-14 | ||||||||
Enrolment Support Services - International StudentsUK University of BrightonThe University is seeking a third-party organisation to support the Application processing and conversion support for all overseas undergraduate and postgraduate applications. This is expected to include all undergraduate and postgraduate programmes that do not require an interview. Application processing includes: o Qualifying and processing student applications. Ensuring applications are completed correctly and fully with relevant accompanying documents included. Following-up on in-complete applications and tracking reasons for delays. o Matching eligibility of applicants against entry criteria and issuing offer letters to qualified applicants. o Updating applicant records on Brighton's admissions systems. o Consulting with the Brighton based team about borderline applications. o Supporting the CAS team with the delivery of pre-CAS interviews. o Reporting regularly on progress and working to agreed KPI's. It is expected that the conversion support services will work under the direction of the University of Brighton's Marketing & Recruitment Team and will include: o email marketing campaigns to applications at the enquiry stage that generate new applications. o email marketing campaigns at offer holder stage that drive conversion. o Undertake work to enhance offer to enrolment conversion rates. o Proactively develop initiatives to enhance and improve conversion. o Gain marketing intelligence through telephone campaigns e.g. reasons why students are accepting/declining their offer or other sentiments as required by the University. o Develop and execute an offer to enrolment phone call strategy that provides a high level of service and care to offer holders.Additional information: Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : Yes
0 | 2024-03-28T00:00:00Z | |||||||||
Media Planning and BuyingUK Riccarton, Edinburgh Heriot-Watt UniversityThe University seeking an agency for Media Planning and Buying that will cover all media buying requirements for student recruitment (both on-campus, HW Online, Edinburgh, Dubai and Malaysia), Graduate Apprenticeships, Enterprise, Staff Recruitment and general promotion over a range of media types, and across a range of UK and international markets
5250000 | 2024-03-27 | 2024-04-26 | ||||||||
Production and Mailing of Membership MagazineUK Edinburgh Historic Environment ScotlandThe magazine’s main objectives are –- To support member recruitment and retention- To inspire members to visit Historic Scotland properties- To communicate news about the work of Historic Environment Scotland- To reinforce benefits of membership to existing members, in order to support increased retention rates.- To promote the organisation’s events, activities and services.Historic Environment Scotland are looking for a supplier who can –- Project manage production of the member magazine up to and including the mailing stage.- Write, commission, and develop editorial copy, interview leads and source content from various HES experts/departments. Visiting properties to create copy, as required.- Produce a draft content plan for each issue. This will then be discussed and agreed at an Editorial Board meeting, scheduled by HES with representatives from HES and the supplier in attendance.- Pages designed, edited, and proofed. The organisation’s brand guidelines and editorial style guide will be given to the successful supplier. Where practical in the magazine, consideration should be given to accessibility standards and recognised techniques of aiding legibility.- Provide full proof-reading service including historical fact checking.- Provide online proofing solution, similar to Proof HQ currently being used, to centralise comments from in excess of 20 HES staff.- Produce a schedule for the year ahead, detailing all the key deadlines.- Liaison with contributors of content. This may need to be rewritten in the magazine style.- Manage competitions such as an annual photography competition and co-ordinate judging panel.- Respond to all correspondence received from members related to the content of the magazine.- Content should be made available for HES to re-purpose into digital content.- Provide summary management information after delivery, highlighting any service levels not met and remedial action taken.- Attend regular meetings with HES to discuss progress- Developing and suggesting new features and design refreshes for the magazine to keep the content diverse and engaging.
2024-03-21 | 2024-04-22 | |||||||||
SSD 23 23 Direct payment Support Service tenderUK Matlock Derbyshire County CouncilThe Council is inviting a single provider or a lead provider with consortia or sub-contracting arrangement to deliver this service. Where there are consortium bids, there must be one lead organisation/management structure. The duration of the service contracts will be for 3 years from 1st October 2024, with the option to extend for up to 2 further periods of twelve (12) months each, subject to satisfactory performance, appropriate approvals, outcomes, funding availability, price, value for money and need for the service.The aim of this service is to support Direct Payment recipients in Derbyshire with the following:• Information and advice about how direct payments work in Derbyshire• Direct payment support on all matters relating to managing direct payments, including employer role and responsibilities, employment law, paying staff, managing care agencies, and keeping records.• Personal assistant recruitment and advertising PA vacancies.The service will be delivered to all residents of the administrative county of Derbyshire, excluding Derby City local authority area.
2024-03-05 | 2024-04-19 | |||||||||
Abri Recruitment Agency Framework AgreementUK Eastleigh, Hampshire AbriRestricted
2024-03-05 | 2024-04-05 | |||||||||
National Adopter Recruitment Campaign Further competition from Campaign Solutions 2 (RM6125)UK Leeds Leeds City Council - PACSThe National Adoption Recruitment Steering Group (NARSG) are looking to appoint a creative marketing agency partner to design and deliver high impact and measurable multi-media marketing campaigns to attract new potential adopters, including Black African, Black Caribbean and mixed heritage adopters as well as targeting potential adopters from the LGBTQ+ community.
1350000 | 2024-03-02 | 2024-03-02 | ||||||||
CPT_23_02 Corporate Services Temporary and Permanent Recruitment Roles DPSUK LONDON National Audit OfficeThe selected suppliers awarded a place on the DPS will be expected to recruit temporary corporate services staff for the NAO as follows: • Sub - Category 1 Digital• Sub - Category 2 Communications and Marketing• Sub - Category 3 Design and Publishing • Sub - Category 4 Human Resources and Learning and Development• Sub - Category 5 Finance/ Payroll/Procurement and Facilities• Sub - Category 6 Executive and Administrative Support• Sub - Category 7 Senior/Strategy and Specialist roles including Non - Executives Director (NED)• Sub - Category 8 Internal and External Audit The estimated value for this lot will be £3.7m inclusive of VAT which is a combination of both agency commission and pay for temporary staff.
3500000 | 2024-02-23 | 2024-03-24 | ||||||||
CPT_23_02 Corporate Services Temporary and Permanent Recruitment Roles DPSUK London CPT_23_02 Corporate Services Temporary and Permanent Recruitment Roles DPSThe selected suppliers awarded a place on the DPS will be expected to recruit temporary corporate services staff for the NAO as follows: •Sub – Category 1 Digital•Sub – Category 2 Communications and Marketing•Sub – Category 3 Design and Publishing •Sub – Category 4 Human Resources and Learning and Development•Sub – Category 5 Finance/ Payroll/Procurement and Facilities•Sub – Category 6 Executive and Administrative Support•Sub – Category 7 Senior/Strategy and Specialist roles including Non – Executives Director (NED)•Sub – Category 8 Internal and External Audit The estimated value for this lot will be £3.7m inclusive of VAT which is a combination of both agency commission and pay for temporary staff.
3500000 | 2024-02-23 | 2024-03-25 | ||||||||
Exchange Station Cleaning ServicesUK Liverpool Liverpool John Moores University1.2 Background InformationExchange Station is a landlord owned building located at:Tithebarn StreetLiverpoolL2 2QPThe building has offices for a variety of different organisations, with LJMU holding tenancy for the biggest space for Professional Services staff. There is also a foyer with a coffee shop and various meeting rooms, however, this tender exercise is for cleaning services for the LJMU areas of the building only. Please see Appendix 4 - Exchange Station LJMU Floor Plans, to see the space that LJMU colleagues occupy.The LJMU departments that occupy this building are:• Student Recruitment & Admissions (Ground Floor)• International Relations (Ground Floor)• Research & Innovation Services (First Floor)• Academic Registry (First Floor)• Student Futures (First Floor)• IT Services (Second Floor)• Teaching & Learning Academy (Second Floor)• Estate Development & Campus Services (Second Floor)• Safety, Health and Environment (Second Floor)• HR (Second Floor)• Legal Services (Second Floor)• Public Health Institute (Third Floor)LJMU hold a lease at Exchange Station until 2027 at present.1.3 SpecificationPlease see Appendix 1 - Exchange Station Cleaning Specification and Appendix 2 - Standard Specification Cleaning Frequencies which are provided as separate document. This can be accessed at:https://in-tendhost.co.uk/ljmu/aspx/Home
2024-02-23 | 2024-03-18 | |||||||||
National Safeguarders Panel Management ServiceUK Glasgow Scottish GovernmentSafeguarders are a well-established and valued element of the Children’s Hearings System providing independent scrutiny of assessments and plans for children. However, the Safeguarder service had been prone to differing levels of quality in terms of recruitment, appointment and general practice due in part to the fragmented management arrangements across 32 local authorities.The Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (“ the 2011 Act”) was passed by Parliament on 25th November 2010 and received Royal Assent on 6th January 2011. It is an Act of the Scottish Parliament to restate and amend the law relating to children’s hearings and for connected purposes. One of the key provisions of the Act is the establishment of a National Panel of Safeguarders. Section 32 of the 2011 Act provides that Scottish Ministers must establish the Safeguarders Panel and also gives them a power, by regulation, to make provision in connection with matters relating to the Panel.The Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Safeguarders Panel) Regulations 2012 (“the 2012 regulations”) include, among other things, provision on recruitment and selection, appointment and removal, training, fees and the operation and management of the panel.The current supplier is Children 1st. There are currently around 140 serving Safeguarders in Scotland. As part of the contract, there has been the establishment of national Practice Standards and the development of a supporting Performance Support and Monitoring Framework (PSMF) that provides the structure for monitoring and assessing safeguarders’ performance.The Contractor will ensure the operation and management of the Safeguarders Panel between the hours of 8:30 am and 5:00 pm Monday to Friday including some public holidays, where key partners such as the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS), Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration (SCRA) and Children’s Hearings Scotland (CHS) are operating and where this is agreed.
3200000 | 2024-02-17 | 2024-03-25 | ||||||||
T23-138BUS PEACEPLUS Create: Youth Digital and Music ProgrammeUK Derry Derry City and Strabane District CouncilDerry City and Strabane District Council invite suppliers to tender for a PeacePlus Youth Digital and Music Programme. This project is under the Thriving and Peaceful Communities Theme. It is a 2-year Music and Digital Creativity Project for young people aged 14-24. Through the medium of music and digital technology this project will bring young people together in a shared Journey of skills development and offer opportunities for them to use their music and digital creativity. The young people will engage across the district and create pieces of art and music where musicians will play new music alongside showcase films and digital designs created by others. The programme will empower young people to have their voices heard, create new music bands, provide training in music, song writing, performance and production, upskilling young people in using cutting edge digital technologies such as virtual reality and digital fabrication. Recruitment will take place through existing networks across the Council area and programmes will be delivered around specific themes relevant to peace and reconciliation and diversity. Please refer to the CfT documents for further detail.
124000 | 2024-02-16 | 2024-03-22 | ||||||||
Recruitment PSL Invitation to Tender EAST0733UK Braintree Eastlight Community HomesRecruitment PSL Invitation to Tender
2024-02-16 | 2024-03-14 | |||||||||
Media Agency to support Bournemouth University's UK and Overseas Student Recruitment CampaignUK Poole Bournemouth University Higher Education CorporationThe aim of this procurement process is to successfully appoint a media agency partner to fully manage multi-channel undergraduate and postgraduate student recruitment campaigns to raise the profile of the University and to meet our UK and international student recruitment targets over the next 3 years (July 2024 to September 2027). This includes media buying and advertising for both online and offline media for the UK and international markets, creative and copywriting support.
1516667 | 2024-02-10 | 2024-03-11 | ||||||||
Coleg Cambria; tender for HR, Payroll, LMS and Recruitment software.UK Wrexham Coleg CambriaIntegrated HR, Payroll and Recruitment system
2024-02-09 | 2024-03-22 | |||||||||
East Suffolk United Kingdom Shared Prosperity Fund Local Skills ProgrammeUK Lowestoft East Suffolk CouncilUsing funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) East Suffolk Council (ESC) is seeking to appoint a Single Service Delivery Provider or multi-providers to deliver a localised skills programme that addresses priority needs in East Suffolk; Youth Unemployment, Recruitment & Training in Local Industry, and Starting as Self-Employed
700214 | 2024-02-07 | 2024-03-04 | ||||||||
0956 Media Buying ServicesUK Bradford University of BradfordAdvertising and Marketing Services, comprising the following: The University of Bradford wishes to appoint a single media buying specialist to purchase all media to be delivered to prospective undergraduate and postgraduate students to support student recruitment objectives. Activity will cover a broad mix of digital advertising with some offline services required at various points throughout the cycle.The contract value covers media buying only, creation of assets to fill advertising space will be the responsibility of the University.The University has existing frameworks in place for campaign development and asset creation.
3900000 | 2024-02-03 | 2024-03-07 | ||||||||
The Provision of Digital Marketing ServicesUK Glasgow City of Glasgow CollegeThe College’s Marketing Department develops, implements and evaluates strategic marketing activities to position and promote City of Glasgow College locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.The main focus of this activity is student recruitment, supporting commercial income generation, and building brand awareness with key audience groups.To support the College’s in-house team in delivering their marketing strategy, they are seeking to appoint a Digital Marketing Partner to work with their in-house team to deliver on college priority areas.
400000 | 2024-01-31 | 2024-02-29 | ||||||||
COV - Psychology Support for Drug & Alcohol Treatment ServicesUK COVENTRY Coventry City CouncilCoventry City Council commissions an adult drug and alcohol treatment service in line with current clinical standards. The launch of the new national drug strategy "From Harm to Hope" has introduced a number of new elements of provision; one of these elements of provision which is strongly recommended within treatment systems is an uplift in the level of psychological-informed services to help improve the quality of provision and support more people into recovery. Currently, there is no psychology input commissioned by the City Council within drug and alcohol treatment provision. A number of psychology models of treatment are available including: - Employment of local psychologists and therapies to deliver individual counselling - Local psychology input to help co-deliver psychologically-led groupwork activity with drug and alcohol treatment services Psychology input to advice and support existing staff to deliver effective psychologically informed treatments - this can be through (i) supervision and consultation with staff and (ii) support at multi disciplinary team (MDT) meetings, particularly in relation to more complex cases Employment of local psychologists and other psychology assistants, etc, to deliver individual counselling interventions is costly and is likely to encounter recruitment challenges with a limited number of addiction specialist psychologists available in the country. Therefore, it is recommended that psychology input into adult treatment services via consultation, supervision, MDT support and a limited capacity of co-delivered provision is considered the lower cost, realistic alternative. This model will help avoid duplication of provision offered via secondary mental health services. The addition of psychology into the local treatment model will improve the quality of interventions, lead to improved engagement and connectivity with local secondary mental health services in line with the ambitions of the nation drug strategy and One Coventry plans to support the most vulnerable. The Council will be receiving an uplift in a ringfenced grant from central government to support the delivery of national drug strategy ambitions (Supplementary Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery Grant - SSMTRG) - this procurement will utilise this ring-fenced grant.
300000 | 2024-01-31 | 2024-02-14 | ||||||||
The Provision of Digital Marketing ServicesUK Glasgow City of Glasgow CollegeThe College’s Marketing Department develops, implements and evaluates strategic marketing activities to position and promote City of Glasgow College locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.The main focus of this activity is student recruitment, supporting commercial income generation, and building brand awareness with key audience groups.To support the College’s in-house team in delivering their marketing strategy, they are seeking to appoint a Digital Marketing Partner to work with their in-house team to deliver on college priority areas.
400000 | 2024-01-30 | 2024-02-29 | ||||||||
SPECTRUM Research Consortium Place-Based Citizen’s Juries Recruitment and FacilitationUK Edinburgh University Of EdinburghSPECTRUM (a research consortium that brings together public health agencies, civil society organisation and academics to generate evidence on preventing non-communicable diseases) is seeking to conduct two citizen’s juries in Glasgow over the period May to June 2024.The aim of the citizens’ juries is to explore public views about the impacts of commercial activities relating to tobacco, alcohol, gambling and ultra-processed food on health and to consider how governments should respond.We wish to contract a company to undertake and oversee the project management, co-design and recruitment of the citizen juries.
72500 | 2024-01-29 | 2024-02-27 | ||||||||
Provision of Graduate Recruitment ServicesUK London OFCOMOfcom is looking to partner with a supplier who has experience of leading and managing an end to end recruitment, selection and assessment programme of varied graduate pathways with its core aim of increasing diversity particularly ethnicity, disability, gender and social mobility within the candidate pool at all stages, right through to offer and acceptance.We have four core graduate pathways, with additional pathways that we recruit to when we have a business need. Due to the changing demands of the organisation, we often add new additional pathways to meet the needs of our Groups. The contract will run for up to five years.
400000 | 2024-01-25 | 2024-02-23 | ||||||||
Recruitment Advertising Solution for Eductaion - Y24004UK West Malling Commercial Services Kent td (t/a Kent Teach)Kent-Teach, a trading unit of Commercial Services, was founded in 2000 to deliver a cost-effective recruitment advertising solution to schools across Kent and the surrounding areas. Working with 95% of Kent schools and by utilising an audience of 200,000 members, the site receives over 3 million visits each year. They are the established market leader in Kent for Education vacancies, supporting customers to fill their vacancies with talented staff members.
250000 | 2024-01-24 | 2024-02-27 | ||||||||
23/038 - Media Buying and Marketing ServicesUK Portsmouth University of PortsmouthThe University of Portsmouth ('University') is inviting tenders from suitably qualified suppliers to provide marketing and media buying services to develop and implement marketing campaigns. The University's target date for award of contract is 29th March 2024 with service commencement following as soon as possible following the signing of contracts. The initial contract term will be for 2 years with possibility of extending the term by a further 2 years in increments to be agreed, subject to the agreement and performance of both parties. The form of contract used will be the University's standard terms for the supply of services.The University of Portsmouth Marketing, Advancement and Communications Department (MAC) consists of approximately 100 team members over 5 teams: Campaigns and Marketing (CAM), Brand and Corporate Communications (BACC), Alumni and Advancement (AAA), Media and Communications (Media), Web and Digital (W&D) and Recruitment and Outreach (RAO). The department serves 2,000 staff across five faculties and multiple professional services. The Department drives all recruitment activity, brand management and media relations. Over the last few years the University has increased its campaign activity significantly, to support the drive to recruit students - undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) in a challenging and competitive environment. Our campaign activity includes an always on approach, with a series of call to actions across the 18 month recruitment cycle for undergraduates and 12 month cycle for postgraduates. We also run peaks in brand awareness activity to compliment the recruitment campaign. The CAM and BACC teams provide an in-house account management service for the wider University and act as the main point of contact with the media agency. The agency will be required to have direct meetings, planning and training sessions with wider members of the Department, but this will be facilitated and coordinated by the team.Full details of the requirements are under the Specification section of this ITT.
2000000 | 2024-01-19 | 2024-02-19 | ||||||||
Elements Diocesan Learning Trust ~ Cleaning TenderUK Worcester Elements Diocesan Learning TrustThis is the first time that the Trust has put their cleaning requirement to competitive tender for these four Schools. The service has previously been delivered via an in-house cleaning team in each school.The Trust is actively considering growing the number of schools during the contract period. Should this happen within the period of this contract, and the provision of cleaning services is required in additional schools, the scope and terms of this contract would also apply. If applicable, the successful Supplier will be expected to provide this service within these schools using the same costing model, ratios etc that they applied to their successful tender submission for the Client at the point of tender submission. The duration of contract for these schools will not be increased and they will join the contract for the remaining contract period that exists at the point of entry into the Trust.The annual contract value is circa: Christ Church £45K, Church of the Ascension £25K, St Mary’s £24K, Pedmore £22.5K, Total: £116.5K.Whilst the monthly charge will represent one-twelfth of the contract cost, a reconciliation will take place to reconcile the actual hours worked within the contract. If the hours worked are less than those budgeted for then a credit will be required by the Client. The Client requires that the tendered number of hours are always worked, and the successful Supplier is expected to have a system in place to cover for both planned and unplanned leave. The basis and rationale that the Client requires the successful Supplier to operate to at all times is being able to provide clean schools that are fit for purpose and that the Supplier is proactive in the management of the contract, thus ensuring that all specifications are achieved and that the frequency of cleans is as detailed within the specification and continued innovation of processes throughout the contract term will be pivotal to the success of the new contract. The Supplier shall provide a comprehensive cleaning service to the sites to promote a clean, healthy, and safe environment which presents a positive image to all users and visitors.The sites must always meet health, safety, and environmental standards appropriate to the sites and their use and the successful Supplier must comply with the Client’s health, safety and environmental policies and procedures. The services must be provided so as not to interrupt the routine of the schools. The general standard of cleaning shall be in accordance with the BICSc Cleaning Standards, with BICSc training given to all cleaning operatives employed within this contract.We are seeking a suitably experienced Supplier who has current experience of working within the secondary school or HE / FE marketplace, ideally with a strong operational base within the Trust’s area, thus allowing for both adequate contract support and the operational flexibility that is to be delivered in support of the contract as and when required. The initial scope of the contract covers all cleaning provision within the school buildings at Christ Church, Church of the Ascension, St Mary’s and Pedmore Schools. The successful Supplier will be expected to deliver a concise and detailed method of management reporting at the end of each month thus updating the schools’ senior management team on the contract performance. The projected cost of cleaning for the current year is circa £116.5K for all buildings (excluding external window cleaning). However, it is believed that through equipment and cleaning material innovation and the effective recruitment, training, and supervision of cleaning staff there is opportunity for improvement. The total time scope for this is 3 years with the opportunity to extend for a further 2 years.
699000 | 2024-01-17 | 2024-02-23 | ||||||||
3872.PS.LWM.23 Advertising - Media Planning and BuyingUK Sheffield University of SheffieldThe University of Sheffield would like to work with a single innovative and insight-led media planning and buying agency to advertise the University to our diverse range of audiences. This includes but is not limited to:1. UK Student Recruitment (undergraduate and postgraduate)2. International student recruitment3. Policymakers and funders, Global academics (professors and lecturers), Business leaders and employers4. Apprenticeships targeting 16-18 year olds and employersThe successful agency should have experience and expertise in effectively targeting the above audiences through the following channels:1. Social media advertising2. Paid search advertising3. Mobile advertising4. Display advertising5. Podcast advertising6. TV advertising7. Cinema advertising8. VOD advertising9. Audio advertising10. In-game advertising11. Print advertising12. Out of home advertising13. Any new or relevant platforms to target our audience appropriatelyThe full technical specification can be found in the SQ and ITT documentation which will be available after you have expressed your interest on In-Tend. Tender Process and Documentation:This is an FTS Restricted tender exercise. The SQ and ITT can be downloaded by registering and expressing your interest on the University`s e-tendering system https://in-tendhost.co.uk/SheffieldIf you have any questions or comments in relation to this tender, they must be submitted via the In-tend System.Your tender response must also be submitted through InTend to arrive by the date and time specified. Late tenders will not be considered.
2800000 | 2023-12-15 | 2024-01-24 | ||||||||
Temporary Worker Agencies and Interim Contractors/Consultants for Preferred Supplier Listing Status for Dorset Unitary Council Y24006UK West Malling Dorset & Kent Commercial Services LLP T/A Connect2DorsetDorset Unitary Council & Kent Commercial Services Limited T/A Connect2Dorset is a joint venture between Dorset Unitary Council & Kent Commercial Services Kent Ltd (a wholly owned business of Kent County Council), newly formed for the purpose of delivering services back to Dorset Unitary Council and CSKL respectively, for the benefit of the communities that it serves.This opportunity will allow Connect2Dorset to offer a recruitment managed service approach to the temporary agency, contractor and interim recruitment needs of Dorset Unitary Council, with an option for managed services to Dorset Unitary Council maintained schools and Academy Trusts/Multi Academy Trusts.Connect2Dorset are seeking temporary recruitment and interim worker agencies to join the DPS
250000000 | 2023-12-14 | 2029-04-02 | ||||||||
South Hampshire College Group - tender for integrated HR, Payroll, LMS and recruitment softwareUK Fareham Fareham CollegeSouth Hampshire College Group are looking for one supplier to provide integrated HR, Payroll, LMS and recruitment software for various sites within the Group.The contract period is from 1 June 2024 - 31 May 2027 with the option of 2 x 12 month contract extensions. There will be phased integration/implementation requirements across the various sites/systems but with the same co-terminus date.
2023-12-13 | 2024-01-19 | |||||||||
Adoption Recruitment and Support ServicesUK Carlisle Cumberland CouncilThe Council is conducting a procurement using the open procedure in accordance with the Light Touch Regime under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 for the purpose of procuring the services as described briefly above at II.1.4 and in detail within the service specification which is part of the tender documents available via The Chest (see below).All award criteria are stated in the tender documents only.The estimated total potential value of the Contract for the initial term, plus the two optional extensions of up to 12 months each, is £2,750,000 excluding VAT.The inter-agency fees associated with the Contract, which cover recruiting and assessing adopters, matching and placing children, and providing supervision and support up to the point of adoption, are set by the Consortium of Voluntary Adoption Agencies (CVAA) in agreement with The Association of Directors of Children’s Services.Details of expenditure are indicative only. The Council does not guarantee any spend against this Contract.The Council proposes to enter into the Contract for a period of THREE years with the successful Tenderer from 1st April 2024. There are TWO optional extensions of up to 12 months each. Use of these optional extensions is at the absolute discretion of the Council.To access the tender documents, including the service specification, and to submit a bid, please use our online procurement portal - The Chest (https://www.the-chest.org.uk). Registration on The Chest is free.All bids must be received electronically via The Chest by the closing date stated in the Invitation to Tender (ITT).Any clarifications you have about the tender must be sent via messaging on The Chest by the closing date stated in the ITT.
2750000 | 2023-12-10 | 2024-01-11 | ||||||||
Supply of Materials and Associated Delivery ServicesUK Bolton Procurement Assist Limited c/o Integrated Facilities Management Bolton Ltd (iFM Bolton)To provide a fully managed service to supply materials to Members of The Procurement Assist Consortium, which may include (but not limited to) sourcing a premises / operating out of a Member premises, operationally fitting out, recruitment of dedicated staff, EPOS systems, van stock management and 3rd party materials supplier(s) management.
300000000 | 2023-12-07 | 2024-01-17 | ||||||||
NHS Norfolk and Waveney ICB CYP participation and co-production OfferUK Norwich NHS Norfolk & Waveney Integrated Care BoardNorfolk & Waveney is committed to ensuring Children, Young People and their families have a voice and inform the development and delivery of the support they receive for their physical and mental health. This offer (‘the offer’) aims to:<br/>1. Build on and coordinate existing participation and engagement networks across all age groups 0-25 yrs<br/>2. Focus on under 11s and CYP experiencing health inequalities which represent identified participation and engagement gaps existing across our system<br/><br/>To integrate ‘the offer’ into existing local participation and coproduction networks and add value to existing offers<br/>To maintain and embed the Youth Governance Group – continue prioritising YGG members input in all aspects of the Integrated Care Board’s CYPMH team’s work<br/>To provide CYP participation and coproduction support to the whole range of physical and mental health services e.g. paediatrics, asthma, epilepsy<br/>To give particular focus to engaging CYP who experience health inequalities, these may include, but are not restricted to: SEND, CYP with long term conditions, BAME, EAL (English as an Additional Language) communities, LGBTQ+, Gypsy Roma communities, refugee and immigrant communities, CYP open to social care, and CYP with physical disabilities.<br/>To uphold the CYP Mental Health Charter as a key tool in bringing the voice of children and young people into CYPMH system and service development and improvement<br/>Work with education setting’s ‘school councils’ to involve the broadest range of voices in participation and co-production work support.<br/>Collaborate with the adult/all-age participation and co-production initiatives to support partnership working, shared community access points, and less risk of duplication.<br/>Support health service’s staff recruitment processes with CYP participation.<br/>Proactively enable CYP and families to support service improvements by testing and piloting new service tools, processes or forms etc.<br/><br/>Service Specific Outcomes<br/><br/>Increase in numbers of CYP and families 0-25yrs who are supported to be involved in co-production opportunities to shape and improve health services<br/>Increase number of under 11s (including engagement with parent / carers) to be involved in co-production opportunities<br/>Improve numbers of CYP from disadvantaged groups to be proportionately involved in co-production and participation.<br/>Improve numbers of CYP who experience or are more likely to experience health inequalities that are supported to engage with co-production opportunities with local communities and services.<br/>Provide practical guidance and support for organisations to understand and actively use the CYP Mental Health Charter in their service design and developments.<br/>Increase the range of digital and face to face opportunities for CYP engagement<br/>Ensure there is equity of co-production reach across Norfolk and Waveney and across all age groups and disadvantaged groups.<br/><br/>The contract period will be for an initial period of 2 years with the option to extend for up to a further year, commencing 1st April 2024. The indicative contract value is £200,000 per annum, £600,000 over the full 3 years. This is subject to review following the early engagement. <br/><br/>To express your interest in this opportunity please register using the following link - https://health-family.force.com/s/Welcome. Project Reference C229351.
600000 | 2023-12-06 | 2024-01-08 | ||||||||
Coleg Cambria - tender for HR, Payroll, LMS and Recruitment software and servicesUK Wrexham Coleg CambriaLot 1 Fully integrated HR, Payroll, LMS and Recruitment system.Integrated/shared HR & Payroll database
2023-12-06 | 2024-01-15 | |||||||||
T1042 - Understanding Society Wave 17-22UK Colchester University of EssexUnderstanding Society: The UK Household Longitudinal Study (UKHLS) is a major household panel survey funded by the Economic and Social Research Council with co-funding from some government departments. This phase includes six waves of the core annual survey – approximately 21,000 households issued continuously throughout the year - and six waves of the Innovation Panel (IP) – approximately 1,500 households interviewed summer/autumn each year. Both surveys have a sequential mixed mode design using a combination of web, CAPI and to a smaller extent CATI, to maximise participation. We also enhance the annual data collection with more detailed information from participants, including biomeasures, or collecting information on a wider set of participants connected to sample members. In addition, we have a programme of continuous innovation both to improve the quality of data on the core surveys and to enhance the Study.The requirement to provide high quality, household longitudinal social survey data is critical for the success of Understanding Society. In evaluating bids we will be particularly looking for evidence of a commitment to a cycle of continuous improvement by monitoring activities, identifying problems and improving processes to ensure high quality data collection and data delivery. We will also be looking for evidence of a commitment to open communication and transparency with us about monitoring, problems, and improvement processes. Achieving high response rates across modes and samples, minimising attrition and response bias, and the timely delivery of quality-assured questionnaire scripts and data will be of the highest priority.This invitation to tender covers core activities associated with data collection for (1) Waves 17 to 22 of the main survey, and (2) Waves 18 to 23 of the IP and a number of additional elements scheduled for 2025-2030. These additional elements are listed below:1. An experimental general population refreshment sample of Great Britain, to add around 500 productive households to the Innovation Panel at IP18 (2025). This would experiment with the use of a ‘recruitment phase’ to engage participants and collect contact information prior to the household’s first main survey. This would test recruitment approaches for the Wave 20 boosts (see items 3 and 4, below);2. A general population boost of Great Britain to add around 500 households to the IP20 (2027);3. Wave 20 (2028-29): An ethnic minority boost of 3000 households, designed to sample the areas of the UK with a relatively high proportion of ethnic minority people, with the great majority of sample points being in England.4. Wave 20 (2028-29): A Celtic boost of 2,500 households, to increase the number of participants in Wales (1000 households), Scotland (1000 households), and Northern Ireland (500 households).5. Wave 22 (2030-31) will include biomarker data collection and will also need a pilot to run in early 2029.6. IP23 (2030): a general population boost of Great Britain to add around 500 households to the IP.
70000000 | 2023-12-01 | 2024-02-05 | ||||||||
International Conversion and Engagement ServicesUK Cardiff Cardiff UniversityCardiff University is looking to appoint an organisation to work with the international recruitment and marketing teams to provide management and operational support to our international student engagement and conversion activities to ensure the university meets its international recruitment targets.
416666 | 2023-11-29 | 2024-01-03 | ||||||||
The Children and Young People (CYP) local training offerUK Norwich NHS Norfolk & Waveney Integrated Care BoardThe overall aim of the service is to support the CYP workforce/support network and improve the quality of services offered through:<br/>- coordinating system-wide training / knowledge / wisdom<br/>- communicating and promoting development opportunities<br/>- acting as a bridging organisation to support the implementation of best practice and evidence.<br/><br/>The Training and Applied Learning and Knowledge centre will promote a culture of fun, interactive and collaborative learning.<br/><br/>Service Specific Outcomes<br/><br/>• Improve mental health provision for CYP in N&W through equitable access to training, learning resources and research for all areas of the CYP workforce/support network<br/>• Build networks between organisations so that learning and training can be shared, improving consistency in training offers and partnership working<br/>• Improved CYP MH staff recruitment, retention, wellbeing, and satisfaction<br/>• Increase efficiencies in community mental health support for CYP&Fs through training and shared induction modules<br/>• Increase knowledge, confidence, and skills of recipients of training (and Mental Health Champions) to identify poor mental health and associated risks, and increased ability to support CYP in social, emotional and mental health development<br/>• Reduce stigma and empower the system to take an active role around mental health and raise awareness that CYP emotional wellbeing and MH is everyone’s business<br/>• Increase awareness of the CYP workforce and parents/carers of their local CYPMH services, what they offer, and increase confidence of how to access them<br/>• Reduce fragmentation, enhance networking, encourage problem solving and aid systemic conversations through shared learning, increased knowledge and expertise across partners<br/>• Raise profile and prioritisation of mental health within CYP settings.<br/><br/>To express interest and participate in the tender, please register and apply via Atamis e-sourcing portal https://health-family.force.com/s/Welcome. Project Code C228308
2023-11-26 | 2023-12-29 | |||||||||
Digital BoardsUK Leeds NHS EnglandThe scope of this work is to deliver value-based digital development and awareness to senior leaders, executive/board level and board members across NHS Trusts in England. <br/><br/>This should be positioned via a packaged model that considers the value for money provided for an organisation as a whole over time.<br/><br/>This work does not include any similar development for ICS/ICBs.<br/><br/>The scope includes all delivery, iteration, measurement, marketing and recruitment of the digital boards product. This includes any up-front discovery work to understand the problem better and adequate (if rapid) testing of assumptions through the development of ‘alpha’ learning offers. NHSE will ensure a ‘stop/go’ decision in included in the contract so that we are able to terminate the contract if the discovery and alpha phases do not deliver the requisite confidence of approach. All learning development products developed must be based on validated user and organisational needs.<br/><br/>Importantly we are keen to partner with a company that has proven reach into NHS Boards as a trusted education delivery partner. We need to be confident that our partner is able to persuade a high proportion of NHS Trusts to undertake what can be a very revealing and exposing conversation about their digital maturity and personal comfort in an area that we know is contentious and can be frightening to individual board leaders. NHS England is unable to help significantly with the marketing of this product, so the supplier must have an established ‘route to market’ for NHS Trust Board education.<br/><br/>NHSE is happy to entertain joint or prime bids where some level of partnership between organisations enables a bid to meet all points in scope.
2250000 | 2023-11-25 | 2023-12-15 | ||||||||
Northern Ireland Assembly Commission - Provision of Tests and Assessment Exercises for Recruitment Competitions - BR-086-2023UK Belfast Northern Ireland Assembly CommissionThe Assembly Commission is seeking to appoint a supplier who can supply recruitment tests and assessment exercises to support the recruitment and selection process for permanent staff. The Assembly Commission’s Recruitment and Selection Framework sets out a variety of selection options to meet recruitment needs with assessments tailored for specific roles to find the right person for the role, improving organisational performance and increasing diversity and inclusion. Key Activity 1: Provision of Online Tests - used in high volume competitions as a shortlisting tool. Key Activity 2: Assessment Exercises - as part of the selection process to assess different aspects of the applicants’ skills including scoring the exercise and provision of feedback on the performance of the applicant in the assessment exercise. These off-the-shelf assessments and tests must be equality assessed to ensure they do not have any adverse impact on equality grounds including community background, gender, age or disability.
140000 | 2023-11-18 | 2023-12-18 | ||||||||
PR9310 - Provision of Outsourced Clinical Coding ServicesUK London Partners Procurement Service (PPS)Partners Procurement Service (“PPS”) on behalf of Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (the "Authority") is issuing this Invitation to Tender ("ITT") in connection with the competitive procurement of Outsourced Clinical Coding Services. Coding is primarily completed using primary electronic sources, not physical clinical case notes. Coders use Simplecode with minimal integration, which relies on coders to have all relevant clinical systems open for review. Computer hardware and peripherals will be provided by the bidder. The service will provide a clinical coding service to the admitted patient care episodes at Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, in accordance with the National Clinical Coding guidelines.• To provide a quality clinical coding service at MEH that complies with best practice, national guidelines in clinical coding and information governance arrangements. • To provide a complete clinical coding service which includes recruitment, management and t
2023-11-18 | 2023-12-18 | |||||||||
Provision of Primary Medical Services at Kingfisher Surgery, Newport Pagnell, Milton KeynesUK Luton NHS Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care BoardThe commissioner has made a strategic decision not to re-procure practices with a weighted list size below approximately 10,000 patients as stand-alone APMS contracts, and to look at alternative contracting models. This is intended to ensure robust, resilient, and high-quality services for the population in the longer term, as we have found that smaller practices operated under APMS contracts in this area have frequently struggled with resilience and recruitment issues.<br/><br/>Kingfisher Surgery has an actual patient list size of 6798 and weighted 6425.44 as of September 2023. The ICB has a strong desire that the current premises located at Elthorne Way, Newport Pagnell MK16 0JR are maintained within primary care ensuring adequate access, capacity, and resilience for general practice services. The ICB has therefore decided the most appropriate way to achieve this aim is to offer this practice as a branch surgery with patient list to GMS providers, thus retaining the current premises with managed list dispersal to the successful bidder. Practices outside the Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes area will need to ensure they have their home ICB’s support for this opportunity.<br/><br/>As a branch of the successful bidder’s existing GMS contract, the annual contract value represented by the branch surgery will reflect global sum rates.<br/><br/>Please note in terms of the advertised contract length, this is a GMS contract, meaning it will be held in perpetuity despite what the contract end date may say in the notice due to system limitations.
2023-11-17 | 2023-12-13 | |||||||||
Customer Relationship Management ReImplementationUK Reading University of ReadingThe University is seeking a supplier who will build and re-implement a new version of our current CRM solution using Microsoft Dynamics that meets the requirements of the Global Recruitment & Admissions GRA team
500000 | 2023-11-17 | 2023-12-13 | ||||||||
Media Buying for Student RecruitmentUK Dundee University of DundeeThe University of Dundee runs a number of student recruitment marketing campaigns across a range of different target audiences, with the aim of raising awareness of, and stimulating desire for, the study opportunities offered. The ultimate objective is to grow matriculations and income to the University by increasing the number of applications from UK and international markets.To achieve this, the University wish to engage the services of a media buying agency
1000050 | 2023-11-14 | 2023-12-13 | ||||||||
Start Up Business SupportUK Birmingham Birmingham City CouncilThis project will aim to encourage entrepreneurial activity across the Solihull and Birmingham local authority geographies, supporting early-stage businesses with the skills and support to enable them to establish their companies here, leading to further growth and development through further mainstream and specialist business support programmes. The project will aim to• support the registered number of startup businesses within the region,• support business survival rates within the region.Enabled through the following:• To enable startups to access relevant support including finance, premises, and skills,• To support startups with a credible business plan and financial forecasting,• To equip entrepreneurs with the leadership and management skills to support their early-stage business,• To facilitate local recruitment, business growth and productivity,• To link to wider mainstream and specialist support across the region to support their continued growth and development.Please note that this service will be delivered in conjunction with Solihull MBC.The contract will be awarded to one supplier, commencing January 2024 for a period of 15 months (ending 31st March 2025).This project is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).Please note that this service will be delivered in conjunction with Solihull MBC with procurement and additional support from the Council
680000 | 2023-11-14 | 2023-12-13 | ||||||||
Media Buying for Student RecruitmentUK Dundee University of DundeeThe University of Dundee runs a number of student recruitment marketing campaigns across a range of different target audiences, with the aim of raising awareness of, and stimulating desire for, the study opportunities offered. The ultimate objective is to grow matriculations and income to the University by increasing the number of applications from UK and international markets.To achieve this, the University wish to engage the services of a media buying agency.
1000050 | 2023-11-13 | 2023-12-13 | ||||||||
Maths Hub Lead School Recruitment for SHaW Maths Hub and Yorkshire and the Humber Maths HubUK London Department for EducationIndividual grants are available to become a Maths Hub Lead School for the SHaW Maths Hub and, separately, Yorkshire and the Humber Maths Hub. The indicative value of each individual grant is up to £900k. The actual value is dependent on fixed and variable costs based on actual hub delivery expenditure.Maths Hubs are led by one Lead School, College or Trust that is held accountable for the Maths Hub activity funded by the Department for Education through a Grant Funding Agreement. More information about the Maths Hubs Programme can be found on the NCETM website, including more information about individual hubs.Following many successful years of leading a Maths Hub, two of our Maths Hub Lead Schools will no longer continue the role in the academic year 2024/25. The Department is undertaking a competitive grant process to appoint and fund two new Lead Schools and/or accountable entities (lead school, college or Trust) for the following Maths Hubs:• ShaW Maths Hub (covering Herefordshire; Shropshire; Telford and Wrekin; Wolverhampton)• Yorkshire and the Humber Maths Hub (covering City of Kingston upon Hull; Kirklees; North East Lincolnshire; North Lincolnshire; Wakefield) The successful applicant must have an eligible named school or college located in one of the local authority districts listed above for the hub.Leading a Maths Hub is a significant and demanding system leadership role, which has the opportunity to enhance the teaching of mathematics education in your local area. By fostering a culture of collaboration and support between teachers of maths, both within their own schools and schools in the local area, the Maths Hub programme has been paving the way as an outstanding demonstration of how high-quality professional development can improve pupil outcomes and teacher satisfaction. As a Lead School, College or Trust running a Maths Hub you will have the opportunity to be part of this effort as a national network of schools which are transforming mathematics education and changing the lives of children across England. Each Maths Hub is open to working with any school or college, from Reception through to post-16, within the broad geographical area that it covers. The hubs draw on the expertise of local leaders of mathematics education across their area and the support of strategic partners including Teaching School Hubs, universities, maths experts and employers. The new Lead School will be expected to continue and build upon the successful work of the previous lead. The brand of SHaW Maths Hub and Yorkshire and the Humber Maths Hub are well established in their local area, it is expected that the Maths Hub brand will remain the same to provide continuity for the schools being supported by the hub.If the Maths Hub Programme continues into Academic Year 2025/26 and beyond the new Lead School will continue to retain the role of Maths Hub Lead School until they either (a) become ineligible or (b) a change in the Department’s policy for Maths Hubs. When the new Lead Schools are appointed in January 2024, there will be a two-term hand over during spring and summer 2024 where the new Lead Schools will receive information on all the responsibilities and part take in meetings up until they solely become the new accountable Lead School from 1st September 2024. You are invited to attend a Zoom facilitated Information Session led by the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) on 24 November 2023 at:• 09:30-11:00 for SHaW Maths Hub• 11:30-13:00 for Yorkshire and the Humber Maths HubThe events will provide the opportunity to hear about the service requirement, the bidding process and for you to submit questions. See additional information for registration details...
2023-11-10 | 2023-12-06 | |||||||||
Applicant Tracking System (ATS)UK Walsall whgwhg has a requirement for the provision of an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) which provides a recruitment portal, job posting and associated recruitment services provision, with the supplier having experience of identifying and introducing candidates in the sector.
2023-11-10 | 2023-12-07 | |||||||||
C002059 NHS Scotland Management Training Scheme (MTS): Provision of online psychometrics and assessment to support the recruitment process of graduate-level applicantsUK EDINBURGH NHS Education for ScotlandProvision of online psychometrics and assessment to support the recruitment process of graduate-level applicants
2023-11-09 | 2023-12-08 | |||||||||
C002059 NHS Scotland Management Training Scheme (MTS): Provision of online psychometrics and assessment to support the recruitment process of graduate-level applicantsUK EDINBURGH NHS Education for ScotlandProvision of online psychometrics and assessment to support the recruitment process of graduate-level applicants
2023-11-07 | 2023-12-08 | |||||||||
Total Workforce Solutions III: National and International Permanent RecruitmentUK Edgbaston, Birmingham HealthTrust Europe LLP (HTE) acting on behalf of Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust (MSE)Framework Agreement with access pricing via Direct Award for the Supply of ServicesFacilitating Fixed-Term and Permanent national recruitment Projects for a Participating Authority, the scope of Lot 1a includes but is not limited to Fixed-Term and Permanent Candidate recruitment for the following Job Categories and Job Profiles:• Doctors, Consultants and General Practitioners as identified at NHS careers;• Nurses, Midwives and Health Care Support Workers and Nursing Associates as specified the National NHS Job Profiles;• Allied Health Professionals as specified the National NHS Job Profiles; and• Health Science Service Workers as specified the National NHS Job Profiles.The scope of Lot 1a also facilitates the provision of a Recruitment Process Optimisation (RPO) solution to a Participating Authority.TERMS AND CONDITIONS / ACTIVITY BASED INCOME (ABI) The terms and conditions of this Agreement and any resulting call-off contract is appended to the ITT. These terms include provisions requiring the payment by the supplier of an ABI management charge in consideration of the award of this Agreement, the management and administration by HTE of the overall contract structure and associated documentation, as well as the requirement to submit regular management information to HTE. SUBMISSION OF EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST AND PROCUREMENTINFORMATION This exercise will be conducted on the HTE Bravo portal. Candidates wishing to be considered must register expressions of interest as follows: Register on the HTE portal at https://healthtrusteurope.bravosolution.co.uk. Login to the portal with username/password. Click the SQs/ITTs Open to All Suppliers link. These are the SQs/ITTs open to any registered supplier. Click on the relevant SQ/ ITT to access the content. Click the Express Interest button at the top of the page. This will move the SQ/ITT into your My SQs/My ITTs page. You can access any attachments by clicking Buyer Attachments in the SQ/ITT Details box. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the SQ/ITT. Submit your reply using the Submit Response button at the top of the page. If you require any further advice, contact the Bravo e- Tendering Help Desk at help@bravosolution.co.uk. HealthTrust Europe utilises the Supplier Registration Service information database, formally known as sid4gov. Candidates are requested to register on the Supplier Registration service at Supplier Registration Service (cabinetoffice.gov.uk) and submit their sid4gov company profile for publication on the database. Candidates already registered on Supplier Registration Service must ensure that information is up to date. Where access to sid4gov is unavailable, please contact the helpdesk at sid4gov@gps.gsi.gov.uk.
700000000 | 2023-11-05 | 2023-12-15 | ||||||||
Total Workforce Solutions III: Temporary Staffing SolutionsUK Edgbaston, Birmingham HealthTrust Europe LLP (HTE) acting on behalf of Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust (MSE)Framework Agreement with access pricing via Direct Award for the Supply of ServicesLot 3a of the Total Workforce Solutions III portfolio of Framework Agreements enables Participating Authorities to access Temporary Workers through Suppliers who are operating in alignment with the NHS England Agency Rules and other Good Industry Practice as required and appropriate. Offering a comprehensive Temporary Worker recruitment solution for healthcare providers, awarded Suppliers are able to provide all grades, job families and specialisms of Medical Locums, including General Practitioners.TERMS AND CONDITIONS / ACTIVITY BASED INCOME (ABI) The terms andconditions of this Agreement and any resulting call-off contract is appended to the ITT. These terms include provisions requiring the payment by the supplier of an ABI management charge in consideration of the award of this Agreement, the management and administration by HTE of the overall contract structure and associated documentation, as well as the requirement to submit regular management information to HTE. SUBMISSION OF EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST AND PROCUREMENT INFORMATION This exercise will be conducted on the HTE Bravo portal. Candidates wishing to be considered must register expressions of interest as follows: Register on the HTE portal at https://healthtrusteurope.bravosolution.co.uk. Login to the portal with username/password. Click the SQs/ITTs Open to All Suppliers link. These are the SQs/ITTs open to any registered supplier. Click on the relevant SQ/ ITT to access the content. Click the Express Interest button at the top of the page. This will move the SQ/ITT into your My SQs/My ITTs page. You can access any attachments by clicking Buyer Attachments in the SQ/ITT Details box. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the SQ/ITT. Submit your reply using the Submit Response button at the top of the page. If you require any further advice, contact the Bravo e- Tendering Help Desk at help@bravosolution.co.uk. HealthTrust Europe utilises the Supplier Registration Service information database, formally known as sid4gov. Candidates are requested to register on the Supplier Registration service at Supplier Registration Service (cabinetoffice.gov.uk) and submit their sid4gov company profile for publication on the database. Candidates already registered on Supplier Registration Service must ensure that information is up to date. Where access to sid4gov is unavailable, please contact the helpdesk at sid4gov@gps.gsi.gov.uk. Please note that, at present, sid4gov does not prepopulate any fields of the SQ on the Portal, and therefore Potential Providers must complete the Qualification and Selection Envelopes of the SQ in Bravo in full.
7500000000 | 2023-11-05 | 2023-12-15 | ||||||||
Membership Recruitment and Visitor Giving CampaignUK Edinburgh Royal Botanic Garden EdinburghThe purpose of this project is to increase the unrestricted income stream through donations given and to find new ways of encouraging membership sign up when members of the public visit the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. In addition, to mobilise public support for fundraising appeals in line with organisational goals.The outcome of this piece of work will be an increase in visitor giving, an increase in new membership sign ups as well as enhanced public awareness of the work and aims of the organisation. RBGE wishes to appoint a Supplier starting in February 2024 to undertake this activity, with a clear and concise focus on securing contactless and cash donations and creatively recruiting new members.The Development Division will look to work in partnership with the Supplier to refine and implement an optimal solution to maximise visitor membership recruitment and visitor giving.
200000 | 2023-11-03 | 2023-12-04 | ||||||||
23-62 Media BuyingUK Wolverhampton University of WolverhamptonThe University of Wolverhampton (‘the University’) is tendering for media buying to positively contribute to its image as a major regional/national and International HEI. The scope of the contract includes but is not limited to the following services: media buying, media and brand communication and brand management.There will be an amount of media buying for ‘job’ recruitment advertising, this will not be a huge spend but must be treated with the same level of importance as the rest of account.
3500000 | 2023-11-03 | 2023-12-01 | ||||||||
Membership Recruitment and Visitor Giving CampaignUK Edinburgh Royal Botanic Garden EdinburghThe purpose of this project is to increase the unrestricted income stream through donations given and to find new ways of encouraging membership sign up when members of the public visit the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. In addition, to mobilise public support for fundraising appeals in line with organisational goals.
200000 | 2023-11-01 | 2023-12-04 | ||||||||
SU29(24) Out Of Home (OOH) AdvertisingUK Swansea Swansea UniversityThe appointed contractor will have extensive expertise in managing and implementing OOH advertising to include (but not exclusively) billboards, transport systems, video on demand. Contractors are expected to be professionally certified and have a deep understanding of the student recruitment cycle for Undergraduate and Postgraduate students in the UK and internationally.The total value is estimated to be between GBP 800,000 and GBP 1,200,000 over the four year maximum period.
1200000 | 2023-11-01 | 2023-12-05 | ||||||||
Recruitment Agencies - Temporary & PermanentUK Exeter LiveWest Homes LimitedTemporary – Devon – IT
2023-10-27 | 2023-11-29 | |||||||||
Digital AdvertisingUK Swansea Swansea UniversityThe University is seeking to award a 3 year contract, to commence in March 2024 with an option to extend beyond the initial 3 year period for a further period of 12 months (3+1).Due to the nature of student recruitment advertising with new platforms and channels used for advertising the University is seeking to procure media buying for digital advertising.The University wishes to appoint an external Contractor to help deliver advertising of key marketing and communications projects throughout the year as well as ad hoc projects as they arise. The appointment requires the Contractor to buy and manage advertising on behalf of the University. The University does not expect the successful organisation(s) to undertake creative design (this is a separate contract) but does expect that the Contractors will liaise with the Universities creative design agencies and in-house design teams where necessary.
1200000 | 2023-10-26 | 2023-11-27 | ||||||||
RBGKEW1230 - Recruitment Advertising ServicesUK Richmond Royal Botanic Gardens, KewRecruitment advertising services
400000 | 2023-10-21 | 2023-11-28 | ||||||||
Provision of a Situational Judgement test for SCTSUK Inverness (United Kingdom) Scottish Courts and Tribunals ServiceSCTS is looking for a Situational Judgement test to provide a pre sifting layer to the recruitment process which assess candidates suitability for the role.
2023-10-18 | 2023-11-17 | |||||||||
YPO - 001140 Managing Recruitment and ResourcingUK Wakefield YPOYPO are looking for providers to be appointed onto Lot 1 for the provision of a managed service for temporary recruitment for Local Authorities. This lot is designed to meet the needs of all Local Authorities seeking access to a managed service solution for their temporary recruitment requirements.
5000000000 | 2023-10-14 | 2023-11-15 | ||||||||
Framework Agreement for Recruitment Services for the Provision of Supply Teachers and Education Support StaffUK Stevenage Herts for Learning LtdThe scope for this Framework Agreement is for all temporary and Fixed Term teaching and non-teaching roles, for the use of primary and secondary schools, academies, trusts, special schools, nurseries, pupil referral units and other educational establishments within the Hertfordshire geographical area including Trusts with one or more of their schools located within Hertfordshire and other schools outside.More information can be found within the procurement documents.
17000000 | 2023-10-11 | 2023-11-09 | ||||||||
Social Care Recruitment Web PortalUK Oxford Oxfordshire County CouncilOxfordshire County Council, funded by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), is seeking to create an online portal for Social Care providers in the Southeast (SE) region.The main goal of this project is for the selected Supplier to develop a platform that addresses the specific challenges and needs of social care providers around International Recruitment.The successful Supplier will develop an operate this new Social Care Portal within the budget limit that has been set.The budget available for this solution is finite and tenderer's solutions for provision of the portal, along with the support and maintenance must be within the budget that has been set.Tenderers should note the pricing threshold of £275,000 exclusive of VAT.The Council is only seeking responses from Tenderers who have a Commercially Off The Shelf (COTS) solution. Such a solution must be available at the time their submission is made.The Council expects to award this contract prior to the Christmas break, the successful Supplier is expected to configure the solution in January 2024 and to then operate the solution for a minimum period of 2 months ending 31st March 2024.Whilst the Contract Term has only a short duration the Council expects that Tenderer's will wish to provide a solution which is capable of operation beyond the Term of this contract under terms that they will agree with users of the system
275000 | 2023-10-10 | 2023-11-10 | ||||||||
Higher Education Marketing Agency to Support the Implementation of Student Recruitment CampaignsUK Chester University of ChesterThe specific requirements of this contract are for the implementation of our 2024, 2025 and 2026 UK student recruitment campaigns. It should be noted that a media plan for the pre-application stage of the 2024 recruitment campaign is already being implemented, so the initial focus, following the award of a contract, will be on post application conversion and late applications for the 2024 cycle, as well as early engagement for the 2025 cycle. Further to this, we may also require support for postgraduate and international student recruitment campaigns. Further details are available in the tender documents.Please note the estimated total value includes the optional extension periods.
3000000 | 2023-10-10 | 2023-11-08 | ||||||||
Recruitment for Preferred Supplier List - External Relations and Policy RolesUK Manchester General Medical Council (GMC)We would like to create a preferred list of two suppliers to service our recruitment needs for our External Relations and Policy recruitment needs.GMC External relations and policy roles – agencies who will provide support where needed for the permanent or fixed term recruitment of, and the supply of temporary workers or contractors where required
5000000 | 2023-10-07 | 2023-11-10 | ||||||||
Invitation To Tender for Fosterlink Service: FOSTER CARER RECRUITMENTUK London Department for EducationThe Department for Education is looking for an organisation to develop, co-ordinate and manage Fosterlink a support service for Local Authority (LA) fostering service providers, which will offer in-depth diagnostic support specifically focused on their recruitment and approval practices, with the aim of providing bespoke recommendations for improvement, alongside building a strong evidence base on which to share good practice nationally.The initial contract term will be 16 months. The contract is expected to commence on the 01 December 2023 and run until 31 March 2025. There will be an option to extend its term for an additional period of 12 months. The optional extension will be subject to supplier contract performance, the requirements of the Department, the outcomes of the upcoming Spending Review and the steers of the party in leadership following the General Election at the end of 2024. The contract has an anticipated value of up to £700,000 (VAT inclusive)– for the initial term of 16 months. Funding allocated to the period between 01/12/23 to 31/03/24 - £500,000 (VAT inclusive) Funding allocated to the period between 01/04/24 to 31/03/25 - £200,000 (VAT inclusive)
560000 | 2023-09-22 | 2023-10-19 | ||||||||
Provision of User Research Recruitment PartnerUK Glasgow Scottish GovernmentThe Social Security Directorate within Scottish Government (the Purchaser) is seeking a Service Provider who can recruit participants foruser research and will manage the payment of incentives to those participants.
255000 | 2023-09-21 | 2023-10-20 | ||||||||
The Provision of Building Trades and Drivers Agency ServicesUK Aberdeen Aberdeen City CouncilAberdeen City Council is looking to source recruitment agencies who can supply building trades agency workers.The supply of Aberdeen City Council is mandatory.Supplying to Aberdeenshire Council and the Highland Council is optional.
6000000 | 2023-09-15 | 2023-10-17 | ||||||||
Recruitment for Preferred Supplier List - IS RolesUK Manchester General Medical Council (GMC)We would like to create a preferred list of three suppliers to service our recruitment needs for our IS recruitment needs. Agencies will provide support where needed for the permanent or fixed term recruitment of, and the supply of temporary workers or contractors for our Information Systems Team, Date Research and Insight Hub Team and Information Policy and Access Team.
30000000 | 2023-09-14 | 2023-10-19 | ||||||||
Civil Service Jobs PlatformUK LONDON Cabinet OfficeThe procurement is for the provision of the Civil Service Jobs PlatformThe Civil Service Jobs digital platform (Applicant Tracking System or ATS) is the principal digital recruitment platform for:the Government Recruitment Service (GRS), our central operational recruitment service and its customers;Government departments who use GRS services; andDepartments who don't use GRS services, but subscribe to Civil Service Jobs Government-affiliated non-departmental public bodies and Arm's Length Bodies.Civil Service Jobs enables candidates to apply for jobs and vacancy holders to manage recruitment from advert to job offer. It is integral to cross-government recruitment activity; delivering 70% of Civil Service recruitment, with 100% of roles advertised through CS Jobs and 211 organisations using the service.Government People Group (GPG) will replace the current platform to align with, and deliver, key cross-government strategies, including the Declaration on Government Reform and the Civil Service Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 22-25.We want the next generation of Civil Service Jobs to resolve some of our biggest recruitment challenges: improving time to hire, standardising much of our recruitment processes, and giving our users a more intuitive user experience. This is a great opportunity for innovative companies to bid for a chance to work with us to help achieve these objectives.The Authority is looking for proposals to respond to this significant platform opportunity.Further details of the Authority's requirements are set out in the procurement documents.
20000000 | 2023-09-14 | 2023-10-13 | ||||||||
The Provision of Building Trades and Drivers Agency ServicesUK Aberdeen Aberdeen City CouncilAberdeen City Council is looking for a number of recruitment agencies to source temporary workers for our building trades services and driving requirements. The resulting Framework Agreement shall be open for use by Aberdeen City Council as well as optional provision to Aberdeenshire Council and the Highland Council as part of the Commercial and Procurement Shared Services.
6000000 | 2023-09-14 | 2023-10-17 | ||||||||
Student Enquiry Management & Follow-up ServiceUK Stirling University of StirlingThe University of Stirling is seeking a supplier for the provision of student enquiry, offer, and conversion services to optimise the enrolment of students in unregulated markets and to meet the University’s recruitment targets.
2023-09-13 | 2023-10-13 | |||||||||
Student Enquiry Management & Follow-up ServiceUK Stirling University of StirlingThe University of Stirling is seeking a supplier for the provision of student enquiry, offer, and conversion services to optimise the enrolment of students in unregulated markets and to meet the University’s recruitment targets.
2023-09-12 | 2023-10-13 | |||||||||
Recruitment Agencies FrameworkUK UK-UK-Oldham: Decorating supplies.: Software packa First Choice Homes OldhamNEIGHBOURHOOD / HOUSING ROLES PERMANENT / FIXED TERM
1000000 | 2023-09-08 | 2023-10-09 | ||||||||
Mitcham Market ManagementUK Morden London Borough of MertonThe London Borough of Merton are seeking a company/contractor with existing experience and contacts with registered market traders to increase the number of market stall holders and the diversity of stalls to make the market offer in Mitcham a vibrant regular market. This is in line with other proposals for the town centre including a night time enterprise zone and the recruitment of a town centre manager.The London Borough of Merton currently operates a small market in Mitcham town centre and Morden town centre. The Local Authority want to explore opportunities to expand the current Mitcham market and look at opportunities to develop other sites in Merton.
2023-09-08 | 2023-10-06 | |||||||||
Recruitment Agencies FrameworkUK UK-UK-Oldham: Decorating supplies.: Software packa First Choice Homes OldhamThe contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement.For more information about this opportunity, please visit the Delta eSourcing portal at:
0 | 2023-09-07T00:00:00Z | |||||||||
Recruitment Agencies FrameworkUnited Kingdom UK-UK-Oldham: Decorating supplies.: Software packa First Choice Homes OldhamFirst Choice Homes Oldham are seeking to appoint a minimum of 4 recruitment agencies to each of a number of sub Lots to provide candidates to cover permanent, fixed term, temporary and interim staff employees for a 4-year framework.
1000000 | 2023-09-07T00:00:00Z | |||||||||
PROCUREMENT OF A CONTRACTOR TO RECRUIT TRUSTEES TO ACADEMY TRUSTSUK London Department for EducationAcademy trustees are volunteers who are responsible for ensuring a trust’s clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction, holding executive leaders to account, and overseeing and ensuring effective financial performance. Trust boards therefore need to be made up of trustees with the necessary expertise and skill to fulfil these functions effectively. The role is a significant commitment and while there are already many dedicated trustees across the country, it can be difficult for some trusts to find and recruit the right people with the skills they need.We expect this to be a bespoke recruitment service which places the right people in the right roles, with a real focus on high quality matches. We expect the vacancies to be filled through this service to have characteristics which make them challenging for the board to recruit to without support. For example, the provider may need to find trustees for trusts with challenging geography or religious characteristics or be asked to source candidates with very specific skillsets.All trusts receiving support through the programme will be ones the department is working with to drive improvement and trustees joining such boards will need to be able to deliver support effectively and at pace. The department is also therefore looking for a provider who will be able to offer a high quality onboarding support to candidates.The tender is for a two-year contract, with the option of a contract extension (+1) subject to need and funding being available.Organisations wishing to participate in this contract opportunity must do so through DfE's eTendering portal (Jaggaer).Registration is free of charge and full system support is available via the Jaggaer homepage.In order to access this opportunity in Jaggaer potential suppliers must first click 'view opportunities' from the Jaggaer homepage and then express their interest to gain access to the full document suite.
1200000 | 2023-09-01 | 2023-10-05 | ||||||||
T23/04_Distance Learning Strategic Digital MarketingUK Chelmsford Anglia Ruskin University Higher Education CorporationThe University are looking for a partner to deliver all the services detailed below including strategy, website maintenance and campaign execution to support the achievement of our ambitious distance learning student recruitment plans. The contract value will be in the region of 80k to 120k per annum across key service areas. The core target audience will be UK and international students looking to study at undergraduate or postgraduate level on one of our 40 online distance learning degrees.
2023-08-25 | 2023-09-26 | |||||||||
CPT_23_02 Financial Audit Temporary and Permanent Recruitment ServicesUK LONDON National Audit OfficeThe selected suppliers awarded contracts will be expected to recruit temporary financial audit staff for the NAO. The estimated value for this lot will be £11.4m inclusive of VAT which is a combination of both agency commission and pay for temporary staff.
10024166 | 2023-08-19 | 2023-09-20 | ||||||||
CPT_23_02 Financial Audit Temporary and Permanent Recruitment servicesUK London National Audit OfficeThe selected suppliers awarded contracts will be expected to recruit temporary financial audit staff for the NAO. The estimated value for this lot will be £11.4m inclusive of VAT which is a combination of both agency commission and pay for temporary staff.
10024166 | 2023-08-19 | 2023-09-25 | ||||||||
Conversion and Data Insights Services for University of BirminghamUK Birmingham University of BirminghamThe University of Birmingham invites tenders to manage the engagement and communications with our international offer holders to drive conversion through to the point of enrolment and provide strategic insights into market and competitor trends. The successful tenderer will play a crucial role in supporting the University's ambitious international student recruitment efforts. In the preceding year of 2022, our existing service provider effectively engaged with circa 14,000 offer holders. However, considering our vision for growth, we anticipate a substantial increase in this figure over the next five years. Companies whose sole business is as an agent specialising in the referral of international student applications should not submit tenders for consideration.
2023-08-17 | 2023-09-15 | |||||||||
T23-072CRO Provision of Employment Agency ServicesUK Derry Derry City and Strabane District CouncilDerry City and Strabane District Council invites tenders for the provision of Employment Agency Services for periods of short term cover. It is intended that the tender will cover the full range of administrative, clerical, technical, professional and manual posts within Council. The appointed agency/agencies will only be engaged for short term provision of services to further support and supplement Councils recruitment activity. The Council will appoint up to three preferred suppliers at the lowest cost to Council who will be required to provide a suitable agency worker within 3 working days of the requirement having been notified to the agency. This contract will take effect from the commencement date and remain in force for one year with the option of two further one-year extensions to give a total 3-year contract. The contract will be reviewed after 12 months. The commencement date will be no later than Autumn 2023. Please refer to the CfT documents for further detail.
1200000 | 2023-08-12 | 2023-09-25 | ||||||||
ID 4646910 - DAERA - CAFRE - Provision of Advertising Campaign ServicesUK Antrim DAERA - College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise CAFREThe College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE) wishes to appoint a Contractor to deliver its media buying and support the achievement of Business Goals through targeted advertising campaigns. The media buying will deliver the College’s strategies to target key customer segments and support CAFRE in meeting its awareness and recruitment targets. This contract will be managed by the Government Advertising Unit on behalf of CAFRE. Full details of requirements are set out in the Specification document (ID 4646910 – Specification).
295000 | 2023-08-11 | 2023-09-11 | ||||||||
LCHEXP188 2023_24 Digital Recruitment and Marketing ServicesUK Leeds Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation TrustLeeds and York Partnership Foundation NHS Trust on behalf of Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust is looking for an experienced and creative marketing company to develop and deliver a marketing resourcing strategy for the Trust and provide expertise in digital marketing.
120000 | 2023-08-08 | 2023-09-07 | ||||||||
London South East Colleges Invitation to Tender for a Recruitment & Staffing FrameworkUK Bromley London South East CollegesProvision of General Teaching and Curriculum Management Staff
2023-08-08 | 2023-09-07 | |||||||||
Parking Enforcement & OperationsUK Kingston upon Thames The Royal Borough of Kingston upon ThamesThe Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames (the Council) are looking to appoint a supplier for the provision of Parking Enforcement & Operations services.The proposed duration of the contract will be an initial term of seven (7) years with the option to extend the contract for up to a maximum of three (3) years.It is anticipated that dialogue will focus on the following topics:- Deployment Plan- Recruitment & Retention- Customer Service- Technology & Innovation- Fixed and Variable Costs- Performance and Default- Social Value- Terms and ConditionsThe procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free ofcharge at www.procontract-due-north.com
30000000 | 2023-08-03 | 2023-09-04 | ||||||||
Office for Students: Framework for Recruitment Supplier Services for Temporary and Permanent StaffUK Bristol Office for StudentsThe OfS is looking to appoint suppliers to undertake the recruitment of permanent and temporary staff across the whole business. This tender process will set up a framework for recruitment supplier services for temporary and permanent recruitment of staff across multiple lots for different job specialisms. Lot 1 is for Professional staff including: Human resources, Finance, Corporate Governance, Project, programme and portfolio delivery and policy professionals.
1700000 | 2023-08-02 | 2023-09-04 | ||||||||
Recruitment for Preferred Supplier List - General RolesUK Manchester General Medical Council (GMC)The GMC would like to create a preferred list of two suppliers to service our recruitment needs for our General recruitment needs. GMC General roles – agencies who will provide support where needed for the permanent recruitment of, and the supply of temporary workers where required.
30000000 | 2023-08-02 | 2023-09-06 | ||||||||
Employment services for representatives based in overseas locationsUK Birmingham University of BirminghamThe University of Birmingham invites tenders for the supply of employment services for University representatives based overseas. Companies whose sole business is international student recruitment should not submit tenders for consideration.Tenderers will be required to employ representatives in global locations to deliver student recruitment activities on behalf of the University. They will provide a legal and compliant structure for employing representatives in each jurisdiction on behalf of the University. Employment of representatives should be fully compliant with national labour, financial and tax laws. Tenderers will manage representatives’ payroll and salaries along with any additional costs. The requirement will also include specific identified individuals to be employed including some already identified from the beginning of the contract. There would be an agreed advertising / shortlisting process for new staff. The University would supply the initial Job Description, the supplier would advertise and shortlist, and the University would conduct the interview.
2023-07-27 | 2023-08-25 | |||||||||
Advertising, Recruitment & Public Information NoticesUK Motherwell North Lanarkshire CouncilThe following information is intended to give Candidates an overview of the high level requirements..Requirements: The Council seek an external supplier (single supplier contract) to work with and on behalf of the Council’s Corporate Communications Service to plan, buy, book and manage media space for advertising, recruitment advertising and public information notices in Scotland, UK and Ireland and overseas as required..The Contract must be carried out in accordance with the information provided within this Contract Notice; information and the ITT documentation in PCS-T tendering; ..Tenders must be submitted for the full requirements; only tenders submitted on this basis will be considered..Tenderers must respond to a range of Selection Questions within the PCS-T Qualification Envelope..Tenderers must download and complete a range of Award based questions and statements located within the PCS-T Technical Envelope..Tenderers must download, complete and upload to PCS-Commercial envelope..All documentation located within PCS-Tender Supplier Attachment Area..
1039000 | 2023-07-26 | 2023-08-25 | ||||||||
Advertising, Recruitment & Public Information NoticesUK Motherwell North Lanarkshire CouncilNorth Lanarkshire Council (the "Council") intend to award a Contract to a single service provider for the provision of Advertising, Recruitment & Public Information Notices.
1039000 | 2023-07-25 | 2023-08-25 | ||||||||
Recruitment of Peer Support Workers and Development of Patient Experience Model within Learning Disability and Autism ServicesUK Essex Barnet Enfield and Haringey Mental Health TrustThis section provides an outline of the requirements for service delivery. The contract will be divided into two components for the purpose of describing the two distinct parts of the service, providers will need to be able to deliver both elements.<br/>a) Component 1: Recruitment of Peers with a Learning Disability and Autism<br/>b) Component 2: Design, Development and Implementation of a Patient Engagement Model<br/><br/>4.1 Recruitment of Peers with a Learning Disability <br/>4.1.1 Recruitment of Peers to Provide a Quality Assurance Role:<br/>The commissioning hub currently recruits five peer engagement workers with lived experience of forensic or inpatient mental health services, to work alongside case managers in a quality assurance role. The peers engage directly with current inpatients with a mental illness to establish how they feel about the quality of care they receive, utilising their own experience to bring a lived experience perspective to the way the commissioning hub plans, delivers and quality assures services. <br/> <br/>NLFC would like to extend the peer engagement worker offer to provide a quality assurance role in our learning disability and autism services. To drive this forward we are seeking to commission a provider to recruit peers with a learning disability and autism into paid roles. The peer workers will work alongside our case managers approximately 2 days a week, to undertake the following:<br/>a) Carry out announced and unannounced reviews of wards and community teams with case managers. This involves speaking with staff and patients about their experience<br/>b) Attend inpatient and community user forums to gather intelligence on patient experience, with peers onsite and visible on one of the wards once a week<br/>c) Attend quarterly contract meetings with members of the commissioning team, feeding back on patient experience<br/>d) Feedback patient experience within the commissioning team, and use their lived experience to inform quality improvement and service development across the collaborative, attending meetings within team as required.<br/>4.1.2 Training, Development and Supervision of Peers:<br/>As part of the current NLFC and BEH peer support infrastructure, our current peer engagement workers have access to a robust training and support package. This includes access to a training program for new peers within the organisation that focuses on the key skills and knowledge required to deliver effective peer support, and a bespoke internal training package tailored to the role of peer engagement workers. Peers also have a wellness at work plan, and regular 1:1 and group supervision.<br/><br/>The NLFC would require the provider to offer a similar training, development and support package to peers recruited into this role, with a focus on the following:<br/>a) A training package, that will be co designed with the commissioning team with a focus on patient engagement and quality assurance<br/>b) A package of support and wellbeing, which includes supervision <br/>c) To identify and develop new peers within the NLFC learning disability and autism services, working closely with the user leads in each of the providers to develop this pathway<br/>d) Provide training and support to case managers and the wider commissioning hub team to work alongside the peers<br/>e) Ensure peers are fully integrated into the commissioning hub, working in partnership with the commissioning team to promote inclusivity and ensure the peers are equipped with the appropriate tools and support to enable them to conduct their role and fully participate in the team.<br/>f) To ensure peer workers are able to safely travel to and from sites across North London <br/>4.2 Development of a Patient Engagement Model<br/>It is vital that the voice of people with a learning disabili
200000 | 2023-07-25 | 2023-08-25 |
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