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Construction Open Tendering Approach

Written by Thornton & Lowe


Jun 07, 2024

What is open tendering in construction

Open tendering in construction is a procurement process where a contract for a construction project is openly advertised to the public - a construction tender. Any interested contractor or supplier can submit a bid to win the project. This method ensures transparency and fairness by allowing all qualified bidders an equal opportunity to compete. The process involves publicly announcing the project details, for example, via Find a Tender, and the criteria, enabling contractors to prepare and submit their proposals. All submitted bids are evaluated based on predefined criteria to select the best offer. The procurement approach of open tendering, via the 'open procedure' aims to achieve the best value for money and encourage competition.

Winning Construction Open Tendering Contracts

If you are a construction contractor who supplies the public sector or want to win government tenders going forward, you need to understand how open tendering works and how to prepare a winning construction bid.

Open tendering is a competitive and transparent procurement method that allows any qualified supplier to submit a bid for a public contract. It is a single stage procurement procedure, however the PQQ is still often built into this stage and your bids can still fail purely on this element.

Open tendering can be a great opportunity for construction contractors to showcase their capabilities and expand their market share. However, it can also be challenging and demanding, as you will face stiff competition from other bidders, and you will need to comply with strict rules and regulations.

To succeed in open tendering in construction:

- Research the opportunity and the buyer - before you decide to bid for an open tender, you need to do your homework and find out as much as you can about the project, the buyer, and the evaluation criteria. You need to assess whether the opportunity matches your strengths, experience, and resources, and whether you can meet the buyer's requirements and expectations. You also need to understand the buyer's needs, goals, and preferences, and tailor your bid accordingly. An effective bid strategy is essential.

- Bid planning - once you have decided to bid for an open tender, which involves ensure you can both comply and compete, you need to plan and strategise your tender response carefully to maximise your scores.

- Bid writing for construction - win themes and effective storyboarding are essential for competitive tendering. Many businesses outsource their bidding needs; at Thornton & Lowe we have bene providing construction bid support since 2009. When bid writing, following the instructions and guidelines provided by the buyer is critical. You need to provide clear and convincing evidence of your experience, expertise, and performance, and show how you can meet or exceed the buyer's requirements and expectations. You also need to offer a realistic and competitive tender pricing, and highlight any added value, innovation, or social value that you can provide. You need to ensure that your bid is well-structured, concise, and error-free, and that it meets the word limit, format, and deadline specified by the buyer.

At Thornton & Lowe, we are committed to helping you win more construction open tendering contracts in the public sector. With the Procurement Act 2023, restricted procedure tenders will stop, meaning you will see more open tendering opportunities for your construction business. Get in touch with us today and let us help you win more contracts. / 01204 238046.

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Construction Bid Writing and Tendering Training

Thornton & Lowe's bid writing training for construction businesses helps enhance skills to craft compelling bids, win more contracts, and navigate public sector tendering complexities. Training improves bid quality, showcases company expertise, and increases chances of success. It also helps in understanding tender documents, tailoring bids, and demonstrating reliability. Our bid writing courses can act as a quick win for many constructions businesses looking to improve their bidding performance.

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