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Common Challenges Faced by Bid Managers and How to Overcome Them

Written by Thornton & Lowe


Aug 30, 2024

Common Challenges Faced by Bid Managers and How to Overcome Them

Bid managers are often the leaders of the bid team. They are responsible for planning, organising, and delivering high-quality bids that meet the client's requirements and expectations. They also manage the bid budget, resources, and performance. They are the ultimate authority for approving and submitting bids!

However, bid managers also face many challenges in their role. These challenges can affect their ability to deliver winning bids and grow their business. In this article, we will explore some of the most common challenges faced by bid managers and how to overcome them. We will also show you how Thornton & Lowe can help you with your bid management and bid writing needs.

Bid Manager Challenges

Challenge #1: Managing Multiple Bids and Deadlines

One of the biggest challenges for bid managers is managing multiple bids and deadlines. Bid managers often have to juggle several bids at the same time, each with different requirements, specifications, and timelines. This can be stressful and overwhelming, especially when the deadlines are tight and the stakes are high.

How to overcome it:

  • Prioritise your bids based on their value, complexity, and probability of winning. Use a bid no bid process to decide which bids are worth pursuing and which ones are not.
  • Create and follow a bid project plan for each bid, which outlines the scope, objectives, deliverables, milestones, and responsibilities of each bid team member.
  • Use bid software and tools to streamline and automate your bid process, such as tender portals, bid templates, and bid libraries.
  • Delegate tasks to your bid team and other stakeholders, and monitor their progress and performance.
  • Communicate regularly with your bid team and the client, and provide feedback and updates on the bid status.
Finding Bid Talent

Challenge #2: Finding and Retaining the Right Bid Talent

Another challenge for bid managers is finding and retaining the right bid talent. Bid managers need a strong bid team that can produce and submit high-quality bids. A bid team typically consists of four main roles: Bid Writer, Bid Manager, Bid Director, and Bid Coordinator. Each role has its own responsibilities and requirements, and they all work together to produce and submit high-quality bids.

However, finding and retaining the right bid talent can be difficult, due to:

  • The shortage of skilled and experienced bid professionals in the market.
  • The competition from other organisations who are also looking for bid talent.
  • The high turnover and burnout rates of bid professionals, due to the demanding and stressful nature of the role.

How to overcome it:

  • Use a dedicated bid recruitment agency, such as Bid Resource, that specialises in finding and hiring the best talent for your bid team. We have a large network of bid professionals, including freelance bid managers, and a proven track record of attracting winning talent for your bid team.
  • Provide bid training and development opportunities for your bid team to enhance their skills and knowledge. We can provide you with bid mentoring, quality assurance, and ongoing support.
  • Recognise and reward the achievements and contributions of your bid team. Create a positive and supportive culture for your bid team. You need to make your bid team feel valued and appreciated.
Procurement Regulations

Challenge #3: Keeping Up with the Changing Procurement Regulations and Trends

A third challenge for bid managers is keeping up with the changing procurement regulations and trends. Procurement regulations are the laws and rules that govern the public sector tendering process. They aim to ensure fair competition, transparency, accountability, and value for money for the taxpayers. However, they also pose some challenges and opportunities for bid managers and bid teams. The Procurement Act, makes considerable changes for UK bid managers.

Some of the recent trends in public sector procurement are:

  • The higher use of frameworks, which are pre-approved lists of suppliers that can provide goods or services under specific terms and conditions.
  • The reduction in direct awards, which are contracts awarded without a competitive process.
  • The higher level of preliminary market engagement, which involves consulting with potential suppliers and gathering information about the market conditions, needs, and solutions before launching a tender.
  • The higher level of post-tender negotiation and flexibility, which allow public sector buyers to question, challenge and change their requirements and ask for updated tender pricing.

These trends imply that the future of bid writing and bid teams will require more workload and a broader set of skills.

How to overcome it:

  • Stay updated on the latest procurement regulations and trends, and how they affect your sector and type of bid. You can use sources such as the Official Journal of the European Union, the UK Government website, and the Procurement and Contracts Finder website.
  • Adapt your bid strategy and process to the changing procurement environment, and ensure that you meet the client's requirements and expectations.
  • Seek expert advice and support from bid professionals who have extensive experience and expertise in public sector procurement, such as Thornton & Lowe. We can help you to achieve the best results in this competitive and complex environment.

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How Thornton & Lowe Can Help You with Your Bid Management and Bid Writing Needs

At Thornton & Lowe, we are passionate about bid writing and bid management, and we are committed to delivering the best results for our clients. We can help you overcome the challenges of bid management and provide you with the best solutions for your bid needs. We can help you with:

  • Finding and hiring the best talent for your bid team, whether you need a Bid Writer, a Bid Manager, a Bid Director, or a Bid Coordinator. We have a dedicated bid recruitment division, Bid Resource, that specialises in finding and hiring the best talent for your bid team. We have a large network of bid professionals and a proven track record of attracting winning talent for your bid team.
  • Providing additional bid writing support for your team, whether you need tender searches, bid administration, or bid writing services. We can provide you with flexible and scalable solutions to meet your bid needs. We can help you cope with the peaks and troughs of capacity and ensure continuity and quality of your bid process.
  • Recruiting and training a trainee or junior bid writer for your bid team. We can provide them with bid mentoring, quality assurance, and ongoing support. This can help you achieve value for money and start to develop your in-house capacity.
  • Providing expert advice and guidance on the latest procurement regulations and trends, and how to adapt your bid strategy and process to them. We have extensive experience and expertise in public sector procurement, and we can help you to achieve the best results in this competitive and complex environment.

We have a proven track record of helping our clients win more tenders and grow their business. If you are interested in our bid recruitment and bid writing services, please contact us today. We would love to hear from you and help you with your bid needs – - 01204 238046

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