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Bid Writing Training Courses

We have lots of bid writing courses available! Give us a call and let us recommend the right course for you and your budget!

Speak to our Bid Training Manager who has written hundreds of successful tenders and trained over 4,000 businesses! - 01204 238046

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Capture planning in bid management

Bid Writing Training Prices

Online Courses

  • Short bid writing courses (1 hour 30 minutes): £48 (including VAT)
  • 1 day bid writing courses: £250 (plus VAT)
  • 2 day bid writing courses: £450 (plus VAT)

In-Person Courses

  • 1 day bid writing courses: £350 (plus VAT)
  • 2 day bid writing courses: £590 (plus VAT)

Our in-person training includes lunch and refreshments and centrally located venues across the UK. Also know as bespoke or In-House Bid Writing Courses.

For businesses who prefer for us to attend and delivery our bid writing courses at their offices, we price based on the specific requirement.

These sessions are created and delivered to meet the specific challenges of the organisation. We will review your recent bids, processes and systems, discuss any challenges, interview key members of your bid team, including subject matter experts, and develop a course based on your exact needs.

Prefer to discuss?
Contact us: training@thorntonandlowe.comor 01204 238046

Why Invest in Bid Writer Training

If your business is involved with formal bids, tenders and proposals, investing in bid writer training is essential! Especially, if you are looking to win more contracts and grow the business. Our bid writer training equips your team with the skills to create compelling, persuasive bids that stand out to evaluators, leading to higher success rates. It also ensures consistency and quality across all submissions, saving time and resources by avoiding costly mistakes. Bid writer training gives your organisation a competitive edge in the tendering process, enabling you to strategically align your proposals with client needs. Investing in your team's development boosts their confidence, commitment, and job satisfaction while ensuring a culture of continuous improvement!

Many delegates leave our training inspired by the impact it has on their skills and confidence. This often leads them to take the next step in their development or their business’s growth by working with us through our Bid Mentor Service for ongoing support.

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Our Bid Writing Training Courses Are Developed by Industry Experts

The content of our bid writing courses have been developed based on our proven tendering procedures and thousands of successful tenders! We include industry best practice, hands-on practical guidance and answer your bidding questions throughout the day.

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Understand the Tender Process with Our Bid Writing Training

If you aren’t familiar with the tender process, understanding the fundamentals can sometimes be a challenge. One of the main goals of our bid writing training is to break the tender process down, step by step, so you come away with a deeper understanding of how tendering works in your industry. Having a deeper knowledge of the process of writing successful tenders or ITTs will help you to make better bid/no-bid decisions and know exactly how to proceed with tenders. Writing bids, monitoring contracts and finding tenders are all much easier when you have a solid grasp of the overall process.

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Bespoke training packages to suit you and your business.

We can also develop and provide more bespoke bid writing training, developed around specific needs. For example, it could be focused on your bid lifecycle, or purely on writing the response.

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Our team are on hand to answer any of your queries.

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If you have any questions about our courses, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

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Bid Writing Courses: Trained to Win Tenders

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