Your Outsourced Procurement Manager
Our ‘Outsourced Procurement Manager’ model is aimed at public sector bodies who do not employ their own Procurement and Contracts Manager, but need a consistent level of capacity and expertise to ensure:
- Procurement and contract compliance
- Value for money
- Control and accountability
- Effective supplier performance management.
Typically, public sector or public funded clients, include smaller Housing Associations, Charities and Academies or Multi Academy Trusts (MATs).
Your Outsourced Procurement Manager will complete an initial:
Stage 1 – Procurement and Contract Audit
- Analysis of procurement documentation; strategy, policies, procedures, contracts register, agreements, specifications and schedules, performance data
- Review and benchmark of high spend and risk areas
- Assessing budgets, people, plant and equipment
- Client and contractor workshops (including any other stakeholders such as residents)
- Compliance review (procurement, contracts, health and safety, insurance, financial due diligence)
- Contract and supplier performance management review
- Report - service improvements, efficiencies, options appraisal, business case and recommendations including quick wins and longer-term plans.
Stage 2 - Contract Success Programme
An outsourced model, for procurement and contract management – the Contract Success Programme, includes:
- Procurement support and guidance; strategy, policy, procedures and agreements
- Procurement compliance; PCR and wider principles of value for money, transparency and accountability
- Preliminary Market Engagement (PME); guidance, training, systems or outsourced support
- Contract and procurement critical friend; available to guide and support your team, offering practical guidance
- Contract management framework creation and management; provision of and implementation of tools to provide control, compliance and transparency
- Performance monitoring; ensuring contractors self-audit, evidence and performance report, providing your team easier routes for management, including supplier review meetings
- Coaching and mentoring of staff on supplier performance and relationship management; ensuring any in-house capacity has the appropriate skills to deliver.
The Contract Success Programme is based on the needs of your organisation and is dependent on your in-house capacity. You have full budget control with a single point of contact, your Procurement & Contracts Manager.
An experienced Contracts Manager will cost upwards of £50k per annum, plus wider requirements, pension, benefits and holidays. An experienced Procurement Manager costs the same or more.