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Freelance Bid Writer/Manager: Maximising Your Success in Proposal Development

Written by Thornton & Lowe


Sep 05, 2024

A freelance bid writer plays a key role in helping organisations secure contracts and funding through well-crafted proposals. This position requires a combination of writing skills, project management, and a solid understanding of public and private sector tendering.

Core Responsibilities

The main role of a freelance bid writer is to create compelling bids and proposals that align with client needs. This includes analysing tender documents and understanding the requirements set out by the client. They must gather information from various stakeholders to craft responses that highlight the organisation's strengths and capabilities. This information falls under areas like project management and relevant experience.

Additionally, they ensure that all submissions are completed on time, adhering to deadlines and guidelines. Freelance bid writers often work independently, managing their contracts while consulting with clients regularly to refine their proposals for maximum impact.

Bid Writing Process

The bid writing process begins with a deep dive into the tender requirements. Freelance bid writers must carefully read and interpret the criteria set by the issuing organisation.

Next, they develop a strategy that outlines how to structure the proposal effectively. This includes deciding on the key messages and ensuring a clear alignment with the client's objectives and project scope.

After drafting, writers revise and refine their documents, seeking feedback where necessary. This iterative process ensures that the final submission is polished and professional. Successful bid writing often requires knowledge of both the private and public sectors to address varied expectations during public sector tendering.

With attention to detail and strong writing skills, they play a vital role in helping organisations win tenders and secure contracts.

Bid writer desk coffee

Qualifications and Skills

To succeed as a freelance bid writer or manager, there isn't any specific or mandatory qualifications, but skills and experience are essential. The role demands a strong foundation in writing and management, along with effective communication abilities. Understanding the requirements helps in crafting successful bids and managing projects.

Essential Qualifications

A freelance bid writer or manager may have a degree in English, Business, or a related field to the specific sector they write for bids for, e.g. construction. Professional qualifications in project management, such as PRINCE2 or Agile, can also be beneficial.

Additionally, experience in tender writing or contract management is crucial. This hands-on experience allows for a better understanding of the bidding process. Freelancers must also be able to demonstrate strong writing skills, with evidence of successful bids. You may want to review our CPD accredited bid writing courses.

Beyond formal education, self-employed individuals should have a solid portfolio showcasing their work. This portfolio can include examples of successful tenders, proposals, and other relevant documents. All these qualifications help establish credibility in the competitive bid writing marketplace.

Desirable Skills

In addition to qualifications, certain skills set a successful bid writer apart. Effective communication is vital, as freelancers must convey ideas clearly to clients. This includes both written reports and verbal presentations.

Management skills are also important. Freelance bid writers often coordinate with various stakeholders, requiring good organisational abilities. They must meet deadlines while juggling multiple projects.

Reviewing and editing skills are necessary for refining bids. Attention to detail is important to avoid errors that could impact success. Additionally, a good understanding of the industry relevant to the bid increases the chances of success.

Lastly, self-motivation and adaptability are desirable traits. Freelancers must adapt to different client needs and industry changes, ensuring they stay relevant and competitive.

Bid Manager Skills

Building a Freelance Career

Freelancing as a bid writer can be rewarding and offers flexibility. It involves making strategic choices about transitioning to this career, networking with key contacts, and determining appropriate fees.

Transition to Freelancing

Making the shift from a full-time job to freelancing requires careful planning. It’s essential for individuals to assess their skills and determine if they align with the demands of freelance bid writing. This might include developing a portfolio that showcases previous work.

It's also vital to consider financial stability during the transition. Freelancers should save enough to cover expenses for a few months. They may start by taking on small projects while still employed. This approach can help build confidence and secure a stable income source.

Establishing a Network

Building a strong professional network is critical for success in freelance bid writing. Freelancers should attend industry events, workshops, and online forums to connect with potential clients and partners. Networking can lead to referrals and more opportunities.

Utilising social media is another effective tactic. Platforms like LinkedIn enable freelancers to showcase their skills and connect with industry professionals. Joining relevant groups or associations can offer valuable insights and resources. Collaborating with other freelancers can also be beneficial for sharing leads and opening doors to new projects.

Setting Fees and Salaries

Determining how much to charge is a crucial aspect for freelance bid writers. It is important to research industry standards and understand what clients are willing to pay. Freelancers can establish a fee structure based on their experience, project complexity, and market rates. Many writers charge hourly or project-based fees.

For insight into expected earnings, individuals can look into industry reports and resources like the Cost of Outsourced Bid Writing for an overview. Setting competitive yet fair rates is vital for sustaining a successful freelance business, ensuring both freelancer and client find value in their partnership.

Bid writer office

Operations and Project Management

Effective operations and project management are crucial for the success of freelance bid writers and managers. Their role involves not only creating compelling bids but also ensuring that projects are coordinated efficiently. Careful handling of resources and time management plays a significant part in achieving this.

Bid Project Coordination

Bid project coordination involves several key tasks. A freelance bid manager must ensure that all team members are aligned and clear about their responsibilities. This includes scheduling meetings, setting deadlines, and tracking progress.

Each bid project may require different skills. It is essential to gather a team that includes writers, consultants, and technical experts. This collaboration enhances the quality of the bid. Regular updates and communication keep everyone informed and engaged.

Responsible bid coordination also involves risk management. Identifying potential challenges early helps in planning solutions. By preparing for unforeseen issues, the team can remain focused and agile throughout the bidding process.

Time and Resource Management

Time and resource management are vital for delivering high-quality bids on schedule. A freelance bid writer must prioritise tasks effectively to ensure that deadlines are met without compromising quality. Using tools like Gantt charts can help outline timelines and deliverables. This visual representation allows for tracking progress and allocating resources more effectively.

Resource management may also includes budgeting. Understanding the costs associated with each project helps in ensuring financial viability. A well-structured budget allows for flexibility and prevents overspending.

In addition, freelancers should assess their workload realistically. Knowing when to take on new projects is crucial for maintaining a sustainable work-life balance. By managing time and resources wisely, freelance bid writers and managers can enhance their efficiency and success rate.


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Winning Strategies for Bid Writers

Successful bid writers employ specific strategies to enhance their chances of winning. Two key components are understanding win themes and effective storyboarding, which together create a compelling narrative that resonates with evaluators.

Understanding Win Themes

Win themes are central ideas that portray the unique selling points (USPs) of a bid. They highlight what makes a proposal stand out. Identifying these themes early in the bid process is crucial.

Writers should align win themes with the client's needs. Researching the client’s goals and challenges helps shape these themes. By emphasising how the proposal addresses specific concerns, bid writers can engage evaluators more effectively.

It's important to articulate the impact of each win theme. This means showing not just what they offer but how it benefits the client. For instance, if a bid offers innovation, it should highlight cost savings or improved efficiency.

Effective Storyboarding

Storyboarding is a visual planning tool that helps organise ideas and content. It allows writers to map out the structure of the proposal clearly. This method ensures all vital points are covered.

A well-structured storyboard allows the writer to weave win themes into the narrative seamlessly. Each section should build upon the last, creating a cohesive flow. Using bullet points or tables can clarify complex information, making it easy for evaluators to absorb.

Incorporating visuals into the storyboard can enhance engagement. Graphs, charts, and images can illustrate key points, making the proposal more appealing. This strategy captivates the audience and reinforces the bid's USPs effectively.

Industry-Specific Bid Writing

Bidding practices can vary greatly between sectors. Experience is key! Understanding these differences is essential for creating effective bid proposals. The requirements of a health and social care tender is of course very different from construction and facilities management, for example. While a bid writer can rely on the expertise of subject matter experts, relevant experience can save time and increase your chances of being selected for the project.

Bid Writing Process

Marketing and Communication

Effective marketing and communication are essential for a freelance bid writer or manager. A strong personal brand and persuasive communication skills can significantly enhance the chances of winning projects.

Through Bid Resource, our bid recruitment agency, Thornton & Lowe will promote your availability to our network of clients seeking bid support.

Branding as a Freelancer

Branding enables freelancers to stand out in a crowded market. A professional image can attract clients and instil confidence in potential partners. To build a brand, freelancers should consider:

  • A really good CV and bio
  • List of project wins
  • Portfolio of anonymised tender examples you have written
  • An informative website showcases skills and experience
  • Investing time into LinkedIn to build credibility, ensuring your title reflects your service (e.g. Freelance Bid Writer)

Freelancers should highlight their niche, whether it's technical writing, Social Value or creative proposals. This can set them apart from competitors.

Bidding Software

Support and Resources

Freelance bid writers and managers benefit greatly from tailored support and effective recruitment strategies. Understanding the resources available can enhance their effectiveness and improve bidding outcomes.

Bid Support Services

Bid support services are crucial for freelancers aiming to strengthen their bids. These services often include expert consultation, where experienced professionals help refine bid proposals. A skilled editor can ensure that documents are polished and convey the intended message clearly.

Additionally, freelancers can access tailored bid writing support, which helps them craft compelling narratives. With guidance on compliance and presentation, these services increase the chances of winning contracts. Hiring a bid writing consultant can bring additional expertise to developing winning proposals, as they have experience with various industries and tender requirements.

Recruitment and Team Building

Building a strong bid team is essential for successful bidding. Freelancers should consider recruitment options available for finding talented bid managers and writers. Networking within the industry can lead to valuable personal recommendations.

Using a bid recruitment service, such as our Bid Resource division, allows freelancers to identify and secure skilled professionals for their projects. These platforms simplify the process of connecting with suitable candidates who can contribute effectively to the bid. A strong team not only enhances the quality of submissions but can also provide additional insights throughout the process.

For ongoing projects, forming a cohesive team ensures diverse perspectives and expertise. This significantly boosts the team's overall capability and effectiveness in handling tenders. Emphasising team collaboration can lead to improved success rates in winning bids.

Bid writer busy desk

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Freelance bid writers and managers often face unique challenges that affect their mental health and wellbeing. Balancing multiple projects can lead to stress and burnout. At Thornton & Lowe, we are Founding Members of Neurodiversity in Business, proud members of the Association of Mental Health First Aiders and a Disability Confident Employer.

Stress Management Techniques
To manage stress effectively, professionals can use techniques such as:

  • Mindfulness: Practising mindfulness helps in staying present and focused.
  • Regular Breaks: Short breaks throughout the day can improve productivity and reduce fatigue.
  • Exercise: Regular physical activity is essential for both mental and physical health.

Work-Life Balance
Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for freelancers. Setting clear boundaries between work and personal time can prevent feelings of overwhelm.

Some tips for achieving balance include:

  • Scheduled Work Hours: Sticking to specific hours helps separate work from personal life.
  • Dedicated Workspace: Creating a designated work area can enhance focus and minimise distractions.

Prioritising mental health is vital for long-term success. Freelancers should seek support when needed. Many organisations offer resources, such as mental health support, to help manage stress and improve wellbeing.

Emphasising mental health and wellbeing contributes to a more sustainable freelance career. As they develop healthy habits, freelancers can thrive in their roles without compromising their overall health.

Bid writer desk 2

Writing and Research Techniques

Effective writing and thorough research are crucial for a successful freelance bid writer or manager. These techniques ensure that proposals are compelling and tailored to the specific tender requirements.

In-Depth Topic Research

In-depth research is vital for crafting winning proposals. A freelance bid writer must gather detailed information about the project, organisation, and industry. This includes understanding the client’s needs, expectations, and previous projects.

Using a variety of sources is essential. Writers should consult official documents, industry reports, and competitor analysis.

Creating a research checklist can enhance efficiency. The checklist might include:

  • Client background
  • Relevant regulations
  • Market trends
  • Previous tenders and feedback

By collating and analysing this information, a bid writer can tailor their arguments and demonstrate a strong understanding of the field. This specificity can significantly enhance the quality of the proposal.

Proposal Editing and Review

Editing and reviewing proposals is just as important as writing them. A successful bid writer should meticulously check for clarity, coherence, and impact. This process can make the difference between a mediocre bid and a standout one.

Key editing tips include:

  • Reviewing for grammatical and spelling errors.
  • Ensuring the proposal aligns with the tender requirements.
  • Making sure that key points are highlighted clearly.

Peer reviews can be beneficial. Asking another editor to review the proposal may provide fresh insights. This practice helps identify areas for improvement that may have been overlooked.

Effective editing ensures that the final document is polished and professional, making it more likely to impress evaluators.

You may also like our Bid Writing Ultimate Guide.

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Frequently Asked Questions

This section addresses common queries related to freelance bid writers and managers. It covers topics like determining rates, essential skills, effective strategies, job market trends, earnings comparisons, and resource availability for finding job positions.

How can I determine a fair day rate for a freelance bid writer in the UK?

To determine a fair day rate, you should consider industry standards, experience level, and specific project requirements. Factors like the complexity of the bid and client budget also play a role in setting an appropriate rate. We are happy to discuss this with you and advise.

What are the essential qualifications and skills needed to become a successful Bid Manager?

A Bid Manager typically holds a relevant degree in business, marketing, or a related field. Key skills include strong writing and communication abilities, project management experience, and an excellent understanding of both the bidding and procurement process. Familiarity with the specific industry of the bidders can also enhance effectiveness.

Which strategies are most effective when writing a bid proposal as a freelancer?

Provide realistic expectations, have a clear and transparent plan, spend time with the client to collect the information you need but also to build a relationship, and provide high levels of customer service.

What are the current job market trends for freelance bid writers and managers?

The demand for freelance bid writers and managers is growing and there is far more flexibility when it comes to remote and hybrid working.

What resources are available for finding freelance bid writer or manager positions?

Freelancers can find job opportunities through online freelance platforms, professional networking sites, and industry-specific job boards. Networking within the industry is important. At Thornton & Lowe we provide freelance bid writers, managers and directors many opportunities across our client base. Contact us -

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