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eTendersNI: Beginners Guide and Bid Writing Services

Written by Thornton & Lowe


Jul 14, 2024

e-tendering Northern Ireland (eTendersNI)

In the evolving landscape of public procurement in Northern Ireland, eTendersNI is the platform and tool for both businesses seeking to enter or expand their presence in the public sector marketplace and for contracting authorities looking to advertise tender opportunities. This platform, an integral part of the Central Procurement Directorate's strategy, simplifies the process of supplier registration, tender submissions, and compliance with the procurement act. It underscores our commitment to transparency and efficiency in public procurement, ensuring that opportunities are accessible and competitive, contributing significantly to the local economy.

This article offers a structured guide designed to aid beginners in navigating 'e tenders ni' or e-tendering for contracts in Northern Ireland. We will explore the initial steps of getting started with eTendersNI, providing insights into the tendering process, from finding opportunities to making successful tender submissions. Furthermore, recognising the challenges many face in crafting compelling bids, we will highlight available bid writing services and support mechanisms, aiming to bolster your confidence and capability in securing public contracts.

Getting Started with eTendersNI

Registration Essentials

To begin our journey with eTendersNI, we must first ensure proper registration. Visit the eTendersNI homepage and complete all required fields marked with a red asterisk. Essential information includes your organisation name, your unique nine-digit D-U-N-S number, company type, and the extent of your business activities in Northern Ireland. If you are a social economy enterprise or a voluntary/community group, this will also need to be specified. After filling out these details, you will choose a username and password for the administrator. Remember, there is no charge for obtaining a D-U-N-S number, which can be requested through the Dun & Bradstreet website if your organisation does not already have one.

Accessing the Portal

Once registered, a verification email will be sent to your administrator containing a transaction number. You must enter this number on the eTendersNI registration screen to activate your account. This initial setup is crucial as attempts to log on before receiving this email will be unsuccessful. After verification, accept the User Agreement to finalise your registration. You can then familiarise yourself with the portal's layout and functionalities, including viewing current opportunities, accessing help guides, and understanding public procurement policies. This preparation will equip us to effectively engage with the eTendersNI system and optimise our procurement strategies.

Navigating the Tendering Process

Finding Relevant Tenders

To effectively navigate the tendering process on eTendersNI, start by utilising the search function to identify which tenders have been published. It's crucial to regularly check back to see the status of tenders—whether they are open for submission, at the tender evaluation stage, or have already been awarded. Familiarise yourself with the Call for Tender menu to understand how to create and submit a tender successfully. Additionally, viewing the latest Calls for Tenders publications will aid in searching for relevant tender opportunities that align with your business capabilities.

You can see how our free software Tender Pipeline includes tenders from across Northern Ireland.

Pre-Qualification Questionnaires (PQQs)

Engaging with the tendering process often begins with a Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ). This step is vital as it helps procurement organisations create a shortlist of potential suppliers. The criteria during this pre-qualification typically relate to your organisation's financial stability, technical expertise, and professional capabilities. Ensure that you have all necessary certifications such as Quality, Health and Safety, and Environmental certificates. It's also beneficial to prepare detailed information about your company, including business structure, previous project experience, and available resources, which will be required in the PQQ.

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Bid Writing Services and Support

Engaging professional bid writing services can significantly enhance your chances of securing lucrative contracts. These services not only free up your time to focus on core business operations but also bring a level of expertise and an external perspective that might not be available in-house.

Benefits of Professional Bid Writing Services

  1. Expertise and Experience: Professional bid writers bring a wealth of knowledge and experience across various sectors. Their understanding of what evaluators look for in a bid can be the key to success.
  2. Time-Saving: Preparing bids can be time-consuming. Outsourcing this task allows you to concentrate on running your business while experts handle the complexities of bid preparation.
  3. Quality and Compliance: With their sharp attention to detail, bid writers ensure that every aspect of the bid is compliant with the tender requirements and free of errors, significantly boosting your chances of winning.
  4. Tailored Responses: Bid writing services provide customised solutions that highlight your business’s strengths and address potential weaknesses, ensuring that your bid stands out in a competitive field.

The Procurement Act (2023) and Northern Ireland

Here we will highlight the exemptions and differences to the main rules of the Procurement Act 2023 as they apply to contracting authorities in Northern Ireland. It highlights specific considerations for transferred Northern Ireland authorities and procurements under transferred Northern Ireland procurement arrangements.

Exemptions and Differences

  1. National and Wales Procurement Policy Statements
    • These do not apply to procurements under a transferred Northern Ireland procurement arrangement or by a transferred Northern Ireland authority, except for reserved procurement arrangements.
  2. Pipeline Notices
    • Transferred Northern Ireland authorities are not required to publish pipeline notices.
  3. Publishing Contract Details
    • The requirement to publish a copy of the contract along with the contract details notice does not apply to contracts awarded by transferred Northern Ireland authorities unless under a reserved procurement arrangement.
  4. Contract Change Notices and Payment Details
    • Transferred Northern Ireland authorities are exempt from publishing contract change notices and details of contract payments over £30,000 unless the contract is under a reserved procurement arrangement.
  5. Prompt Payment Measures
    • Additional prompt payment measures, such as implied 30-day payment terms and publishing payment compliance notices, do not apply to transferred Northern Ireland authorities.
  6. Procurement Investigations
    • Procurement investigations do not apply to Northern Ireland departments, although they may be bound by recommendations issued.
  7. Regulated Below-Threshold Contracts
    • Part 6 of the Procurement Act, which deals with regulated below-threshold contracts, does not apply to transferred Northern Ireland authorities or procurements under a transferred Northern Ireland procurement arrangement.

Definitions to Familiarise

  1. Transferred Northern Ireland Authority
    • An authority whose functions are exercisable only in Northern Ireland and do not relate to reserved or excepted matters (Northern Ireland Act 1998).
  2. Procurement Arrangement
    • Includes frameworks, dynamic markets, or procedures carried out jointly by multiple authorities or a centralised procurement authority.
  3. Transferred Northern Ireland Procurement Arrangement
    • Includes frameworks awarded, dynamic markets established, or centralised procurement authorities designated by transferred Northern Ireland authorities.
  4. Reserved Procurement Arrangement
    • An arrangement not considered devolved Welsh, transferred Northern Ireland, or devolved Scottish procurement arrangements.

Action Points for Suppliers and Bidders

  • Understand the Exemptions: Be aware of the specific exemptions applicable to transferred Northern Ireland authorities.
  • Stay Compliant: Ensure all submissions adhere to the defined requirements unless exempted.
  • Familiarise with Definitions: Understand the relevant definitions and how they impact procurement processes.
  • Monitor Updates: Keep abreast of any changes or updates to the Procurement Act and related policies.

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