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Procurement compliance, contract management & value for money services
Taking the stress out of organising your current bids and planning your pipeline
Helping you to produce a comprehensive and compliant CRP
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AI-based bid writing tools
Finding tenders that suit your business
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How to sell your goods and services to UK government agencies
Jan 07, 2020
Public Contracts Scotland: How Do You Find Them?New OJEU Thresholds: 2020 Every 2 years The European Commission...
Apr 05, 2018
Rail Contracts - A wealth of opportunities for SMEs.Many rail industry contracts will be put out to tender...
Dec 06, 2016
What Factors Influence UK Government Decisions When Outsourcing Contracts?Procurement decisions heavily influenced by price, trust and quality survey...
Sep 08, 2016
Advice on winning public sector contracts£1 in every £3 to be spent with an SME...
Mar 29, 2016
New legislation makes it easier for SMEs to bid for public sector contracts, Are you tender ready?To help small businesses apply for public sector contracts, a...
Feb 12, 2016
How to overcome a lack of time and resource in bidding for construction contractsThe Government has asserted its goal to improve localism and...
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