The Technology Products and Services 2 Framework aims to provide Public Sector buyers with a simple, flexible and efficient way to purchase technology products and associated services. See details for the updated TS4.
This includes, but is not limited to:
- Laptops
- Desktops
- Mobile phone
- Printers and scanners
- Servers
- Storage disposal
- Refurbished/repurposed devices
- Off-the-shelf software and associated services
This is a Crown Commercial Services (CCS) Framework, available to all public sector buyers from across the UK. Established in 2022, this now replaces the current Technology Products and Associated Services (TePAS) Framework but will offer the same range of products and services. With a big focus on sustainability, the new government framework is intended to allow buyers to buy products and services from resellers and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in an environmentally conscious and cost-effective manner.
Technology Products and Services 2 is projected to have the same overall spend as the previous version of the framework, at around £8bn. TePAS, which ran from 2019 and is due to end in December 2023, has allowed buyers to select products and solutions from 40 suppliers across 4 Lots. Over 60% of suppliers on the previous framework are SMEs.
However, as per recent market engagement activities, the Lot structure has been altered to encompass 8 Lots, instead of the previous 4.
Lot | Description | Scope |
1 | Hardware & Software & Associated Services | End-user devices, infrastructure and software |
2 | Hardware and Associated Services | End-user devices and infrastructure |
3 | Software and Associated Services | General software |
4 | Information Assured Products & Associated Services | High-security accreditation products |
5 | Health and Social Care Technology | Health-specific technology products |
6 | Education Technology | Education-specific technology products |
7 | Sustainability & Circular IT | Refurbished kit and secure disposal services |
8 | Catalogue | Catalogue function for lower-value products |
In 2021/22 a total of over £2.8 billion of public money was spent by using CCS agreements.
Offering a ‘one-stop shop’ for customers, the new framework aims to provide a complete range of technology products and services for various purchase models. It also seeks to simplify the customer experience, enabling sustainability by providing end-to-end services for the lifecycle of technology products.
As per the announcement at the Market Engagement session at the end of October, the timeline for this procurement exercise is as follows:
Activity | Date |
Final Business Case | November 2022 |
Bid Pack Preparation | December 2022/ January 2023 |
Contract Notice Available on Find A Tender | February 2023 |
Framework Award | September 2023 |
Project Goes Live | October 2023 |
Length of Framework | 30 Months with an extension of up to 18 months |
Buyers for the current framework purchase a wide variety of products through further competitions, spanning items such as desktop computers, tablets and laptops through to Microsoft Office software suites and encryption software for high security buyers such as the MoD. Due to the change in Lot structure, there are additional requirements for TePAS 2, including Education and Healthcare-specific technology products and a specific Lot for refurbished IT hardware and disposal.
Based on what we know about the previous TePAS Framework, we can expect the new framework to last 4 years. Each previous iteration of this framework has had a strong focus on accessibility for SME suppliers, and it is anticipated that Technology Products and Services 2 will be no different.
As the documentation for this iteration has yet to be formally released and market engagement is currently ongoing, the full details of this framework are not yet publicly available. As with all large government frameworks, the application process can be intensive to ensure the suitability of suppliers.
Tender documentation is expected to be released in February 2023, as per the timeframe given during the Market Engagement event, when the number of suppliers sought per Lot should also be announced. As with all frameworks, winning a place on them doesn’t automatically guarantee work from it. However, it is still a great way to secure a pipeline of work.
As part of your bid, you’ll almost certainly be required to complete a mandatory Standard Selection Questionnaire document which is split into three parts:
Part 1 - This covers basic information about you, including contact details, trade memberships, details of any parent companies and group bidding
Part 2 - This covers a self-declaration to confirm whether any of the exclusion grounds apply. For example, fraud or corruption
Part 3 - This covers a self-declaration to confirm that you meet the selection criteria in respect of financial standing and technical capacity
Part 3 will cover things such as:
- Economic and Financial Standing - CCS will ask for evidence to demonstrate your financial stability. This is usually in the form of accounts
- Technical and Professional Ability - You’ll need to provide Case Studies of your experience in providing the required services/products. Any information around KPIs, testimonials, volumes of work you currently deliver are key to this section
- Insurance levels – These are usually set out at £5 million, as a minimum, for Employers’, Public and Professional Liability
From what we know about CCS Frameworks, holding a valid and current Cyber Essentials Certificate is also an essential requirement. This must be either a Cyber Essentials Basic Certificate or the Cyber Essentials Plus Certificate. From the previous iteration, suppliers on Lot 4 for Information Assured Products are also required to be List X accredited.
The qualitative score will be assessed through a number of written questions. From what we've seen from other recent CCS IT procurement, these are likely to be tightly character limited. Their preference lately has been to use questions which provide detailed guidance and specific sub-criteria to answer which against the character counts, mean that conciseness is key. Addressing all criteria sufficiently is also a must to score highly meaning that detail is important, as is evidence (even if the room is restricted for this).
There will of course also be some form of pricing schedule or catalogue to complete, though all of this, and the precise weightings for each will be apparent upon Framework launch
So that you’re in the best possible position to complete your bid when the application process opens, it’s important to get this information in place now.
Previously, with TePAS, the process to secure work through the Framework was through further competition, although we don’t expect this to be altered significantly, there could be new additions to the types of questions asked.
With Social Value becoming on even bigger focus within public sector tendering, TePAS 2 is looking to reflect this by announcing at their recent market engagement event plans to reflect current government Procurement Policy Notes and social value themes including combatting climate change, tackling economic inequality, providing equal opportunities and wellbeing.
Whilst we await the official requirements and scoring for TePAS 2, due February 2023 as per the Market Engagement event, we can look to the previous iteration for guidance as to what can be expected in terms of criteria. TePAS used a relatively uncommon scoring system, whereby the weighting of the quality and pricing submissions were changeable dependent upon the further competition requirements. Thus individual buyers on the framework could decide to evaluate pricing as being worth anywhere between 10% to 100% of the total score for example.
Previously, the quality submission had been scored using these criteria:
- Quality and further product discretion
- Buyer service and satisfaction
- Logistics and delivery capabilities
- Goods and service fitness for people
- Understanding buyer needs
- Associated services as described within the Lot
Looking at these areas, there are things that companies who wish to bid can do right now to get ahead and prepare for the formal release of TePAS2. Creating key elements such as method statements or organisational charts and making sure critical documents such as CVs and case studies are up to date and relevant to this framework will save both time and resources further down the line.
Whilst the specifics of the Technology Products and Services 2 requirements are yet to be confirmed, there are several areas that Thornton & Lowe can support you with now so that once the tender is released, you are in the best position to win work. This could include reviewing your current/previous content, supporting you to compile key information and evidence, conducting targeted research or reviewing/improving your bid process to ensure that you can get the most from the available time.
As professional bid writers, we can also help you respond to Crown Commercial Services tenders, such as Technology Products and Services 2 once it is released. Our bid consultancy services will ensure you fully understand the requirements for this critical tender. Our services include but are not limited to:
- End to End Bid Management - managing your bid for Technology Products and Services 2 from conception to completion
- Support for Specific Bid Elements - targeted support to areas such as case studies, additional evidence or social responsibility
- Read, Review and Comment - expert feedback to add value to your bid
- Bid Design - bringing structure and a professional, brand oriented design to support your bid
Thornton & Lowe can help you add significant value to your offering, showcasing your services to win work on this competitive framework.
Get notifications of Future Tenders of this type
Tender | Value | Published | Deadline | Re-Tender/End Date | |||||||
Estates: Digital Nexus - Phase A Enabling WorksUK Guardbridge University of St AndrewsPhase A Enabling Works is associated with the demolition of the existing Technology Centre building to allow construction of the new Digital Nexus Building.The works include; demolishing the full building, grubbing up of the foundations, the removal, diversion and or capping off to the services & service ducts and finally leaving the site safe and level.
250000 | 2025-03-24 | 2025-04-11 | ||||||||
Flexible Framework for Vocational and Skills Based InterventionsUK Motherwell North Lanarkshire CouncilThe Council is seeking to establish a Flexible Framework Agreement with external learning providers for the provision of vocational education and skill-based courses for young people across school establishments.The primary aim of this framework is to enhance the employability skills and post school pathways that will better equip our young people for the world of work. A significant focus of this framework will be to ensure adequate specialistprovision is available for our schools and programmes supporting pupils with complex and additional needs.A key focus of this provision will be on young people pursuing well designed study courses that:-better equips young people for the world of work-meets their clear career aspirations linked to local labour market information-develop meta skills identified by employers as essential when recruiting young people-equip young people with the experiences and attributes to develop their employability skills-have a strong focus on work related learning and occupational development.-are levelled in the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) e.g. City and Guilds, Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), Business and Technology Education Council (BTEC), Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI)This framework will not include vocational and skills-based provision delivered by further education colleges/universities or under school/college partnership arrangements.Further education colleges, primarily New College Lanarkshire, will provide many vocational education courses for young people in the council’s secondaryestablishments.
5000000 | 2025-03-11 | 2025-04-10 | ||||||||
HOP2 Phase 3 Scope 2 – Electrolyser Marinisation, Technology QualificationUK Aberdeen Net Zero Technology Centre LimitedHOP2 Phase 3 Scope 2 – Electrolyser Marinisation, Technology Qualification
2025-03-03 | 2025-03-13 | |||||||||
BHCC JB Bus Shelters and Advertising ConcessionUK BHCC City TransportThe successful contractor is required to provide a full package of services which include: Supplying and installing additional bus shelters at new locations and replacing life expired shelters as identified by the Asset Management Plan. Locations and types to be to be determined by THE COUNCIL. The cost of supply and installation of these shelters will be met by THE COUNCIL and will not exceed more than 20 in any one year, or 95 over 10 years. The successful contractor will be responsible for cleaning and maintaining these shelters throughout the course of the contract. Supply & install screen based technology for digital shelters Remove & make good shelters where no longer required, e.g. where a bus route has been permanently withdrawn. (The cost of these removals shall be met by THE COUNCIL) Replace advertising and non-advertising bus shelters in the portfolio according to the schedule set out in section 4. Maintain, repair and replace bus shelter and taxi shelter sites. Cleaning of bus shelter and taxi shelter sites. Advertising on bus shelter sites. The contractor will have liability for all electrical supply and maintenance costs including the costs of dealing with utility suppliers. Additional information: Full details on this tender can be downloaded from the SE Shared Services website here: Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No
87516000 | 2025-02-21 | |||||||||
International Selling Programme FrameworkUK Glasgow Scottish EnterpriseThe purpose of this ITT is to appoint a single supplier to a Framework Agreement to deliver the International Selling Programme (ISP) Framework, which is a package of support targeted at helping Scottish based exporting companies navigate complex B2B sales cycles and close deals with confidence. Over 12 cohorts of companies have now been managed through the programme and SE wishes to deliver a further programme of 6 cohorts aimed primarily at the energy sector (wind generation and hydrogen). Companies sitting within science & technology sectors (mainly healthcare) may also form a cohort.It is anticipated that the Framework Agreement will start on May 2025 and conclude May 2027. After this period, Scottish Enterprise will have the option to extend the Framework Agreement for a further period of 12 months if required.The value of the Framework Agreement is expected to be in the region of between GBP150,000 and GBP200,000 excluding VAT.
200000 | 2025-02-21 | 2025-03-27 | ||||||||
Energy Efficiency & Renewable Technology DPSUK Livingston LHC Procurement Group for the Scottish Procurement Alliance (SPA)This Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) has been established to support the inspection, repair, and replacement of energy efficiency measures and renewable technology installations.The DPS will operate independently but will complement the LHCPG N9 framework, ensuring that a comprehensive range of renewable and energy-efficient solutions are accessible. The scope of this DPS includes:- Heating and ventilation- Electrical energy systems- Insulation- Metering and controls- Emerging technologies- Multidisciplinary servicesThe aim is to provide contracting authorities with a flexible route to procure innovative, low-carbon solutions that align with sustainability goals, funding requirements, and regulatory compliance.Given the evolving nature of the renewable energy sector, this DPS has been structured to allow for future expansion, with the flexibility to introduce additional lots in response to market demand. This ensures that emerging technologies and government-backed initiatives, such as hydrogen heating, BIM solutions, smart metering, and multidisciplinary renewable projects, can be incorporated without requiring a new procurement process. In line with Public Contracts Regulations (PCR) 2015, any future modifications will be transparently managed, ensuring compliance while maintaining an agile approach to procurement. Through this DPS, public sector bodies will have access to qualified suppliers who can deliver high-quality, energy-efficient solutions that contribute to decarbonisation targets and environmental sustainability.
30000000 | 2025-02-19 | 2029-02-19 | ||||||||
PfH Energy Supply and Associated Services DPSUK Stirling Procurement for Housing Ltd (t/a PfH Scotland)Established in 2004, Procurement for Housing (PfH) is a national procurement consortium dedicated to the social housing sector and supported by the National Housing Federation (NHF), Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) and HouseMark. Collectively our Members manage more than 90% of UK’ social housing stock, with PfH helping them to achieve efficiency savings using a wide range of services including framework agreements, dynamic purchasing systems, spend analyses, strategy reviews, consolidated billing and comprehensive reporting. PfH is a contracting authority under Regulation 2 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (“PCR 2015”) and a central purchasing body under regulation 37 PCR 2015.Please refer to for additional information.PfH is administered by Inprova Limited and is headquartered in the North West of England with over 20 years of expertise and experience offering a complete procurement solutions package across outsourcing, technology and consultancy. By integrating procurement services and technology, Inprova operates as a delivery partner, supporting business performance improvement for the public sector.
500000000 | 2025-02-14 | 2029-02-22 | ||||||||
Supply of Tree Nursery & Glasshouse Growing Sundry ItemsUK Inverness Forestry and Land ScotlandForestry and Land Scotland (FLS) intend to appoint a Framework Agreement for the Supply of Tree Nursery & Glasshouse Sundry Items following the redevelopment project at our Newton Nursery, Elgin.Newton Nursery was established by the Forestry Commission in 1931, and it has not seen significant investment since the early 1980s, when the facilities were developed to service a growing programme of three (3) to four (4) million trees per year.The annual requirement has doubled since then, and will need to double again in the coming years. The redevelopment project is seeking to utilise innovative technology alongside developing the physical estate to meet these needs, now and into the future.Part of the redevelopment is the construction of a new state-of-the-art 12,000m2 Glasshouse, which will be around the size of two (2) football pitches and capable of growing up to nineteen (19) million trees per year. This modern addition will revolutionise our approach by providing a controlled environment to nurture our seedlings. By shielding them from invasive weeds and curious critters, FLS anticipate a significant boost in our germination success rate, aiming to achieve an impressive 80% germination rate for our seeds. Construction is anticipated to be completed by December 2024.Once the redevelopment is complete, Newton could have up to twenty-five (25) million trees growing on site in any one year, a significant increase from the seven (7) million trees FLS are currently able to produce.This tender exercise is for the sundry items that will be required for both the tree nursery and the new glasshouse.
2300000 | 2025-01-20 | 2025-02-24 | ||||||||
PfH Business Solutions and Supply Management FrameworkUK Stirling Procurement for Housing Ltd (t/a PfH Scotland)Established in 2004, Procurement for Housing (PfH) is a national procurement consortium dedicated to the social housing sector andsupported by the National Housing Federation (NHF), Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) and HouseMark. Collectively our Membersmanage more than 90% of UK’ social housing stock, with PfH helping them to achieve efficiency savings using a wide range of servicesincluding framework agreements, dynamic purchasing systems, spend analyses, strategy reviews, consolidated billing and comprehensivereporting. PfH is a contracting authority under Regulation 2 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (“PCR 2015”) and a centralpurchasing body under regulation 37 PCR 2015.Please refer to for additional information.PfH is administered by Inprova Limited (Inprova) and is headquartered in the North West of England with over 20 years of expertise andexperience offering a complete procurement solutions package across outsourcing, technology and consultancy. By integratingprocurement services and technology, Inprova operates as a delivery partner supporting business performance improvement for both publicand private sector clients.PfH is seeking experienced suppliers to establish a framework agreement for a range of Business Solution needs, including Janitorial, Office and Business and Printing. The framework will be constructed of ten lots.
137525000 | 2025-01-06 | 2025-02-11 | ||||||||
Provision of Economic Assessment and Social Acceptability of Emerging Low Carbon Aviation Technologies in the Highlands and Islands of ScotlandUK Thurso UHI North,West and HebridesSATE Partners have ambition to enhance rural connectivity, support emergency provision and develop new economic opportunities across the Highlands and Islands. To support this, the contractor is required to undertake qualitative and quantitative assessment of the economic and social benefits (and constraints) that may derive from commercial deployment of each type of technology across the Highlands and Islands region.As part of this, the contractor is required to assess how emerging low-carbon aviation technologies may help to improve the lives, and livelihoods, of people living at 5 specific locations. Wider assessment across the Highland and Islands should be undertaken through structured survey.The findings of this contract will be used by SATE partners to direct investment and support, and to promote the implementation of sustainable aviation across the region.
20000 | 2024-12-23 | 2025-01-20 | ||||||||
Multiplex Spatial Biology Digital Imaging Platform using DNA bar-coding technologyUK Dundee University of DundeeThe University of Dundee School of Medicine require a spatial biology platform to embed this cutting-edge technology to map the spatial architecture of cells and phenotypic profiles within tissue samples. This new technology for the University will enable deep characterisation of tissues to identify which cells are present, where they are located in tissue, their biomarker co-expression patterns, and how they organize and interact to influence the tissue microenvironment.
2024-10-30 | 2024-11-28 | |||||||||
Procurement for Housing Planned Works (Scotland) FrameworkUK Stirling Procurement for Housing Ltd (t/a PfH Scotland)Established in 2004, Procurement for Housing (PfH) is a national procurement consortium dedicated to the social housing sector and supported by the National Housing Federation (NHF), Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) and HouseMark. Collectively our Members manage more than 90% of UK’ social housing stock, with PfH helping them to achieve efficiency savings using a wide range of services including framework agreements, dynamic purchasing systems, spend analyses, strategy reviews, consolidated billing and comprehensive reporting.PfH is a contracting authority under Regulation 2 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015 (“PCSR 2015”) and a central purchasing body under Regulation 38 of PCSR 2015.PfH is administered by Inprova Limited and is headquartered in the North West of England with over 20 years of expertise and experience offering a complete procurement solutions package across outsourcing, technology and consultancy. By integrating procurement services and technology, Inprova operates as a delivery partner, supporting business performance improvement for the public sector.PfH Scotland is seeking suitably qualified and experienced Suppliers to be part of it's Planned Works Framework. The framework will operate across Scotland and will cover 12 lots.
380000000 | 2024-10-25 | 2024-12-16 | ||||||||
US MarketBooster Programme - Co-working Space and Supporting ServicesUK Glasgow Scottish EnterpriseThe purpose of this ITT is to appoint a single supplier to provide co-working space and supporting services on the San Francisco Bay Peninsula, bounded by Burlinghame in the North and Palo Alto in the South to a cohort of Scottish science and technology companies, as set out in the Invitation to Tender documentation, to Scottish Enterprise.It is anticipated that the contract will start in March 2025 for a period of 13 months. The value of the contract is expected to be in the region of between GBP70,000 and GBP85,000 excluding VAT.
85000 | 2024-10-02 | 2024-10-22 | ||||||||
US MarketBooster Programme - Consultancy ServicesUK Glasgow Scottish EnterpriseThe main services being procured via this contract are to deliver customised, intensive, immersive wrap-around support to a cohort of 6 Scottish technology companies (up to 2 individuals per company) that will a) prepare them for the US market b) help them validate their product fit for the US market c) enable their sales effort and d) craft a US strategy and execution plan appropriate for US investor/board level meetings.
110000 | 2024-09-06 | 2024-09-27 | ||||||||
EC1024 - Assistive TechnologyUK Edinburgh University Of EdinburghInvitation to Tender for The Provision of Assistive Technology for the University of Edinburgh.
350000 | 2024-09-05 | 2024-10-07 | ||||||||
Supply of an Intravascular Ultrasound System and related accessories, consumables, service & maintenanceUK Dundee University of DundeeUniversity of Dundee Image Guided Therapy Research Facility requires an Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS) to provide detailed guidance of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) from pre‐interventional lesion characterization, including plaque morphology, lesion length, and reference vessel diameter, to post‐interventional IVUS to assess the stent result including minimal stent area and stent expansion.This equipment will enhance training in current clinical pathways and treatment protocols. The IVUS technology allows for precise vessel assessment and sizing prior to site visits, which is invaluable for training, device testing, and research. Additionally, the capability to capture pre- and post-procedure images is highly appealing to those seeking proof of concept for regulatory approval.
2024-09-02 | 2024-09-20 | |||||||||
Management of Vacant PropertiesUK Glenrothes Fife CouncilFife Council manages a portfolio of domestic and non-domestic buildings. (Circa 30,000 domestic and 2,000 non)If these buildings become vacant there is a need to manage the risk that unoccupied building present to both Fife Council and local communities.As part of this management there is a need to reduce opportunities for unlawful activities, vandalism, drug use, theft, arson etc. To assist in this the engagement of a Vacant property management contractor to carry out numerous activities such as but not limited to- On site survey and advice- Fencing and measures to prevent Vehicle access- Site and Building clearance (vegetation, needles, general items within property)- Various shuttering options, ply, perma steel, poly carbonate.- Frequent site inspections (Internal/External)- Installation of proprietary steel doors- Addition of monitored technology- CCTV- Image capture- Temporary intruder and fire alarms- 24/7 site attendance in response to monitored concerns
900000 | 2024-08-29 | 2024-10-01 | ||||||||
Provision of Science and Technology Uniform PPEUK Motherwell New College LanarkshireThe Authority is seeking a Contractor(s) for the Provision of Science and Technology Uniform PPE and related services. The purpose of the exercise is to ensure the College engages a Supplier to achieve ‘best value for money’ and a high-quality service on behalf of the students for the supply and fitting of Uniform PPE across Healthcare, Childcare, and Science and Technology.
80000 | 2024-08-21 | 2024-09-11 | ||||||||
CivTech 10 - Wildcard Challenge 10.10 - How can technology help make teachers’ workload be more manageable, enabling them to focus on the activities that add the most value to learners’ outcomes?UK Glasgow Scottish GovernmentTeachers play a pivotal role in not just the education of children and young people but in the wider communities they are part of. This role has become increasingly evident throughout the recovery from the Covid 19 pandemic however this has also placed significant additional pressures on teachers. This challenge is seeking to explore ways in which technology could support a reduction in workload, allowing teachers to focus their time on the activities which make the biggest contribution to outcomes for learners.
650000 | 2024-08-06 | 2024-09-10 | ||||||||
CivTech 10 - Wildcard Challenge 10.11 - How can technology help early-stage entrepreneurs by giving them the best possible information, advice and other forms of support in a way that is fast and easy to access, helping establish Scotland as a Start-Up Nation?UK Glasgow Scottish GovernmentThere is a huge range of support available for businesses in Scotland, coming from both the public and private sectors. However, finding and accessing the support most relevant for an individual business can be challenging, many of the approaches to delivery of business support rely on traditional models of delivery, and few have embraced the possibilities of advanced AI. So, this Challenge seeks to explore how technology could be applied to develop new innovative and highly effective business support models, with an initial focus on support for pre-start, start-up, and early-stage businesses.How can AI, if applied in really imaginative and innovative ways, make major beneficial impacts in this area?
350000 | 2024-08-06 | 2024-09-10 | ||||||||
Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of an Automated Dosing Platform for CMACUK Glasgow University of StrathclydeThis Contract Notice relates to a tender opportunity to provide the Continuous Manufacturing and Advanced Crystallisation centre (CMAC) with an Automated Dosing Platform to operate in their existing world class research facility in the Technology and Innovation Centre at the University of Strathclyde. This Lotted Contract will be awarded in whole, in part or not at all.A sole supplier will be appointed to the each of the awarded Lots.The platform will integrate with third party workflow software to dose specific amounts of solids and/or liquids to vials of a given size. CMAC are looking for solid and liquid dosing capability from the offered system(s). Tenderers will be able to submit a bid for either as a single combined solid & liquid dosing system or as a separate solid dosing platform and/or liquid dosing platform.
2024-08-02 | 2024-09-09 | |||||||||
PFH Fire Safety Works FrameworkUK Warrington Procurement for Housing Ltd (t/a PfH Scotland)Established in 2004, Procurement for Housing (PfH) is a national procurement consortium dedicated to the social housing sector and supported by the National Housing Federation (NHF), Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) and HouseMark. Collectively our Members manage more than 90% of UK’ social housing stock, with PfH helping them to achieve efficiency savings using a wide range of services including framework agreements, dynamic purchasing systems, spend analyses, strategy reviews, consolidated billing and comprehensive reporting.PfH is a contracting authority under Regulation 2 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (“PCR 2015”) and a central purchasing body under regulation 37 PCR 2015.Please refer to for additional information.PfH is administered by Inprova Limited (Inprova) and is headquartered in the North West of England with over 20 years of expertise and experience offering a complete procurement solutions package across outsourcing, technology and consultancy. By integrating procurement services and technology, Inprova operates as a delivery partner supporting business performance improvement for both public and private sector clients.PfH is seeking qualified and experienced contractors and suppliers to establish a framework agreement for a range of fire safety works measures. The framework will be divided into seven lots with regions and value bands. A separate framework has recently been procured for Fire Safety Consultancy services.The framework will initially be awarded for three years with the option to extend for a further year.PfH intend to award places on the framework to 5 supplier’s per region and value band but reserve the right to award greater or fewer places depending on the bids received.
300000000 | 2024-08-02 | 2024-09-12 | ||||||||
CivTech 10.5 - How might we use technology to better understand the supply and demand of digital economy skills at the regional level - both today and in the future.UK Glasgow Glasgow City CouncilAction needs to be taken to address the digital and technical skills gap in Scotland. On the precipice of a transformative decade for industries, there remains uncertainty about exactly what type of digital skills will be required including the dramatic difference AI could make. This Challenge will better understand the changing needs of employers and recruiters in the market as well as the available talent emerging through education and training provision. In particular, there is little granular data available at Glasgow City Region level on both the supply and demand of professional digital skills. By using technology to understand the data and identify the gaps it will inform policy and the necessary interventions required across the Glasgow City Region.
650000 | 2024-07-30 | 2024-09-10 | ||||||||
CivTech 10.7 - How can technology help us deliver high-quality, scalable, public participation in decision-making, inspiring trust around ethical data use and sharing, AI, and wider public good activities?UK Glasgow Scottish GovernmentA continuous and systematic public dialogue on uses of public data and AI would help us better understand and act on the public’s expectations, thereby cultivating greater trust, while realising emerging technologies’ benefits for public services.Continuous public dialogues would also let the public’s wishes contribute to evidence-led policy making, in real-time. However, under financial pressures, high-quality participation approaches can be too resource intensive for governments to use more widely.Could technology help deliver high-quality, efficient, and scalable participation in Scottish Government decisions?
650000 | 2024-07-30 | 2024-09-10 | ||||||||
CivTech Challenge 10.4 - How can technology make the sharing of data across organisations with separate legal obligations as seamless and easy to manage as possible, and so encourage activity that could maximise public good outcomes, including but not limited to the use of AI and automated data analysis?UK Glasgow Scottish GovernmentThere are thousands of requests for data to be shared across multiple organisations in the Scottish Public Sector, feeding a wide range of different statistics and analysis which in turn provide the evidence to inform policy and operational decisions. In order to make sure regular decisions are informed by the latest information the process might be more automated for gaining approval for reusing public data and demonstrating this approval for each subsequent update.
650000 | 2024-07-30 | 2024-09-10 | ||||||||
CivTech 10.6 - How can we use technology to administer, measure and predict the performance in regard to carbon of Woodland Carbon Code and Peatland Code projects more coherently, efficiently and effectively?UK Edinburgh Scottish ForestryThe UK Woodland Carbon Code (WCC) and Peatland Code (PC) are at slightly differing stages of their development, and deal with two very different habitat types. However, they are the two major, government-endorsed and ISO certified voluntary carbon standards within the UK, and both share similar administrative processes that help ensure a robust and auditable carbon credit scheme.Advances in both technology and project design mean there are opportunities to help drive efficiencies in each scheme, with a view to reducing administrative burden for landowners, brokers, project developers, buyers and the staff running the projects.
650000 | 2024-07-30 | 2024-09-10 | ||||||||
CivTech 10.1 - How can technology be used to improve situational awareness for emergency responders, before, during and after a wide range of incidents — looking first at the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service?UK Cambuslang Scottish Fire and Rescue ServiceWithin the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) responders are faced with a limited ability to access accurate real-time data and information on the scale of the incident to determine resources required both before, during and after incidents. This Challenge needs to be solved in order to equip fire fighters with accurate and reliable information, continuing to improve Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s (SFRS) ability to save and preserve life and protect the public through prevention and response. It will also improve the safety of fire fighters and improve incident commander decision making.
650000 | 2024-07-30 | 2024-09-10 | ||||||||
CivTech 10.8 - How can technology reduce pharmaceutical waste?UK Glasgow Scottish GovernmentWaste of prescribed pharmaceutical items is a major issue. In 2015 NHS England conservatively estimated that at least GBP300 million was spent on unused medicines. In addition, unwanted and unused medicines are often disposed of incorrectly, and this has significant, negative environmental and pollution impacts. Both the prevention of over-prescribing, over-ordering or unnecessary dispensing of medicine, and the return of unused medicines in a way that they can be safely put back into the system have the potential to markedly improve the situation.So how can technology reduce pharmaceutical waste?
1300000 | 2024-07-30 | 2024-09-10 | ||||||||
CivTech 10.8 - How can technology reduce pharmaceutical waste?UK Glasgow Scottish GovernmentWaste of prescribed pharmaceutical items is a major issue. In 2015 NHS England conservatively estimated that at least GBP300 million was spent on unused medicines. In addition, unwanted and unused medicines are often disposed of incorrectly, and this has significant, negative environmental and pollution impacts. Both the prevention of over-prescribing, over-ordering or unnecessary dispensing of medicine, and the return of unused medicines in a way that they can be safely put back into the system have the potential to markedly improve the situation.So how can technology reduce pharmaceutical waste?
1300000 | 2024-07-30 | 2024-09-10 | ||||||||
CivTech Challenge 10.3 - How can technology help improve the monitoring and protection of seabirds in various environments, focussing initially on the challenge of monitoring puffins above and below ground?UK Inverness Scottish Natural HeritageYou would think that with a bird as iconic as the puffin, we would know how many of them we have in the UK and how successful a breeding colony is in any year. Yet, of all the seabirds we are internationally responsible for, the puffin is one of the hardest to count because they breed in burrows underground. Traditional methods are either extremely labour intensive, with specialised fieldworkers required for counts, or can only give us an indication of how many puffins there are on land or on sea. It is also hard to tell how successfully they are managing to breed.
650000 | 2024-07-30 | 2024-09-10 | ||||||||
CivTech Challenge 10.2 - How can technology identify and measure firefighter exposure to contaminants across a wide range of incidents?UK Cambuslang Scottish Fire and Rescue ServiceFirefighters are routinely exposed to a variety of contaminants during and after fire incidents. These contaminants can include chemical, biological, and particulate matter that pose significant health risks. The issue of contaminant exposure is both an emerging area of concern and study, with the safety of firefighters, staff, and the public being paramount. With contaminants identified, the risks that exposure to contaminants pose to firefighters at an incident, or to firefighters, staff, and members of the public (that come into contact with firefighting personnel and equipment post incident), can be better understood and managed. Having a better understanding of data of contamination by individual and cumulative exposure would be a significant development in further enhancing the safety of firefighters, staff, and the public.
650000 | 2024-07-30 | 2024-09-10 | ||||||||
CivTech Challenge 10.1 - How can technology identify and measure firefighter exposure to contaminants across a wide range of incidents?UK Cambuslang Scottish Fire and Rescue ServiceFirefighters are routinely exposed to a variety of contaminants during and after fire incidents. These contaminants can include chemical, biological, and particulate matter that pose significant health risks. The issue of contaminant exposure is both an emerging area of concern and study, with the safety of firefighters, staff, and the public being paramount. With contaminants identified, the risks that exposure to contaminants pose to firefighters at an incident, or to firefighters, staff, and members of the public (that come into contact with firefighting personnel and equipment post incident), can be better understood and managed. Having a better understanding of data of contamination by individual and cumulative exposure would be a significant development in further enhancing the safety of firefighters, staff, and the public.
650000 | 2024-07-30 | 2024-09-10 | ||||||||
CivTech 10 - How can technology increase circularity in NHS Scotland supply chain?UK Glasgow Scottish GovernmentWorking towards circular supply chains is the single most effective way of reducing carbon emissions and the NHS Scotland Carbon Footprint. By working with their supply chain partners, NHS Scotland can better manage the almost4 Billion (GBP) worth of products and services procured annually. By focusing on changing business models to reduce single use items, increase re-use and remanufacture through product substitution, utilise access (rather than ownership) models and support extended producer responsibility and return systems, NHS Scotland can work to keep products part of the active economy for longer.
650000 | 2024-07-30 | 2024-09-10 | ||||||||
US MarketBooster Programme - Consultancy ServicesUK Glasgow Scottish EnterpriseThe main services being procured via this contract are to deliver intensive wrap-around support to a cohort 8 Scottish start-up technology companies that will a) prepare them for the US market b) help them validate their product fit for the US market c) enable their sales effort and d) craft a US strategy and execution plan appropriate for US investor/board level meetings.
80000 | 2024-07-12 | 2024-07-31 | ||||||||
IT and Technology Related Electrical Waste ManagementUK Motherwell North Lanarkshire CouncilNorth Lanarkshire Council wishes to secure a contract with a sole supplier for the disposal and recycling of all ICT equipment. Included in the Specification is the Disposal, Recycle, Repurpose of ICT, Electrical & Various Ad-Hoc Goods from North Lanarkshire Council sites.The Council wishes to ensure that a robust Staff Buy Back scheme is implemented alongside wider community benefits.
150000 | 2024-07-05 | 2024-08-05 | ||||||||
TechHUB Technology Advice serviceUK Inverness Highlands and Islands EnterpriseHIE requires a suitably qualified and experienced supplier to provide tailored 1:1 support and advice to an estimated 35 businesses operating in the food and drink sector in the Highland Council (only) area to increase the level of technology adoption and implementation within the food and drink sector. It will be funded by HIE and the Inverness and Highland City-Region Deal and is part of the Northern Innovation Hub (NIH) programme.
2024-07-01 | 2024-08-05 | |||||||||
ARO Project – Technology PlaybookUK Aberdeen Net Zero Technology Centre LimitedARO Project – Technology Playbook
2024-06-28 | 2024-07-26 | |||||||||
Provision of Technology Enabled Care Alarm Receiving ServiceUK Paisley Renfrewshire CouncilThe contract is for a Technology Enabled Care Alarm Receiving Service which will be available to Service Users living within the Renfrewshire area who are in receipt of the Technology Enabled Care Service (TECS).
2024-06-14 | 2024-07-16 | |||||||||
Courtroom Technology Maintenance, Support and Upgrade ServicesUK Edinburgh Scottish Courts and Tribunals ServiceThe Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS) is looking to procure a contract to provide support, maintenance, replacement and refresh services for the equipment within our courtroom facilities. The contract will cover 52 sites across Scotland. As a critical component of our Justice system, it is imperative that all courtroom technology and equipment remain fully operational and reliable to ensure the fair and efficient administration of Justice.
2024-06-04 | 2024-07-05 | |||||||||
Smart Infrastructure Pilot ProgrammeUK Irvine North Ayrshire CouncilIn a landmark initiative set to propel North Ayrshire into the future of digital infrastructure, North Ayrshire Council (“NAC”) has embarked on a Smart Infrastructure Pilot Programme (“SIPP”). This pioneering project is driven by a grant of approximately GBP 242K from the Department for Science Innovation and Technology (“DSIT”) as part of a 'Smart Infrastructure' Pilot. The grant will support the rollout of innovative PAS 191:2023 capable innovative smart multi-purpose poles that will redefine NAC’s urban landscape. NAC will supplement the grant by 20K for operation and maintenance, taking the overall project value to GBP 262,765.The SIPP is a pivotal component of DSITs Advanced Wireless Innovation Strategy. The strategy aims to be a catalyst for economic growth, connectivity enhancement, and the promotion of sustainable practices. This strategic investment will enable the procurement of state-of-the-art multi-purpose poles, in place of traditional single-use street furniture for a more versatile and sustainable infrastructure that supports a multiple use case ecosystem.Central to this endeavour is the Maritime Mile, the route from the Irvine train station to Irvine Beach Park, where the aim is to transform the area into a national waterfront destination. The Maritime Mile is one component of the ‘Great Harbour’ – a transformation of the waterfront in Irvine, North Ayrshire. The Great Harbour is a key component of the GBP 251m Ayrshire Growth Deal and is one of the most ambitious and transformational regeneration tourism proposals for the region. This significant investment is intended to regenerate the waterfront, turning it into a hub of transformational tourism and an exemplar of modern Smart Connected Places.Structured around key use cases such as CCTV/security, movement detection, waste detection, and the enhancement of visitor and business connectivity, the project is also poised to consider the integration of EV charging points and augmented reality experiences in the future. NAC’s forward-thinking approach paints a future where the power of advanced wireless connectivity smartens public services and puts Smart Connected Places at the core of urban development.
262765 | 2024-05-22 | 2024-06-26 | ||||||||
Retail Systems ProcurementUK Glasgow ScotRail Trains LimitedScotRail Trains require a technology partner with proven expertise and innovative vision to develop and implement a user-centric website, app, and Smart Kiosks, powered by a single centralised TIS (Ticket Issuing System) that sets the benchmark for UK rail ticketing, this will require procuring a state-of-the-art multi-channel e-commerce solution that redefines convenience, accessibility, and value for our passengers.
2024-05-21 | 2024-06-28 | |||||||||
C002078 Economic and Societal Impact of Refreshed Learning and Technology PlatformUK EDINBURGH NHS Education for ScotlandTo evidence the societal and economic benefits of having an improved learning platform including:- Quantifying the savings on efficiencies of reduced duplication (administration; repeating learning; development of learning modules)- Quantifying the savings on the impacts of having a more skilled health and social care workforce e.g. reduced harm; better care- Evidencing and quantifying the impact on staff retention of having better access to a wide range of learning and training opportunities
20000 | 2024-05-09 | 2024-05-28 | ||||||||
Repair & Maintenance of CDT Machinery, LEV Systems & Laser EquipmentUK Glenrothes Fife CouncilThe purpose of this contract is the provision of servicing and repair of Craft Design & Technology (CDT) machinery, Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) Systems, and Laser Equipment, to allow the delivery of Education Directorate and Justice services with minimal risk to equipment users.
361876 | 2024-05-07 | 2024-06-06 | ||||||||
Supply, Delivery and Commissioning of a 5 Stage Mixed- Suspension, Mixed-Product Removal (MSMPR) systemUK Glasgow University of StrathclydeThis Contract Notice is for the tender opportunity to appoint a sole supplier to provide the Continuous Manufacturing and Crystallisation centre (CMAC) with a 5 stage Mixed-Suspension, Mixed-Product-Removal (MSMPR) system to operate in their existing world class research facility in the Technology and Innovation Centre at the University of Strathclyde. As a research centre focusing on delivering high impact industrially relevant research with a broad portfolio of funding streams from government funded research through pre-competitive and confidential projects, CMAC require a new MSMPR to enhance their capability and continue to drive their Quality by Digital design initiative.
2024-05-02 | 2024-06-05 | |||||||||
Technology Enabled Care Call Handling ServiceUK Greenock River Clyde HomesRiver Clyde Homes requires to procure the services of an experienced and competent company to provide a Technology Enabled Care (TEC) Call Handling Service for our tenants housed within our sheltered housing complexes:
2024-04-18 | 2024-05-02 | |||||||||
InTune Remediation Project Delivery Re-issueUK Kilmarnock Ayrshire CollegeThe purpose of this procurement is to appoint a single contractor to carry out actions identified in a review of the college’s Intune position, that will enhance Ayrshire College’s device management and security posture strategy using Microsoft Intune to achieve a more efficient, secure, and user-friendly technology environment.Please note that this is a re-issue of the previous tender with revised timescales as the college looking to have the work completed by the end of June 2024 - not full roll out of windows 11, but process and build to start. This will allow us to prepare for our summer classroom rebuild in July/August 2024. If bidders consider that to ensure successful delivery of the project that it may run beyond this, then they are asked to justify why and also indicate the additional time needed.
2024-04-04 | 2024-04-16 | |||||||||
Digital Support Services for the Agriculture and Rural Economy DirectorateUK Edinburgh Scottish GovernmentThe primary requirement is to put in place a contract for a Service Provider to work in partnership, primarily with the Purchaser, to ensure that reliable, secure and up to date services continue to be delivered. The Service Provider will support existing services as well as any new services that come into the production environment during the life of this contract. The contract will focus on the support, maintenance, upgrading and enhancement of current services. Any major new service designs and developments are likely to be subject to separate contractual arrangements, but this contract will have scope for some new development work should that be the practical and cost-effective approach.This contract must allow flexibility for the Purchaser to access the right resources, with the right skills, at the right time. The intention at the outset is the Service Provider will be required to provide scalable access to resources by supplementing in-house staff and other specialist services predominantly in blended teams to ensure efficient and effective system maintenance, support, enhancement and modernisation activities. Work will be led by the Purchaser joined by Service Provider staff working in blended teams.The Purchaser has found that working in blended teams in recent years has been successful and wishes to retain this practice as its underpinning model and continue to drive flexibility and efficiencies in its ways of working. The Service Provider will likely be required to deliver some end-to-end projects during the life of the contract, working to Scottish Government agreed standards and practices. The Service Provider will be required to provide resources and services that have the capability, flexibility and responsiveness required. The ability to scale up, scale down and potentially swap out based on emerging requirements and technology is vital.
95000000 | 2024-04-02 | 2024-05-03 | ||||||||
Residential Construction Framework AgreementUK Stirling Procurement for Housing Ltd (t/a PfH Scotland)Established in 2004, Procurement for Housing (PfH) is a national procurement consortium dedicated to the social housing sector and supported by the National Housing Federation (NHF), Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) and HouseMark. Collectively our Members manage more than 75% of UK’ social housing stock, with PfH helping them to achieve efficiency savings using a wide range of services including framework agreements, dynamic purchasing systems, spend analyses, strategy reviews, consolidated billing and comprehensive reporting. PfH is a contracting authority under Regulation 2 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (“PCR 2015”) and a central purchasing body under regulation 37 PCR 2015.Please refer to for additional information.PfH is administered by Inprova Limited and is headquartered in the North West of England with over 20 years of expertise and experience offering a complete procurement solutions package across outsourcing, technology and consultancy. By integrating procurement services and technology, Inprova operates as a delivery partner, supporting business performance improvement for the public sector.The purpose of this residential framework agreement (“this Framework Agreement”) is to ensure we can provide an offering suitable for members of PfH and bB in England and Wales and other public bodies permitted to use this Framework Agreement who require the provision of residential works for the delivery of low rise housing, apartments and extra care facilities.
800000000 | 2024-03-28 | 2024-04-26 | ||||||||
InTune Remediation Project DeliveryUK Kilmarnock Ayrshire CollegeThe purpose of this procurement is to appoint a single contractor to carry out actions identified in a review of the college’s Intune position, that will enhance Ayrshire College’s device management and security posture strategy using Microsoft Intune to achieve a more efficient, secure, and user-friendly technology environment.
2024-03-20 | 2024-04-03 | |||||||||
Total Waste Management & Technical ServicesUK Stirling Procurement for Housing Ltd (t/a PfH Scotland)Established in 2004, Procurement for Housing (PfH) is a national procurement consortium dedicated to the social housing sector and supported by the National Housing Federation (NHF), Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) and HouseMark. Collectively our Members manage more than 75% of UK’ social housing stock, with PfH helping them to achieve efficiency savings using a wide range of services including framework agreements, dynamic purchasing systems, spend analyses, strategy reviews, consolidated billing and comprehensive reporting. PfH is a contracting authority under Regulation 2 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (“PCR 2015”) and a central purchasing body under regulation 37 PCR 2015.Please refer to for additional information.PfH is administered by Inprova Limited and is headquartered in the North West of England with over 20 years of expertise and experience offering a complete procurement solutions package across outsourcing, technology and consultancy. By integrating procurement services and technology, Inprova operates as a delivery partner, supporting business performance improvement for the public sector.Procurement for Housing seeks to establish a Framework Agreement for the provision Total Waste Management & Technical Services, requiring service providers to work on national basis across the United Kingdom to provide removal of construction and office related waste streams. Tenderers should be capable of providing technical and compliance support and provide waste related reporting to support customers drive environmental, economic and operational improvements.
1000000000 | 2024-03-15 | 2024-04-08 | ||||||||
Provision of Technology Enabled Care Alarm Receiving ServiceUK Paisley Renfrewshire CouncilThe contract is for a Technology Enabled Care Alarm Receiving Service which will be available to Service Users living within the Renfrewshire area who are in receipt of the Technology Enabled Care Service (TECS).
560000 | 2024-03-15 | 2024-04-19 | ||||||||
PfH Fire Safety Consultancy ServicesUK Warrington Procurement for Housing Ltd (t/a PfH Scotland)Established in 2004, Procurement for Housing (PfH) is a national procurement consortium dedicated to the social housing sector and supported by the National Housing Federation (NHF), Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) and HouseMark. Collectively our Members manage more than 90% of UK’ social housing stock, with PfH helping them to achieve efficiency savings using a wide range of services including framework agreements, dynamic purchasing systems, spend analyses, strategy reviews, consolidated billing and comprehensive reporting. PfH is a contracting authority under Regulation 2 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (“PCR 2015”) and a central purchasing body under regulation 37 PCR 2015.Please refer to for additional information.PfH is administered by Inprova Limited and is headquartered in the North West of England with over 20 years of expertise and experience offering a complete procurement solutions package across outsourcing, technology and consultancy. By integrating procurement services and technology, Inprova operates as a delivery partner, supporting business performance improvement for the public sector.PfH are seeking suitably qualified and experienced fire safety consultants to form a fire safety consultancy framework to be used by our members across England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland.
45000000 | 2024-03-13 | 2024-04-15 | ||||||||
NICS Provision of Security and Ancillary Services 2024UK Belfast Department for CommunitiesConstruction and Procurement Delivery (CPD), on behalf of the Participating Bodies listed in the Conditions of Contract are seeking to establish a Contract for the provision of Security and Ancillary Services at locations throughout Northern Ireland. Further details of the specific requirements at each premises or site are provided in the Building Specifications. This is a retender of the existing services which are due to expire on 31st August 2024. The Contractor will be required to: • engender and nurture a true spirit of partnership between the Contractor and the Client by providing a quality efficient service; • help provide a safe environment to enable the Client’s staff to effectively deliver frontline services and for customers to avail of these services; • integrate environmental considerations and social benefits throughout the Contract; • work with the Client to transform the services over the period of the Contract maximising the potential for available technology and reducing the cost of security for both parties; and • to maintain a robust programme of contract monitoring to ensure effective delivery of Services. The key objectives of the Contractor will be: • To meet the Contract’s Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and deliver a quality Security and Ancillary service which complies with all relevant legislation, including Working Time Directives, Security Industry Licensing, Health and Safety, specific local security requirements, Health and Safety requirements, waste management / recycling etc. • To safeguard the Client’s premises and their contents; • To enable the staff working within the premises to carry out their business functions effectively with minimum disruption; • To ensure that all services are operated in an efficient and cost effective manner; • To ensure that the Contractor’s staff are well presented, clean and tidy, polite, of good character, respectful to others, willing to help cover the required hours and comply with local / on-site policies; • To report to the nominated representative of the Client; • To implement the NICS Security Policies in line with the Security Policy Framework; • To offer continual advice to the Client on methods of introducing value for money and innovation into the delivery of Services; and • To ensure high levels of customer satisfaction.
140000000 | 2024-03-06 | 2024-04-08 | ||||||||
Cambridgeshire County Council CORE Project Augmented Reality Visitor ExperienceUK Huntingdon Cambridgeshire County CouncilThe AR experience will form part of the Cambridgeshire Open RAN Ecosystem (CORE) project that is funded by the Department for Science Innovation and Technology (DSIT) and being delivered by a number of commercial and academic partners in collaboration with Cambridgeshire County Council as the Project Lead. The primary purpose of the CORE project is to deploy and demonstrate the capabilities of Open RAN technology within a standalone 5G network in High Demand Density locations.The Authority, as part of the CORE project, require a bespoke venue specific Augmented Reality (AR) experience to be delivered and deployed at the Cambridge Corn Exchange that will run over the 5G Open RAN network that is being developed by the CORE project. The AR experience has a dual purpose within the project to firstly test the capabilities of a 5G Open RAN network utilising the data intensive/low latency requirements of AR technology and secondly to demonstrate how 5G Open RAN technology can support innovative technologies to generate new opportunities for a local economy.In order for the AR experience to demonstrate value to the local economy it is essential that the experience is bespoke to the venue. The AR experience will need to be designed, developed and deployed in collaboration with Cambridge City Council who own and run the venue. It will also be vital for the successful bidder to work with the already assigned technical partners to ensure that the AR hardware/experience is successfully integrated/deployed on the 5G network and to support the testing/optimisation of the network capabilities through the use of the AR experience.The theme of the AR experience will be to celebrate the Cambridge Corn Exchange entering its 150th year.Output requirements include the following:• A bespoke AR experience that will help celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Cambridge Corn Exchange. Deployable on the main ground floor (the venue layout can be found in appendix 1) by end December 2024.• Easily deployable and removable experience that can be set-up, run and removed within a day. The experience will run on dates/times to be agreed by Cambridge City Council that fit in-between the other planned events at the venue.• Integration of the AR experience hardware on to the 5G network that is being developed.• Verbal and/or written data/reports on the performance of the AR experience in different operational environments and advice on how to utilise the experience to support testing.• Maintenance and operational support of the AR experience must be included for the duration of the contract.• AR capable hardware to deliver the experience.The testing of the 5G Open RAN network capabilities utilising the AR experience is a key outcome of the procurement. The ability to support the integration of the AR hardware on to the network and scale up and down the number of devices/data download and upload will play a key component in understanding the network and its ability to optimise in different scenarios.The Supplier will need to be able to articulate how AR hardware can be operated over a 5G network, this may vary from device to device, and provide guidance on how AR experience can be used to test the capabilities of the network. The supplier will additionally need experience of commercialising an AR experience.With this in mind, the successful bidder must be able to demonstrate the following:• Experience of the technical requirements and processes of integrating various AR capable hardware on to a 5G network including upload, download & latency requirements.• Experience of supporting the testing of 5G networks capabilities utilising AR hardware. Previous working or reporting on government funded R&D projects would be an advantage.• Examples of working on previous bespoke AR content creation and the processes that were followed to create the exp
499357 | 2024-03-06 | 2024-04-09 | ||||||||
UKRI-3340 Evaluation of Convergent Screen Technologies And performance in Realtime (CoSTAR)UK Swindon UK Research & InnovationThe United Kingdom Research and Innovation (UKRI) through its component research council, the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) is seeking an evaluator to undertake an independent impact and process evaluation of the Convergent Screen Technologies And performance in Realtime (CoSTAR) programme. CoSTAR is an ambitious and novel investment. It is also AHRC's first major infrastructure investment. High quality robust monitoring and evaluation is therefore essential – both to ensure the successful delivery of this programme and to improve AHRC's internal capabilities to deliver future programmesThis requirement is intended to provide a comprehensive and accurate evaluation of the initial impact of the CoSTAR infrastructure on the research, development and application of advanced technologies in the screen and performance industries, and on the wider creative technology ecosystem. It will also evaluate the processes used to commission and deliver the CoSTAR programme.The evaluation will comprise of the following:Establishment of an evaluation frameworkProcess evaluation Impact evaluation including: Baseline report. Mid-term report End of Funding Review Post-Evaluation Review The contract will be up to 9 years in duration and have a maximum value range of up to £1,000,000.00.Further details are in the tender pack on Delta e-sourcing portal.
1000000 | 2024-03-06 | 2024-04-25 | ||||||||
CA296 - Data & Architecture Specialist Resource AugmentationUK Belfast Northern Ireland Electricity Networks LimitedNIE Networks intends to place a panel of up to five organisations on framework agreements for this Lot 1. It is envisaged to acquire experienced data specialists who can provide support and development services across the current data landscape and possible new data technology areas which may be implemented during the period of the framework agreement. The framework for this lot will be awarded for a period of 3 years, with the option to extend (entirely at the discretion of NIE Networks) for up to a further 2 periods of up to 2 years each. That is a possible 7 years in total (3 years, with optional 2 x 2-year extensions)
13000000 | 2024-03-01 | 2024-04-03 | ||||||||
Provision of Skills BootcampsUK Reigate Surrey County CouncilCyber - Support participants to understand current information and system security technology practices, learning security measures and protections while also preparing them for the real-world cyber security job market.
2325000 | 2024-03-01 | 2024-04-02 | ||||||||
Adult Skills Fund - Pseudo Framework Agreement and Year 1 Call-OffUK SHEFFIELD South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined AuthorityLot 1 - Employed/Unemployed/Self EmployedThis Lot invites provision to support South Yorkshire residents looking to reskill or upskill by gaining qualifications, and is complementary or additional to any national/regional or locally funded activity and should include at least the following activities:• 19+, First qualification, Legal entitlements, Maths & English, RQF, Regulated learning only.• Robust IAG - use of learner and learning support.• Unemployed & SWAPS - Inactive - linking into Apprenticeships, UKSPF, Skills Bootcamps, community learning support and other provision.• Employed, self-employed, at risk of redundancy.• Employed - Priority SSA's - Health/Care, public services, Construction/built environment. Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies, Science and Maths, Information. Communication Technology/Digital(Support LSIP ) & Green skills.
40000000 | 2024-03-01 | 2024-04-03 | ||||||||
P24-0061: Scottish Enterprise Investment Property Portfolio - Asset Management ContractUK Glasgow Scottish EnterpriseScottish Enterprise intends to undertake a competitive tendering process to appoint a supplier to provide the full range of property management services across its investment property portfolio. This portfolio, which is subject to regular change, was recently valued (September 2023) at GBP153M and comprises industrial buildings, offices, multi-occupancy business centres, science & technology parks, development land and other property interests.Full details of the contract opportunity can be found within the Invitation to Tender (ITT).Scottish Enterprise envisage that the contract will commence on 1 July 2024. The contract duration is 4 years, with the option to extend for 2 x 1-year periods, totalling 6 years overall.The estimated value of the contract over the full duration is anticipated as being between GBP1,800,000 and GBP2,400,000 (excl VAT).
2400000 | 2024-03-01 | 2024-04-02 | ||||||||
Swansea Bay Sports Park (SBSP) Feasibility StudyUK Swansea Swansea UniversitySwansea University and Swansea Council are committed to working in partnership to provide the infrastructure for the future with a specific focus on the development at Sketty Lane, Ashleigh Road and King George V fields, known as Swansea Bay Sports Park (SBSP).In order to maximise impact and capitalise on the unique positioning of the site and the relationship between the University and its partners, our vision extends to co-location of sport, health, medical science and technology alongside the facilities to promote in-situ research and innovation.The approach aligns with and builds upon the catalytic, City Deal funded, ‘Campuses project’, which sees a phase one delivery of 2000sqm research & innovation space at SBSP, with an aim to harness the unique capabilities in the Swansea Bay City Region to drive the growth of a globally significant MedTech and Sports Tech cluster, facilitating the levelling up of the health and wealth of the region and making Swansea a Life Sciences powerhouse.This project is centred on the commissioning and delivery of a feasibility study and options appraisal that will lay the foundations for a major collaborative investment programme over the next decade, by providing critical insight, early appraisal of options and a practical roadmap along which the partnership can progress.The primary focus of the work will relate to SBSP – as defined above – but will also consider opportunities for alignment and cohesion with other facilities and developments in the local area. This may include including linkages with St Helens, Singleton Hospital, Singleton Park, Bishop Gore School, Clyne Valley and the Promenade - the will see SBSP emerge as a Hub for community sport and activity, from which the local community and visitors can enjoy the full breadth of aligned offer.Working in this way ensure we do not miss clear opportunities for economies and to ensure a cohesive strategy for the Region.
250000 | 2024-03-01 | 2024-04-05 | ||||||||
P24-0061: Scottish Enterprise Investment Property Portfolio - Asset Management ContractUK Glasgow Scottish EnterpriseScottish Enterprise intends to undertake a competitive tendering process to appoint a supplier to provide the full range of property management services across its investment property portfolio. This portfolio, which is subject to regular change, was recently valued (September 2023) at GBP153M and comprises industrial buildings, offices, multi-occupancy business centres, science & technology parks, development land and other property interests.Full details of the contract opportunity can be found within the Invitation to Tender (ITT).Scottish Enterprise envisage that the contract will commence on 1 July 2024. The contract duration is 4 years, with the option to extend for 2 x 1-year periods, totalling 6 years overall.The estimated value of the contract over the full duration is anticipated as being between GBP1,800,000 and GBP2,400,000 (excl VAT).
2400000 | 2024-02-29 | 2024-04-02 | ||||||||
Invitation to Tender - QED-Morlais 76 Tidal Turbine Power Take-OffUK Edinburgh QED Naval LtdQED Naval is an innovative company specialising in tidal energy technology. The company has developed disruptive technology that can be applied globally. This includes our self-deploying, submersible tidal platform, the Subhub Industrial Demonstrator (ID), that is proven to work efficiently and reliably with our subsidiary company Tocardo’s horizontal axis tidal turbines.The Torcardo T-3 is the next generation in Torcardo’s turbine series, with the previous iterations being used in the Oosterscheldekering storm surge barrier. The design prides itself on simplicity and reliability whilst maintaining effective tidal energy capture. The turbine has a 14m blade diameter, a passive bidirectional pitch system, and uses a split winding permanent magnetic synchronous generator.QED’s next generation of Subhub ID will feature 3 of Tocardo’s turbine-generator pairs, which will be individually controlled and then combined into a single grid output within the Subhub ID’s dry compartments under water.QED Naval is looking for a supplier to provide the various power take-off circuitry to support this delivery of grid compliant power from the Subhub Platform Control Unit (SPCU) into the National Grid at distribution level.The solution will accommodate 3 independently controlled T-3 turbines, each with a power rating of 350 kW and generator output voltage of 690 V. Each generator’s PTO solution will be housed in a standard double electrical cabinet with dimensions 2000 x 1200 x 600 mm (excluding the shared transformer) if possible. The cabinets will be held within the SPCU. The SPCU consists of two sealed pressure hulls that have an inner diameter of 3 m and a length of 10 m. The solution will be supplied fully assembled and complying with necessary electrical standards. A supporting single line drawing of the complete system should also be provided.This tender requires the delivery of a single turbine-generator PTO configuration in 2024 for testing before the remaining 2 PTO configurations are delivered to complete the Subhub ID arrangement for subsea deployment. The successful delivery of the tender described in this document could establish a relationship for future plans that include the initial extension from one Subhub ID to a mini-array of five (totalling 5 MW) followed by additional phases to a maximum array size of 30 MW.
2024-02-28 | 2024-03-19 | |||||||||
St Francis of Assisi Catholic Technology College ~ Cleaning TenderUK Walsall St Francis of Assisi CollegeThe contract will commence on 1 August 2024 for an initial period of three years, with the option to extend the contract for a further three years excluding the right to extend beyond this time.This contract will be fixed price in nature with the successful Supplier also guaranteeing the number of input hours to the contract as well as the quality of cleaning provision. The Headteacher, Mr Salkeld, welcome’s you to St Francis of Assisi Catholic College. I am hugely proud of our school’s Catholic ethos, caring culture and excellent learning which takes place here every day. The staff, students and community make this a fabulous school where all feel happy and safe and enjoy close working relationships. We put our school motto ‘Nil Satis Optimum’, only the best is good enough, at the heart of all of our work and that means that together we work with great respect and pride. We value the uniqueness of each individual and are proud of our inclusivity, celebrating the contributions of everyone to our school.We are seeking a suitably experienced Supplier who has current experience of working within the secondary school or HE / FE marketplace, ideally with a strong operational base within the West Midlands, thus allowing for both adequate contract support and operational flexibility that is to be delivered to support the contract as and when needed moving forwards into this contract term.Whilst the monthly charge will represent one-twelfth of the contract cost, a reconciliation will take place monthly to reconcile the actual hours worked within the contract. If the hours worked are less than those budgeted for a credit will be required by the schools. This credit will be calculated by dividing the annual contract cost (fixed cost) by the number of annual input hours to arrive at a contractual cost per hour, this will then be multiplied by the number of hours due to arrive at the fiscal credit.The school require that the tendered number of hours are worked at all times and the successful contractor is expected to have a system in place to cover for both planned and unplanned leave.The basis and rationale that the Client requires is for the successful contractor to operate to at all times is being able to provide a clean School that is fit for purpose and that the Contractor is pro-active in the management of the contract, thus ensuring that all output specifications are achieved and that the required frequency are delivered. Please see SQ document for more information.
810000 | 2024-02-24 | 2024-03-28 | ||||||||
ID 4881595 - DAERA - Livestock Genetics and Data Branch - Bovine Genetics ProgrammeUK BELFAST Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs DAERADAERA (the Buyer) is seeking to establish a contract with a Supplier to provide genetic and genomic evaluations, benchmarking services, and associated customer support services for the Northern Ireland Bovine Genetics Programme. The main objectives of this programme are to create an integrated bovine data platform via a managed solution which will deliver and future-proof the functionality to provide genetic and genomic evaluations, benchmarking services, and associated customer support services, to the Bovine Genetics Programme and additionally provide flexibility to exploit the use of new technology where this provides benefit to the programme. The initial contract period is for 5 years with two optional extension periods of 2 years each and a further optional extension period of 1 year. For further details regarding the requirement, please refer to document entitled “ID 4881595 – Mid-Tier Schedule 02 (Specification)”.
50000000 | 2024-02-20 | 2024-04-01 | ||||||||
G-Cloud 14 (Lots 1-3)UK Liverpool The Minister for the Cabinet Office acting through Crown Commercial ServiceCloud hosting services sold through G-Cloud are cloud platform or infrastructure Services that can help buyers do at least one of the following:Deploy, manage and run software, provision and use processing, storage or networking resources. Buyers only need to pay for what they use. The G-Cloud cloud hosting Lot is equivalent to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) definitions of ‘Platform as a Service’ and ‘Infrastructure as a Service’: cloud hosting Suppliers will provide services in at least one of these categories:Archiving, backup and disaster recoveryCompute and application hostingContainer serviceContent delivery networkCyber securityDatabaseData warehousingNoSQL databaseRelational database Load balancing Logging and analysis Message queuing and processing Networking (including Network as a Service) Platform as a Service (PaaS) Infrastructure and platform security Distributed denial of service attack (DDOS) protection Firewall Service intrusion detection Protective monitoring Search Storage Block storage Object storage.This Lot is for Direct Award only. No Further Competition is permissible.
6500000000 | 2024-02-20 | 2024-05-07 | ||||||||
T23-138BUS PEACEPLUS Create: Youth Digital and Music ProgrammeUK Derry Derry City and Strabane District CouncilDerry City and Strabane District Council invite suppliers to tender for a PeacePlus Youth Digital and Music Programme. This project is under the Thriving and Peaceful Communities Theme. It is a 2-year Music and Digital Creativity Project for young people aged 14-24. Through the medium of music and digital technology this project will bring young people together in a shared Journey of skills development and offer opportunities for them to use their music and digital creativity. The young people will engage across the district and create pieces of art and music where musicians will play new music alongside showcase films and digital designs created by others. The programme will empower young people to have their voices heard, create new music bands, provide training in music, song writing, performance and production, upskilling young people in using cutting edge digital technologies such as virtual reality and digital fabrication. Recruitment will take place through existing networks across the Council area and programmes will be delivered around specific themes relevant to peace and reconciliation and diversity. Please refer to the CfT documents for further detail.
124000 | 2024-02-16 | 2024-03-22 | ||||||||
WordPress Website Design, Development and Hosting AgencyUK West Malling Cantium Business Solutions LtdMust have previous experience of meeting and adhering to WebContent Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2 Level AAAConformance and the public sector bodies (websites and mobileapplications) (no. 2) accessibility regulations 2018Cantium is looking to appoint a WordPress Website and Development Agency.Cantium Business Solutions supports its customers by offering advice andguidance on the use of Information Technology to maximise the businessbenefits of current systems and supports the delivery of new products andservices.
2024-02-14 | 2024-03-01 | |||||||||
UKRI-3392 Project Works Framework for Daresbury LaboratoryUK Oxford UK Research & InnovationThe Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), part of UK Research and Innovation, requires a Framework Agreement for three suppliers over a maximum term of 4 years to provide minor construction works, mechanical and electrical works at Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington, UK. The value of each project will be between £25k and £650k excluding VAT. The three contractors will work closely with the client to deliver a variety of construction works.
9500000 | 2024-02-09 | 2024-03-15 | ||||||||
Multi-Utility Connection and Renewable Technology Works DPSUK Telford Telford and Wrekin CouncilThis Lot 1 is for multi-utility connections – including increase or decrease in capacity. These projects will be throughout many sectors such as Residential Developments, Commercial Developments, Mixed Use Developments, Individual Connections, and Renewable Energy Connections.The DPS is a 2-stage process:Stage 1 - All providers who meet the selection criteria within the online Questionnaire and are not excluded will be admitted to the DPS. New providers can also apply to join the DPS at any point during its lifetime.Stage 2 - Contracts are awarded during the second stage. A Call-Off competition will be put out inviting each approved provider on the DPS list relating to this particular Lot.
3200000000 | 2024-02-08 | 2024-10-17 | ||||||||
Solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems and Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)UK Chichester West Sussex County CouncilThis Invitation to Tender (ITT) is issued by WSCC to seek and identify suitably qualified and interested organisations from the private, public and third (voluntary, community and charitable) sector to carry out surveys and to prepare a design and costing of the installation and maintenance of Solar PV and BESS, to install the equipment and to maintain the equipment at Designated Sites identified in Document No. 9 (Asset List). There is also the opportunity to add Pipeline Sites and Wider Estate to the Programme as detailed under 5- Scope of the ITT.<br/><br/> <br/>The Solar PV and Battery Storage Programme (“SPVBS Programme”) is set up in three phases: Phase 1 NEC4 Term Services Contract (“NEC4 TSC for Phase 1”) for the survey, design and costing works, Phase 2 NEC4 Engineering and Construction Contract (“NEC4 ECC for Phase 2”) for the installation works and Phase 3 NEC4 Term Services Contract (“NEC4 TSC for Phase 3”) for the ongoing maintenance services. <br/><br/> <br/>Following approval of the design and costing carried out in Phase 1 in relation to each Designated Site and/or Pipeline Site and/or Wider Estate, WSCC may then proceed to appoint the Contractor to carry out the installation of the equipment at that Site under Phase 2 and maintenance of the Equipment at that Site under Phase 3, in accordance with the relevant Contract Terms and Conditions as set out in Document 03 (Contract Terms and Conditions). <br/><br/> <br/>WSCC is under no obligation to award a contract under Phase 2 and/or Phase 3 in respect of any Designated Site and/or Pipeline Site and/or Wider Estate that is subsequently incorporated into the Programme. <br/><br/> <br/>The Works, as further described in Document No. 2 (The Specification) are being tendered by WSCC in accordance with WSCC’s Standing Orders on Procurement and Contracts and the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR 2015). <br/><br/>This is the only programme in place for delivering retrofit roof-top solar PV and ‘Behind the Meter’ Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) across WSCC’s estate. The contract value (of up to £23m) therefore allows all remaining corporate sites and schools in the Wider Estate, in West Sussex, to be approached to register their interest in being surveyed and if found suitable to be brought into the SPVBS Programme over the Contract Period. <br/><br/> <br/>Following a market engagement exercise and technical and structural feasibility surveys completed by WSCC’s multi-disciplinary contractor (MDC), AtkinsRealis (AR), 23 corporate and 56 school sites including Pipeline Sites (see Document No. 09 Asset List) have been identified to date as suitable for having Solar PV and, where suitable, BESS technology installations. <br/><br/> <br/>All 56 schools registered their interest in having Solar PV, and where suitable, BESS installed. Of the 56 schools, 38 have formally committed to participating in the Programme (subject to the outcome of the Phase 1 detailed surveys) via a formal Letter of Intent (“LOI”). These are referred to as the “Designated Sites”. <br/><br/> <br/>WSCC is currently working with the Department for Education (DfE) to gain formal commitment from the 14 academy schools (which form part of the 56 schools) to sign up to the Programme. The academy schools and the 4 other non-WSCC owned schools, require a lease agreement to be signed (“the Lease”) and the terms of the Lease agreements shall be agreed with the DfE and academy trusts. Once the approved draft Lease agreement has been shared with the academies, and other non-WSCC owned sites, these schools will also be asked to commit to participating in the Programme via an LOI. The schools and corporate sites not yet committed to the Programme are the “Pipeline Sites”. A further 44 potentially suitable sites have already been identified by WSCC or have expr
23000000 | 2024-02-08 | 2024-03-26 | ||||||||
Provision of a School Age Counselling ServiceUK Greenock Inverclyde CouncilThe service will be child centred and governed by the Inverclyde GIRFEC Practice Guidance with a single point referral system and one door philosophy of help and support. It will deliver key strands of activities including but not limited to the following:a) One to one counselling and assessment and interventions for children and young people (including intensive interventions /crisis-based work depending on need);b) Group work;c) Drop in sessions for children & young people in schools;d) Improved links with GPs, community link workers and primary care and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services CAMHS; 2.11.e) Support to parents and families to support children and young persons;f) Support and consultation for teachers and school staff;g) Professional learning and training for teachers and staff to increase capacity and resilience to respond, manage and safety plan for children & young people.h) Utilisation of technology to support engagement, virtual approaches and delivery of the service;i) Preventative activities with the broader population to raise the profile of the service;j) Development and delivery of appropriate promotional and communication media and materials for the service to raise awareness of the service and how to access the service;k) Provision of a service throughout the school holidays; andl) Link and work collaboratively with existing services.
2024-02-07 | 2024-03-08 | |||||||||
Consultant for Digital Dairy Chain in CumbriaUK Glasgow University of StrathclydeThe Digital Dairy Chain is seeking the services of a single supplier to be delivered in the Cumbrian Region and drive industry engagement and support businesses from across the Cumbria region to access funding, knowledge, research and development facilities and expertise from Strathclyde University, University of West of Scotland and SRUC with the aim of increasing industrial engagement in R&D activity. A key focus of the work required will be to facilitate cross-over between the technology and dairy sectors. Innovation vouchers will be used to support this initiative and drive industry co-investment in R&D activity. The supplier will required to understand the challenges within the dairy sector and present those challenges collaboratively, with one of the academic partners, as an opportunity for an Innovation Voucher application to the DDC Innovation Voucher panel which meets on a quarterly basis.Experience of working with the SME community in Cumbria is essential as is knowledge of other funding opportunities within the sector.
200000 | 2024-02-03 | 2024-03-04 | ||||||||
Procurement for Housing: Planned Works FrameworkUK Stirling Procurement for Housing Ltd (t/a PfH Scotland)Established in 2004, Procurement for Housing (PfH) is a national procurement consortium dedicated to the social housing sector and supported by the National Housing Federation (NHF), Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) and HouseMark. Collectively our Members manage more than 90% of UK’ social housing stock, with PfH helping them to achieve efficiency savings using a wide range of services including framework agreements, dynamic purchasing systems, spend analyses, strategy reviews, consolidated billing and comprehensive reporting. PfH is a contracting authority under Regulation 2 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (“PCR 2015”) and a central purchasing body under regulation 37 PCR 2015.Please refer to for additional information.PfH is administered by Inprova Limited and is headquartered in the North West of England with over 20 years of expertise and experience offering a complete procurement solutions package across outsourcing, technology and consultancy. By integrating procurement services and technology, Inprova operates as a delivery partner, supporting business performance improvement for the public sector.PfH is seeking suitably qualified and experienced Suppliers to be part of it's Planned Works Framework. The framework will operate nationally and will cover 19 lots.
675000000 | 2024-02-02 | 2024-04-04 | ||||||||
Provision of Architect for the Charles Huang Advanced Technology & Innovation Centre (CH-ATIC) (RIBA Stages 0-7)UK Glasgow University of StrathclydeThe Brief is for the Consultant to provide architectural services for the construction of the Charles Huang Advanced Technology & Innovation Centre (CH-ATIC). This includes a range of services that fall under RIBA Stages 0-7. Please note, the Consultant will be required to perform the roles of Lead Designer, Architect & Principal Designer, and will be responsible for delivering the Scope in full either inhouse, or via subconsultants.CH-ATIC will deliver a state-of-the-art Innovation & Entrepreneurship Hub that enhances the University’s delivery of one of the UK’s most dynamic and successful ecosystems for the creation of high potential innovation driven enterprises. CH-ATIC will also connect to the wider innovation district to support start-ups and SMEs to ensure inclusive growth and broaden the reach of our industry-led clusters through our collaborative R&D programmes and engagement activities.CH-ATIC will create a dedicated Social Innovation Hub that connects the business, policy and legal expertise within our award-winning Business School and Humanities & Social Sciences Faculty, with our local communities and public bodies, to enable the translation of disruptive technologies and innovative solutions into viable and socially responsible, businesses, products and services.Aligning with the UK and Scottish Governments’ commitment to net zero, CH-ATIC will aim to create an exemplar climate neutral building that responds to the climate emergency, and reflects innovative design and construction methods so that, as far as possible, the building is carbon neutral for energy and adapted to climate change. They will also escalate learning and deployment of innovative technologies, and construction solutions as we transition to net zero.The project objectives, include, however, are not limited to:- Working to a maximum construction contract value of c. GBP 18million, maximise the working space within the 8 floors, c. 60,000 square feet (5,535 sqm), and create a welcoming entrance to the building, with a new front façade and internal reception area:- Refurbish the existing building to the design standard(s) / framework(s) specified by the University, it is envisaged that this will be as close to EnerPHit standard as possible, however, may include targets from other standards / frameworks (such as RIBA Sustainable Outcomes (2030) / Net Zero Public Sector Buildings Standard). This is in keeping with the University’s KPI16 commitment to achieve net zero by 2040 by targeting a saving of around two thirds of embodied carbon as compared with a new building, whilst targeting net zero in operation; and- Create open, inclusive working spaces for multiple groups notionally (and flexibly) split by cluster (5G, Industrial Informatics, Fintech, HealthTech and Space), and organisation (University and non-University / partner spaces), that respond to the need for collaborative, quiet, private and group working spaces, promote collaboration and chance-encounters and encourage people to come into, stay and interact within the building.Please note, the anticipated construction strategy is to adopt a two-stage design & build, whereby the University is intending to tender / appoint a Contractor under a PCSA during RIBA Stage 3 – Developed Design. At the end of RIBA Stage 4 – Technical Design, the University will either enter a works / construction contract with the same Contractor appointed under a PCSA, and tender the work packages via that same Contractor, or will conduct a new tender exercise to appoint a Contractor.Please note, the University intends to novate only the Architect, M&E Engineer, and Civil / Structural Engineer to the appointed Contractor for the works / construction, prior to commencement of RIBA Stage 5 – Construction. Subconsultants will also novate as required, with reports to be assigned accordingly.
2024-02-01 | 2024-03-04 | |||||||||
Step-up, step-down Mental Health Supported Living Service contractUK NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE Newcastle City CouncilThe service promotes a pathway to future independent living, greater social inclusion, through location of people within a community. The service offers a safe environment with the support of on-site staff through-out the day and the security of overnight staff. The care and support are based on individual need which may include the use of assistive technology where appropriate.The accommodation provides care and support for up to seven people at full capacity.This comprises of:• 7 x self-contained flats, each containing 1 bedroom, bathroom and kitchen diner with a garden area. The 7 people will represent the core cohort and form the basis of the service• A self-contained ground floor one bedroom flat, for the successful Provider to operate from.The seven people living in one of the self-contained flats do so under a license agreement (limited to two years).The Council manages referrals for the self-contained flats, in all cases they will be for short term use.The 7 flats are commissioned by using Individual Service Funds (ISF) which can be used flexibly to support people to achieve their outcomes.The service supports adults who are eligible for social care support as a result of being vulnerable or their lifestyle. The age range of people to be accommodated and referred within the service is 17.5 years to 28 years.Adults will be resident within Newcastle upon Tyne and be assessed as eligible to receive care under Care Act 2014, following a needs assessment.
354146 | 2024-02-01 | 2024-02-26 | ||||||||
Provision of Architect for the Charles Huang Advanced Technology & Innovation Centre (CH-ATIC) (RIBA Stages 0-7)UK Glasgow University of StrathclydeThe University of Strathclyde (“the University”) is seeking to establish a Contract for the Provision of Architect for the Charles Huang Advanced Technology & Innovation Centre (CH-ATIC) (RIBA Stages 0-7) (UOS-30807-2023).
2024-01-31 | 2024-03-04 | |||||||||
Eastern Base Project Manager and Contract AdministratorUK London City of London CorporationThe City of London Corporation (the City) invites Tenders for the provision of a Project Manager and Contract Administrator role on the Eastern Base Project. All Individuals working on this project MUST have received their Non-Police Personal Vetting level 3 and Security Clearance or be in the process of obtaining and this is a Pass / Fail requirement. The Eastern Base project has the ambition of creating an operational 24/7 base for City of London Police in the eastern side of the City. The aim is for this to be a purpose built, modern and future proof building with integrated technology allowing City of London Police to deliver a range of benefits for the long-term safety and security of the City of London.The project is currently completing RIBA Stage 3, the design team have been appointed to developed RIBA Stage 4 and 5 and deliver under a Traditional / Standard Building Contract. A contractor has been appointed on a two-stage basis, their duties during RIBA Stage 4 (Pre-Construction Services Agreement) include achieving their NPPV3+SC clearance, assisting with buildability, logistics, programming and package procurement. The contractor is also undertaking minor works to the existing retail units during the PCSA. The estimated construction value of the Main Works is circa £18m.
200000 | 2024-01-31 | 2024-02-29 | ||||||||
Data Infrastructure CriticalitiesUK LONDON Department for Science, Innovation and TechnologyThe Department for Science, Technology and Innovation (DSIT) ('the Department') is inviting Tenders for a contract for Data Infrastructure Criticalities Research. The detailed requirements are set out in the Specification of Requirements at Section 2 ('the Specification').
217000 | 2024-01-28 | 2024-02-26 | ||||||||
TVCA-PROC-0277 Smart Infrastructure Pilots ProgrammeUK Darlington Tees Valley Combined Authority Group, and Teesside International AirportTVCA have received funding from the Department of Science, Innovation and Technology to procure and test smart multi-purpose columns. These columns must comply with PAS 191:2023 specifications.
2024-01-23 | 2024-02-20 | |||||||||
Provision of Technology Enabled Care Alarm Receiving ServiceUK Paisley Renfrewshire CouncilRenfrewshire Council, on behalf of Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership is seeking a Provider to provide, monitor, manage and operate a Technology Enabled Care Alarm Receiving Service which will be available to Service Users living within the Renfrewshire area who are in receipt of the Technology Enabled Care Service (TECS).Further information is contained within the Invitation to Tender documentation.
2024-01-20 | 2024-02-19 | |||||||||
FAE- 22 -019 Heavy Duty Technology Equipment including CNC Machines, Circular Saws and Laser Cutting MachinesUK Ballymena Education AuthorityThe Education Authority (EA) invites tenders for the supply and delivery of Heavy Duty Technology Equipment including CNC Machines, Circular Saws and Laser Cutting Machines to individual schools and EA locations within Northern Ireland for a period of 4 years. This Framework Agreement will contain 2 lots as follows: Lot 1 – Heavy Duty Technology Equipment (6 Sections) and Lot 2 – CNC Machines and Laser Cutting Machines ( 9 Sections). This framework agreement is let by the Northern Ireland Education Authority (“EA”) and is open to the EA, including NI educational bodies as follows and at some point during the life of the framework agreement these bodies may wish to utilise the agreement and should have access, at any point, with the permission of EA. This framework agreement is not intended to replace any current contracts/framework agreements that participating or non-participating institutions may already have in place. Primary and Post Primary schools under the control of the EA, Catholic Maintained Schools, Independent Schools in NI, Irish Medium Schools in NI, both Controlled and, Voluntary Grammar Schools, Nursery School for NI (both controlled and Catholic Maintained), school meals kitchens on-site at all of these schools, and Controlled Youth Centres. Further Education Colleges in NI, Grant Controlled Integrated Education Schools in NI, Independent School in NI, Libraries NI:, EA Teachers’ and Educational Centres, Council for the Curriculum, Examination and Assessment NI (CCEA), Armagh Observatory and Planetarium, Middletown Centre for Autism, Controlled Schools Support Council (CSSC), Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education (NICIE)
3275000 | 2024-01-20 | 2024-02-19 | ||||||||
Provision of Technology Enabled Care Alarm Receiving ServiceUK Paisley Renfrewshire CouncilThe contract is for a Technology Enabled Care Alarm Receiving Service which will be available to Service Users living within the Renfrewshire area who are in receipt of the Technology Enabled Care Service (TECS).
2024-01-19 | 2024-02-19 | |||||||||
Invitation to tender for Technology Enabled CareUK Gloucester Gloucestershire County CouncilGloucestershire County Council are inviting suitable providers to tender for their Technology Enabled care service. The aim of the service is to ensure that individuals across the county are provided with a high quality, innovative technology, monitoring and support service that enables them to live as independently as possible in their homes or in other support settings.
2024-01-19 | 2024-02-16 | |||||||||
Provision of a Technology Partner for South Yorkshire Supertram, with an initial requirement to provide a multi-functional management platform to replace the current AVL, Prediction Engine, Content Management System.UK Sheffield South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority GroupThe aim of this procurement focuses on achieving two key objectives:• The procurement of a long-term ‘Technology Partner’ to allow SYMCA to upgrade and replace arange of SC&C assets as asset condition, obsolescence and funding allows.• The procurement of an expandable multi-functional management platform, also known as a trammanagement system (TMS), to allow a range of functions to be managed on the tramway (includingtram-train services).
50000000 | 2024-01-18 | 2024-02-14 | ||||||||
Wrap Around Care ServiceUK Worcester Worcestershire County CouncilThe aim of the service is to support people to return, and remain, at home following a stay in hospital by delivering 24/7 care in the person’s own home for an intensive short period (between 2 and 10 days). This should prevent, or delay, the admission into residential care and promote personalisation and independence. The service will be flexible and responsive to the support needs of the individual in the service, while being mindful of the short-term nature of this service. This period should allow future care / support requirements to be identified through a full assessment of care and support needs and for any new service required to be identified and delivered efficiently. Proactive early planning for move on from the service will be critical to enable flow through the service and onto other longer term support services, should they be required. This includes request for services such as assistive technology and planning with the individual, their families and carers to support the move to funded services, whether supported by the Council or not. The contract term is for two years with a potential extension to a third year dependant upon funding.
2024-01-18 | 2024-02-23 | |||||||||
Flexible Framework for the Provision of Supported Living for Adults and Older PeopleUK Glenrothes Fife CouncilFife Health and Social Care Partnership (“the Partnership”) requires to commission a Supported Living Service (both personal care and non-personal i.e., Housing Support Services) from a variety of external service providers. It is recognised that in some circumstances the Partnership may wish to commission a service that comprises of Housing Support only. On that basis this Contract is open to Providers who do not have dual registration for Care and Support and Housing Support, however it is the preference that Providers will have dual registration.Fife’s Health and Social Care Partnership is committed to personalisation and outcome-based services for individuals of all ages and abilities and is seeking to appoint a range of partner organisations to deliver outcome focused support to adults, ranging from 16 years old upwards with a range of identified support needs throughout Fife, under a Framework agreement.Any partner organisations must be able to demonstrate experience and commitment to working innovatively with individuals with the Framework of self-directed support and have sound experience and practice in maximising the benefits of individual budgets. They must also evidence strong skills in forming and maintaining relationships with families of individuals.Objectives for the Framework are to ensure that individuals have access to support that aspires to the highest level of quality and promotes the right of each individual to have as much choice and control as possible. Key elements of success from desirable organisations include robust evidence of promoting and delivering:- personal preferences.-fluctuating levels of required support.- continuity and consistency in provision of individual outcome focussed support.- innovative approach which takes into account the potential to link with informal networks of support, community resources as well as embracing the use of assistive technology i.e., Just Checking to improve outcomes for the supported person.- Supporting positive risk taking.The Provider will provide practical and personal care over 24 hours a day and 365 days a year to the Supported Person living in their own home and will be in line with the service aims and objectives specified within the specification.
21200000 | 2024-01-14 | 2024-02-09 | ||||||||
Facility management software - Life sciencesUK CV4 8UW University of WarwickThe University of Warwick has a requirement to purchase a Facility Management Software for over 200 instruments, across 12 facilities, and provide an integrated booking system that can be rolled out across multiple platforms simultaneously, alleviate technical manager administrative time, simplify access and enhance visibility of technologies to users and provide auditable financial, training and compliance records. This software will support the Research Technology Platforms (RTPs), Bio-Analytical Shared Resource Laboratories (BioSRLs) and Horticultural Services in the School of Life Sciences (SLS).Please refer to for further information. You will be able to download the full documents from this site. Any queries in relation to this requirement should be directed to the University of Warwick via the correspondence functionality of the In-tend system. Failure to do so may result in queries being excluded from the procedure.The University of Warwick is not a contracting authority for the purposes of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (as amended) and its procurement activities are not subject to the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 or the obligations under the European Public Procurement Directives, including the European Remedies Directive. Advertisement of any contract in the Official Journal of the European Union or Contracts Finder is at the sole discretion of the University and is undertaken on a voluntary basis with no implied obligation to comply with the procurement legislation.The deadline for submissions is Friday 9th February 2024 at 12pm midday.
85000 | 2024-01-13 | 2024-02-09 | ||||||||
New Mobilising SystemUK Cambuslang Scottish Fire and Rescue ServiceSFRS are a national organisation delivering front-line services locally from three strategically positioned hubs, or Service Delivery Areas (SDA) based in the North, West and East of Scotland.SFRS is seeking to procure a new externally hosted mobilising solution based on a commercial, off the shelf (COTS) solution or platform to support the SFRS in meeting its commitments and to assist in delivering on its strategic objectives.The scope of the New Mobilising System will include for the following as a minimum:- Facilitate the answering of emergency calls, aid control operators in ascertaining the location and nature of emergencies and initiate the mobilisation of appropriate resources.- Provide management of telephony and radio calls, provide a facility to manage incident activity and to mobilise and control resources associated with all SFRS operations.- Provide management information and reporting systems, and call recording and storage systems for control operator activity.- Analysis, review and re-engineering of business processes, teams and data supported by the new technology.- Design and delivery of a staff training programme for operators, users, and those who interact with the system.- Provision of 999 telephony
2024-01-13 | 2024-03-11 | |||||||||
Waste Management ServicesUK UK-Oldham: Information technology services. First Choice Homes OldhamFor more information about this opportunity, please visit the Delta eSourcing portal at:
0 | 2024-01-12T00:00:00Z | |||||||||
New Mobilising SystemUK Cambuslang Scottish Fire and Rescue ServiceSFRS is seeking to procure a new externally hosted mobilising solution based on a commercial, off the shelf (COTS) solution or platform to support the SFRS in meeting its commitments and to assist in delivering on its strategic objectives.The scope of the New Mobilising System will include for the following as a minimum:- Facilitate the answering of emergency calls, aid control operators in ascertaining the location and nature of emergencies and initiate the mobilisation of appropriate resources.- Provide management of telephony and radio calls, provide a facility to manage incident activity and to mobilise and control resources associated with all SFRS operations.- Provide management information and reporting systems, and call recording and storage systems for control operator activity.- Analysis, review and re-engineering of business processes, teams and data supported by the new technology.- Design and delivery of a staff training programme for operators, users, and those who interact with the system.- Provision of 999 telephony
2024-01-11 | 2024-03-11 | |||||||||
Provision of an Alarm Receiving Centre with Disaster RecoveryUK Leicester Leicester City CouncilLeicester City Council is seeking to upgrade its current Telecare Alarm Receiving Centre to enable the monitoring of digital communication protocols, in addition to existing analogue communication protocols. The Council currently has circa 4,500 people registered at the Alarm Receiving Centre.Leicester City Council requires a digitally enabled Telecare Alarm Receiving Centre that will support elderly and/or disabled people to live safely and as independently as possible through the use of telecare and other Care Technology devices.To support the delivery of Telecare services in Leicester, the Council also requires a Disaster Recovery Call Centre Solution so that emergency calls can be handled at a remote location should this be required.
2024-01-07 | 2024-02-08 | |||||||||
Supply and Delivery of Technology Enabled Care GoodsUK Paisley Scotland ExcelThis lot includes, but is not limited to digital dispersed alarm units that communicate with the receiving center and connects with the relevant peripheral devices
25000000 | 2024-01-05 | 2024-02-08 | ||||||||
Supply and Delivery of Technology Enabled Care GoodsUK Paisley Scotland ExcelThis contact notice is in relation to the renewal framework for Supply and Delivery of Technology Enabled Care Goods, on behalf of the 32 local authorities in Scotland. It is anticipated that the scope of Goods and Services covered under the framework will include, but not be limited to: Digital dispersed alarms, alarm triggers, health and care peripherals, smoke alarms, GPS devices with ancillary monitoring and phones and key storage compartments, and may include ancillary services as described, and works in connection with the installation of Goods.
25000000 | 2024-01-04 | 2024-02-08 | ||||||||
DDaT23365 Overall Redesign and Implementation of Our Network (ORION) IntegratorUK SWINDON UNITED KINGDON RESEARCH AND INNOVATIONThe Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) (UK Research and Innovation) is starting a project for a fresh design from the ground up, for all STFC sites across the Digital Infrastructure managed network architecture, cabling, switching, routing, and security. The redesigned architecture should take into account the needs of the next 5-10 years and be flexible enough to grow for years beyond that.STFC wish to work with a partner to:• Define a 15+ year network architecture for STFC based on cutting edge network concepts which will last well beyond a single hardware refresh cycle.• Create both high-level and low-level designs for the migration of the STFC networks into the new architecture. The high-level tasks will be:o STFC and partner to complete HLD.o Partner to introduce vendors to STFC, who will visit STFC to propose how their technologies would address the HLD.o STFC to sign off the HLD solution.o Partner designs the low-level design for the solution.o STFC goes out to market to purchase the solution products on a framework. Procurement of hardware out of scope of this tender.• Run a proof of concept (POC).• Identify the hardware required to deliver the network to STFC.• Take a lead in rolling out the approved logical and physical design.• Work with STFC during the first hardware lifecycle to support the new network infrastructure. Full details of the current STFC network are provided in the supporting procurement documentation.
1500000 | 2023-12-23 | 2024-01-22 | ||||||||
A NETWORK OF COLLABORATIVE AND IMMERSIVE LEARNING HUBS FOR LONDON SOUTH EAST COLLEGES CONSORTIUMUK Bromley London South East Colleges (LSEC Consortium)The requirement is for the Supplier to supply and install collaborative and immersive technology at 28 campus locations within the Greater London Authority area. 12 sites will be full learning suites and 16 will be mini learning labs.
1532060 | 2023-12-23 | 2024-01-26 | ||||||||
Digital Support for BusinessUK Aberdeen Aberdeenshire CouncilThe key purpose of this project programme is to strengthen the knowledge and skills of SMEs in Aberdeenshire about digital technology, thus enabling them to enter new markets, trade internationally, increase business efficiency and (potentially) increase staff employed. Up until 2022 this requirement was under the banner of DigitalBoost, but unfortunately this programme is no longer going. The funding for this project has been secured through Shared Prosperity Funding which is funded through Levelling Up from the UK Government.This project seeks to support SME’s in their journey along the digital maturity curve and offer a suite of products to help strengthen their knowledge and skill and free at the point of delivery.
250700 | 2023-12-22 | 2024-01-22 | ||||||||
Places for People - South Rings RefurbishmentUK UK-UK-London: Fitted kitchens.: Construction work. Places for People Homes LtdPlaces for People wish to enter a contract with an experienced contractor to complete a major upgrade and refurbishment, with mechanical and electrical services, and low carbon technology to their office at South Rings Business Park, Craven Drive, Bamber Bridge, Preston, PR5 6BZ. Places for People is a national housing provider and has offices throughout the UK. The office at South Rings includes a 24 hour customer contact centre, a wide range of organisational business related functions including, facilities for agile working, training facilities and meeting rooms. The form of contract is likely to be a JCT Design and Build with contractor’s design portion. Places for People will be responsible for procurement and installation of FF&E. The office was built in 2008 and is now due a major refurbishment. The successful contractor will be required to begin construction work in March 2024 and complete the project in March 2025. All employees currently based at South Rings will be decanted and relocated for the duration of the project, however a maintained access may be required to maintain and respond to the onsite data centre.
7000000 | 2023-12-21 | 2024-01-26 | ||||||||
North Northamptonshire Council - Assistive Technology Equipment FrameworkUK Kettering North Northamptonshire CouncilNorth Northamptonshire Council (hereafter referred to as the "Council") wishes to invite Tender Responses for the supply of assistive technology equipment in respect of this requirement.This procurement process is being managed by the Council in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.In recent years In recent years, the digital revolution has changed our world. Our long-term vision for Health, Social Care and Housing sees huge opportunity for using modern digital technology to transform the way our services are provided.New assistive technology will play an ever-increasing role in supporting healthy and fulfilling lives. This strategy document sets out a vision for how we can use a more preventative approach rather than a reactive approach using the best of the latest technology to support people within North Northamptonshire to thrive.The service will be available to all residents of North Northamptonshire. The service will provide to those that are self -funders and those who are eligible for a free provision under NNC Eligibility Criteria. Assistive Technology will form part of a person's support plan and will be available to people who have direct payments or a personal budget as well as people for whom the Council arranges their care.
3000000 | 2023-12-20 | 2024-01-16 | ||||||||
Consolidated ERP Solution: Unity Programme - Technology (including ERP) & Technical Delivery PartnerUK LONDON H M Revenue & CustomsHMRC is the contracting authority for this procurement and will utilise the Competitive Procedure with Negotiation (CPN) to carry out this procurement exercise in line with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR 2015). For the purposes of this procurement, the requirements have been subdivided into two categories. The first of these categories relates to software, which covers the provision of a software package that delivers all the functional and non-functional requirements. The second category pertains to a Technical Delivery Partner (TDP) for system integration, which is required to support the in-scope Unity cluster organisations to transition from their legacy technologies to the new Unity Technology Solution, to be provided by the aforementioned software supplier.HMRC is aware that the organisations who seek to provide software services are likely to be different to those who provide system integration services. Additionally, given the size, scale, and business criticality of the requirements, HMRC is intending to establish strategic working relationships with the suppliers leading delivery of the services (TDP and software). HMRC intends to establish two contracts via this one joint procurement exercise: one system integration (TDP) contract and one software contract.Suppliers are required to submit a joint bid for this procurement and HMRC will only accept consortium bids comprising of one primary software supplier and one system integrator (TDP). Bids that propose alternative contracting models (e.g. a prime contractor model) will not be accepted, however, HMRC reserves the right to implement an alternative contracting model if it is not satisfied with the progress/outcome of joint negotiations including regarding the collaboration agreement, or where it sees merit in doing so.An initial contract term of 5 years (60 months) is proposed for the system integration services (TDP) contract, with a 2-year extension option, allowing for a maximum term of 7 years (84 months). For the software contract, the contract will possess an initial term 10 years (120 months), with extension options of 3 years (36 months) and 2 years (24 months) respectively; this provides a maximum duration of 15 years (180 months).The estimated contract value for the system integration services (TDP) contract is £100m - £115m, whilst the estimated contract value for the software agreement is £355m - £385m.Suppliers are asked to familiarise themselves with the structure of the CPN, which will be applied within this procurement as follows:Stage 1: Suppliers are asked to complete the Standard Selection Questionnaire (SQ), which will constitute a request to participate in this procurement process. All SQ submissions will be evaluated in line with a scoring matrix (please see further details in procurement documents) and a selection of suppliers will be shortlisted to participated in the subsequent stages of this procurement process. HMRC intends to shortlist a maximum of five bidders at this stage (please see further details in the procurement documents).Stage 2: Those suppliers who have been shortlisted following the conclusion of Stage 1 will be invited to submit initial tenders in line with the requirements of the procurement documentation, which will be provided as part of the invitation to submit initial tenders (ITSIT). All tenders submitted at this stage are to be deemed capable of acceptance and the Authority reserves the right to evaluate these initial tenders and award the contract without any subsequent negotiations.Stage 3: Following the submission of initial tenders, it is the intention of the Authority to conduct negotiations with all bidders. The practicalities of these negotiations will be outlined within the procurement documentation for those organisations who are invited to submit an initial tender. HMRC reserves the right to reduce the number of tenders to be negotiated b
500000000 | 2023-12-16 | 2024-01-15 | ||||||||
HBC1223 Provision of EV chargersUK Borehamwood Hertsmere Borough CouncilHertsmere Borough Council (the Council) wishes to enhance the opportunities for residents and visitors to charge their electric vehicles in the Hertsmere region. As such is inviting submissions from experienced operators for the provision and operation of at least 25 electric vehicle chargers for the benefit of town centre users (businesses, employees, visitors, and residents) at the following locations: • Council owned car parks • Council owned leisure centres • Council owned properties including, but not limited to, Elstree Film Studios, Bushey Country Club, Wyllyotts Theatre, Radlett Centre• Destination points (on street parking bays in town and district centres)The Council will expect to see a well thought out geographical network that is futureproofed that will minimise or eliminate the risk of becoming redundant technology at the end of the agreement with the provider. It is expected that as a part of the agreement that the provider will upgrade, repair, and maintain all electric charging points throughout the course of the contract to the highest standard to meet this expectation with a turnkey service that enables minimal confusion and easy accessibility for our visitors and residents. The council is expecting to receive a long term revenue income from this contract.The estimated total value of the Contract is stated in II.1.5) of this notice and is for the initial term inclusive of the approximate value for extensions . The Contract will be awarded for an initial term of ten years, with the option to extend the Contract up to five further years. Please note that the contract requirements will be subject to available financial resources, supplier performance and flexibility to meet changing demands.Organisations should be aware that due to the nature of the Services provided, any Contract formed as a result of this procurement process shall be executed as a deed. Organisations should seek independent legal advice on the implications of this prior to submitting their bid, where appropriate.
2023-12-16 | 2024-01-22 |
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