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Training & Education Tenders

As an organisation which conducts our own training, Thornton & Lowe fully understands the importance of providing a quality service to inform and extend knowledge to our clients.

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Education, training & employability-based tenders can be an excellent route to growth for a training provider.

These contracts offer chances to work with schools and educational groups across the UK. Other opportunities for a training provider could be within secure facilities or providing up-skill services in the employability sector.

To find and win these tenders, you need to know where to look... start by signing up to Tender Pipeline, Thornton & Lowe's bid research and planning tool! It lists many public sector opportunities, including those from the Department for Education. You can also search for awarded tenders, enabling you to identify the key players in the market... and your likely competition.

Once you've found a tender that fits your skills, read it carefully. Make sure you understand what they want and can deliver it. We can then help you to assess, plan, write and deliver the proposal, lending a helping hand at every stage!

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What services do training & educational tenders cover?

With such a wide range of services falling under the banner of education & training, we've highlighted examples of the most popular opportunities below.

Further educational support
Employability training
Mainstream educational support services
SEN and additional educational needs
Rehabilitation and up-skill sessions
Adult community education
Study programmes & traineeships
Commercial & corporate training
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Tender Value Published Deadline
C002103 Pre-Hospital Care Training and Education for Remote and Rural Practitioners using Simulation
UK EDINBURGH NHS Education for Scotland

Pre-Hospital Care Training and Education for Remote and Rural Practitioners using Simulation

Published: 2024-12-04
Deadline: 2025-01-13
2024-12-04 2025-01-13
NHS West Yorkshire ICB - WHCP - Adult Bereavement Service
UK Wakefield NHS West Yorkshire ICB

NHS West Yorkshire integrated Care Board through Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership as the Contracting Authority is seeking to identify a suitable partner to provide adult bereavement services under contract to around 600 service users per annum in or around the Wakefield District. The current contract will expire at the end of June 2024Under the contract the successful Bidder(s) will be required to provide timely and relevant one-to-one and group bereavement support to adults in Wakefield after the death of a person. Furthermore, the successful Bidder(s) will be in a position to identify those at increased risk of, or currently experiencing a complex or prolonged grief reaction and support them to access appropriate services.Bidder(s) will develop an ongoing training programme to provide bereavement support training and education for all professionals/organisations/voluntary services who support people who have or are experiencing a bereavement. The aim of this is to increase community participation and capacity in supporting people to access the right information and support. The successful Bidder(s) will offer national, local and emergency information to all clients who access bereavement support.The successful Bidder(s) will develop and manage a district-wide bereavement forum, bringing together all local organisations providing bereavement support services; to enhance networks, share good practice, develop pathways, agree common outcome measures and build upon collaborative working. Bidder(s) will commit to a partnership approach, engaging with the Wakefield End of Life Care Board and Mental Health Alliance to meet the bereavement support needs of each person accessing the Service.The Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership is willing to consider viable contractual options that may be put forward in response to this tender.• Should the contract be awarded it is expected that the initial contract period will be 5 years.• The current Service Provider supports around 600 service users per annum.• The Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership would expect services to be provided within the Wakefield District area.• Core/essential and other services to be provided at the from 8:00am to 6:30pm (Monday to Friday) with relevant signposting information for out of hours and crisis services• The Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership would expect the service to be provided by volunteers, trained bereavement support workers and specialist bereavement counsellors.• The Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership would expect the service to be inclusive, accessible, and flexible, ensuring user access, improved experience, and outcomes.• The Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership would expect reasonable adjustments to be made to support services users, including but not limited to, different appointment times, durations and formats (i.e. telephone, video and face-to-face), and location of appointments. Taking into accounts access via public transport and areas of deprivation.• The Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership would require any potential bidder to demonstrate the capacity and capability to provide the service from 1st July 2024.

Value: 525000
Published: 2024-01-17
Deadline: 2024-02-12
525000 2024-01-17 2024-02-12
Accreditation of Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training
UK Leeds NHS England

The NHS England Workforce Training and Education Directorate is seeking to appoint an organisation to accredit or certify the delivery of The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism. This will ensure the delivery of Oliver’s Training meets the standards set out in the Oliver McGowan draft Code of Practice on statutory learning disability and autism training.<br/><br/>3.1. NHS England is seeking a contractor for a 3-year agreement to establish and run accreditation for the delivery of The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism.<br/>3.2. This will require a contractor to:<br/>A) co-produce accreditation standards for the delivery of The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism;<br/>B) co-produce an accreditation scheme for the delivery of The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism; and<br/>C) accredit the delivery of The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism.<br/><br/><br/>3.3. The purpose of accreditation is to:<br/>3.3.1. give confidence to the government, patients, the public, and registered providers of health and social care that The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training is being delivered to a consistent model and high standard;<br/>3.3.2. ensure that co-trainers with a learning disability and autistic co-trainers are being trained and supported in their roles;<br/>3.3.3. provide a sustainable and efficient quality assurance process; and<br/>3.3.4. ensure good value for taxpayers.<br/>3.4. NHS England will hold the copyright and intellectual property for the accreditation standards and the accreditation scheme.<br/>3.5. The contractor will co-create the standards and scheme and co-deliver the accreditation scheme under licence from NHS England for a period of 3 years from the start of the agreement.<br/>3.6. At the end of the agreement, NHS England will use licences to ensure the future for the accreditation/certification service.<br/><br/>Further details and the tender documents can be downloaded from the following link :<br/><br/>,000.00

Value: 560000
Published: 2023-12-21
Deadline: 2023-12-31
560000 2023-12-21 2023-12-31
Supply, Delivery, Installation and Maintenance of Fitness Equipment for Strathclyde Sport
UK Glasgow University of Strathclyde

For this Lot, the bidder must be able to provide equipment for Rental.Strathclyde sport requires a supplier to supply, delivery, install and maintain fitness equipment for Strathclyde Sport. This fitness equipment includes Cardiovascular equipment, Fixed Resistance equipment and Indoor Cycling equipment. Equipment procured through this tender must assist the University in meeting their strategic objectives and support the student and staff journey using innovative and future proofed products.In order to continue delivering excellence within the facility the University require to procure Fitness equipment capable of withstanding the intense high use experienced within this facility, whilst continuing to support a Strathclyde Sport loyalty and identity not only within the general student population, but mainly within the 53 student clubs. Equipment must be extremely robust and hard wearing, whilst being safe and incorporating innovative design to meet the needs of the broad spectrum of customers and in keeping with the aspirations of a leading technological University. Equipment must be able to accommodate the use in a facility predicted to have over 400,000 annual visits. There is a requirement for maintenance and warranty to be included in the Tender along with relevant training and education support for Strathclyde Sport staff.

Published: 2022-11-10
Deadline: 2022-12-09
2022-11-10 2022-12-09
Training for our Conflict Recognition, Reduction and Resolution Hub
UK Leeds NHS England

The aim of this project is to create a suite of resources that will enhance the knowledge, skills and behaviours in recognising and managing conflict. It is anticipated that this increase in resource will reduce the need of escalation to the Integrated Care Systems (ICS) and to the National team.<br/><br/>This will enhance the knowledge and skills the HCP requires to recognise and manage episodes of conflict. Therefore, the outcomes of this project are to:<br/><br/>• Provide training and education for the HCP to better recognise and manage conflict between parents and HCPs<br/>• Provide signposting to parents and families to better support them with decision making and managing conflict when there is disagreement with HCPs.<br/>• Provide signposting to the workforce to well-being resources to support their emotional resilience.

Value: 127500
Published: 2022-10-07
Deadline: 2022-11-07
127500 2022-10-07 2022-11-07
Providers of IRIS within Swansea Bay University Health Board
UK NEATH NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership-Procurement Services (hosted by Velindre University NHS Trust)

Swansea Bay University Health Board seek to appoint a supplier to support in meeting the requirements of Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence (Wales) Act 2015. IRIS (Identification and Referral to Improve Safety) is a programme based within General Practice that provides training and referral support where Domestic Violence and Abuse (DVA) has been identified. The programme includes all required training and education and an opportunity to refer to specialist third sector services. It is aimed at women that are experiencing DVA and provides signposting for male victims and for perpetrators. The purpose of IRIS is to improve health responses to victims and increase practitioner’s confidence to ask the question and report appropriately.To express your interest in tendering for this contract please contact Julie Williams, Procurement Business Manager by 30th June 2022:

Value: 135000
Published: 2022-06-24
Deadline: 2022-06-30
135000 2022-06-24 2022-06-30
Media Production for Training and Education
UK PLYMOUTH Plymouth Marjon University

Based on its outstanding reputation for pedagogy and the quality of its learning and teaching experience, Plymouth Marjon University has a growing requirement to produce online and blended learning short courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level. These courses may be both accredited and non-accredited at a variety of academic levels. Marjon has the required design expertise and experience for such courses in-house, but we are seeking a partner to work with us on the media production elements.Our short courses need to be highly engaging, visually appealing and use media to enhance the learning and teaching experience. We envisage a mix of filming our subject matter experts presenting to camera, augmented with graphics, stock footage and animations where appropriate.

Value: 750000
Published: 2022-05-13
Deadline: 2022-06-13
750000 2022-05-13 2022-06-13
Gateshead College – Provision of a Training and Education Delivery Partner
UK Gateshead Gateshead College

Gateshead College has a need to appoint suitably qualified organisations capable of delivering training and education in England in partnership with the college for the academic years 2022 - 2025. Gateshead College seeks to contract for high quality provision which complements but does not compete with its own provision, meets the needs of employers, and/or benefits the local community.Gateshead College intends to enter into a contract with a qualified organisation, with their own merits, and together covering a range of training programmes and funding streams.This specification relates to learner’s resident in England who are eligible for funding under the requirements of the appropriate Funding Agencies

Published: 2022-04-27
Deadline: 2022-05-27
2022-04-27 2022-05-27
C001933 Pre-Hospital Care Training and Education for Remote and Rural Practitioners using Simulation
UK Edinburgh NES

Pre-Hospital Care Training and Education for Remote and Rural Practitioners using Simulation

Published: 2022-01-08
Deadline: 2022-02-07
2022-01-08 2022-02-07
C001933 Pre-Hospital Care Training and Education for Remote and Rural Practitioners using Simulation
UK Edinburgh NHS Education for Scotland

Pre-Hospital Care Training and Education for Remote and Rural Practitioners using Simulation

Published: 2022-01-07
Deadline: 2022-02-07
2022-01-07 2022-02-07
Associate Trainer and Commercial Function Enhancement
UK Swindon Ministry of Defence, C&C, C&C

The MOD Commercial Professionalism Programme (CPP) has selected the Defence Academy as its Delivery Partner for the Training and Education (T&E) work stream. However due to the significant level of the delivery requirement there is a need to enhance the in-house team, bringing in associate trainers with specialist knowledge commensurate with the CPP programme at practitioner and expert level.Alongside the commercial requirement the BSC also requires the prime contractor to provide a cadre of associate trainers to assist with the design and delivery of courses in the P3M and finance functions. These associates will be supplied on a call-off basis to deliver on a demand-driven portfolio of courses. The associates will design, deliver and develop courses alongside the BSC training staff.The authority requires associate trainers to design, develop and deliver courses alongside BSC staff. The courses will range from e-learning, awareness through to expert level training (in both classroom or virtual based delivery environment). Associate trainers will be required to support technology enhanced learning where applicable to the T&E Portfolio.The associate training provider will deliver training on a 50/50 basis between physical and virtual training delivery.The associates will be supplied on a call-off basis (with a minimum notice of 4 weeks) to deliver on a demand-driven portfolio of courses. The requirement for additional associate trainers at each level will be determined by demand moving forward except for the CPP for which the requirement for the commercial function enhancement, is laid out below. At Annex A.The associate training provider will describe in detail how they intend to manage the associate database and ensure the right people are found to perform the required tasks and what process will be implemented to allow the authority to confirm associate trainers with the correct skills have been allocated to the task.

Published: 2020-11-16
Deadline: 2020-12-18
2020-11-16 2020-12-18
Provision of Stoma Sponsorship Services for North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust
UK London North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust

North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust intends to seek sponsorship to improve the level of patient care through its Stoma Care Advisory Service. The provision of service will include the community sector. All community services are integrated with Acute Trusts. An effective and comprehensive data management system together with additional support for training and education will be offered. The service is provided to patients of all age groups.The successful economic operator will provide support including but not limited to:• reimburse the Trust for the cost of the salary, superannuation and employer’s National Insurance contributions of a Stoma Care Nurse classified as Top Band 7 employed for a maximum of 37.5 hours per week;• reimburse the Trust for the cost of the salary, superannuation and employer’s National Insurance contributions of a Stoma Care Nurse classified as Top Band 7 employed for a maximum of 37.5 hours per week;• reimburse the Trust for the cost of the salary, superannuation and employer’s National Insurance contributions of a Stoma Care Assistant classified as a Top Band 3 employed for a maximum of 37.5 hours per week;• reimburse the Trust for the Stoma Care Nurse attendance at appropriate NMC courses, professional study days and similar events that support on-going necessary professional training, not to exceed GBP 4 000 per annum. This number may need to be reviewed in the future due to pandemic changes;• (Optional) Provide a Stoma Care Management System. Patient Identifiable Data is owned by the Trust and in the event that this Agreement is terminated access to the application will be removed and all related software will be uninstalled. The data will be extracted from the SQL database in spreadsheet (xls) format and returned to the Trust;• provide a desktop publishing service and printing costs for materials distributed directly to colostomy, ileostomy and urostomy patients, not to exceed GBP 2 000 per annum;• supply the Trust with one Company Stoma Care Nurse and arrange payment of the cost of salary, superannuation, pension and employers National Insurance contributions of a Company Stoma Care Nurse employed for a maximum of 37.5 hours per week;• the Trust to provide an ongoing an honorary contract for the company Stoma care nurse.

Value: 1000000
Published: 2020-08-25
Deadline: 2020-09-07
1000000 2020-08-25 2020-09-07
Lead Employer Arrangements for General Practice Specialty Trainees — Health Education England (South West Severn)
UK Crawley Health Education England

HEE is responsible for the training and education of NHS staff, both clinical and non-clinical, within their geographical area. Working across the South West (Severn), HEE aims to provide high quality education and training to all health professionals including the next generation of doctors, dentists and nurses across the area. To do this effectively and to ensure the best possible outcomes and experience for patients and people, we work closely with local healthcare providers and key stakeholders so that our work is driven by patient needs.HEE would like to invite potential bidders to respond to the Invitation to Tender (ITT) for the provision of Lead Employer arrangements for General Practice Specialty Trainees (GPST) across the South West Severn as set out in the service specification.

Published: 2020-07-22
Deadline: 2020-08-17
2020-07-22 2020-08-17
Provision for Young People Educated Other Than At School ("EOTAS")
UK BARRY Vale of Glamorgan Council

Training and education services for young people educated other than at school ("EOTAS").

Value: 290000
Published: 2020-03-11
Deadline: 2020-05-01
290000 2020-03-11 2020-05-01
Housing Related Support for Homeless Families
UK Stoke-on-Trent Stoke-on-Trent City Council

The service will provide housing related support to homeless families in the city. The model of support will provide accommodation based provision and follow on resettlement support where appropriate for vulnerable couples with children, expectant mothers and male and female lone parents who are homeless. The service will be outcomes focused and support will be geared towards readiness for work and /or training and education and preparation for independent living.

Value: 560000
Published: 2019-12-06
Deadline: 2020-01-14
560000 2019-12-06 2020-01-14
DPS for Skills Providers and Training Provision, Skills For Growth: Cheshire and Warrington: ESF Ref
UK Chester University of Chester

The University of Chester have a need to appoint suitably qualified organisations to a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) to deliver training and education, with requirements for delivery specifically within Chester and Warrington in partnership commencing 3.2.2020- 30.11.2022 with the option to extend a further 10 months. The University seeks to contract for high quality provision which complements but does not compete with its own provision, meets the needs of employers and/or benefits the local community. The DPS is for skills providers and training provision for the skills for Growth: Cheshire and Warrington project. This project is part funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) Project reference number 03S19 PO3307.

Value: 27000000
Published: 2019-12-03
Deadline: 2023-09-30
27000000 2019-12-03 2023-09-30
South Thames Colleges Group Training and Education Delivery Partnership
UK Kingston upon Thames South Thames College Group

South Thames Colleges Group has a need to appoint suitably qualified organisations, with relevant registrations, to a framework agreement to deliver training and education in England, in partnership from 6.1.2020-5.1.2022. Organisations should note that inclusion on the framework agreement is no guarantee that any contract will be awarded.

Published: 2019-11-05
Deadline: 2019-12-02
2019-11-05 2019-12-02
Adult Substance Misuse (Integrated Treatment and Recovery) Service
UK Harrow Harrow Council

Harrow Public Health is committed to fulfilling the requirements of the National Drugs Strategy (2017), The Government Alcohol Strategy (2012), Drug Misuse and Dependence UK Guidelines on Clinical Management (2017), PHE ‘Safeguarding and Promoting the Welfare of Children Affected by Parental Alcohol and Drug Use: a guide for local authorities’ (2018) and DoHSC — Public Health Outcomes Framework: Improving Outcomes and Supporting Transparency (2016).Harrow adult substance misuse service specialises in delivering drug and alcohol treatment, crime reduction interventions for drug and alcohol offenders and support for carers/families affected by substance misuse. The service minimises the impact that substance misuse has on individuals and the wider community, ultimately making a positive contribution to addressing health inequalities and crime reduction priorities of the Safer Harrow Board. An effective treatment and recovery service can make a significant contribution to reduction in reoffending in Harrow, reducing anti-social behaviour and support early intervention i.e. reducing numbers of children moving into higher threshold care services.The service model will incorporate the following elements:— prescribing: to deliver clinical review, detoxification/rehabilitation. (community and inpatient), harm reduction,— recovery: to deliver a recovery-focused programme (community and inpatient) supporting treatment leavers with life skills, access to employment, training and education (ETE) in order to sustain long-term recovery from substance misuse.

Value: 8483535
Published: 2019-09-23
Deadline: 2019-10-24
8483535 2019-09-23 2019-10-24
National Ambulance Resilience Unit (NARU)
UK Leeds NHS England

The National Ambulance Resilience Unit’s (NARU) main aim is to support the emergency preparedness, resilience and response (EPRR) objectives of NHS England. NARU works on behalf of NHS England to provide a coordinated approach to EPRR and specialist capabilities across NHS ambulance services in England. The unit works with NHS ambulance services to support the development of appropriately trained, equipped and prepared ambulance responders to deal with hazardous or difficult situations, particularly mass casualty incidents that represent a significant risk to health.The following are the key components of the NARU function:— capabilities: the development, procurement, maintenance and assurance of national ambulance resilience capabilities. Part of the remit is the management of pass-through funding to NHS ambulance services for interoperable capabilities,— education: the development and delivery of training and education for NHS staff to maintain national resilience capabilities, including pass-through funding for NHS ambulance services to train staff, including acute hospital staff,— clinical advice: includes specialist clinical advice in relation to pre-hospital environments and clinical input to and assurance of national resilience capabilities,— management and operations: management of the NARU service and core operations. Provision of 24/7 on call for incidents to support NHS England.NARU is part of the delivery of EPRR policy and the NHS ambulance service in England contribution to contest, the United Kingdom’s Strategy for Countering Terrorism and Civil Resilience strategies and the Department of Health and Social Care’s commitments under the UK National Security Strategy and the National Security Council.The host of the NARU service will provide the support functions such as procurement, human resources and payroll, finance, information communications and technology, information governance and fleet and logistics.Due to the nature of the work undertaken and the specialist knowledge required it is only possible for this to be undertaken by an English NHS ambulance service.

Published: 2019-09-17
Deadline: 2019-10-03
2019-09-17 2019-10-03
National Ambulance Resilience Unit (NARU)
UK Leeds NHS England

The National Ambulance Resilience Unit’s (NARU) main aim is to support the emergency preparedness, resilience and response (EPRR) objectives of NHS England. NARU works on behalf of NHS England to provide a coordinated approach to EPRR and specialist capabilities across NHS ambulance services in England. The unit works with NHS ambulance services to support the development of appropriately trained, equipped and prepared ambulance responders to deal with hazardous or difficult situations, particularly mass casualty incidents that represent a significant risk to health.The following are the key components of the NARU function:— capabilities: the development, procurement, maintenance and assurance of national ambulance resilience capabilities. Part of the remit is the management of pass-through funding to NHS ambulance services for interoperable capabilities,— education: the development and delivery of training and education for NHS staff to maintain national resilience capabilities, including pass-through funding for NHS ambulance services to train staff, including acute hospital staff,— clinical advice: includes specialist clinical advice in relation to pre-hospital environments and clinical input to and assurance of national resilience capabilities,— management and operations: management of the NARU service and core operations. Provision of 24/7 on call for incidents to support NHS England.NARU is part of the delivery of EPRR policy and the NHS ambulance service in England contribution to contest, the United Kingdom’s Strategy for Countering Terrorism, and Civil Resilience strategies and the Department of Health and Social Care’s commitments under the UK National Security Strategy and the National Security Council.The host of the NARU service will provide the support functions such as procurement, human resources and payroll, finance, information communications and technology, information governance and fleet and logistics.Due to the nature of the work undertaken and the specialist knowledge required it is only possible for this to be undertaken by an English NHS ambulance service.

Published: 2019-09-17
Deadline: 2019-10-17
2019-09-17 2019-10-17
National Ambulance Resilience Unit (NARU)
UK Leeds NHS England

The National Ambulance Resilience Unit’s (NARU) main aim is to support the emergency preparedness, resilience and response (EPRR) objectives of NHS England. NARU works on behalf of NHS England to provide a coordinated approach to EPRR and specialist capabilities across NHS ambulance services in England. The unit works with NHS ambulance services to support the development of appropriately trained, equipped and prepared ambulance responders to deal with hazardous or difficult situations, particularly mass casualty incidents that represent a significant risk to health.The following are the key components of the NARU function:— capabilities: the development, procurement, maintenance and assurance of national ambulance resilience capabilities. Part of the remit is the management of pass-through funding to NHS ambulance services for interoperable capabilities,— education: the development and delivery of training and education for NHS staff to maintain national resilience capabilities, including pass-through funding for NHS ambulance services to train staff, including acute hospital staff,— clinical advice: includes specialist clinical advice in relation to pre-hospital environments and clinical input to and assurance of national resilience capabilities,— management and operations: management of the NARU service and core operations. Provision of 24/7 on call for incidents to support NHS England.NARU is part of the delivery of EPRR policy and the NHS ambulance service in England contribution to contest, the United Kingdom’s Strategy for Countering Terrorism, and Civil Resilience strategies and the Department of Health and Social Care’s commitments under the UK National Security Strategy and the National Security Council.The host of the NARU service will provide the support functions such as procurement, human resources and payroll, finance, information communications and technology, information governance and fleet and logistics.Due to the nature of the work undertaken and the specialist knowledge required it is only possible for this to be undertaken by an English NHS ambulance service.

Published: 2019-09-17
Deadline: 2019-10-16
2019-09-17 2019-10-16
North Warwickshire and South Leicestershire College Training and Education Delivery Framework
UK Nuneaton North Warwickshire and Hinckley Collaborative

Greater London Authority.

Published: 2019-05-21
Deadline: 2019-06-18
2019-05-21 2019-06-18
Multi-Material, Multi-Colour Production 3D Printer
UK Manchester The University of Manchester

The University of Manchester will be home to a new national research and innovation centre in advanced materials, the Sir Henry Royce Institute (SHRI).The equipment purchased will in the first instance be used to create clinically realistic examples of human anatomy in terms of colour and textures of living tissues.Examples of this include:— research in the psychological issues of facial prosthetics through reproducing realistic colour and lustre along with representative mechanical properties,— producing “phantoms” to mimic X-Ray and NMR contrast for medical imaging applications,— external orthotic devices,— anatomical models with matched mechanical behaviour. for surgical planning, training and education,— dental models for training and education applications.Other applications include: 3D models to visualise computed tomography images, 3D colour models to represent stress and strain distributions in engineering models, representative materials with graded mechanical properties.

Published: 2019-05-15
Deadline: 2019-06-18
2019-05-15 2019-06-18
New College Durham Training and Education Delivery Partnership
UK Durham New College Durham

Skills support for the Workforce, NE England.

Published: 2019-03-26
Deadline: 2019-04-23
2019-03-26 2019-04-23
Gateshead College Training and Education Delivery Partnership Framework
UK Gateshead Gateshead College

Gateshead College has a need to appoint suitably qualified organisations, who hold, or are currently applying for the required ESFA registrations (Register of Training Organisations and/or Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers) to a Framework Agreement to deliver training and education in England, in partnership for the academic years 2019–2022. Organisations should note that inclusion on the Framework Agreement is no guarantee that any contract will be awarded.

Published: 2019-02-23
Deadline: 2019-03-21
2019-02-23 2019-03-21
Pre-Hospital Care Training and Education for Remote and Rural Practitioners using Simulation
UK Edinburgh NHS Education for Scotland

The educational services provided must be:— evidence based,— linked to standard operating procedures (for remote and rural locations) and meet the CS MEN’s quality assurance system,— linked to nationally agreed guidelines used by all clinical organisations involved in the delivery of pre-hospital care in Scotland,— provide opportunities for integrated training between organisations whenever possible,— regularly evaluated.The successful provider will:— be an effective member and active contributor to the NES Clinical Skills Managed Educational Network Group and attend 4-6 meetings per year in Dundee.— demonstrate effective partnership working and collaboration with the other members of the NES Clinical Skills Managed Educational Network Group.

Published: 2019-02-05
Deadline: 2019-03-04
2019-02-05 2019-03-04
East Sussex College Group — Training and Education Delivery Partnership
UK Hastings Sussex Coast College Hastings

ESCG have a need to appoint suitably qualified organisations to a Dynamic Purchasing System to deliver training and education nationwide, with requirements for delivery specifically within Sussex and the South East, in partnership for the academic years 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23. We are seeking organisations able to deliver non-accredited and accredited / regulated training which meets the following priorities for 2018/19 delivery:1) Work-based learning for employed people to support progression within work, career development and employer need;2) Apprenticeship delivery across a range of key regional and national sectors;3) Fast and responsive industry training to support unemployed and recently redundant people to secure employment (in particular training providers who are able to offer industry recognised courses such as CSCS, CPCS, Forklift, Driver CPC, IPAF/MEWP/PASMA, Electrical 17th/18th edition, Prince2/Agile project management, and infill eligible ESF fun

Published: 2018-06-15
Deadline: 2018-07-13
2018-06-15 2018-07-13
Provision Of, Haematology (FBC) Analyser, Supplies and Services
UK Brighton Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust

Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals is tendering for a system to replace equipment within its Haematology service provided at two laboratories, Royal Sussex County Hospital (RSCH) and Princess Royal Hospital. Full details of the authority's requirements are set out in the specification in Annex B2 of Section B.The sites are 15 miles apart: Royal Sussex County Hospital, Eastern Road, Brighton BN2 5BE and Princess Royal Hospital, Lewes Road, Hayward's Heath, RH16 4EX.The successful vendor shall provide the following:— supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance of Automated Haematology FBC) Analysers for both sites,— 3 analysers at Royal Sussex County Hospital and 2 analysers at Princess Royal Hospital,— reagents, QC materials /calibrators and associated consumables,— training and education.

Published: 2018-05-04
Deadline: 2018-06-01
2018-05-04 2018-06-01
Provision for Young People Educated Other Than At School ("EOTAS")
UK BARRY Vale of Glamorgan Council

Training and education services for young people educated other than at school ("EOTAS").

Value: 225000
Published: 2018-05-02
Deadline: 2018-06-06
225000 2018-05-02 2018-06-06
Salford City College Training and Education Delivery Partnerships
UK Worsley Salford City College

Salford City College have a need to appoint suitably qualified organisations to a Dynamic Purchasing System to deliver training and education in the Greater Manchester area, in partnership for the academic years 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022.Organisations should note that inclusion on the Dynamic Purchasing System is no guarantee that any contract will be awarded.

Published: 2018-03-24
Deadline: 2018-04-23
2018-03-24 2018-04-23
DPS Apprenticeship Training and Education
UK London London Borough of Tower Hamlets

It is intention of the council to create a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) that will allow the contracting authorities to access skills funding agency approved providers in a manner compliant with the requirements of the public contract regulations, Schedule 3 (light touch regime).The procurement will be a collaborative exercise open to the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, London Borough of Hackney, London Borough of Islington, London Borough of Barnet, London Borough of Haringey, London Borough of Barking and Dagenham, London Borough of Hillingdon and London Borough of Hounslow. The DPS will result in the creation of a list of approved providers to whom contracting authorities may award a contract following a call for competition.The DPS will be open for throughout its duration and applications to the DPS may be made at anytime during this period.This system will be managed by LB of Tower Hamlets in terms of application and acceptance onto the DPS.

Value: 37800000
Published: 2017-12-15
Deadline: 2022-07-15
37800000 2017-12-15 2022-07-15
Gateshead College — SAQ Training and Education Delivery Partnership in the North East of England/SSW
UK Gateshead Gateshead College

Gateshead College has a need to appoint suitably qualified organisations to a Framework Agreement to deliver training and education in the North East of England, in partnership for the academic years 2017 — 2018. We are seeking organisations able to deliver accredited/regulated (QCF) training which meets the following priorities:1. Work-based learning for employed people to support progression within work, career development and employer need;2. Support for new enterprises / business start-up / business growth;3. Essential business skills for employees and owner/managers within micro, small and medium sized employers (SMEs) such as financial management/tax/accounts, procurement/bids/tenders, marketing/social media, IT and digital, project management, leadership and management, business planning and development;4. Support for individuals at risk of redundancy / recently redundant to support them in securing new employment or self-employment;5. Fast and responsive industry training to s.

Published: 2017-10-10
Deadline: 2017-11-06
2017-10-10 2017-11-06
Northumberland College — Training and Education Delivery Partnership.
UK Ashington Northumberland College

We require suitably qualified organisations to deliver volumes of student and graduate placements and internships to SMEs in the NELEP area. The aim of the service is to make education and training provision more responsive to the needs of the economy, so that employers' skills needs are more quickly and more effectively met, and individuals receive better designed skills provision which equips them for the world of work. The service must support students and graduates to become job ready and to raise awareness of current and future job opportunities offered by locally based businesses. The service must encourage and support local businesses to offer students and graduates opportunities to gain industry relevant experience and to encourage employment. Students must be studying towards a minimum L3 qualification and the placement must not replace any mandatory placement element of their programme of study. Placements are for a minimum of 4 weeks and internships would last no longer.

Published: 2017-10-03
Deadline: 2017-10-30
2017-10-03 2017-10-30
AHS5145 Tower Hamlets Campbell Road Young People's Support Service.
UK London London Borough of Tower Hamlets

The London Borough of Tower Hamlets (the Council) is seeking an innovative and flexible bid that can demonstrate the capacity to successfully manage a diverse portfolio of supported housing services, including floating support services along with the provision of a broad range of support to meet the needs of young people at different stages in their journey towards independence.The Council's supported housing vision is to ensure that services make a positive contribution to improve the quality of life of vulnerable socially excluded people, living in the Council, through the delivery of personalised preventative and early intervention housing support services.The Council intends to commission Young People's Supported Housing Services for vulnerable young people with complex needs including 16-17 year olds, those at risk of homelessness and those leaving care. The services will provide access to realistic housing options that promote young people's safety and well-being while ensuring access to employment training and education opportunities.

Published: 2017-05-11
Deadline: 2017-06-02
2017-05-11 2017-06-02
AHS5146 Tower Hamlets Mile End Road Young People's Support Service.
UK London London Borough of Tower Hamlets

The London Borough of Tower Hamlets (the Council) is seeking an innovative and flexible bid that can demonstrate the capacity to successfully manage a diverse portfolio of supported housing services, including floating support services along with the provision of a broad range of support to meet the needs of young people at different stages in their journey towards independence.The Council's supported housing vision is to ensure that services make a positive contribution to improve the quality of life of vulnerable socially excluded people, living in the Borough, through the delivery of personalised preventative and early intervention housing support services.The Council intends to commission Young People's Supported Housing Services for vulnerable young people with complex needs including 16-17 year olds, those at risk of homelessness and those leaving care. The services will provide access to realistic housing options that promote young people's safety and well-being while ensuring access to employment training and education opportunities.

Published: 2017-05-11
Deadline: 2017-06-02
2017-05-11 2017-06-02
North Warwickshire and South Leicestershire College Framework for Delivery of Training and Education
UK Nuneaton North Warwickshire Borough Council

Delivery of training and education that is legible for funding under the Adult Education Budget.

Published: 2017-04-14
Deadline: 2017-05-12
2017-04-14 2017-05-12
Enteral Feeds T.LPT.134.
UK Leicester Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust

Lot 1: Oral and Enteral Nutrition and Dietary Products (Oral Nutritional Supplements, Enteral Tube Feeds and Specialist Nutrition Products), Enteral Feeding Pumps and Pump Consumables; Maintenance and Support Services; Home Enteral Nutrition Service; In reach training and education for enterally fed hospital patients.

Published: 2017-03-28
Deadline: 2017-04-28
2017-03-28 2017-04-28
Gateshead College — Training and Education Delivery Partnership In North East England.
UK Gateshead Gateshead College

Gateshead College has a need to appoint suitably qualified organisations to a Framework Agreement to deliver training and education in the North East of England, in partnership for the academic years 2017 — 2018. We are seeking organisations able to deliver ESF funded training which meet the following priorities:1. Support for new enterprises / business start-up / business growth;2. Essential business skills for employees and owner/managers within micro, small and medium sized employers (SMEs) such as financial management/tax/accounts, procurement/bids/tenders, IT and digital, marketing/social media, management/leadership, business planning and development;3. Support for individuals at risk of redundancy / recently redundant to support them in securing new employment or self-employment;4. Fast and responsive industry training to support recently redundant and unemployed people to secure employment (in particular training providers who are able to offer industry recognised courses suc...

Published: 2017-03-25
Deadline: 2017-04-25
2017-03-25 2017-04-25
Master in Business Administration (Government Commercial).
UK Swindon Ministry of Defence

The Business Skills College (BSC) of the Defence Academy (DA) provides business skills training and education across five key functions: Capability and Acquisition Management, Logistics, Safety, Quality, P3M and Finance. The BSC provides 200 courses ranging from e-learning, awareness training to MSc/MBA level education.The DA is seeking a Prime Contractor to design and deliver a MBA based learning and development pathway for senior commercial professionals across Government, with a focus on Government Commercial electives and for which the dissertation/final project must be based on procurement leadership and strategy. It is the intention to provide a pathway for both educational and professional development in order to provide individuals with the skills, knowledge and recognition to operate as a senior commercial officer in Government.The Prime Contractor will host a mixed cohort of students from across industry and Government offering the students a qualification that is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS) and that offers a route through Continuous Personal Development to achieve and develop the competencies required. This route will also enable Government commercial professionals to achieve Chartered status with CIPS (following the achievement of CIPS Standards through a Viva and the completion of the CIPS Ethical Statement) in recognition of their professional capability. As such the MBA Commercial should be designed to achieve a greater than 60 % alignment to the CIPS Global Standard.A flexible modular programme is required and the end product should make the best possible use of Technology Enhanced Learning, providing a blended approach to the programme delivery. A Virtual Learning Environment will be required alongside the active management of an alumni for graduates of the programme.The intended Contract will seek to allow the first cohort of students in September 2017 and will also include a Tasking procedure to allow for Design or Modification to the MBA Course or associated activities.The Authority intends that any Contract let as a result of this Contract Notice shall have an initial term up to 31.3.2022. Thereafter there shall be options to extend the Contract term in one year increments to a maximum end date of 31.3.2027.Initially potential bidders shall be subject to a Dynamic Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (DPQQ) and responses shall be required by 18/04/2017. Those ranked highest (a maximum of six bidders) shall be invited to Tender and formal Tenders in response shall be submitted by 19/05/2017. Tenders submitted will be evaluated on a balance between technical aspects and price using the MEAT (Most Economically Advantageous Tender) methodology. Technical aspects will be evaluated against the Tender Evaluation Matrix included within the Invitation To Negotiate (ITN); noting that one criteria (Serial 8) is a ‘pass/fail’ criteria and any bidder failing to meet this criteria will not be considered further. Price will be judged on the basis of the firm price for the MBA course development activity, the firm price per student and the hourly rates submitted to cover further course development. Both factors will then be subject to the MEAT analysis methodology. The Authority will then enter into a round of negotiation with the two or three highest ranked bidders with a view to optimising their bids to meet the Authority's requirement. If found to be necessary further negotiation rounds will be held until a satisfactory position has been achieved. Any revised bids, as a result of this process, will be subjected to a further round of MEAT analysis with a view to identifying the preferred bidder. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Authority reserves the right to award the Contract on the initial Tenders received and without undertaking rounds of negotiation. The Authority currently anticipates Contract Award by the end of May 2017.

Published: 2017-03-18
Deadline: 2017-04-18
2017-03-18 2017-04-18
Children's Services Safeguarding Training Programme for voluntary, charitable, faith and community b
UK Belfast Procurement and Logistics Service

The HSC Business Services Organisation. BSO. Procurement and Logistics Service. PaLS. invites you to respond to this CfT. If you wish to communicate with the buyer, please do so by using the secure clarifications tab within this CfT. The objective of this procurement is to contribute to the improvement of child protection and safeguarding in Northern Ireland, by ensuring that staff and volunteers in Voluntary, Charitable, Faith and Community-based Organisations, have the skills, knowledge and competence to promote the safety and well-being of children and young people, within the overall remit of their roles and responsibilities. This will be achieved by providing access to training and education for staff and volunteers within Voluntary, Charitable, Faith and Community-based Organisations that reflects the Learning and Development Framework as published by the Safeguarding Board Northern Ireland. SBNI.

Value: 345000
Published: 2017-01-13
Deadline: 2017-02-13
345000 2017-01-13 2017-02-13
Provision of Associate Trainers to Design and Deliver Practitioner level courses in support of Comme
UK Swindon Ministry of Defence

The Business Schools College (BSC) of the Defence Academy (DA) provides business skills training and education across the following key functions: Capability and Acquisition Management, Logistics, Safety, Quality, P3M and Finance.A Prime Contractor is required to provide a cadre of Associate Trainers to provide practitioner level training as and when demand for training dictates and on the basis of an annual rolling programme.The existing BSC internal team of trainers has been delivering courses for the Commercial Function, however due to significant expansion in the Requirement there is a need to bring in associate trainers with specialist knowledge commensurate with the MOD Commercial Professionalism Programme at Practitioner and Expert level.In addition, the Prime Contractor is also required to provide Associate Trainers to design, develop and deliver courses alongside in a number of functions including: Capability and Acquisition Management, Logistics, Safety, Quality, P3M and Finance. These associates will be supplied on a call-off basis to deliver on demand driven portfolio of courses. The associates will design, deliver and develop courses, against a range of outputs, alongside BSC staff and will deliver the non-MOD contextualised training.The Associate Trainers will be tasked on a Call-off basis and they will be given an eight week notice period prior to delivery and they will work in support of an annual rolling programme, which will be updated on a 3 monthly basis.The Prime Contractor will explain in detail how they will manage the Associate database and ensure the right people are acquired to perform the required tasks. The Prime Contractor will also describe the process which will be implemented to enable the Authority to confirm the right individuals have been allocated to each task.The Associate Trainers will be required to support Technology Enhanced Learning where applicable to the Training and Education portfolio and Business Skills College portfolio.

Published: 2016-11-23
Deadline: 2017-01-05
2016-11-23 2017-01-05
Selection of AV equipment for seminar facilities in Phase 2b.
UK London Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust

The Premier Inn Clinical Building has six Seminar Rooms, one on each of Levels 2 to 7. These will be used by clinicians for the following purposes:— Video-conferencing within the GOSH campus network.— Video-conferencing with external parties, including other NHS Trusts, suppliers and partner organizations.— Multi-disciplinary team conferences, requiring access to a range of clinical system.— General meetings and presentations, involving some network-accessible or disk-based audio-visual content.— Training and education seminars and workshops, including streaming video from operating theatres.

Value: 200000
Published: 2016-11-23
Deadline: 2017-01-05
200000 2016-11-23 2017-01-05
Building Better Opportunities — Multiple Barriers (Tamworth, Cannock, Lichfield and East Staffordshi
UK Walsall Steps to Work (Walsall) Limited

Steps to Work is seeking two organisations to join it and its existing partners to deliver the Building Better Opportunities Programme in Staffordshire. The Programme involves helping those who are unemployed, but want to get back into work, prepare for work, make the most of their skills and abilities and provide support to overcome any cbarriers by offering a variety of services tailored to individual needs. The services may include:1. information, advice and guidance on careers and skills2. training to help with things like confidence building and motivation3. CV writing support and guidance4. Job search support5. Support with interview preparation6. Public internet access for job search and training activities7. Information, advice and guidance on training and education opportunities8. Support to develop new skills.

Value: 280000
Published: 2016-10-28
Deadline: 2016-11-14
280000 2016-10-28 2016-11-14
Gateshead College — Supplier Assessment Questionnaire Training and Education Delivery Partnership in
UK Gateshead Gateshead College

As tender documents.

Value: 600000
Published: 2016-09-22
Deadline: 2016-10-26
600000 2016-09-22 2016-10-26
Your Alerts:
Training Ed

In our experience as market leaders in bid management, bid writing and procurement for over 15 years, Thornton & Lowe understand the need to successfully communicate through your bid. Tailoring each individual bid to the requirements of the buyer through the range of services we offer, your bid can be guided to success.

We work with a range of clients from sole traders, to National private training organisations, Universities, Colleges and leading public sector outsourcing firms. As a result our tenders and bid writing support range from the supply of first aid training to a supermarket chain, through to the DWP Work and Health Programme.

"The training was excellent. Really enjoyed the day! We've since been successful with sizeable contract. The bid adopted many features picked up in the training which Thornton & Lowe delivered a few weeks ago!" Allan Milne, Head of Work Based Learning. Salford City College

"I feel like I have learned a lot today and can put ideas in to practice" Linda O'Donnell, Head of Business Development. Shipley College

"I attended the 2 day bid writing masterclass in Jan 2020. The course was very useful and provided a great insight into the world of bidding. The structure of the course included both interactive and practical activities which helped me better understand how to write a more compelling bid. Charles's knowledge and experience in bidding was shown throughout the course and he was always up for a laugh which made the course feel very relaxed. Thank you Charles!" Leon Khan, Bid Writer. Bradford College

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