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Below you can see live professional services frameworks and tenders, which are live now in the UK. At Thornton & Lowe, we are public sector supply chain experts and have both directly procured professional services for the construction sector and providing bid writing services to consultants.

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Maritime Mile Design Consultancy
UK Irvine North Ayrshire Council

NAC require a Lead Designer with a multidisciplinary consultancy service for the design and administration of civil works in relation to the public realm improvements along Irvine Harbourside, known as the Maritime Mile. The service will cover RIBA stages 2-4 from Outline Concept onwards, and also includes roles of a Principal Designer and Contract Administrator for construction works as stated in the Construction Design and Management (CDM) 2015 regulations. The Council is seeking a team that’s experienced in delivering high quality public streets and spaces with appropriate design qualifications.The total budget for the capital works is estimated at 6m GBP.The following terms conditions of contract apply:NEC4 Professional Services Contract (June 2017) – Pricing Option A, NAC Model Form Additional Contract Terms and NAC Exit Terms & Conditions. Please refer to PCS-Tender to access the documentation.

Value: 250000
Published: 2025-01-31
Deadline: 2025-03-04
250000 2025-01-31 2025-03-04
UK Scalloway UHI Shetland

UHI Shetland are seeking to establish a Contract for the Provision of Architectural, Engineering and Professional Services for Phase 1, Design Phase, of it's Future Campus Project.

Published: 2025-01-06
Deadline: 2025-02-14
2025-01-06 2025-02-14
Construction Professional Service Framework
UK Glasgow NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) and NHS Golden Jubilee (NHSGJ) health boards require the provision of a Construction Consultancy Professional Services Framework to support the delivery of capital projects across the Greater Glasgow and Clyde area. Successful framework suppliers will undertake scoping, design, tender, cost management, and construction management activities split across two lots for Lead Consultant and Cost Consultant services.The framework will to be for a maximum period of up to 4 years from its commencement date and support projects ranging in works value up to ten million pounds.The capital projects support the delivery of acute, primary care, mental health and healthcare support services across the health boards, framework consultants will be expected to work on a range of projects in terms of value, complexity and environment.Full details of the tender opportunity are provided in the attached Invitation to Tender document.

Value: 1500000
Published: 2024-12-11
Deadline: 2025-01-24
1500000 2024-12-11 2025-01-24
PS-25-06 - Construction Consultancy Professional Services Framework
UK Kilmarnock East Ayrshire Council

Framework Agreement for the Provision of Construction Consultancy Professional Services.The Framework will be divided into six (6) individual Lots and each Lot shall be evaluated and awarded on an individual basis based upon the award criteria identified below. Tenderers are invited to Tender for one, several or all Lots, however part bids for individual Lots will not be considered.Description of Lots:Lot 1 - Architectural Services (Inc. Conservation, Lead Consultant, Principal Designer)Lot 2 - Quantity Surveying ServicesLot 3 - Mechanical & Electrical Engineering ServicesLot 4 - Structural & Civil Engineering ServicesLot 5 - Building Surveying ServicesLot 6 - Energy & Sustainability Engineering Services

Value: 1800000
Published: 2024-12-11
Deadline: 2025-01-31
1800000 2024-12-11 2025-01-31
Automation Professional Services
UK Midlothian Scottish Qualifications Authority

SQA are looking for consultancy for Automation Professional Services

Published: 2024-09-05
Deadline: 2024-09-26
2024-09-05 2024-09-26
Provision of Professional Services for scoping of a Student Placement System
UK Glasgow University of Strathclyde

The University of Strathclyde ("the University") seeks to establish a contract for the Provision of Professional Services for the Scoping of a Student Placement System.

Value: 61733
Published: 2024-08-27
Deadline: 2024-09-10
61733 2024-08-27 2024-09-10
Provision of Professional Services Support Model of Policing
UK Glasgow Scottish Police Authority

Provision of Professional Services Support Model of Policing. The Scottish Police Authority (known as the “the Authority”) has a requirement to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced supplier for the Provision of Professional Services Support to drive implementation of 3 year plan and support finalisation of Revised Model of Policing

Value: 500000
Published: 2024-08-05
Deadline: 2024-09-04
500000 2024-08-05 2024-09-04
PROC 24 2595 -Strategic Workforce Plan (Professional Services)
UK Glasgow Scottish Police Authority

The Scottish Police Authority has a requirement for Professional Services to produce a strategic workforce plan for Forensic Services. The budget is 80,000 GBP but the authority reserves the right to call off for additional resources if required up to a total maximum contract value of 110,000 GBP.The Authority requires a holistic approach to assessing and analysing internal business drivers and goals to provide a framework for Forensic Services to meet the demand challenges the organisation are facing in complex and uncertain circumstances.

Value: 80000
Published: 2024-07-10
Deadline: 2024-07-26
80000 2024-07-10 2024-07-26
Strategic Innovation and Place Acquisition Programme Framework
UK Glasgow Scottish Enterprise

The purpose of this Invitation to Tender (ITT) is to establish a single supplier Framework Agreement of a single property consultant to continue the work delivered through the Strategic Acquisitions Program (SAP), previously delivered under procurement contract P24-0005. SE requires an advisor to (i) review and enhance the existing search criteria and scoring methodology for property acquisitions that reflect current SE strategy, (ii) create a program for identification and reporting of opportunities, (iii) provide the necessary professional services to support property acquisitions in line with SE’s obligations for best value under the Scottish Public Finance Manual (SPFM), (iv) advise on appropriate technical due diligence and coordinate outputs (v) identify potential options for SE to consider (vi) represent SE in acquisition negotiations with vendors, (vii) liaise with SE’s professional and legal advisors to conclude acquisitions on satisfactory commercial terms. The services may also encompass providing advice on property appraisals, and associated commercial advice, where SE considers either working in joint venture or providing grant aid funding for existing property owners is an appropriate way to unlock sites for future development. This will also include standalone, ad hoc commercial property advice relevant to supporting the wider project above.It is anticipated that the Framework Agreement will start in August 2024 and is anticipated to end 31 March 2027, although SE will retain the option of extension of up to an additional 12 months.

Value: 416666
Published: 2024-06-26
Deadline: 2024-08-07
416666 2024-06-26 2024-08-07
Building Property Professional Services
UK Port Glasgow Caledonian Maritime Assets Ltd (Utility)

CMAL wish to appoint a sole supplier to provide property professional services. CMAL employs a Chartered General Practice Surveyor and a Chartered Building Surveyor who are both based in Port Glasgow. The Building & Property team undertakes the majority of the property management activities and manage property repairs and refurbishments, however they require support and back up for specialised Property Services including but not limited to building surveying, architectural services, rating services, asset valuations, energy efficiency & sustainability, planning services, agency services & professional services.

Published: 2024-06-20
Deadline: 2024-07-22
2024-06-20 2024-07-22
ITT - Business Planning & Other Professional Services
UK Aberdeen Energy Transition Zone Limited

ETZ Ltd has a requirement to appoint a consultant to support the development of refreshed strategic priorities and Business Plan for the next planning period of April 2026 through to March 2031. In addition, other professional support services are required by ETZ to support ongoing delivery.

Published: 2024-05-10
Deadline: 2024-05-31
2024-05-10 2024-05-31
UK Scalloway UHI Shetland

UHI Shetland ("the University") is seeking to establish a Contract for the Provision of Architectural, Engineering and Professional Services for the element of the conversion of the top floor of Port Arthur House into modern, open plan, office accommodation, as part of its Campus Redevelopment Project.

Published: 2024-03-25
Deadline: 2024-04-26
2024-03-25 2024-04-26
Major Capital Works Announcement 2022 - Appointment of Integrated Consultant Team for Portadown College - Ref MA22-0000I405 (2024)
UK Belfast the Education Authority

Appointment of a Project Manager led Integrated Consultant Team for the delivery of the Portadown College. Approximate services value £2.71M. The Integrated Consultant Team to provide full professional services for RIBA Plan of Work 2013 Stages 0-7 to include project management, provision of architectural, quantity surveying, structural, services engineering, civil and structural services for delivery of the proposed School Enhancement Programme (SEP) project.

Value: 2710000
Published: 2024-03-06
Deadline: 2024-04-19
2710000 2024-03-06 2024-04-19
Major Capital Works Announcement 2022 - Appointment of Integrated Consultant Team for Edmund Rice College, Glengormley - Ref MA22-0000I404 (2024)
UK Belfast the Education Authority

Appointment of a Project Manager led Integrated Consultant Team for the delivery of the Edmund Rice College, Glengormley. Approximate services value £2.24M. The Integrated Consultant Team to provide full professional services for RIBA Plan of Work 2013 Stages 0-7 to include project management, provision of architectural, quantity surveying, structural, services engineering, civil and structural services for delivery of the proposed School Enhancement Programme (SEP) project.

Value: 2240000
Published: 2024-03-06
Deadline: 2024-04-17
2240000 2024-03-06 2024-04-17
Major Capital Works Announcement 2022 - Appointment of Integrated Consultant Team for Loreto College VGS - Ref MA22- 0000I402 (2024)
UK Belfast the Education Authority

Appointment of a Project Manager led Integrated Consultant Team for the delivery of the Loreto College VGS - MA22- 0000I402 Approximate services value £3.19m. The Integrated Consultant Team to provide full professional services for RIBA Plan of Work 2013 Stages 0-7 to include project management, provision of architectural, quantity surveying, structural, services engineering, civil and structural services for delivery of the proposed School project.

Value: 3190000
Published: 2024-03-06
Deadline: 2024-10-08
3190000 2024-03-06 2024-10-08
Major Capital Works Announcement 2022 - Appointment of Integrated Consultant Team for Carrickfergus Academy - Ref MA22- 0000I401 (2024)
UK Belfast the Education Authority

Appointment of a Project Manager led Integrated Consultant Team for the delivery of the Carrickfergus Academy - MA22- 0000I401. Approximate services value £3.95m. The Integrated Consultant Team to provide full professional services for RIBA Plan of Work 2013 Stages 0-7 to include project management, provision of architectural, quantity surveying, structural, services engineering, civil and structural services for delivery of the proposed School project.

Value: 3950000
Published: 2024-03-06
Deadline: 2024-04-15
3950000 2024-03-06 2024-04-15
Asset, Capital and Engineering Professional Services
UK Reading Thames Water Utilities Limited

To provide Thames Water with a combination of services from infrastructure and non-infrastructure engineering, environmental, commercial, assurance and programme management to support with the delivery of operational and regulated delivery targets. This lot is to be used where the scope of work does not predominantly fall within the scope of one of the other lots. Thames Water will reserve the right to split services scope or bundle servicess' scope for projects/needs at its descretion. Service packages only.

Value: 400000000
Published: 2024-03-06
Deadline: 2024-04-05
400000000 2024-03-06 2024-04-05
Major Capital Works Announcement 2022 - Appointment of Integrated Consultant Team for Malone College, Belfast - Ref MA22-0000I407 (2024)
UK Belfast the Education Authority

Appointment of a Project Manager led Integrated Consultant Team for the delivery of the Malone College, Belfast. Approximate services value £2.53M. The Integrated Consultant Team to provide full professional services for RIBA Plan of Work 2013 Stages 0-7 to include project management, provision of architectural, quantity surveying, structural, services engineering, civil and structural services for delivery of the proposed School project.

Value: 2530000
Published: 2024-03-06
Deadline: 2024-04-19
2530000 2024-03-06 2024-04-19
Major Capital Works Announcement 2022 - Appointment of Integrated Consultant Team for - Mercy College, Belfast - Ref MA22-0000I406 (2024)
UK Belfast the Education Authority

Appointment of a Project Manager led Integrated Consultant Team for the delivery of the Mercy College, Belfast. Approximate services value £2.3M. The Integrated Consultant Team to provide full professional services for RIBA Plan of Work 2013 Stages 0-7 to include project management, provision of architectural, quantity surveying, structural, services engineering, civil and structural services for delivery of the proposed School project.

Value: 2300000
Published: 2024-03-06
Deadline: 2024-04-19
2300000 2024-03-06 2024-04-19
Major Capital Works Announcement 2022 - Appointment of Integrated Consultant Team for Dromore High School - Ref MA22- 0000I403 (2024)
UK Belfast the Education Authority

Appointment of a Project Manager led Integrated Consultant Team for the delivery of the Dromore High School - Ref MA22- 0000I403. Approximate services value £3.16m. The Integrated Consultant Team to provide full professional services for RIBA Plan of Work 2013 Stages 0-7 to include project management, provision of architectural, quantity surveying, structural, services engineering, civil and structural services for delivery of the proposed School project.

Value: 3160000
Published: 2024-03-06
Deadline: 2024-04-17
3160000 2024-03-06 2024-04-17
SC23172 - Professional Services Framework
UK Maidstone Kent County Council

To achieve Kent County Council strategic objectives, Highways and Transportation (H&T) require access to specialist technical engineering expert advice and services, that specialise in the areas of:• Highways, Transportation and Engineering• Planning and Environment• Surveys and Investigations• Commercial ServicesThe effective delivery of all related projects (including major capital projects) is dependent on having a Professional Services Framework in place. The Framework will be used by additional teams across the Council. Further details on the Framework scope and proposed Framework management information can be found in the SQ documents.

Value: 40500000
Published: 2024-03-05
Deadline: 2024-04-04
40500000 2024-03-05 2024-04-04
Exchange Station Cleaning Services
UK Liverpool Liverpool John Moores University

1.2 Background InformationExchange Station is a landlord owned building located at:Tithebarn StreetLiverpoolL2 2QPThe building has offices for a variety of different organisations, with LJMU holding tenancy for the biggest space for Professional Services staff. There is also a foyer with a coffee shop and various meeting rooms, however, this tender exercise is for cleaning services for the LJMU areas of the building only. Please see Appendix 4 - Exchange Station LJMU Floor Plans, to see the space that LJMU colleagues occupy.The LJMU departments that occupy this building are:• Student Recruitment & Admissions (Ground Floor)• International Relations (Ground Floor)• Research & Innovation Services (First Floor)• Academic Registry (First Floor)• Student Futures (First Floor)• IT Services (Second Floor)• Teaching & Learning Academy (Second Floor)• Estate Development & Campus Services (Second Floor)• Safety, Health and Environment (Second Floor)• HR (Second Floor)• Legal Services (Second Floor)• Public Health Institute (Third Floor)LJMU hold a lease at Exchange Station until 2027 at present.1.3 SpecificationPlease see Appendix 1 - Exchange Station Cleaning Specification and Appendix 2 - Standard Specification Cleaning Frequencies which are provided as separate document. This can be accessed at:

Published: 2024-02-23
Deadline: 2024-03-18
2024-02-23 2024-03-18
EDC/2023/3938 - Cadder Cemetery Design Works
UK Kirkintilloch East Dunbartonshire Council

Under this procurement, EDC (the Client) is seeking to appoint a suitably experienced and qualified consultant (the Consultant) to provide multi-disciplinary professional services to undertake the design of new burial provision on the proposed cemetery site, from RIBA Stage 1 up to and including the end of RIBA Stage 4, including the provision of its roles and responsibilities as the Principal Designer under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (hereinafter abbreviated to “CDM”). The Client intends to seek planning permission for this work in January 2025 or earlier.

Published: 2024-02-21
Deadline: 2024-03-15
2024-02-21 2024-03-15
SIB - Planning Professional Services
UK BELFAST Strategic Investment Board

Strategic Investment Board's (SIB) Regeneration Unit wish to establish a framework agreement and appoint a maximum of 3 Suppliers, in ranked order, to the framework for Planning Consultancy advice. It is envisaged that the framework agreement will be for a period of 3 years. The main activities will be in supplementing the work of the Regeneration Unit in achieving its annual action plan as approved by the NICS Board. The Suppliers will provide a range of consultancy advisory services throughout Northern Ireland whenever instructed by the Regeneration Unit and are expected to cover the following disciplines; 1. Planning Appraisal Reports 2. Handling of complex community and stakeholder consultation exercises 3. Handling of Pre Application Discussions (PAD) process 4. Advice on site access, transportation and infrastructure limitations 5. Advice on the preparation of planning applications 6. Concept scheme designs 7. Preparation and submission of planning applications 8. Strategic planning advice

Value: 300000
Published: 2024-02-09
Deadline: 2024-03-11
300000 2024-02-09 2024-03-11
Provision of NEC4 Professional Services Contract Training
UK Lochgilphead Argyll and Bute Council

Training provision for both NEC4 Professional Services & Professional Service Short Contracts.

Published: 2024-02-07
Deadline: 2024-02-21
2024-02-07 2024-02-21
UK BELFAST The Department of Finance,

The Department of Finance (DoF), Land Property Services (LPS) (Buyer) has on behalf of the NICS Departments, Arms-Length Bodies (ALBs), Non-Departmental Public Bodies (NDPBs) and Government Companies (herein after referred to as the ‘Customer’) detailed in Annex A of the Specification have a requirement for the provision of ArcGIS Licensing, Managed Services, Professional Service, and Training Services. The Buyer wishes to establish a call-off Contract for the provision of: • ArcGIS Enterprise Licensing Agreements (ELA). • ArcGIS Licensing Agreements. • Subscription licensing for any ArcGIS software listed at ArcGIS Product List . • Managed Services. • Professional Services. • Training Services. • Additional Services.

Value: 35000000
Published: 2024-02-01
Deadline: 2024-03-01
35000000 2024-02-01 2024-03-01
Invitation to Tender - Mercury Drone Port Commercial Services Support
UK Forfar Angus Council

Mercury Drone Port requires the professional services of a Commercial Consultant to support the delivery of this Tay Cities Deal project.

Published: 2024-01-30
Deadline: 2024-02-16
2024-01-30 2024-02-16
NHS GG&C - GGC0709 Professional Services
UK Glasgow NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

The NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Capital Planning team regularly appoint a variety of external consultants to undertake scoping, design, tender and construction management activities.Lead Consultant, as detailed within the attached specification documents of this procurement.This Tender process is for participation in a Framework Contract for the provision of construction related consultancy services to buildings and their surrounding grounds intended to meet the needs of NHS GG&C.

Value: 4000000
Published: 2024-01-28
Deadline: 2024-02-23
4000000 2024-01-28 2024-02-23
Pseudo Open Framework for Professional Services in Children's Social Care - Round 3
UK Gloucester Gloucestershire County Council

- Lot 1 - Independent Specialist Assessments (including Drug and Alcohol Testing)

Published: 2024-01-28
Deadline: 2024-02-26
2024-01-28 2024-02-26
Provision of Services for Line Manager Coaching Skills Online Development
UK Coventry University of Warwick

The University of Warwick Human Resource has a requirement to purchase an asynchronous online training package that is capable of being deployed to all line managers within the University. The training should ensure that line managers are skilled and confident to use a coaching approach, where appropriate, in the management of their direct reports.The University has approximately 2,500-line managers in a variety of roles from first line managers to Executive Board members in a range of academic and professional services roles. The training needs to be suitable for line managers across this wide spectrum of leadership roles and types. It is anticipated that the roll out of the training will be broadly spread across a five-year period.It is envisaged that this training package will become an essential part of the University’s recently launched Leadership and Management Framework which aims to grow organisational capability and talent through excellent management and leadership skills.In order to express interest in this opportunity please go to the University of Warwick In-Tend supplier portal ( University of Warwick is not a contracting authority for the purposes of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (as amended) and its procurement activities are not subject to the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 or the obligations under the European Public Procurement Directives, including the European Remedies Directive. Advertisement of any contract in the Official Journal of the European Union or Contracts Finder is at the sole discretion of the University and is undertaken on a voluntary basis with no implied obligation to comply with the procurement legislation.

Published: 2024-01-27
Deadline: 2024-02-19
2024-01-27 2024-02-19
NHS GG&C - GGC0709 Professional Services
UK Glasgow NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

The NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Capital Planning team regularly appoint a variety of external consultants to undertake scoping, design, tender and construction management activities.Overall, the creation of an NHS GG&C framework is for the following:Cost Consultant, Lead Consultant and Quality Monitor and ensures that the procurement process aligns with the public nature and fair procurement values of NHS Scotland.This Tender process is for participation in a Framework Contract for the provision of construction related consultancy services to buildings and their surrounding grounds intended to meet the needs of NHS GG&C.

Value: 4000000
Published: 2024-01-26
Deadline: 2024-02-23
4000000 2024-01-26 2024-02-23
Framework Commission for Architectural, Surveying, Principal Designer and Lead Professional Services on the Historic England Estate
UK Swindon Framework Commission for Architectural, Surveying, Principal Designer and Lead Professional Services

The Services of an Architect/Chartered Building Surveyor/Chartered Architectural Technologist for works projects on the Historic England Estate. To include, when required, fulfilling the role of Principal Designer and Lead Professional. And when a project requires, services of a range of professional team roles.

Value: 450000
Published: 2024-01-25
Deadline: 2024-02-22
450000 2024-01-25 2024-02-22
UK Hounslow London Borough of Hounslow

Landscape Architect-led Multidisciplinary ConsultantThe London Borough of Hounslow (hereinafter referred to as the Council) are seeking to appoint an experienced firm of Landscape Architects to lead and build a team of sub-consultants to effectively delivery this brief.

Value: 200000
Published: 2024-01-20
Deadline: 2024-02-19
200000 2024-01-20 2024-02-19
Lead Consultant for The College of Richard Collyer Masterplan
UK West Sussex The College of Richard Collyer

The College of Richard Collyer (The College) is seeking tenders to appoint a Professional Architectural Services / Principal Design Team to provide the professional services to undertake surveys, technical studies, and achieve planning for phases 4-8 inclusive. This includes RIBA stages 1-4 (including planning permission for Phases 1-8), as well as RIBA stages 1-7 for Masterplan Phases 4a, 4b, 4c and Phase 5. Please refer to ITT for full Explanation of the Tender Evaluation and Requirements at each stage.

Value: 2000000
Published: 2024-01-20
Deadline: 2024-02-20
2000000 2024-01-20 2024-02-20
23/038 - Media Buying and Marketing Services
UK Portsmouth University of Portsmouth

The University of Portsmouth ('University') is inviting tenders from suitably qualified suppliers to provide marketing and media buying services to develop and implement marketing campaigns. The University's target date for award of contract is 29th March 2024 with service commencement following as soon as possible following the signing of contracts. The initial contract term will be for 2 years with possibility of extending the term by a further 2 years in increments to be agreed, subject to the agreement and performance of both parties. The form of contract used will be the University's standard terms for the supply of services.The University of Portsmouth Marketing, Advancement and Communications Department (MAC) consists of approximately 100 team members over 5 teams: Campaigns and Marketing (CAM), Brand and Corporate Communications (BACC), Alumni and Advancement (AAA), Media and Communications (Media), Web and Digital (W&D) and Recruitment and Outreach (RAO). The department serves 2,000 staff across five faculties and multiple professional services. The Department drives all recruitment activity, brand management and media relations. Over the last few years the University has increased its campaign activity significantly, to support the drive to recruit students - undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) in a challenging and competitive environment. Our campaign activity includes an always on approach, with a series of call to actions across the 18 month recruitment cycle for undergraduates and 12 month cycle for postgraduates. We also run peaks in brand awareness activity to compliment the recruitment campaign. The CAM and BACC teams provide an in-house account management service for the wider University and act as the main point of contact with the media agency. The agency will be required to have direct meetings, planning and training sessions with wider members of the Department, but this will be facilitated and coordinated by the team.Full details of the requirements are under the Specification section of this ITT.

Value: 2000000
Published: 2024-01-19
Deadline: 2024-02-19
2000000 2024-01-19 2024-02-19
London Borough of Hounslow Framework Contract - Construction and Professional Services
UK Middlesec London Borough of Hounslow

To ensure value for money the council wishes to develop a framework of suppliers for civil infrastructure works as an alternative to the for the services currently procured through its PFI contract.Works up to a value of £250,000 per call-off

Published: 2024-01-14
Deadline: 2024-02-12
2024-01-14 2024-02-12
Consultancy Services Term Commission for Roads, Transportation & Environmental related Professional Services
UK Larbert Falkirk Council

Dual stage tender procedure, SPD then Tender

Value: 4000000
Published: 2023-12-24
Deadline: 2024-02-16
4000000 2023-12-24 2024-02-16
Consultancy Services Term Commission for Roads, Transportation & Environmental related Professional Services
UK Larbert Falkirk Council

Falkirk Council intend to engage a firm of consultants to undertake the provision of Roads, Transportation & Environmental related Engineering and Professional Services through a term commission 'call-off' Contract for an initial period of 2 years with the possibility of a 2 year extension.The purpose of this /partnering' arrangement is to augment the Councils' in-house professional services capabilities and expertise, to cope with increased and peaks in workload whilst retaining flexibility of resources

Value: 4000000
Published: 2023-12-22
Deadline: 2024-02-16
4000000 2023-12-22 2024-02-16
Events Management, Logistics Services and Professional Services - Ethiopia
UK London Secretary of State for Health and Social Care acting as part of the Crown through UK Health Security

To provide in-country Events Management, Logistics Services and Professional Services for UKHSA staff and contractors in Ethiopia in accordance with the Specification.

Value: 1900000
Published: 2023-12-22
Deadline: 2024-01-22
1900000 2023-12-22 2024-01-22
Professional Services Framework Delivery and Management Partner
UK Birkenhead Wirral Borough Council

Wirral Council are seeking to appoint a Professional Services Framework Delivery and Management Partner pursuant to the Concession Contracts Regulations 2016 (the “Concessionaire”) for a five-year term, to work in partnership with the Council (the “Contracting Authority”) to procure, let and manage a professional services ‘Framework’ as defined by and compliant with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.The intention is that this Framework will facilitate both the award of the Council’s own projected pipeline of works requirements, and provide access to nine (9) further regions across the UK.Full details can be accessed free of charge via the Chest e-procurement portal

Value: 5000000
Published: 2023-12-22
Deadline: 2024-01-19
5000000 2023-12-22 2024-01-19
AT1220 Intelligent Transport Systems for Traffic Signals Maintenance (Supply, Install & Maintain)
UK Luton Luton Council

This procurement is a collaboration between the five Consortium members with Luton Borough Council acting as the lead Authority. The service is to be delivered initially across five geographic areas, being five separate authorities, each under a separate Call Off Contract. The five local authorities currently are;Bedford Borough Council (BBC)Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC)Central Bedfordshire Council (CBC)Luton Borough Council (LBC)Peterborough City Council (PCC)The contract is for the supply, installation and maintenance of Traffic Signals andOther Intelligent Transport Systems; except the installation of those supplied and installed throughthird party projects such as for new developments, which will require maintenance when added tothe asset data. The Local Authority reserves the right to purchase equipment from a third partythat can only be supplied by that third party in instances where the equipment must be compatiblewith the Local Authority’s existing asset. This equipment will then be free issued to the Contractorfor installation. For example, the supply of LED optics that are compatible with the LocalAuthority’s existing asset and can only be supplied by one supplier.There may be a requirement for optional professional services in relation to traffic signal and intelligent transport systems such as signal design, design checks, factory acceptance testing, site acceptance testing and timing validation e.g. MOVA/SCOOT etc. This work is not guaranteed and there is no exclusivity within the contract.It is essential that the traffic signal asset be maintained to reduce the likelihood of failure and that any faults are rectified within the times specified.

Published: 2023-12-16
Deadline: 2024-01-25
2023-12-16 2024-01-25
Professional Services CSConnected Srength In Places Fund (SIPF)
UK Cardiff Cardiff University

The CSconnected Strength in Places Fund project (‘CSconnected SIPF’) is seeking a Provider to deliver a range of professional services that will support the South Wales semiconductor community in its next stages of evolution and growth. Initial Funding is until 30 April 2025 and is circa GBP1.8m. Estimated value includes all contract options.

Value: 5700000
Published: 2023-12-08
Deadline: 2024-01-17
5700000 2023-12-08 2024-01-17
UK Glasgow University of Glasgow

PURCH2289 PROVISION OF A FRAMEWORK FOR CONSULTANCY TO SUPPORT THE EXECUTION OF GLASGOW CHANGING FUTURES PROGRAMMEThe University launched its Research Strategy 2020-2025, in late 2020. Since that point a lot of progress has been made to deliver on thethree priorities of collaboration, creativity, and careers.The Glasgow Changing Futures programme is committed to delivering a programme of activity facilitated by a dedicated leadership teamof both academic and professional services staff who will enable solution development.Please refer to the PURCH2289 - Invitation to Tender Goods or Services FINAL document for additional information and specification.

Published: 2023-12-06
Deadline: 2024-01-15
2023-12-06 2024-01-15
New Hospital Programme – Programme Delivery Partner (PDP)
UK Leeds NHS England

The New Hospital Programme was created to deliver the biggest hospital building programme in a generation. The Conservative Manifesto in 2019 included a commitment that ‘[w]e will build and fund 40 new hospitals over the next 10 years’ and in October 2020, Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister at the time, announced a commitment to build 48 hospitals by 2030 (comprising 8 pre-existing schemes and 40 new hospitals). In May 2023 the government confirmed their commitment to deliver 40 new hospitals, and to establish the capability and capacity to deliver a longer-term pipeline of hospitals beyond 2030/31.<br/><br/>This procurement is for the long-term Programme Delivery Partner (PDP) for the New Hospitals Programme. NHSE wishes to appoint a PDP to be the long-term partner to the programme. <br/><br/>NHSE is seeking expressions of interest from suitably experienced organisations with the capability of delivering a high profile and important professional services contract. The successful Tenderer (“Consultant”) will provide expertise in scheme design, programme and project management and commercial expertise to allow NHP to develop a more standardised approach to design and delivery, increase participation from suppliers in the health infrastructure market, and unlock efficiencies and accelerate delivery to allow NHSE to meet the Government’s commitment to deliver the biggest hospital building programme in a generation. NHP’s ambition is to transform operations across digital, clinical, and workforce workstreams, to identify requirements and translate these into national standards and policies, thereby improving benefits for patients and staff. The PDP interfaces with and supports transformation workstreams, for example supporting the transfer of learning from more advanced Trusts to later ones. The PDP will work with NHSE and NHS Trusts to ensure that the programmatic benefits are increasingly embedded in hospital design and delivery as these benefits are developed. <br/><br/>The procurement to be conducted by NHSE, the scope of services and contractual requirements are more particularly described in the Selection Questionnaire Pack (SQP) and accompanying procurement documents.<br/><br/>Candidates are referred to the SQP and accompanying procurement documents and VI.3 Additional Information in this Contract Notice.

Value: 307000000
Published: 2023-11-30
Deadline: 2024-01-19
307000000 2023-11-30 2024-01-19
P5866 Estate Management Telecommunications Services
UK London Tower Hamlets

Professional Services Contract

Value: 400000
Published: 2023-11-29
Deadline: 2023-12-29
400000 2023-11-29 2023-12-29
Professional Services Framework (Built Environment 2024-28)
UK Stoke-on-Trent Stoke-on-Trent City Council

Architectural Services (for projects with a capital value < £1,000,000)

Value: 40000000
Published: 2023-11-23
Deadline: 2024-01-05
40000000 2023-11-23 2024-01-05
Provision of Consultant to Provide Masterplan Regeneration For Barrhead
UK Giffnock East Renfrewshire Council

East Renfrewshire Council is inviting tenders, from suitably qualified companies for the provision of professional services to deliver a Masterplan for the town of Barrhead. The City Deal and Infrastructure Team, acting on behalf of East Renfrewshire Council, wishes to engage a specialist consultant team to work with it and its community and business stakeholders to produce an aspirational Vision and Regeneration Prospectus for Barrhead, a key settlement in its area.This procurement will be conducted via the Public Contracts Scotland - Tender portal (PCS-T). We will apply a one stage Open procedure.Bidders must self-certify their adherence to the conditions of participation via the SPD (Scotland) in PSC-T, and may be required to submit Means of Proof before contract award. Bidders must refer to the specific requirements listed in Section III in this OJEU Contract Notice when completing the SPD in PCS-T.

Value: 100000
Published: 2023-11-21
Deadline: 2023-12-18
100000 2023-11-21 2023-12-18
CT0111(a) - Professional Services (all stages from survey through to completion of works on site) in relation to MEI works at Morven park and Islay Gardens, Belfast.
UK Belfast Northern Ireland Housing Executive

CT0111(a) - Professional Services (all stages from survey through to completion of works on site) in relation to MEI works at Morven park and Islay Gardens, Belfast.

Value: 190000
Published: 2023-11-17
Deadline: 2023-12-15
190000 2023-11-17 2023-12-15
Immersive, Simulation and Related Technologies Dynamic Purchasing System
UK London Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust

The London Procurement Partnership is advertising for suppliers for a Immersive, Simulation and Related Technologies Dynamic Purchasing System.<br/>The aim of this dynamic purchasing system is to provide a national NHS approved procurement channel for health and care and education providers (and all public sector bodies) with a route to accessing best in class XR, immersive learning and related technologies; smoothing the way to accelerating and scaling their adoption, driving maximum benefit and solving workforce challenges.<br/>The initial category sub-category covered under this DPS are:<br/>Sub-category 1.1 – Part task, skills or procedural training technologies<br/>Sub-Category 1.2 – Immersive learning hardware<br/>Sub-Category 1.3 – Software and applications<br/>Sub-Category 1.4 – Content development<br/>Sub-Category 1.5 – Public, patient and service user education<br/>Sub-Category 1.6 – Research, innovation and evaluation<br/>Sub-Category 1.7 – Professional services and technical support<br/>Sub-Category 1.8 – Support equipment and tools for cleaning and maintenance<br/><br/>Potential bidders should register their Organisations on the Health Family Single eCommercial System<br/>And register their interest on project ID ref; C187117

Value: 100000000
Published: 2023-11-15
Deadline: 2023-12-14
100000000 2023-11-15 2023-12-14
Appointment of Integrated Consultant Team for Kilronan School - Ref MW20-30116388, MW22-30121285
UK Belfast the Education Authority

Appointment of Integrated Consultant Team for Kilronan School – Additional accommodation in the form of 6 new classrooms with associated ancillary accommodation reference MW22-30121285. Also, a new integrated traffic management and car parking system to provide a total of 160 car park spaces with associated works and requirements as necessary to satisfy DfI Roads Service with construction of new roadway and roundabout. Approximate services value £305,218. The Integrated Consultant Team to provide full professional services for RIBA Stages 2-7 to include project management, provision of architectural, quantity surveying, structural, services engineering, civil and structural services for delivery of the proposed School project.

Value: 305218
Published: 2023-10-29
Deadline: 2023-12-01
305218 2023-10-29 2023-12-01
Appointment of Integrated Consultant Team for provision of new SEN accommodation on a new site adjacent to Rathore School, Newry - Ref: MW22-50121274
UK Belfast the Education Authority

Appointment of Integrated Consultant Team New SEN Accommodation and associated external site works and traffic management provision to a new site adjacent to Rathore School, 23 Martins Lane, Newry, BT35 8PJ. Approximate services value £250,000.00. The Integrated Consultant Team is to provide full professional services in accordance with the RIBA Plan of Work 2020 Stages 2-7, works from RIBA 2-7. Full Design Team – SEN works - Provision of new SEN accommodation, associated external site works, alterations to topography and new traffic management system provision, including new access from the public road.

Value: 250000
Published: 2023-10-21
Deadline: 2023-11-23
250000 2023-10-21 2023-11-23
Batley Towns Fund: Levelling Up
UK Huddersfield Kirklees Council

Kirklees Council is seeking to appoint a Professional Services Provider (PSP) for the design of a public realm project to be delivered in Batley. Over £12m grant funding has been secured from the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC), and is further supplemented by other local sources, bringing the total value of the programme to over £14m. The programme comprises of four sub-projects and entails public realm and highway improvements, and the refurbishment of a Council owned building. Lot 1 is for Landscape Architect services.

Value: 500000
Published: 2023-10-14
Deadline: 2023-11-13
500000 2023-10-14 2023-11-13
DfI TRAM T-1137 Engineering Services Consultancy Partner Contract (TRAM)
UK Belfast Department for Infrastructure

The Contracting Authority is seeking to form and develop a mutually beneficial Professional Services Contract with external Consultants to assist the Contracting Authority in the delivery of Transport and Road Asset Management (TRAM) programmes. The successful economic operator will be required to provide a wide spectrum of civil engineering consultancy services and associated specialist services. Services required may relate to the following: Minor Highway Improvements, Transportation, Highway Structures, Major/Large Minor Works, Active Travel and the provision of Professional and Technical staff to assist DfI Tram in-house deliver teams. In accordance with Regulation 46 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR), the Contracting Authority has defined two Contract Areas (Lots) for this procurement. The Contract Areas will be defined by existing DfI TRAM geographical divisional boundaries as follows: • Contract 1 – East and West Engineering Services Consultancy Partner, covering existing Eastern and Western Divisions in Northern Ireland; and • Contract 2 – North and South Engineering Services Consultancy Partner, covering existing Northern and Southern Divisions in Northern Ireland.

Value: 83000000
Published: 2023-10-11
Deadline: 2023-11-14
83000000 2023-10-11 2023-11-14
Asset Management Technical Services Framework
UK Glasgow Transport Scotland

Transport Scotland, on behalf of the Scottish Ministers, has identified the need to establish a Multiple Supplier Framework Agreement. This Multiple Framework Agreement for Asset Management Technical Services covers services crucial to allowing Transport Scotland to meet statutory, legal and contractual obligations and aimed at driving continuous improvement in how we manage and analyse Scottish Trunk Road asset data. The services consider national standards and codes of practice, maintenance processes/procedures, asset performance and budget assignment to deliver value for money and innovation.The Framework will consist of four Lots covering:1) Asset Management Improvement Programme (AMIP) Lot which will include lifecycle planning; network resilience; scheme identification, prioritisation and optimisation; updates to road asset management policy, strategy and planning; information management; performance management as well as staff support and training.2) Asset Management Performance System (AMPS) Development and Maintenance Lot. AMPS is an existing IT management and service delivery tool that is essential to the effective management and maintenance of the Scottish trunk road network and the delivery of the Operating Company Contracts. The service will through its lifetime require development and maintenance in order to improve functionality aimed at driving future improvements in Transport Scotland’s asset management practices through improved analytical capabilities and fully integrated management tools that deliver value for money solutions.3) Geotechnical Certification Services Lot. The principal services shall comprise the provision of an independent geotechnical services for the certification of ground investigations, geotechnical design and other geotechnical activities related to the Scottish Trunk Road network. This shall include both the performance of the service and the provision of advice in relation to the service. In addition the services shall comprise providing advice in relation to technical specifications or publications. Other geotechnical-related services may be required to be undertaken from time to time, including similar services related to railway and other transport infrastructure.4) Asset Management Technical Advice Lot. This will cover Design Standards and Professional Services which covers the review and provision of advice in relation to Departures from Standards including the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB), Manual of Contract Documents for Highway Works (MCHW), and all other Transport Scotland and UK wide Design Guidance and Technical Documents (or an equivalent to each of these documents). In addition this Lot will cover Transport Research to enable research and development work to deliver improvements in safety, construction, operation, and maintenance of the Scottish road network.The proposed framework will be in place for a period of 4 years.

Value: 13400000
Published: 2023-10-10
Deadline: 2023-11-22
13400000 2023-10-10 2023-11-22
Highways Term Service and Associated Professional Services
UK Knowsley Knowsley Council

The undertaking of a suite of services to deliver planned and reactive highways asset management projects, as well as highway capital investment schemes, namely:Service Part 1 – General Contract ManagementService Part 2 – Reactive MaintenanceService Part 3 – Planned Maintenance and ImprovementsService Part 4 – Schemes

Value: 100000000
Published: 2023-10-08
Deadline: 2023-11-16
100000000 2023-10-08 2023-11-16
UKRI-3274 Professional Services for the Design, Project Management and Cost Management of HV/LV Infrastructure Project Works
UK Swindon UK Research and Innovation

The maintenance backlog is currently listed by task (See Appendix D in the tender documents). A critical activity is to initially develop the list into design packages that are appropriate to be delivered on site. For example, multiple tasks in a single building might be appropriate to be delivered as a single design package that is delivered across several phases. Or tasks might remain as single activities. An in-depth understanding the of the task list, site and priorities is required to allow for development and delivery of the design and construction packages. We propose a ‘Discovery Phase’ to develop this understandingWe are looking to contract with specialist supplier who has Technical, Design, Programming and Project Management capability to deliver the following services to support the implementation of the backlog. •Programme Management Office•Project Management•Contract Procurement and Contract Administration•Cost Management•Electrical Design•Civil Design Other services that may be required, and can also be provided by the supplier include: •Architecture, and Infrastructure Master planning – for example, if new substations are required. •Landscape and Ecology – to support with any planning applications should they be required. •Fire Engineering – If permanent or temporary changes are required to the fire strategy because of the works. These works are across a complexed portfolio of buildings including laboratories, workshops, offices, support facilities, assembly halls etc. This appointment will be up to a 4-year period, On a 2+1+1 Term. Over the next 4 years, we have been granted funding to address the maintenance backlog which, is circa £2-3 million pa. The core requirement of the Discovery Phase is estimated of up to £100,000.00 GBP ex VAT. Any work via this Contract beyond the core requirement shall be a ‘call-off’, meaning that there is no guaranteed level of spend beyond the core requirement. Once a Contract is established with a preferred Bidder orders shall be made when UKRI identify the need UKRI shall request a quote from the supplier. If UKRI wish to proceed, a PO will be issued for the defined project/requirement. Multiple Orders may be issued throughout the Contract duration and up to the maximum Contract value. The anticipated fee for these works across the full potential 4-year terms is £950,000.00

Value: 950000
Published: 2023-09-27
Deadline: 2023-11-01
950000 2023-09-27 2023-11-01
Pseudo Open Framework for Professional Services in Children's Social Care - Round 2
UK Gloucester Gloucestershire County Council

Lot 1 – Independent Specialist Assessments and Testing, which includes:Lot 1a – Independent Specialist Assessments Independent Psychological Assessments Independent Social Work Assessments Parenting AssessmentsLot 1b – Testing DNA Testing Drug & Substance Testing

Published: 2023-09-27
Deadline: 2023-10-25
2023-09-27 2023-10-25
National Framework for Decarbonisation Solutions - Health Sector
UK London Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust

For the provision of Decarbonisation works packages up to £1,000,000. Contractors to provide a complete business solution for the Client Organisation. Accreditations maybe required from the Client Organisation within the Further Competition requirement, for example PAS2038 for commercial buildings, but not limited to this. For larger scale projects, it will be expected that the Contractor would need to engage with a Consultant on the Professional Services Framework Agreement. Contractors will be able to bring in supply chain partners to help deliver the requirements for Client Organisation and act as a single point of contact for the Client Organisation. The full project requirements and scope would be agreed through the Direct Award or Further Competition Process.

Value: 1560000000
Published: 2023-09-26
Deadline: 2023-10-23
1560000000 2023-09-26 2023-10-23
National Framework for Professional Services in Construction and Premises 2024
UK Melton The Education Alliance

Lot 1 – Complete Services Solution (lot 2 – 20)

Value: 780000000
Published: 2023-09-26
Deadline: 2023-10-30
780000000 2023-09-26 2023-10-30
National Framework for Decarbonisation Solutions
UK Kingston upon Hull Kingston upon Hull City Council

For the provision of Decarbonisation works packages, up to £1,000,000. Contractors to provide a complete business solution for the Client Organisation. Accreditations maybe required from the Client Organisation within the Further Competition requirement, for example PAS2038 for commercial buildings, but not limited to this. For larger scale projects, it will be expected that the Contractor would need to engage with a Consultant on the Professional Services Framework Agreement. Contractors will be able to bring in supply chain partners to help deliver the requirements for Client Organisation and act as a single point of contact for the Client Organisation. The full project requirements and scope would be agreed through the Direct Award or Further Competition Process.

Value: 1560000000
Published: 2023-09-26
Deadline: 2023-10-23
1560000000 2023-09-26 2023-10-23
National Framework for Professional Services in Construction and Premises 2024 - Scotland
UK Melton The Education Alliance

This lot is for the provision of a complete services solution, which allows for the provision of anything from a single service to full multi-disciplinary service solution. There will be a maximum of 3 consultant organisations appointed to this lot.

Value: 27000000
Published: 2023-09-26
Deadline: 2023-10-30
27000000 2023-09-26 2023-10-30
Provision of SAP ERP Procurement and Discovery Services - Lot 1 - Re-issue
UK Belfast, Northern Ireland Electricity Networks Limited

To appoint professional services to support the procurement of an ERP System Integrator. The requirement is to undertake and complete the SAP S/4 HANA procurement requirements definition, strategy and scope. In addition, support the selection process, enabling the successful appointment of an SAP System Integrator and subsequent contract award for Stage 2 as outlined within the specification. The successful Economic Operator appointed for this Lot will be required to project manage the overall delivery of activities in Stage 1 which includes working closely with the successful Economic Operator appointed to CA290 Lot 2 and NIE Networks project team.

Value: 1100000
Published: 2023-09-26
Deadline: 2023-10-24
1100000 2023-09-26 2023-10-24
Professional Services Framework (Construction Programme)
UK Glasgow Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult

Establishment of a single supplier Professional Services Framework for ORE Catapult's Construction Programme.The Consultant will act as the lead consultant and will assemble a professional team to undertake the services relating to the Project. It is envisaged the team will comprise of the following disciples (but not limited to), reporting to the OREC Project Programme Manager and OREC Governance Board as required:• Project Manager;• Quantity Surveyor/Cost Manager;• Architect;• Civil Engineering;• Structural Engineer;• Building Services / M&E Engineer;• Building Surveyor;• CDM Coordinator and;• Lead Consultant.

Published: 2023-09-22
Deadline: 2023-10-20
2023-09-22 2023-10-20
Potteries Museum and Art Gallery (PMAG) wrap around extension - multi disciplinary consultancy (HDG/2023/526)
UK Stoke-on-Trent Stoke-on-Trent City Council

Stoke-on-Trent City Council wishes to appoint a multi-disciplinary consultancy providing professional services for the wrap around extension to the Potteries Museum and Art Gallery. This project is funded by Arts Council England. For access to tender documents go to:

Value: 150000
Published: 2023-09-16
Deadline: 2023-10-12
150000 2023-09-16 2023-10-12
NELEP Wave 4 Skills Bootcamp
UK North Tyneside North Tyneside Council

Business and People Management (Lot 1) – Skills Bootcamps in a range of skills areas including Leadership and people management; Project management; Financial management; Sustainable business (Net Zero); Digital business operations; Managing transformation;Sales, marketing and procurement;Professional services for public sector;Pathways to accelerated apprenticeships (business and people management)

Value: 1900000
Published: 2023-09-16
Deadline: 2023-10-18
1900000 2023-09-16 2023-10-18
Procurement Frameworks for RBKC Housing Management - Construction Professional Services
UK London The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea

The framework agreement established under this lot will be used by RBKC to access and call-off a range of multi-disciplinary construction professional services, to support a variety of projects in Housing Management. Most of the services called off and delivered under the framework agreement for this lot will relate to major works programmes to RBKC housing stock. Works arising from the issue of a typical call-off package might include but are not limited to the following:- planned or cyclical maintenance including repairs and decorations of external fabric and internal communal areas. The scopes might also include various works to M&E elements, as part of wider major works packages;- Internal works to tenants homes e.g. Kitchen and bathrooms replacements; and- upgrades to fabric and services to meet the RBKC Net Zero commitments are to form part of these works.Suppliers appointed to this lot will usually be required to take the role of lead consultant managing overall service delivery, and other consultants as part of a wider project team.Typical services delivered under this lot might include, but are not limited to:Lead consultancy roleProject and Programme ManagementBuilding surveyingContract Administration/ Employers AgentQuantity Surveying/Cost consultancyFeasibility studies, options appraisals, site investigations, technical reportsArchitectural and design servicesEnvironmental and Sustainability consultancyBuilding services (M&E) consultancy, including liftsCivil and structural engineeringPrincipal Designer/CDM coordinationLandscaping designAcoustic consultancyFaçade engineerBIM consultancy (BIM Coordinator/Manager)Building safety compliance (e.g. Asbestos, Fire Safety) planned or cyclical maintenance including repairs and decorations of external fabric and internal communal areas. The scopes might also include various works to M&E elements, as part of wider major works packages Internal works to tenants homes e.g. Kitchen and bathrooms replacements upgrades to fabric and services to meet the RBKC Net Zero commitments are to form part of these works This lot will usually take the role of lead consultant managing overall service delivery, and other consultants as part of a wider project team. Typical services delivered under this lot might include but are not limited to: Lead consultancy role Project and Programme Management Building surveying Contract Administration/ Employers Agent Quantity Surveying/Cost consultancy Feasibility studies, options appraisals, site investigations, technical reports Architectural and design services Environmental and Sustainability consultancy Building services (M&E) consultancy, including lifts Civil and structural engineering Principal Designer/CDM coordination Landscaping design Acoustic consultancy Façade engineer BIM consultancy (BIM Coordinator/Manager) Building safety compliance (e.g. Asbestos, Fire Safety)

Value: 85000000
Published: 2023-09-13
Deadline: 2023-11-06
85000000 2023-09-13 2023-11-06
IF182 - Professional Services Framework
UK Belfast NI Water and its Subsidiaries

NI Water (NIW) has identified the need for a Professional Services Framework consisting of five Lots and with multiple Economic Operators (Suppliers) to enable the efficient delivery of the capital works programme and consultancy services associated with delivery of normal services of NI Water. It will facilitate the provision for framework management including feasibility, design and climate change; surveying and modelling; project management; site supervision; programme management office services and innovation and efficiency services for projects from inception through to construction stages of the capital works programme.

Value: 800000000
Published: 2023-09-06
Deadline: 2023-10-12
800000000 2023-09-06 2023-10-12
Appointment of Integrated Consultant Team for Clifton School - Ref MW22-40119659, MW22-40121358, MW23-40123121
UK Belfast the Education Authority

Appointment of Integrated Consultant Team for Clifton School – Provision of new nursery accommodation, with associated auxiliary spaces and reconfiguration of external play areas. A traffic management scheme and additional storage within the existing school setting. Approximate services value £250,000.00. The Integrated Consultant Team is to provide full professional services in accordance with the RIBA Plan of Work 2020 Stages 2-7, which are to include project management, provision of architectural and landscape architectural services, quantity surveying, civil, structural, fire, mechanical and electrical engineering services, principal designer, and specialised consultant (i.e., Traffic Management, Ecology) services for delivery of the proposed School project.

Value: 250000
Published: 2023-09-01
Deadline: 2023-10-05
250000 2023-09-01 2023-10-05
Planning Related Advice Professional Services Framework (Lot 8)
UK London NATURAL ENGLAND (Defra Network eTendering Portal)

Planning Related Advice Professional Services Framework (Lot 8) - Following insufficient bids during the original Framework tendering in January 2023, Natural England (NE) wishes to re-run a procurement process and appoint up to six (6) suitable Suppliers onto PRAPS Framework - Lot 8 (Soils, and best and most versatile agricultural land, minerals, and waste) to deliver range of planning advice services. The Suppliers with relevant skills, experience, and expertise in providing expert advice and training on a wide range of planning issues to decision makers and consultees.

Value: 4999999
Published: 2023-08-31
Deadline: 2023-10-13
4999999 2023-08-31 2023-10-13
Fife Council Mechanical & Electrical Professional Services
UK Glenrothes Fife Council

Fife Council has a requirement for the provision of a Framework to provide a Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Consultant Service. Fife Council carries out hundreds of multi-discipline design and construction projects each year. Fife Council Property Services provide this service but often require assistance from the private sector. This document details the scope of the framework and will explain how the framework will be used.

Value: 500000
Published: 2023-08-25
Deadline: 2023-09-26
500000 2023-08-25 2023-09-26
Fife Council Mechanical & Electrical Professional Services
UK Glenrothes Fife Council

Fife Council has a requirement for the provision of a Framework to provide a Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Consultant Service. Fife Council carries out hundreds of multi-discipline design and construction projects each year. Fife Council Property Services provide this service but often require assistance from the private sector. This document details the scope of the framework and will explain how the framework will be used.

Value: 500000
Published: 2023-08-24
Deadline: 2023-09-26
500000 2023-08-24 2023-09-26
Professional Services to Produce a Concept Design for the Campbeltown Esplanade and Kinloch Park Active Travel Route
UK Lochgilphead Argyll and Bute Council

Argyll & Bute Council wish to appoint an appropriately qualified and experienced design team to develop proposals for new high quality walking, wheeling and cycling improvements linking Campbeltown Town Centre and Dalintober/Askomill along the Esplanade and through Kinloch Park through business case, feasibility and concept design stages.

Published: 2023-08-22
Deadline: 2023-09-04
2023-08-22 2023-09-04
Immersive, Simulation and Related Technologies Dynamic Purchasing System
UK London Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust

The London Procurement Partnership is advertising for suppliers for a Immersive, Simulation and Related Technologies Dynamic Purchasing System.<br/>The aim of this dynamic purchasing system is to provide a national NHS approved procurement channel for health and care and education providers (and all public sector bodies) with a route to accessing best in class XR, immersive learning and related technologies; smoothing the way to accelerating and scaling their adoption, driving maximum benefit and solving workforce challenges. <br/>The initial category sub-category covered under this DPS are: <br/>Sub-category 1.1 – Part task, skills or procedural training technologies<br/>Sub-Category 1.2 – Immersive learning hardware<br/>Sub-Category 1.3 – Software and applications<br/>Sub-Category 1.4 – Content development<br/>Sub-Category 1.5 – Public, patient and service user education<br/>Sub-Category 1.6 – Research, innovation and evaluation<br/>Sub-Category 1.7 – Professional services and technical support<br/>Sub-Category 1.8 – Support equipment and tools for cleaning and maintenance<br/><br/>Potential bidders should register their Organisations on the Health Family Single eCommercial System<br/>And register their interest on project ID ref; C187117

Value: 500000000
Published: 2023-08-18
Deadline: 2027-09-03
500000000 2023-08-18 2027-09-03
V&A Museum Professional Services
UK London Victoria and Albert Museum

Project Management Services. Please download the tender pack for the full scope of services.

Value: 3000000
Published: 2023-08-17
Deadline: 2023-09-15
3000000 2023-08-17 2023-09-15
London Borough of Hounslow Framework Contract - Construction and Professional Services
UK Hounslow London Borough of Hounslow

To ensure value for money the council wishes to develop a framework of suppliers for civil infrastructure works as an alternative to the for the services currently procured through its PFI contract.Works up to a value of £250,000 per call-off

Value: 40000000
Published: 2023-08-12
Deadline: 2023-09-22
40000000 2023-08-12 2023-09-22
Appointment of Integrated Consultant Team for Roddensvale School – SEN 5 Classroom Extension - Ref MW22-301211814
UK Belfast the Education Authority

Appointment of Integrated Consultant Team for Roddensvale School – SEN 5 Classroom Extension. Approximate services value £240,586.00. The Integrated Consultant Team to provide full professional services for RIBA Plan of Work 2013 Stages 2-7 to include project management, provision of architectural, quantity surveying, structural, services engineering, civil and structural services for delivery of the proposed School project.

Value: 240586
Published: 2023-08-11
Deadline: 2023-09-14
240586 2023-08-11 2023-09-14
Leisure Facilities Back Office Professional Services and Systems Agreement (PSA)
UK BUXTON High Peak Borough Council

High Peak Borough Council and Staffordshire Moorlands District Council (the Councils) previously published a Prior Information Notice (PIN) on 20/06/23 ref: 017567-2023 to alert potential suppliers of a future procurement opportunity.This Contract Notice is now published to start the procurement and selection of a main provider for the Councils Leisure facilities operational 'back office professional support and systems' contract.The Councils are currently in outsourced concession contracts for the delivery of Leisure facilities operations, both are due to expire end of March 2024. Work is underway to establish a wholly owned Local Authority Trading Company (LATCo.) to manage their Leisure centres and deliver active health and wellness services for both Council areas, to be operational for April 2024.The Councils will be the Contracting Authorities at the point of award, however interested participants must note that there will be a requirement to novate the contract arrangementsto the subsidiary company when established and operational.The specification outputs for the Contract will be for the provision of Leisure Facilities back office support through Professional services and IT based systems to facilitate the new company to manage and operate both Authorities Leisure facilities and wellness initiatives, additionally support and be reactive to the Councils' Leisure Transformation programmes across its portfolio. The Councils will require a main contractor to provide the following outputs as part of their offer, items include but not limited to;ICT Support (Leisure Centre specific electronic point of sale system, Office functions, website, All systems [including App, CRM, Digital Asset Management System]),Payroll system, Finance, Customer Data, Communications:- Finance Systems (Customer Payments, Purchase to Pay / Invoice payments, Invoices raised, VAT, Financial Information)- Payroll (Monthly salary and wages, PAYE, Pensions, National Insurance, Other [inc annual leave, sickness, training records])- Human Resources (Produce contract of employment, Record for starters/leavers, Annual leave records, Sickness records)and;- Direct Support, Accident Reporting, Legislative Updates, App KPI Management.

Published: 2023-08-10
Deadline: 2023-09-08
2023-08-10 2023-09-08
Professional Services to Produce a Concept Design for the Rothesay Pavilion to Albert Pier Active Travel Route
UK Lochgilphead Argyll and Bute Council

This is a project to undertake extensive community engagement and to prepare Business Case, Feasibility and Options Appraisal, Concept Designs and supporting documents for the construction of a new high quality active travel route that will link Rothesay Pavilion with the Albert Pier along the A844 Victoria Street. The design must deliver improvements to the walking, wheeling and cycling environment along the length of the route as well as include placemaking improvements at key locations. This project will result in an agreed Concept Design, taking cognisance of Cycling by Design (2021), Designing Streets and relevant roads design guidance and must ensure all deliverables are completed by 15 March 2024.

Published: 2023-08-07
Deadline: 2023-09-01
2023-08-07 2023-09-01
West of England Combined Authority Professional Services Framework Renewal
UK Bristol West of England Combined Authority

The West of England Combined Authority, in collaboration with Bristol City Council, North Somerset Council, South Gloucestershire Council and Bath and North East Somerset Council, is establishing a four-year Professional Services Framework Agreement to support our regional infrastructure projects. This Framework Agreement will have a single lot incorporating a number specialisms detailed within the Scope of Requirements.It is our intention to award up to six Suppliers a place on the Framework agreement (except in the unlikely event that two Suppliers are within 1% of winning sixth place, in which case we reserve the right to include a seventh Supplier). Each Supplier is expected to have multi-disciplinary capability or access to deliver the contracts/work packages granted under the Framework Agreement.It is estimated that the Framework Agreement will have a value of between £55m and £112m over the four-year term.The Framework can be utilised by all other UK Public Sector Bodies, including but not limited to: local authorities, health, police, fire and rescue, education and devolved administrations. Use of the Framework by these other bodies will be via an access agreement issued by the West of England Combined Authority.The CA aims to appoint suppliers who have the capabilities and capacity to support the delivery of its business and strategic objectives at pace and who will share the CA's ethos and values.

Value: 100000000
Published: 2023-08-05
Deadline: 2023-09-29
100000000 2023-08-05 2023-09-29
CT0129(a):- Professional Services in relation to the redevelopment of the existing Ballyarnett Traveller's site to meet current legislative and space standards project *retender*
UK Belfast Northern Ireland Housing Executive

CT0129(a):- Professional Services (all stages from survey through to completion of works on site) in relation to the redevelopment of the existing Ballyarnet Traveller’s Site to meet current legislative and space standards Project No. 01.88.1001. The NIHE will be utilising the Accelerated procedure for this procurement.

Value: 222635
Published: 2023-08-03
Deadline: 2023-08-18
222635 2023-08-03 2023-08-18
Professional Services to Produce a Technical Design for the Rothesay Town Centre to Joint Campus Active Travel Route
UK Lochgilphead Argyll and Bute Council

This is a project to prepare technical designs and supporting documents for the construction of a new high quality active travel route that will link Rothesay Town Centre with Rothesay Joint Campus along the B881 High Street. The design must build upon the Developed Designs and deliver improvements to the walking, wheeling and cycling environment along the length of the route as well as include placemaking improvements at key locations. This project will deliver the requirements of Places for Everyone Stage 4 (Technical Design), and recently added outputs from Places for Everyone Stage 0-3 taking cognisance of Cycling by Design (2021), Designing Streets and relevant roads design guidance and must ensure all deliverables required by Place for Everyone are delivered in a sequential process that ensures all deliverables are completed by 15 March 2024.

Published: 2023-07-25
Deadline: 2023-08-22
2023-07-25 2023-08-22
Digital Professional Services, Technical Expertise and Rapid Resource Deployment
UK London Ofgem

Ofgem will require the successful tenderer(s) to deploy highly skilled project teams or individuals to deliver against a defined set of requirements, within an agreed and signed ‘Statement of Work’ (SOW) along with clear delivery and payment milestones for individual programmes / projects / requirements.The nature of requirements will include, but not be limited to, consultancy and professional services, to research, test, design, build, release, iterate, support, project manage or retire digital services.As part of the requirement, Ofgem will be looking to deploy specialists for short, medium, and potentially longer-term assignments in areas such as:* User experience and design* Performance analysis and data* Security* Technical service delivery* Software development* Infrastructure* Support and operations* Testing and auditing* User research* Project Management* IT engineering, including technical leads and DevOps* Supplier and procurement management (Working with Ofgem’s Procurement and Digital Commercial Teams)* The tenderer may be expected to sub-contract outside resource where they are unable to directly deliver Ofgem's requirements due to technical speciality or within a reasonable timescale.Ofgem would expect all services within the contract to be delivered “off-payroll”, outside of IR35.Tenderers should expect to provide their own equipment, but may be required to use Ofgem equipment or a VPN solution in order to securely access and update sensitive documentation and content.Further information can be found in the attached 2023-040 Rapid Resource Deployment ITT document.

Value: 15000000
Published: 2023-07-22
Deadline: 2023-08-16
15000000 2023-07-22 2023-08-16
NUTS: UKN UK Radius Housing

Radius Housing (Radius) on behalf of itself and the named parties (Contracting Authority) is seeking to select two suitably qualified and experienced construction consultancy teams to provide services that fulfil the role of Project Manager under the NEC3 and NEC4 suite of contracts. There is no maximum or minimum construction value on the schemes to be taken forward under this Framework and the authorities will assess whether each project it undertakes requires the services of a Project Manager on a scheme by scheme basis.Radius are committed to continually improving the quality of our new build housing offer, as we recognise its influence in acting as a catalyst for wider social, economic, cultural and community benefits which are fundamental to good place making and the empowerment of strong and resilient communities. Radius are procuring on behalf of the following organisations who may also use the Framework from time to time:1. Radius Housing2. Radius Homes Ltd3. Tealstone DevelopmentsThe Framework will be procured in accordance with the Open Procedure as set out at Regulation 27 of The Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (the Regulations) and in accordance with Regulation 19 of the “Framework Agreements”.Nothing stated in this ITT or during the Competition is or shall be relied on as a promise or representation as to the future or a commitment by the Authority to award or enter into any contract or PM Framework Agreement with a Tenderer(s).

Value: 5000000
Published: 2023-07-22
Deadline: 2023-08-22
5000000 2023-07-22 2023-08-22
SMBC Civil and Structural Engineering Professional Services Framework
UK Stockport Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council

Transport Strategy, Planning and Environment

Value: 24000000
Published: 2023-07-21
Deadline: 2023-08-24
24000000 2023-07-21 2023-08-24
Strategic Resource Options: Programme Partners (PP) Framework
UK Reading Thames Water Utilities Limited

II.2.4) Description of the procurement:(nature and quantity of works, supplies or services or indication of needs and requirements; for supplies only - state whether tenders are requested for purchase, lease, rental, hire purchase or any combination of those)Thames Water Utilities Ltd (TWUL) Strategic Resource Options (SRO) - Programme Partners (PP) Framework TWUL's current portfolio of SRO projects includes, but is not limited to, the Southeast Strategic Reservoir Option (SESRO), Severn to Thames Transfer (STT), London Water Recycling (LWR) projects, Thames to Affinity Transfer (T2AT) and Thames to Southern Transfer (T2ST). Further information, including RAPID Gate 1 and 2 reports, can be found on this link: intends to establish a PP Framework primarily to support its SRO Program. This is the first phase of a longer-term procurement strategy to establish the professional services supply chain that TWUL needs to support its wider business. This procurement is for the PP Framework only and relates to Phase 1 of the procurement strategy. Existing TWUL professional services frameworks are not impacted by the procurements outlined in this notice.The successful tenderers will interface with several other partners that will be procured separately to support the SRO Programme as it develops. TWUL are looking for leading expertise within the key disciplines outlined below to accelerate the delivery and management of this high-profile programme. The PP will need to demonstrate extensive experience in programme management to enable it to support and management across the SRO portfolio which will include large complex infrastructure schemes being progressed under the current UK planning environment. The PP role includes being able to provide strong leadership, excellent technical capability, and proven expertise in supporting Clients and managing programmes of work (in this case the delivery of large pipelines, reservoirs, water recycling and transfer facilities). Furthermore, the PP will need to provide programme management and controls expertise to oversee and advise up all aspects of preliminary design and the pre application engagement with the Planning Inspectorate and to assist with the development / management of planning applications (likely to be a Development Consent Order (DCO)) including assisting with stakeholder engagement and all elements of the pre consultation and planning application processes. The PP framework agreement will be awarded under the NEC4 Professional Services Contract Option E with amendments. Provision will be made in the call-off contracts for utilisation of Option A, C and E. TWUL intends to award the first work package from the PP framework agreement immediately following the appointment of framework suppliers. It is our intention that appointment as a Programme Partner to one or multiple SRO projects will be for the duration of that particular scheme. This approach is due to the complexity and phasing of projects within the SRO programme. The risk of disruption and inefficiency that would be caused through multiple handovers between Programme Partners during a project is high and would be sub optimal for TWUL. Our intention is that the parties to the framework compete for the role of Programme Partner via an initial mini competition and that subject to the successful party's performance, capability and capacity, it will remain the Programme Partner for the scope of services that was competed.Sufficient information will be included in the mini-competition tender pack to enable bidders to prepare solutions for the potential services that may be required by TWUL. The scope of initial mini competitions will be construed widely to enable our approach and all parties wishing to compete will have the appropriate opportunity to seek clarification on the breadth, depth and

Value: 150000000
Published: 2023-07-06
Deadline: 2023-08-11
150000000 2023-07-06 2023-08-11
Construction and Design Professional Services
UK Didcot Satellite Applications Catapult

The procurement will be undertaken on the MyTenders portal and will seek to award a contract to a single supplier for a period of three years with the option to extend for a further period of 12 months.

Published: 2023-07-04
Deadline: 2023-08-09
2023-07-04 2023-08-09
Strategic Resource Options: Technical Partners (TP) Framework
UK Reading Thames Water Utilities Limited

Thames Water Utilities Ltd (TWUL) Strategic Resource Options (SRO) - Technical Partners (TP) Framework TWUL's current portfolio of SRO projects includes, but is not limited to, the Southeast Strategic Reservoir Option (SESRO), Severn to Thames Transfer (STT), London Water Recycling (LWR) projects, Thames to Affinity Transfer (T2AT) and Thames to Southern Transfer (T2ST). Further information, including RAPID Gate 1 and 2 reports, can be found on this link: intends to establish a TP framework primarily to support its SRO program. This is the first phase of a longer-term procurement strategy to establish the professional services supply chain that TWUL needs to support its wider business. This procurement is for the TP Framework only and relates to Phase 1 of the strategy. Existing TWUL professional services frameworks are not impacted by the procurements outlined in this notice.The successful tenderers will interface with several other partners that will be procured separately to support the SRO Programme as it develops. TWUL are looking for leading expertise within the key disciplines outlined below to accelerate the delivery of this high-profile programme. The TP will need to demonstrate extensive experience in the development and support the delivery of large complex infrastructure schemes in the current UK planning environment. This includes being able to provide strong leadership, excellent technical capability, and proven expertise in supporting the delivery of large pipelines, reservoirs, water recycling and transfer facilities. Furthermore, the TP will need to provide technical expertise to manage all aspects of preliminary design and managing the pre application engagement with the Planning Inspectorate and develop/manage the planning application (likely to be a Development Consent Order (DCO)) including stakeholder engagement and all elements of the pre consultation and planning application processes. The TP framework agreement will be awarded under the NEC4 Professional Services Contract Option E with amendments. Provision will be made in the call-off contracts for utilisation of Option A, C and E. TWUL intends to award the first work package from the TP framework agreement immediately following the appointment of framework suppliers. It is our intention that appointment as a technical partner to one or multiple SRO projects will be for the duration of that particular project. This approach is due to the complexity and phasing of projects within the SRO programme. The risk of disruption and inefficiency that would be caused through multiple handovers between Technical Partners during a project is high and would be sub optimal for TWUL. Our intention is that the parties to the framework compete for the role of TP for a specific project via an initial mini competition and that subject to performance, capability and capacity, the successful party will be the technical partner for the duration of the particular project.Sufficient information will be included in the mini-competition tender pack to enable bidders to prepare solutions for the potential services that may be required by TWUL. The scope of initial mini competitions will be construed widely to enable our approach and all parties wishing to compete will have the appropriate opportunity to seek clarification on the breadth, depth and operation of the resulting call off contract(s). The duration of the TP framework will be up to 8 years and is required to support a regulated delivery schedule. It is intended that the successful TP at call-off will cover the development phase into the mobilisation of the future Delivery Partner(s) in the detailed design and construction phase.The TP framework scope is likely to comprise of, but is not limited to, the following high level service categories:• General Technical Partner Suppo

Value: 300000000
Published: 2023-07-01
Deadline: 2023-07-28
300000000 2023-07-01 2023-07-28
Rome Cost Consultancy Services
UK London Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office

Project 1 – Rome Residence Refurbishment;Villa Wolkonsky built in c1860 is the official residence of the British ambassador to Italy in RomeSeismic investigations have identified deficiencies with the residence building, and much of the mechanical and electrical services are now considered to be end of life.A project is therefore required to strengthen the residence building against seismic forces and to carry out a full refurbishment and building services replacement. The opportunity will also be taken to modernise the layout to better suit today’s working practices. There are no works currently planned elsewhere in the grounds.A RIBA Stage 2 report previously commissioned identified strengthening and refurbishment solutions. A design and project management team, have been appointed under a separate commission to update and complete the Stage 2 report with Stage 3 structural information. The FCDO require cost consultancy services to support the development of the updated Stage 2 information and to provide support through RIBA stages 3-7 including the contract administration of other professional services contracts. The Residence is under the protection of the local heritage authorities.Initial estimated works cost for Project 1 stand at £16.2m.Project 2 – Rome Embassy Refurbishment;The British Embassy office building at Rome's Porta Pia was designed by the British architect Sir Basil Spence, and opened in 1971. In addition to the British Embassy office, the compound also contains the former Holy See Embassy (relocated in 2023 and now vacant), some residential properties and other ancillary buildings. The British Embassy office building is a two-storey, square plan building, supported on pilotti (pillars) and built around a courtyard, building services run through the pillars. The British Embassy office building is under the protection of the local heritage authorities.Seismic investigations have identified deficiencies with the British Embassy office structure, and with much of the building services dating back to the original build are now considered to be end of life.A project is therefore required to strengthen the British Embassy office against seismic forces and to carry out a full refurbishment and services replacement. The opportunity will also be taken to modernise the layout to better suit today’s working practices. There are no works currently planned elsewhere on the British Embassy compound. Initial estimated works cost for Project 2 stand at £37.0m.

Published: 2023-07-01
Deadline: 2023-07-21
2023-07-01 2023-07-21
UKRI-3108 Professional Support to Capital Projects (PM&QS)
UK Swindon UK Research & Innovation

The aim of this single operator framework is to contract for professional services (Project management and Quantity Surveyor) for one-off projects relating to capital build and refurbishment on the MRC estate, covering locations in Cambridge, Didcot and London.

Value: 1500000
Published: 2023-06-30
Deadline: 2023-07-31
1500000 2023-06-30 2023-07-31
CT0112(b) :- *retender* Professional Services (all stages from survey to completion of works on site) in relation to Health and Safety works and other improvements to Rushpark Multis - North Regions
UK Belfast Northern Ireland Housing Executive

CT0112(b) - *retender* The Housing Executive is seeking to engage a suitably qualified and competent professional services provider in relation to (all stages from survey to completion of works on site) Health and Safety works and other improvements to Rushpark Multis - North Regions

Value: 180000
Published: 2023-06-29
Deadline: 2023-07-28
180000 2023-06-29 2023-07-28
Orkney Harbours Masterplan Phase 1 - Scapa Deep Water Quay (SDWQ)
UK Kirkwall Orkney Islands Council (Harbour Authority)

This procurement is for the appointment of a Main Contractor to provide Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) pre-construction services including, developing design, progressing key statutory consents and building up detailed construction costs. ECI pre-construction services is likely to be administered through via a NEC4 Professional Services Contract. Following completion of the ECI pre-construction stage, the contract may, at the sole discretion of the Authority, proceed to an optional Contract Stage 2, which will include the construction stage of the contract under either a design and build contract likely to be under a NEC4 Engineering and Construction Contract (main Option A) or a “Build-Operate-Transfer” (“BoT”) type structure, pursuant to which the successful tenderer (or possibly a corporate joint venture vehicle formed between the Authority and the successful tenderer) would be granted a long lease of the land and marine assets, enter into a development and operation agreement relating to the project with the Authority, as well as agreement(s) for the provision of finance and the construction contract for construction of the project.The envisaged scope of the construction contract will be to deliver all works associated with the construction of a new deep water quay on the east side of Scapa Flow on the site of agricultural lands some 4km south of the existing Scapa Pier and approx. 1.1km west of the existing A961 public road. The works include land creation and reclamation, bulk earthworks cut/fill, new deep water quay construction, piling and reinforced concrete construction, dredging to -15mCD and -20mCD, pier fit out and all ancillary works to complete the development.

Value: 200000000
Published: 2023-06-28
Deadline: 2023-07-28
200000000 2023-06-28 2023-07-28
Professional Services Framework (Admin, Actuarial, and Consultancy) 2023
UK Croydon The Board of the Pension Protection Fund

Lot 1 is primarily for services to the Board where both administration and actuarial services and/or pensions consultancy may be required at the same time, firms applying for this lot will have direct experience in the pensions industry. Firms in Lot 1 must be able to provide the full range of services as set out in the service requirements.

Value: 50000000
Published: 2023-06-23
Deadline: 2023-07-26
50000000 2023-06-23 2023-07-26
Framework Agreement for Network Technology, Supply and Services, Maintenance and Support
UK Ruthin Denbighshire County Council

The aim of this project is to award a framework agreement for the procurement and support of new and existing Data Network and Security Infrastructure utilised by Denbighshire and Flintshire County Councils. The Authorities IT Departments all provide business systems separately to their own individual organisation; however, each authority deploys similar IT systems that support these applications based on Cisco Technologies. This framework is to support each authority to procure hardware and software and professional services to support both the existing infrastructure and new and emerging technologies and strategies that each may develop.

Published: 2023-06-21
Deadline: 2023-07-24
2023-06-21 2023-07-24
Engineering Services at Former HMRC Building, Cumbernauld
UK Worcester Sanctuary Housing Association

Sanctuary seeks to appoint the services of a suitably experienced Engineering practice toprovide professional services to support the design and build of circa 170-200 high quality,energy efficient, sustainable homes on the former HMRC site, Cumbernauld.

Value: 200000
Published: 2023-06-20
Deadline: 2023-07-21
200000 2023-06-20 2023-07-21
Engineering Services at Former HMRC Building, Cumbernauld
UK Worcester Sanctuary Housing Association

Sanctuary seeks to appoint the services of a suitably experienced Engineering practice to provide professional services to support the design and build of circa 170-200 high quality, energy efficient, sustainable homes on the former HMRC site, Cumbernauld.Tenderers attention is drawn to the requirements in the tender regarding minimum turnover (£400,000), insurance provision, and specific trade accreditations.

Value: 200000
Published: 2023-06-17
Deadline: 2023-07-21
200000 2023-06-17 2023-07-21
RIBA Stage 4 Professional Services & Detailed Design for Building Decarbonisation Measures
UK Lancaster Lancaster City Council

RIBA Stage 4 Professional Services & Detailed Design for Building Decarbonisation Measures for more information see the supplier portal. All documents and to express an interest should be made via the portal

Value: 360000
Published: 2023-06-14
Deadline: 2023-07-13
360000 2023-06-14 2023-07-13
High Weald House Architecture Professional services
UK St Leonards on Sea East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust

High Weald House Architecture Professional services

Value: 100000
Published: 2023-06-13
Deadline: 2023-07-04
100000 2023-06-13 2023-07-04
Pseudo Open Framework for Professional Services in Children's Social Care
UK Gloucester Gloucestershire County Council

Lot 1 – Independent Specialist Assessments and Testing, which includes:Lot 1a – Independent Specialist Assessments Independent Psychological Assessments Independent Social Work Assessments Parenting AssessmentsLot 1b – Testing DNA Testing Drug & Substance Testing

Value: 10500000
Published: 2023-06-10
Deadline: 2023-07-10
10500000 2023-06-10 2023-07-10
P24-0014 Business Response Framework
UK Glasgow Scottish Enterprise

Scottish Enterprise is seeking to establish a Framework Agreement to provide a range of due diligence on companies in difficulty and/or where significant job losses are anticipated, to inform decision making for Scottish Enterprise.We intend to appoint up to 4 suppliers to the Framework and each will be expected to deliver a full range of integrated professional services including accountancy/financial management, legal and tax advice, specialist technical expertise and other considerations including UK Subsidy Control.The Framework is expected to commence on 20 October 2023 with an end date of 19 October 2026. After this time Scottish Enterprise will have the option to extend the Framework for a further 12 month period.

Value: 1750000
Published: 2023-06-02
Deadline: 2023-07-05
1750000 2023-06-02 2023-07-05
Professional Services Principal Design Team: (Roof Top Garden) Technical studies, design and feasibility work

The Council is seeking tenders to appoint a Professional Services Principal Design Team to provide the professional services to undertake surveys, technical studies, business planning and the design of a practical and economically viable rooftop garden and restaurant / pavilion.The successful bidder would be required to ensure that the Professional Service Design Team has access to all of the required professional services to support this project and would include (but not limited to): Designer / Architectural Services; Cost Consultant / Quantity Surveyor; Structural Engineer; and Landscape design. The successful bidder would also be required to undertake necessary project managementThe maximum initial budget element for the Professional Services Principal Design Team (this tender) is £243k. The expressed aim for this initial budget is to ideally progress to completion of RIBA Stage 4 (Technical Design) in order that the project is "shovel ready" for the construction phase.The total current project capital cost is estimated at £3.6m (excluding fees). Note funding is yet to be confirmed.

Published: 2023-05-27
Deadline: 2023-07-04
2023-05-27 2023-07-04
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