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How ISO 9001 Can Boost Your Business Performance

Written by Thornton & Lowe


Jul 16, 2024

If you are looking for a way to improve your business performance, increase your client satisfaction, and gain a competitive edge in the market, you might want to consider implementing ISO accreditations. ISO 9001 is the international standard for quality management systems, and it can help you achieve your business goals and objectives.

What is ISO 9001?

ISO 9001 is the ultimate global benchmark for quality management. It is a critical tool for boosting your company’s success, profitability and market potential. Implementing ISO 9001 provides companies with measurable improvements in their overall business performance. The philosophy behind ISO 9001: say what you do, do what you say, prove that you have done it.

By far the most popular and established global management standard, the ISO 9001 is currently adopted by over a million companies in 176 countries throughout the world. This ISO standard can be applied to any type or size of company, from small family businesses to multinational corporations, to government institutions. ISO 9001 will generate continual performance improvement driven by a structured yet flexible framework for a client-focused Quality Management System.

The Quality Management System (QMS) framework and requirements ensure a common-sense approach to the improved management of your business. The QMS is underpinned by a set of 7 principles: customer focus, leadership, engagement of people, process approach, improvement, evidence-based decision making and relationship management. These principles guide you to design, implement, monitor, and improve your processes, products, and services to meet the needs and expectations of your clients and other stakeholders.

What are the benefits to your business?

Implementing ISO 9001 can bring many benefits to your business, such as:

  • Client satisfaction: Consistently deliver products and client services that meet client expectations and requirements. By following the ISO 9001 standard, you can identify and address the risks and opportunities that affect your client satisfaction and ensure that you deliver high-quality products and services that meet their needs
  • Reduce operating costs: Improve efficiencies through the continual improvement of operating processes. By applying the ISO 9001 standard, you can eliminate waste, reduce errors, and optimise your resources. You can also save money by avoiding rework, defects, and complaints
  • Improve competitiveness: Create a higher profit potential. By achieving ISO 9001 certification, you can demonstrate your commitment to quality and excellence, and enhance your reputation and credibility in the market. You can also gain access to new markets and clients that require or prefer ISO 9001 certified suppliers
  • Improve your market potential domestically and internationally: Many procurement specifications require certification in order to supply. By obtaining ISO 9001 certification, you can comply with the requirements of many public and private sector organisations, both locally and globally. You can also benefit from the increased trade opportunities and reduced trade barriers that result from the harmonisation of quality standards across countries
  • Improve stakeholder relationships: Develop mutually beneficial relationships and confidence with employees, clients and suppliers. By implementing ISO 9001, you can foster a culture of quality and improvement, and engage your employees, clients, and suppliers in your QMS. You can also improve your communication and collaboration with them and increase their loyalty and trust
  • Demonstrate credentials: Externally audited to recognised standards. By achieving ISO 9001 certification, you can prove that your QMS meets the international best practices and that it is regularly audited by an independent and accredited certification body. This can give you a competitive edge and a recognition of your quality performance
  • Improved risk management: Greater consistency, accountability and traceability of products and services. By adopting ISO 9001, you can identify and manage the risks and opportunities that affect your QMS and ensure that you have the necessary controls and records to prevent or mitigate any adverse outcomes. You can also improve your ability to respond to changes and emergencies, and ensure the continuity and resilience of your business

How to get started with ISO 9001?

If you are interested in implementing ISO 9001 in your business, here are some steps that you can follow:

The first step is to familiarise yourself with the ISO 9001 standard and its clauses and understand what they mean for your business. You can obtain a copy of the standard from the ISO website or from your national standards body and consult guidance documents, such as ISO 9000 (which explains the basic concepts and principles of quality management), and ISO 9004 (which provides suggestions for achieving sustained success).

The next step is to assess your current situation and compare it with the ISO 9001 requirements. Conduct a gap analysis to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your existing QMS and determine what actions you need to take to close the gaps and achieve compliance. You can use a checklist, a questionnaire, or a self-assessment tool to help you with this process.

The third step is to plan and implement your QMS according to the ISO 9001 requirements. Start by defining your quality policy and objectives and establishing your quality manual and procedures. Design and document your processes and assign roles and responsibilities for each process. You can also provide the necessary resources, training, and awareness for your QMS and implement your QMS by executing your processes, and monitoring and measuring your performance.

Next, check and improve your QMS based on the ISO 9001 requirements. You can check your QMS by conducting internal audits, management reviews, and client feedback. You can then improve your QMS by identifying and implementing corrective and preventive actions, and making continual improvements to your processes, products, and services.

The final step is to obtain certification from an accredited certification body. You can choose a certification body that suits your needs and expectations and contact them to arrange an audit. The certification body will conduct an audit of your QMS and verify that it conforms to the ISO 9001 requirements. If the audit is successful, you will receive a certificate that validates your QMS and allows you to use the ISO 9001 logo on your marketing materials.

How to maintain your certification

Once you have obtained your certification, you need to maintain it by ensuring that your QMS remains effective and compliant. You achieve this, you should be aware of any revisions or amendments to the ISO 9001 standard and update your QMS accordingly. You should also monitor the changes in your business environment, such as client needs, legal regulations, technological innovations, and competitive trends, and adjust your QMS to suit them.

Continue to collect and analyse data on your QMS performance and use it to evaluate your quality objectives, processes, products, and services. You should also seek feedback from your clients and other stakeholders and use it to improve your client satisfaction and relationship.

Continue to conduct internal audits and management reviews at regular intervals, and ensure that they are planned, conducted, reported, and followed up. You should also ensure that your internal auditors and top management are competent and trained to perform their roles.

Identify and resolve any nonconformities, complaints, or incidents that occur in your QMS, and prevent them from recurring. You should also identify and pursue any opportunities for improvement and implement them in a systematic and timely manner.

Undergo surveillance audits by your certification body at least once a year, and recertification audits every three years. These audits will check the continued conformity and effectiveness of your QMS and confirm your certification status.

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