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Bid Writing for Winning Gas Services Tenders – The Ultimate Guide!

Chris web

Written by Chris Turner


Feb 02, 2023

What are Gas Services Tenders?

Public sector gas services tenders are opportunities for suppliers, including Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to win contracted work. Types of gas services works commonly contracted for include:

  • Central heating and hot water systems
  • Warm air heating systems
  • Gas appliance servicing and repairs

When gas services contracts are put to tender, suppliers produce bids which are evaluated on the basis of being the Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT). The winning bid (the MEAT) is the bid that is the best value for money (although this does not necessarily mean that it is the cheapest). One way in which suppliers can add value to their bids is by considering the social value of their service delivery.

Top tip: Measure your social value using calculators such as The National TOMS to find ways to add social value to your bids.

Gas services tenders are typically divided into two areas: domestic and non-domestic services. Both areas have different legislative requirements, so it is important to make sure that your service is fully compliant before starting the tendering process. This will prevent you from wasting time, and resources and missing out on opportunities that more closely align with your service offering.

Whilst the specific requirements for gas services will depend on the type of service you will provide, tender opportunities will list these in the specification. This is a document that outlines the scope of the gas service available on the contract and anything that the buyer specifically requests from suppliers.

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What are Gas Services Frameworks?

Rather than bidding for a direct award where there is only one successful supplier (or as otherwise specified), frameworks are a list of suppliers from whom the public buyer can choose to award contracts to. They can choose to either directly award a framework supplier, or they can choose to put the opportunity out to tender between the framework suppliers.

As such, when you are bidding for a framework, you are not bidding for a contract award, but rather for a place on their successful suppliers list. Framework award doesn’t necessarily guarantee you contracts, but it certainly does narrow down the pool of competing suppliers for any opportunities that come up during the framework lifetime.

Another key point is that frameworks are fantastic for business exposure. The kinds of buyers who will have access to this list of suppliers are buyers who are looking to procure cleaning services. Think of it as a concentrated pool of gas services buyers and suppliers.

Framework award follows the same winning criteria as the tendering process, being the MEAT. Frameworks are trusted providers of suppliers to big-name, big-spending buyers. The suppliers that they list to their buyers are the best solutions at the best price. Remember, this does not necessarily mean that they are the cheapest, but that they can most closely provide the kinds of services required that meet the needs of/anticipate how to improve the buyer’s requirements for the most justifiable price.

Frameworks award placements to several suppliers at a time, rather than directly awarding just one. This means that bidding for framework placement gives you greater odds of visibility verses traditional procurement methods.

For more information on frameworks, check out our handy framework blogs.

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Where Can I Find Gas Services Tenders?

All gas services tenders for public sector contracts are listed on the UK Government’s Find a Tender and Contracts Finder webpages and compiled on Tender Pipeline. Providing you with access to millions of tenders at the touch of a button, Tender Pipeline cuts out the middleman and allows you to browse all gas services opportunities in real-time. Find the gas services opportunities most relevant to you using the quick filter feature or sign up to receive immediate email alerts when these opportunities are posted.

Whereas public gas services tenders are funded by the taxpayer and so subject to strict procurement processes, private tenders are exactly that, private. Bought and supplied by private businesses, these opportunities are harder to find as buying organisations can choose to only invite certain suppliers to apply for their contracts. This means that the supply pool is small, if existent at all. Private organisations can also choose to directly purchase services from suppliers without advertising the opportunity at all. This means that if you aren’t in the right group, you are missing out. What’s more, private tenders often massively disadvantage SMEs due to them having less brand awareness.

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Where Can I Find Gas Services Frameworks?

There are several gas services frameworks, each varying in size and scope. Below are 3 of our recommended frameworks for small and medium businesses to consider.

Note: Some framework opportunities mention ‘lots’. This is where the opportunity is split into parts, each varying in requirements, for example covering geographic areas or differing in scope. Each lot will award a specified number of suppliers, but this may differ between different lots within the same opportunity.



Procure Plus

Demonstrating the types of frameworks listed, Gas Servicing and Repair framework is a 4-year opportunity that began on 08/06/2020, this framework covers:

  • Servicing and repairing domestic and commercial heating appliances
  • 3* comprehensive service and maintenance provision for gas fired central heating installations and miscellaneous gas appliances

Split into 8 geographic lots split between 2-10 suppliers per lot, this framework provides contract opportunities for:

  • The North
  • The North West
  • Cumbria
  • North Wales
  • Yorkshire and Humberside
  • East Midlands
  • West Midlands
  • UK-wide


Divided into two workstreams, this framework offers:

  • Monitoring and review of gas, heating, hot water, legionella control and domestic fire alarms compliance duties
  • Completing or reviewing risk assessments and certificates
  • Specialists consultants to ensure you are correctly managing your duties
  • Specialists responsive repair companies who can perform the day-to-day function to protect and serve your tenants
  • Gas compliance by companies proven to offer 100% LGSR and services to the heating appliance. All heat sources – gas, oil, solid fuel, renewable systems and the connected systems
  • Replacement installation programmes

The two workstreams are:

  1. Workstream 1 – Consultants,
    Third Party Gas & Electrical Auditors

Specialist domestic mechanical and electrical consultants for this framework, to provide advice and certainty that projects are delivered compliantly, in accordance with best practice and offer value for money.

Services include:

  • Tender support by aiding in the preparation of a tender, technical evaluation and product specification advice
  • Gap analysis of the gas and electrical policy (review control measures)
  • Training - gas and electrical awareness seminars (tailored for director, staff and tenants)
  • Monitoring and routine inspection of contractors and your electrical systems
  • Workstream 2
    Heating Services & Repairs

Complete management of your heating systems regardless of fuel type or location:

  • Landlords gas safety record
  • Void check & commission
  • Planned and responsive heating repairs
  • Gas awareness training
  • Help desk (call centre)
  • Replacement gas, oil or renewable heating systems

The specification linked here is a brilliant example of the kinds of specifications you can expect to view during the tendering process. This example also provides good indications of the kinds of accreditations and qualifications that may be expected from suppliers for certain service provision.


The Heating and Hot Water Systems framework is a 4-year opportunity that next end in August 2025 covering the following lots:

  1. Lot 1- Domestic heating systems- servicing, maintenance, repairs and installation
  2. Basic and comprehensive servicing, maintenance, and repair of domestic heating systems
  3. Servicing, maintenance, and repair of domestic boilers
  4. Attendance to break downs and emergency repairs
  5. Back-up to in-house Gas Team for domestic gas repairs and servicing
  6. Installation of boilers and heating systems, alterations and full and partial upgrades as required to a range of fuel systems
  7. Gas safety inspections and landlord’s certification
  8. Any additional elements of work associated with the above listed or relevant to Lot 1
  9. Lot 2- Commercial heating systems- servicing, maintenance, repairs and installation
  10. Basic and comprehensive servicing, maintenance, and repair of to commercial heating systems
  11. Servicing, maintenance, and repair of commercial boilers
  12. Attendance to break downs and emergency repairs
  13. Installation of boilers and heating systems, alterations and full and partial upgrades including plant and boiler houses as required, commercial systems will allow for a range of fuel systems
  14. Gas safety inspections and landlord’s certification
  15. Any additional elements of work associated with the above listed or relevant to Lot 2
  16. Lot 3- Renewable heating systems- servicing, maintenance, repairs and installation
  17. Servicing, maintenance, repair and installation of renewable heating systems including air source and ground source systems, solar pv and thermal systems, combined heat and power generating boilers, biomass and wood burning systems
  18. Attendance to break downs and emergency repairs
  19. Heating systems designs, alterations, and full and partial upgrades
  20. Renewable heating system inspections and safety certificates
  21. Any additional elements of work associated with the above listed or relevant to Lot 3

All lots provides UK-wide coverage and specific opportunities for the Midlands.


Why Should I Bid for Gas Services Contracts?

Offering additional payment protection through highly regulated public procurement procedures, winning public sector contracts can afford your SME guaranteed income for the duration of the contract. This is a more secure guarantee than private sector contracts, where there is the constant possibility of the buyer’s company dissolving/breaking contract terms resulting in an unexpected loss of income and work.

Payment assurance is further protected for public contracts as buyers are bound to the Prompt Payment Policy. This ensures that suppliers pay at least 90% of invoices to SMES within 5 days, and 100% within 30 days.

Furthermore, typically running for between 3-5 years, public gas services contracts are a reliable source of income without the hassle of having to constantly be on the lookout for your next work opportunity.

As a Small Business Can I Win a Tender?

A top tip for companies looking to bid for gas services contracts is to make sure that your services and qualifications meet the requirements of the specification. We know how exciting it can be to find the perfect opportunity, or how eager you may be to start winning public sector contracts. But, it’s important to remember that a considered and targeted approach will always score more highly than repurposed and generic response.

Tender suitability will always vary between opportunities, but as a general rule of thumb, and to prevent wasting precious company time first consider whether your current service offerings align with the specified requirements. This may include evaluating your service offering, whether the length of the contract/framework aligns with your business plan, and whether you have the capacity to fulfil contract requirements.

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Bid Writing Top Tips for Gas Services Tenders

Writing winning gas services bids since 2009, below are our tip tips to put you on the path to bid writing success.

  1. Consider how your service will affect end users: Where your domestic gas service will require you to work with residents, you will find it a common requirement for suppliers to provide a 24/7/365 response and customer helpdesk.
  2. Resident liaison: Leading on from the first point, maximise the quality of your service and end user satisfaction by providing contract-specific customer service training to employees and Engineers during mobilisation. This could include how Engineers are trained to interact with residents on domestic jobs, for example by avoiding over-familiarity. This could also include how you will meet the needs of residents by communicating in the required languages/formats including large print and braille.

Also see:

Winning public sector contracts

How Thornton & Lowe can Help you Win Gas Services Contracts

Make your gas services tenders pay with the help of Thornton & Lowe. We know that our clients have what it takes to win, and we champion the SMEs that make it happen. With a success rate of 75% and 90% client retention, get in touch and let us be the voice that wins you gas services contracts today.

We offer outsourced bid writing and tender subscription services.

Live Gas Services Tenders - UK

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Tender Value Published Deadline
Measured Term Contract for Independent Gas Services Audits (HO PM 24 064)
UK Motherwell North Lanarkshire Council

North Lanarkshire Council wish to seek a competent supplier for the provision of a Measured Term Contract for Gas Audits.The supplier will carry out Gas audits and report on the quality of gas works on behalf of the council, its partners and service providers.The audit assessments will be carried out by selective sampling of all gas related works undertaken on any contract within the North Lanarkshire Council geographical area.

Value: 180000
Published: 2025-02-26
Deadline: 2025-03-28
180000 2025-02-26 2025-03-28
3star Gas Service & Maintenance
UK Rutherglen Rutherglen & Cambuslang Housing Association Ltd

Gas Services and Reactive Repairs Contract to approximately 879 (gas) dwellings in the Rutherglen & Cambuslang areas of Scotland.

Value: 600000
Published: 2024-10-03
Deadline: 2024-11-04
600000 2024-10-03 2024-11-04
Gas Heating Replacement and Related Gas Services to Council Housing Properties in the Falkirk Area
UK Labert Falkirk Council

Falkirk Council wishes to undertake a tendering process to enter into a framework agreement with suitably experienced Gas Safe registeredcontractors for the provision of Gas Heating Replacement and Related Gas Services to Council Housing Properties within the FalkirkCouncil Area of Operations.Key aims is the delivery of individual one-off ad-hoc replacement and upgrade of existing gas central heating installations and gasappliances to existing dwellings timeously and to the required standard, providing a competitive, reliable and customer-focused service.The works mainly comprise of: -- Complete central heating replacement systems on an individual “one off” ad-hoc basis – approx. 200 properties per year.- Minor replacement works e.g., boiler, fire replacements, removal and reinstate/relocation of radiators, gas meters & associated pipework – approx. 1100 properties per year.- The complete stripping out on an ad-hoc basis of existing and installation of new gas central heating systems to dwellings.- Associated builders work including catchment areas, electrical connections etc.This is a framework agreement to which a maximum of up to 5 contractors will be appointed. In practice The Authority may therefore utilise a number of organisations for provision of the service dependent on price, availability and local circumstances.

Value: 3000000
Published: 2023-10-29
Deadline: 2023-11-27
3000000 2023-10-29 2023-11-27
Gas Heating Replacement and Related Gas Services to Council Housing Properties in the Falkirk Area
UK Labert Falkirk Council

Falkirk Council wishes to undertake a tendering process to enter into a framework agreement with suitably experienced Gas Safe registeredcontractors for the provision of Gas Heating Replacement and Related Gas Services to Council Housing Properties within the FalkirkCouncil Area of Operations.

Value: 3000000
Published: 2023-10-27
Deadline: 2023-11-27
3000000 2023-10-27 2023-11-27
Mechanical Engineering Service and Electrical Engineering Services - 2024 - 2027
UK Sheffield South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority Group

Lot 1: Scope of the Services1.1 The services comprise the planned and reactive maintenance/ repairs to existing mechanical engineering equipment, components and installations contained at all of SYMCA’s sites located throughout the South Yorkshire area. This principally includes HVAC, gas services, pump and plumbing maintenance and other related services. The maintenance of these will be within all current legislative and best practice guidelines. SYMCA’s sites and equipment have been subject to improvements where funding has been secured; this will continue with the further development of facilities around the County. Specifically excluded from these services are building works, Automatic Doors, Lifts, Escalators and other Specialist equipment installation services. Tenderers should note that the servicing and maintenance of Electrical equipment is being tendered at the same time as the Mechanical Services tender as a separate lot and tenderers may wish to bid for this as well.1.2 The services will include the following:1.2.1 sourcing, supplying and stocking of materials, components and equipment to comply with the range of requested tasks of the contract.1.2.2 provision of a comprehensive maintenance service, incorporating out of hours service and emergency repairs (at any time) where specified.1.2.3 repair, installation, conversion or development of mechanical facilities.1.2.4 completion of all services within stipulated timescales during specified time periods (where appropriate) and to required quality standards / performance levels.1.2.5 provision of a planned maintenance service, that incorporates all statutory compliance items noted in SFG20 and associated legislative requirements, including the provision of planned work schedules.

Value: 950000
Published: 2023-10-24
Deadline: 2023-11-30
950000 2023-10-24 2023-11-30
23/006 - NI Network Balancing Gas
UK Kirkcudbright GNI (UK) Limited

Northern Ireland's requirement for Balancing Gas Services (Balancing Gas Sell and Balancing Gas Buy) is being tendered by Gas Networks Ireland on behalf of GNI (UK) for the period from 1st October 2023 until 1st October 2024 on behalf of GNI(UK), PTL, BGTL, and WTL, (together the "NI Network Operators").

Published: 2023-06-27
Deadline: 2023-07-26
2023-06-27 2023-07-26
Lotted Gas Services and Reactive Repairs
UK Glasgow Key Housing Association

Gas Services and Reactive Repairs Contract to approximately 576 (gas) dwellings in the Southern and Central regions of Scotland and 65 in the Highlands of Scotland for The Associations in total (individual broken down below) as per the attached address lists but may include a wider geographical area in future. The contract may also include some Ad-Hoc Boiler and Full System Renewals as required.The contract is offered in 2 lots as listed below, bidder can bid for any number of lots i.e. Lot 1 only or Lot 2 only or both Lots 1 & 2Lot 1 – Southern and Central Scotland – 576 dwellingsLot 2 – Highlands of Scotland – 65 dwellings

Published: 2023-06-02
Deadline: 2023-07-03
2023-06-02 2023-07-03
Gas Services with follow on Repair Works
UK Haddington Homes for Life Housing Partnership

Gas Services and Reactive Repairs Contract to approximately 207 (gas) dwellings

Value: 150000
Published: 2023-05-19
Deadline: 2023-06-19
150000 2023-05-19 2023-06-19
Supply of Gas Services Maintenance 2023-2028
UK Isle of Bute Fyne Homes Ltd

Fyne Homes is inviting contractors to tender for Supply of Gas Services Maintenance; Lot 1 covers works on Bute.

Value: 725000
Published: 2023-04-05
Deadline: 2023-05-04
725000 2023-04-05 2023-05-04
Supply of Gas Services Maintenance 2023-2028
UK Isle of Bute Fyne Homes Ltd

Fyne Homes is seeking interest for our Gas Services Maintenance works across the diverse geographical area that we cover.

Value: 725000
Published: 2023-04-04
Deadline: 2023-05-04
725000 2023-04-04 2023-05-04
Gas Service & Repairs Contract 2022 - 2027
UK Glasgow Linthouse Housing Association

Gas Services and Reactive Repairs Contract to approximately 1153 (gas) dwellings for The Associations in total (individual broken down below) as per the attached address lists but may include a wider geographical area in future. The contract may also include some Ad-Hoc Boiler and Full System Renewals as required.The LHA wishes to enter into Measured-Term Contract Agreements (MTCA) with an organisation/supplier who is suitably qualified and experienced in the provision of Gas Services and Reactive Repairs and Ad-hoc Boiler and Full System Renewal. The contract will be for a three (3) year period with the option to extend for multiple two (2) single one-year periods solely at The Clients discretion.Servicing works will be completed within a 10-month programme to allow for access and 100% completion of all servicing to all properties. Servicing and Safety checks to be carried out as per the provide schedule and programme to be provided by The Association.

Value: 750000
Published: 2022-09-21
Deadline: 2022-10-21
750000 2022-09-21 2022-10-21
Gas Service & Repairs Contract 2022 - 2027
UK Glasgow Linthouse Housing Association

Gas Services with follow on Repair Works & Replacements, Voids, Reactive Repairs and Adhoc boiler and full system Renewal Contract 2022 – 2027

Value: 750000
Published: 2022-09-20
Deadline: 2022-10-21
750000 2022-09-20 2022-10-21
MBC Housing Voids & Repairs and Gas Services
UK Maidstone Maidstone Borough Council

Maidstone Borough Council (MBC) is looking to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced contractor to provide our Housing Voids & Repairs and Gas services.This invitation to tender will be split into 2 Lots as follows:Lot 1 – Housing Voids & Repairs servicesLot 2 – Gas servicesTenderers may bid on any or all Lots, provided they meet the mandatory requirements for each Lot submitted.

Value: 2000000
Published: 2022-09-17
Deadline: 2022-10-21
2000000 2022-09-17 2022-10-21
Heating servicing, repair and replacement –Contract
UK Croydon Croydon Council

The Council is procuring a new contract to replace its existing gas services contractor and requires a suitable and properly qualified contractor experienced in providing services similar to the services being let under this contract. The new contract is expected to commence in August 2023. The services to be provided under the contract include servicing and responsive maintenance of boilers and similar heat sources, both domestic and communal, and associated distribution systems within occupied and void (empty) properties. In addition, the contract it covers the ad-hoc and planned replacement of domestic boilers and potentially Carbon Reduction innovations to help achieve our target of a 34% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2025 on route to “Net Zero Emission”.The Services above will be supported by the Contractors Information and Communications Technology (ICT) systems, architecture, and processes to manage, co-ordinate and deliver the services as well as interface with the Council’s financial and Housing Management systems.The properties covered by the Contract currently consist of approximately 16,912 units comprising ‘Housing Revenue Account’ (HRA) housing stock, leased properties (Croylease) and ‘General Fund’ (GF) housing.The Contract is for Gas related services only. The general responsive repairs and voids are being procured separately with an FTS notice (CROYD001-DN619329-02180535) issued on 4 July 2022.The Contract will be let for a duration of 10 years and 8 months with a ‘break option’ after 6 years and 8 months. In addition, there will be a no-fault termination clause. The total maximum contract value is estimated at £41.9 million (excluding VAT).

Value: 41900000
Published: 2022-08-06
Deadline: 2022-09-05
41900000 2022-08-06 2022-09-05
Provision of Maintenance Services and Works for the British Embassy in Bogota, Colombia
UK London Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office

The British Embassy in Bogota is seeking to procure a Maintenance and WorksManagement service in order to continue to maintain the quality of spaces of thebuildings and residences; this works includes Plumbing Services, Gas services,Painting Services, Tiles Installation, Drywall, Polish Wooden Floor, upholstery &carpets cleaning, supply and maintenance of glass partition, porch maintenance forthe residence, gutters cleaning, residence fountain maintenance for the Embassy andresidential properties, as well as Provide technical management service and ensurethat the Embassy and residential property grounds are maintained throughout theentire contract duration.Please note this is a service required in Colombia. Details on the project and documentation can be requested through the email:

Published: 2022-01-27
Deadline: 2022-03-02
2022-01-27 2022-03-02
21/017 - NI Network Balancing Gas
UK Kirkcudbright GNI (UK) Limited

Northern Ireland's requirement for Balancing Gas Services (Balancing Gas Sell and Balancing Gas Buy) is being tendered for the period from1st October 2021 until 1st October 2022 on behalf of GNI(UK), PTL, BGTL, & WTL, (together the "NI Network Operators").Primary Buy Framework Agreement - up to 2 Balancing Gas Contracts (and therefore up to 2 places on the Framework Agreement)Please refer to the ITT document for further information.

Published: 2021-07-13
Deadline: 2021-08-10
2021-07-13 2021-08-10
Gas Services and Reactive Repairs and Ad-hoc Boiler and Full System Renewal Contract
UK Kirkintilloch Hillhead Housing Association 2000

This notice is being issued by Abronhill Housing Association and Hillhead Housing Association are partnering for this service.The Measure Term Contract Agreement (MTCA) will be for a period of 5 years; it will initially run for 36 months and then will have the option to extend for a further 2 single 12-month periods at the clients discretion. Any detail of spend estimated provided are for information only, award to the MTCA is in no way indicative, nor a guarantee, of future years spend.The MTCA is to provide to the gas services and reactive repairs and ad-hoc boiler and full system renewal contract to the housing stock. The service will offer a 24/7 and 365 days a year service, including a callout service to the clients.The clients wishes to enter into a Measure Term Contract Agreement (MTCA) with a single organisation/contractor who is suitably qualified and experienced in the provision of gas services and reactive repairs and ad-hoc boiler and full system renewal contract to the domestic housing stock.The successful bidder will enter into a contract separately with both Abronhill Housing Association and Hillhead Housing Association but they may choose to have joint progress meetings.

Value: 350000
Published: 2020-12-23
Deadline: 2021-01-22
350000 2020-12-23 2021-01-22
Gas Servicing
UK Derby Derby Homes

Derby Homes wishes to conclude a contract with 1 Contractor for 4 years, as and when required:— for carrying out gas services to ‘Difficult Access’ properties;— for gas servicing in batches; and— to carry out an urgent one-off gas service.All works will be within the City of Derby boundary.

Value: 800000
Published: 2020-01-10
Deadline: 2020-02-10
800000 2020-01-10 2020-02-10
Gas Heating Replacement and Related Gas Services to Council Housing Properties in the Falkirk Area
UK Falkirk Falkirk Council

Falkirk Council wishes to undertake a tendering process to enter into a framework agreement with suitably experienced gas safe registered contractors for the provision of gas heating replacement and related gas services to Council Housing Properties within the Falkirk Council area of operations.Key aims is the delivery of individual one-off ad-hoc replacement and upgrade of existing gas central heating installations and gas appliances to existing dwellings timeously and to the required standard, providing a competitive, reliable and customer-focused service.The works mainly comprise of:— complete central heating replacement systems on an individual ‘one off’ ad-hoc basis – approx. 250 properties per year,— minor replacement works e.g. boiler, fire replacements, removal and reinstate/relocation of radiators, gas meters and associated pipework – approx. 2 000 properties per year,— the complete stripping out on an ad-hoc basis of existing and installation of new gas central heating systems to dwellings,— associated builders work including catchment areas, electrical connections etc.This is a framework agreement to which a maximum of up to 5 contractors will be appointed. In practice The authority may therefore utilise a number of organisations for provision of the service dependent on price, availability and local circumstances.

Value: 3000000
Published: 2019-12-13
Deadline: 2020-01-27
3000000 2019-12-13 2020-01-27
Gas Services and Reactive Repairs
UK Dumfries Loreburn Housing Association

Gas services and reactive repairs and ad-hoc boiler and full system renewal contract to approximately 1,113 (gas) dwellings for Loreburn Housing Association and includes the 33 for Loreburn and Dumfries and Galloway Homes (made up of 30 mid-market rent properties and 3 HMOs).

Value: 800000
Published: 2019-12-11
Deadline: 2020-01-13
800000 2019-12-11 2020-01-13
Gas Services Maintenance Contract 2019-2022
UK Glasgow Whiteinch & Scotstoun Housing Association Ltd

Whiteinch and Scotstoun HA will shortlist suitable contractors from the received ESPD submissions. The shortlisted contractors will be issued with a tender quality questionnaire and pricing document which will be assessed on a quality and price basis. It is the intention of the association that the highest combined quality/price score will be awarded the contract.

Value: 350000
Published: 2019-07-19
Deadline: 2019-08-15
350000 2019-07-19 2019-08-15
2232/JR Boiler Replacement Regent Court
UK Sheffield University of Sheffield

This tender is for the replacement of existing boilers and associated electrical and builders work, as per the tender documents, as defined within Services Design Associates Ltd drawings and specifications. Works include but not limited to the following:— removal and replacement of existing boilers,— removal and replacement of existing gas services,— relining and extensions to existing flues,— replacement of primary LTHW pipework and equipment,— replacement of existing BEMS,— associated electrical services,— firestopping to fire lines,— making good to finishes,— decoration of disturbed finishes. All organisations with relevant experience are invited to tender. The ITT and full specification and supporting documents can be downloaded by registering and expressing your interest on the University's e-tendering system Completed tenders must be returned through the same e-tendering system. If you have any questions or comments in relation to this tender they must be submitted via the Intend System, this can be accessed at

Value: 400000
Published: 2019-04-04
Deadline: 2019-05-02
400000 2019-04-04 2019-05-02
2232/JR Regent Court Boiler Replacement
UK Sheffield University of Sheffield

Description: the replacement of existing boilers and associated electrical and builders work, as defined within Services Design Associates Ltd drawings and specifications. Works include but not limited to the following:— removal and replacement of existing boilers,— removal and replacement of existing gas services,— relining and extensions to existing flues,— replacement of primary LTHW pipework and equipment,— replacement of existing BEMS,— associated electrical services,— firestopping to fire lines,— making good to finishes,— decoration of disturbed finishes.

Value: 400000
Published: 2019-04-02
Deadline: 2019-04-29
400000 2019-04-02 2019-04-29
Mechanical Services
UK Dundee Dundee City Council

Supply and install of mechanical services including: plumbing installations, LTHW heating installations, ventilation installations, gas services, thermal insulation, air conditioning, sprinkler systems, automatic controls.

Value: 9000000
Published: 2019-02-08
Deadline: 2019-03-07
9000000 2019-02-08 2019-03-07
Gas Services and Reactive Repairs and Ad-Hoc Boiler and Full System Renewal 2019 — 2024
UK Dunfermline Fife Housing Association

Lot 1:East Gas Services and Reactive Repairs and West Ad-hoc Boiler and Full System Renewal 2019 — 2024East Gas Services and Reactive Repairs 2019 – 2024 – 1130 PropertiesandWest Ad-hoc Boiler and Full System Renewal 2019 — 2024

Published: 2019-01-23
Deadline: 2019-02-20
2019-01-23 2019-02-20
Management and maintenance of medical gas services and dental compressed air.
UK London NHS Property Services Ltd

Management and maintenance of medical gas services and dental compressed air.

Value: 9000000
Published: 2017-10-11
Deadline: 2017-12-22
9000000 2017-10-11 2017-12-22
1415-853 Communal Heating fully inclusive maintenance contract with responsive repairs including out
UK London Islington Council

The contractor is required to provide a responsive repairs service to respond to and rectify any failure to the communal heating and/or hot water systems, including the Landlord's gas services to the designated systems. This includes the distribution pipework, radiators, valves, associated water systems and electronics forming part of the equipment.The contractor will also be required to carry out the annual servicing and testing of all gas fired boilers and other appliances, together with the Landlord's gas safety records for each communal boiler equipment room, plus the individual gas boilers to community centres. The contract will include the planned preventative maintenance (PPM).

Value: 15000000
Published: 2017-01-13
Deadline: 2017-02-10
15000000 2017-01-13 2017-02-10
Domestic and Commercial Gas Services.
UK London London Borough of Havering

The London Borough of Havering (the Council) is seeking an experienced and fully qualified specialist Gas Services Contractor to undertake the following works:— The testing of gas appliances and installation pipework and the issue of a valid Landlords Gas Safety Record within Domestic properties, Houses in Multiple Occupancy and Private Sector Lease Properties.— Gas appliance servicing within Domestic properties, and where instructed by the Council within Houses in Multiple Occupancy and Private Sector Lease Properties.— Gas appliance breakdown, maintenance and repairs within Domestic properties, and where instructed by the Council within Houses in Multiple Occupancy and Private Sector Lease Properties.— Central Heating breakdown, maintenance and repairs within Domestic properties, and where instructed by the Council within Houses in Multiple Occupancy and Private Sector Lease Properties.— Replacement and disposal of old and obsolete boiler equipment within Domestic properties, and where instructed by the Council within Houses in Multiple Occupancy and Private Sector Lease Properties.— Potable Cold Water Storage Cistern Maintenance and Inspection Testing within Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO).

Value: 10850000
Published: 2016-11-24
Deadline: 2017-01-06
10850000 2016-11-24 2017-01-06
Independent Audit of Residential Gas and Electrical Compliance Inspection 2016 — 2018 (2020).
UK Wigan Wigan Council

The purpose of this tender is to seek bids for the provision of an independent compliance audit service of inspections, maintenance and repair work undertaken on gas and electrical installations in Wigan Council's residential housing stock. Wigan Council's housing stock is managed on their behalf by Wigan and Leigh Homes, an Arms Length Management Organisation (ALMO) which currently manages around 22 500 properties.Provision of the service will require third party quality audits on gas installations to be carried out on a regular basis and shall include an audit check of 5 % of gas services carried out by Wigan and Leigh Homes' main gas contractor (to be completed no later than three weeks from completion date of the works being audited), an audit check of 30 % of new boiler installations in the given year and heating repairs, the provision of audit reports, work in progress checks to witness/assess the competency of gas engineers and contractors engaged in the works, the provision of monthly defect analysis reports and monthly scoring charts for operative performance reports. Technical support required also includes the verification of obsolescence for ad hoc appliance replacements and emergency boiler replacement verifications within two working days of request.Provision of the service will also require third party electrical quality audits to be carried out on a regular basis and shall include a desktop review of 5 % of certification/periodic inspection reports and an audit of 5 % of work completed by Wigan and Leigh Homes' main repairs investment contractors (to be completed no later than four weeks from the completion date of the work), audit reports on completed electrical work where anomalies are found through desktop checks including inspections of physical work and completed works (completed no later than four weeks from the completion date of the work), the visual observation of work in progress to witness and assess the competency of electrical operatives and contractors engaged in the work, the provision of a monthly defect analysis report and monthly scoring chart for operative performance report. Technical support required also includes ad hoc electrical installation verification and emergency site investigation and verification within two working days.The description of the procurement within this Contract Notice is a summary of the full requirements of the service specification only and interested applicants are directed to the Invitation to Tender documentation which provides the detailed preliminaries and specification for this service. The tender documentation also contains an appendix providing indicative numbers of audits to be carried out on an annual basis against the various gas and electrical work types, however actual numbers of audits completed may differ.The proposed contract is envisaged to run for an initial period of 2 years and may be extended for up to 2 years in duration.

Value: 400000
Published: 2016-10-01
Deadline: 2016-10-31
400000 2016-10-01 2016-10-31
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