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Fusion21 Improvement Works Framework

Chris web

Written by Chris Turner


Jan 31, 2023

As specialists in Bid Writing for SMEs, we wanted to tell you the key benefits of Fusion21 frameworks and why it has proven so successful for our clients over the last 10 years.

To understand what a framework is click this link to see our detailed overview.

In this article, we describe the key frameworks FUSION21 provide to their public sector clients, along with contract start and end dates, values, bid writing top tips and how you can become a supplier and benefit by retaining your existing clients and winning new business.

A brief overview of Fusion21

Fusion21 creates frameworks or approved lists of suppliers for the public sector to use. Through their agreements, they want to help the public sector:

  • Achieve value for money
  • Find the best suppliers
  • Deliver Social Value and environmental improvements
  • Achieve procurement compliance and efficiency.

Their members include housing, local authority, NHS, education and blue light services.

7 reasons to consider bidding for a FUSION21 framework as an SME

  1. Managed over £1bn worth of spend through their frameworks. This is a framework which does create genuine opportunities for your business. It is well-established and used by its members.
  2. Frameworks are National but broken into both service-specific and regional-specific lots. This ensures regional contractors and suppliers can compete.
  3. Flexible call-off procedures. The vast majority of their frameworks and lots allow for both direct awards, as well as mini-competitions. We hear from many of our customers how their public sector client wants to continue to work with them but needs to go to tender. If you are an approved supplier on a relevant FUSION21 framework your client could work directly with you without an additional tender. However, further competition can also be sought to further ensure value for money for their specific contract.
  4. While competitive, an accessible framework for SME businesses. Their frameworks have up to 85% SME representation.
  5. Fusion21 has several DPS agreements, which are continually open to new suppliers. This means you are not having to wait for a framework to be re-tendered.
  6. Access to over 500+ public sector bodies.
  7. Reasonable and realistic minimum turnover requirements (service/ framework dependent).

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How does a Fusion21 Framework work?

Fusion21 uses the Delta e-sourcing platform – you can register today to look at what other tenders they have. As well as frameworks they also have several DPS agreements which are continually open to new suppliers

Once successful on the framework Fusion21 Frameworks usually allow for both mini competitions (call-off) and direct awards, which can be very useful if you have an existing public sector client looking for a procurement solution for your services.

Flexible approaches to call off without reopening competition – Direct Award (with or without Negotiation), Single Stage and Two Stage Mini Competitions.

Bid writing support for Fusion21 Framework?

Thornton & Lowe has been successfully working on Fusion21 frameworks for over 10 years. We have helped our clients secure places on the frameworks, DPS agreements and resulting mini competitions to secure contracts.

See our bid writing top tips here, which will help you secure your place on FUSION21 frameworks. We have produced several case studies demonstrating what we have achieved for specific clients, which can be found here.

Fusion21 tenders typically have quality sections requiring 6000 to 1000 words, plus references, supporting documents and more basic compliance questions. They are committed to achieving quality and social value for their public sector clients. The quality weighing largely outweighs pricing when bids are being evaluated. This means your quality method statements need to be compelling, evidence-based, well researched and tailored to their requirements and the ambitions of their members.

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Bid Writing Success and Feedback:

“We have only been using Thornton and Lowe since January 2022. The first tender they wrote on our behalf was amazing and secured us a win. The tender was against 4 competing companies and allowed our company to grow by 20%. I cannot thank Tom and Nathan enough for their hard work and really getting to know our business in such a short time period. Their process and attention to detail are brilliant. We have worked with a few tender writers in the past and to be honest, after 6 attempts they still have not understood our business the way Thornton and Lowe do and I could not recommend them enough”.

To view feedback from our existing clients, click here.

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What Fusion21 Frameworks are there?

Fusion21 Building Safety and Compliance Framework – Bid Writers Overview

This framework is for building compliance consultants and contractors, covering surveys, planned and responsive maintenance, installation and upgrades.

Framework start date: 27/04/2021

Framework end date: 28/04/2025

Over 175 suppliers across 14 lots, then broken down by region.

Value up to £880m over a 4-year period

Lot 1 - Asbestos Surveying & Consultancy

Lot 2 - Asbestos Abatement & Removal

Lot 3 - Legionella & Water Hygiene Consultancy

Lot 4 - Legionella Monitoring & Control

Lot 5 - Fire Safety Surveying, Engineering & Consultancy (Multi-disciplinary)

Lot 6 - Fire Risk Assessments

Lot 7 - Fire Safety Inspections

Lot 8 - Passive Fire Protection - Fire Doors

Lot 9 - Passive Fire Protection - Fire Stopping

Lot 10 - Active Fire Safety

Lot 11 - Electrical Testing & Electrical Works

Lot 12 - Electronic Security

Lot 13 - Warden Call & Tele-health

Lot 12 - Local Exhaust Ventilation

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Fusion21 Cleaning & Washroom Services Framework – Bid Writers Overview

Fusion21's DPS for Cleaning and Washroom Services includes general cleaning, consumables, equipment, products, waste management, collection (and disposal), washroom hygiene services, deep cleaning, window cleaning and infection control.

As a DPS this is continually open to new suppliers.

DPS start date: 15/02/2021

DPS end date: 14/02/2025

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Fusion21 Construction Works Framework – Bid Writers Overview

Fusion21 Construction Works Framework is broken into regions, values and then housing, education and healthcare lots. It is looking for contractors who deliver capital work programmes. It includes design, build, operate and maintain projects from internal and external refurbishment and improvement works, through to regeneration and upgrade works.

Framework start date: 01/04/2019

Framework end date: 31/03/2023

Lot 1 – Internal & External Refurbishment broken into Housing, Education, Health and Wider Public Sector

Lot 2 - Internal & External Refurbishment with Build broken into Housing, Education, Health and Wider Public Sector.

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Fusion21 Consultants Framework – Bid Writers Overview

A construction and property consultancy framework covering surveying, environmental, architectural, engineering, project management and multi disciplinary work.

Framework start date: 20/09/2021

Framework end date: 19/09/2025

112 suppliers and 80% are SMES across 12 lots, with an estimated value up to £120m over a 4 year period.

Lot 1 - Programme, Project Management & Multi Disciplinary Works

Lot 2 - Stock Monitoring & Appraisal

Lot 3 - Building Information Modelling (BIM)

Lot 4 - Architectural

Lot 5 - Fit Out Consultancy

Lot 6 - Heritage and Conservation

Lot 7 - Structural and Civil Engineering

Lot 8 - Building Engineering Services

Lot 9 - Facilities Management Consultancy

10 - Principal Designer

Lot 11 - Zero Carbon and Sustainability

Lot 12 - Valuations

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Fusion21 Decarbonisation Framework – Bid Writers Overview

Working alongside the zero-carbon agenda this framework is for PAS2035:2019 compliant and Trustmark-accredited suppliers.

Framework start date: 31/01/2022

Framework end date: 30/01/2026

Estimated value up to £750m over a 4-year period.

Lot 1 - Whole-house Decarbonisation

Lot 2 - Decarbonisation of Public & Education Buildings

Fusion21 Energy Efficiency Framework – Bid Writers Overview

Aligned to the Decarbonisation Framework, this framework is focused on suppliers who can deliver energy efficiency improvements, such as external and internal wall insulation, the design, solar photovoltaic systems, battery storage, electric vehicle charging points, solar car parks and LED lighting, as well as cladding replacement.

Achieve energy efficiency outcomes including reduced carbon emissions and increased cost savings

Framework start date: 26/02/2020

Framework end date: 25/02/2024

83% of SMEs appointed to this framework, which has an estimated value of £250m over a 4-year period.

Lot 1 - External Wall Insulation

Lot 2 - Cavity Wall, Loft and Internal Wall Insulation

Lot 3 - Cladding

Lot 4 - Domestic Solar PV and Battery Storage

Lot 5 - Solar PV (non domestic)

Lot 6 - Electrical Vehicle Charging Points

Lot 7 - LED Lighting

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Fusion21 Fire Suppression Systems & Associated Works DPS – Bid Writers Overview

A fire safety framework for those contractors who design, supply, install and maintain fire suppression systems, fire safety works and sprinkler systems. As a DPS it is open to new suppliers throughout the duration of the agreement.

DPS start date: 01/03/2018

DPS end date: 28/02/2023

33% of suppliers on this framework are SMEs.

Lot 1 – Management of the Design, Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Fire Suppression Systems & Associated Fire Safety Works

Lot 2 – Design, Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Sprinkler Systems

Lot 3 – Design, Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Water Mist and Associated Systems

Fusion21 Grounds Maintenance Framework – Bid Writers Overview

This framework is for ground maintenance and arb contractors covering hard and soft landscaping, grass and hedge cutting, weed control, sports pitch maintenance and arboriculture work.

All contractors are expected to have ISO:

  • 9001
  • 14401
  • 45001

You will be expected to complete a schedule of rates which can allow for direct award without mini-competition.

Framework start date: 07/06/2022

Framework end date: 06/06/2026

46% of the 13 suppliers on this framework are SMEs.

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Fusion21 Housing & Renewables Framework – Bid Writers Overview

This renewable technology framework is for contractors who can install, maintain and service a range of heating systems relating to renewable technologies. It includes air and ground source heats pumps to electric heating and hot water systems.

Framework end date: 27/01/2024

Framework start date: 28/01/2020

75% of suppliers are SMEs and the framework is valued up to £500m over 4 year period.

Lot 1 - Domestic Servicing, Maintenance and Installation of Heating Systems

Lot 2 - Domestic Installations

Lot 3 - Commercial Servicing, Maintenance and Installation of Heating Systems

Lot 4 - Commercial Installations

Lot 5 - Consultancy – QA and Asset Management

Lot 6 - Consultancy – Project Management and Principal Design

Lot 7 - Installation of Ground and Air Source Heat Pumps

Lot 8 - Installation of Solar Heating Systems

Lot 9 - Installation of Electric Heating Systems

Lot 10 - Education Specific

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Fusion21 Improvement Works Framework – Bid Writers Overview

This framework is for a range of contractors who supply and install kitchens and bathrooms, fire doors, communal entrance doors, roofing and electrical works.

Framework start date: 05/12/2019

Framework end date: 04/12/2023

80% SMEs on this framework across 9 lots, with an estimated value of £2350m over a 4 year period.

Lot 1 – Kitchen and Bathrooms

Lot 2 – Windows and Doors

Lot 3 – Fire Doors

Lot 4 – Communal Entrance Doors

Lot 5 – Pitched Roofing

Lot 6 – Flat Roofing

Lot 7 – Electrical Works

Lot 8 – Multi-trade Internal Works

Lot 9 – Multi-trade External Works

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Fusion21 Lifts Framework – Bid Writers Overview

This lift installation and maintenance framework covers a variety of lifts and hoists for both contractors and consultants. It is also suitable for aids and adaptation contractors.

All suppliers on Lot 1 and Lot 3 have to be LEIA Members and suppliers on Lot 2 require UKAS Accreditation and SaFed Membership.

Framework start date: 06/07/2020

Framework end date: 05/07/2024

84% of suppliers of this framework are SMEs.

Lot 1 - Passenger/ Good Lifts – Servicing and Maintenance

Lot 2 - LOLER Thorough Examinations

Lot 3 - Passenger/ Goods Lifts – Installation, Refurbishment and Upgrading

Lot 4 - Domestic Lifts – Installation and Servicing

Lot 5 - Lift Consultancy

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Fusion21 Material Supply & Associated Services – Bid Writers Overview

This materials framework is for suppliers who supply general building and electrical materials, plumbing and heating, managed services, roofing materials, kitchens, windows and doors, aids and adaptions and bathrooms.

Framework start date: 11/11/2020

Framework end date: 10/11/2024

Estimated contract value up to £500m over a 4 year period across 9 lots.

Lot 1 – General Building Materials

Lot 2 – Electrical Materials

Lot 3 – Plumbing & Heating Materials

Lot 4 – Managed Services

Lot 5 – Local Independent Merchants

Lot 6 – Roofing Materials

Lot 7 – Kitchen Materials

Lot 8 – Windows & Doors

Lot 9 – Aids & Adaptations

Lot 10 – Bathrooms

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Fusion21 Painting, Decorating & Associated Repairs Framework – Bid Writers Overview

54% of suppliers on this painting, decorating and repairs framework are SMEs.

Framework start date: 28/02/2019

Framework end date: 27/02/2023

Broken down by sector and region this framework ensures regional contractors can compete.

Lot 1 – Housing

Lot 2 – Education

Lot 3 – Health

Lot 4 – Wider Public Sector

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Fusion21 Reactive Repairs & Empty Buildings Framework – Bid Writers Overview

Created for Reactive Repairs & Maintenance contractors, this Framework is designed to support housing associations, local authorities and the public sector generally. It covers responsive and out-of-hours reactive emergency repairs, void property repairs, and outsourced call handling, as well as empty property refurbishment and security services.

Framework start date: 1 October 2022

Framework end date: 30 September 2026

This framework has 46 suppliers and 61% are SMEs.

Lot 1 – Reactive Repairs & Maintenance

Lot 2 – Empty Building Improvement

Lot 3 – Empty Building Security

Lot 4 – Disrepair Works

Lot 5 – Contact Centre Service

Fusion21 Workplace & Facilities Framework – Bid Writers Overview

This facilities management framework covers M&E, cleaning, security and waste management.

framework provides a range of FM solutions to public sector organisations, whilst also providing access to qualified and experienced staff with particular experience of facilities management. A complementary Cleaning and Washroom services DPS also sits alongside the framework.

Framework start date: 01/03/2021

Framework end date: 28/02/2025

It has an estimated value up to £1.1bn over a 4 year period.

Lot 1 – FM Principal Contractor

Lot 2 – FM Managing Agent

Lot 3 – Cleaning and Washroom Services

Lot 4 – Security Services

Lot 5 – Waste Management

Lot 6 – Building Engineering Services (M&E)

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