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Evergreen Assessment

Written by Thornton & Lowe


Sep 27, 2024

Overview of Evergreen Assessment

The Evergreen Assessment is a tool used by the NHS to evaluate the sustainability efforts of its suppliers. It's important to get right if you are a supplier or business bidding for NHS contracts. This assessment helps suppliers align with the NHS's goals for sustainability and net-zero emissions.

Suppliers complete a self-assessment that covers various sustainability factors. These include carbon reporting, social value, and supply chain practices. You receive a score based on your sustainability maturity. This score reflects how well you align with NHS standards.

For contracts over £5 million, suppliers must publish a Carbon Reduction Plan. This includes their Scope 1 and 2 emissions and some Scope 3 emissions. This requirement began in April 2023 and is part of the NHS's broader sustainability efforts.

The assessment ensures transparency between suppliers and the NHS. It provides a single route for information sharing. This makes it easier to track progress and address any areas of concern.

The Evergreen Assessment covers fields such as modern slavery prevention, carbon footprint reduction, and ethical practices. By participating, you show a commitment to sustainable and responsible practices.

In essence, this assessment helps you to support global sustainability goals while meeting NHS expectations.

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Key Supplier Steps for an NHS Evergreen Assessment


What Suppliers Need to Do


1. Atamis Registration

Register on the Atamis portal.

Registration is mandatory for submitting the assessment. Ensure all relevant documentation is uploaded.

2. Carbon Reduction Plan (CRP)

Complete a CRP to meet the NHS Net Zero target.

From April 2024, a Carbon Reduction Plan is required in line with PPN 06/21.

3. Social Value Commitment

Demonstrate social value initiatives in line with PPN 06/20.

Highlight contributions to local communities, employment diversity, and other social sustainability metrics.

4. Annual Assessment

Submit the Evergreen Assessment annually.

Review and update your submission each year to ensure compliance and improved sustainability performance.

5. Net Zero Alignment

Commit to NHS’s Net Zero Supplier Roadmap targets.

Align internal policies with the NHS target of becoming carbon-neutral by 2045. Provide evidence where possible.

6. Data Submission and KPIs

Provide transparent and accurate environmental and social data.

Ensure all data (carbon emissions, waste, etc.) is accurate. Consider hiring a sustainability consultant if needed.

7. Pass/Fail Evaluation

Understand that submission is a condition for contract awards.

No submission means no award. Prepare early to ensure deadlines are met.

8. KPI Monitoring

Maintain or improve performance year-on-year.

NHS will track performance over time. Develop internal processes to track and enhance sustainability practices.

This comprehensive approach will help suppliers streamline their bid submissions, enhance their sustainability profile, and improve their chances of success in NHS procurement opportunities.

Incumbent NHS Suppliers and Evergreen Assessments

Suppliers who were already incumbent at the time of the Evergreen assessment's introduction were given a six-month window to switch to the new platform. For all new frameworks and procurements, suppliers are required to complete the Evergreen assessment at the point of tender submission.

The assessment consists of multiple parts, beginning with company identifying information. Suppliers who already provide goods or services to the NHS will likely be registered on the Atamis system. However, those who only supply through NHS Supply Chain may need to set up their profile to avoid duplication of company identification.

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Evergreen Assessments and the Bidding Process

In the bidding process, you'll focus on submitting bids properly, adhering to timelines, and gathering necessary documents. This will ensure a fair chance of being selected for contracts. For the Evergreen Assessment, these steps are key in engaging successfully with NHS tenders.

Bid Submission Procedures

To submit a bid, you must follow the specific procedures outlined in the tender documents. Begin by reviewing the requirements carefully. Gather necessary information about your company and how it meets the goals of the proposed contract.

Ensure you complete all forms accurately. Pay attention to formatting requirements, as non-compliance can result in disqualification. Electronic submissions are common and usually preferred, so make sure you are comfortable with the online platform being used.

Checklists are useful for confirming that you have provided all required information. Missing any part might lead to rejection. Clarification questions can be addressed before the submission deadline. This is a proactive way to handle uncertainties.

Timeline for Bidding

Understanding the timeline is crucial in the bidding process. The pre-qualification stage needs careful attention, as failure to meet deadlines here results in exclusion. You'll generally find key dates provided in the tender documentation.

From the initial announcement to the final submission, each phase is time-sensitive. Regularly consult the timeline to keep track of key milestones. Stay alert for any changes, as notifications are sometimes made to extend or adjust deadlines.

Set reminders for each critical date. This includes submission deadlines; late entries are typically not accepted. Making a detailed schedule can help in managing tasks effectively and ensuring all steps are completed on time.

Documents and Requirements

For a successful bid, gather all required documents thoroughly. Regular items include proof of compliance, financial statements, and certificates relevant to the contract type. Each document should align with the specifications laid out in the tender brief.

Detailing your expertise and capability to deliver the contract is important. Include evidence of prior work similar to the project you are bidding for. Some tenders might request additional documents to support the sustainability efforts, especially with green contracts.

Every document should be accurate and updated. Errors could lead to disqualification. To avoid this, double-check everything before submission. Creating a structured list of documents and ticking them off once completed can enhance organisation and efficiency.

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Evergreen Assessment Supplier

NHS Carbon Reduction Plans and Meeting Supplier Selection Criteria

To create a compliant Evergreen Assessment, and to ensure you can compete to win NHS tenders, you need to understand the vision and broader roadmap that the NHS is working towards. The NHS Net Zero Roadmap outlines a series of milestones that suppliers must be aware of:

  • In April 2022, all tenders were required to give at least 10% weight to Net Zero and social value.
  • As of April 2023, contracts worth over £5 million must include a Carbon Reduction Plan (CRP) for direct emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2).
  • By April 2024, all suppliers, regardless of contract value, will be required to publicly report emissions and publish a CRP.
  • Moving forward, CRPs must cover indirect emissions (Scope 3) by April 2027 and be broken down by product lines by April 2028.
  • The NHS has set a clear goal: by 2030, they will no longer purchase from suppliers who are not aligned with the Net Zero strategy, and by 2045, the NHS aims to have a fully Net Zero supply chain!!

To create an appropriate CRP, start by calculating your annual carbon footprint using a baseline year. Be sure to document the methodology used to calculate your footprint. Next, develop a sustainability strategy that includes specific, actionable steps to reduce emissions. Incorporating high-quality carbon offsets into your strategy will help you achieve Net Zero. Once your plan is in place, implement your carbon reduction actions and diligently monitor your progress. Remember to update your CRP annually, taking into account any changes in your business operations.

Evergreen Assessment bidding process

10 NHS Carbon Reduction Plan & Evergreen Assessment Tips

To make your CRP truly stand out, consider:

  1. First, align your Net Zero target with the NHS goal of 2045.
  2. Ensure that your carbon reduction actions are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, and Time-bound).
  3. Demonstrating a clear link between your CRP and your company's overall sustainability strategy will showcase your commitment.
  4. Consider seeking independent verification of your carbon footprint to add credibility to your plan. Finally, use the Evergreen Supplier Assessment Tool to communicate effectively with the NHS.
  5. If you're bidding as part of a partnership or consortium, it's important to note that each member must provide their own CRP. Failure to ensure that all partners have a CRP in place could result in your bid being rejected.
  6. Supplier Emissions and Scope 3 As the NHS Net Zero Roadmap progresses, suppliers will be required to include Scope 3 emissions from their own suppliers in their CRPs by April 2027. To prepare for this, work closely with your suppliers to obtain carbon intensity metrics or use industry standards to calculate these emissions. Be sure to document any assumptions made in your carbon footprint calculations.
  7. While a good Carbon Reduction Plan is essential, it's not the only factor the NHS considers when evaluating suppliers. The NHS seeks suppliers who align with their overarching goals of sustainability, quality, and social value. Demonstrating reliability in providing goods or services, as well as a commitment to environmentally friendly and ethical business practices, is paramount. The NHS Evergreen Assessment plays a significant role in evaluating these areas.
  8. The NHS also places great importance on a supplier's financial stability, as it indicates their ability to sustain long-term contracts and manage risks effectively, even during challenging economic times. To demonstrate financial stability, suppliers must provide audited financial statements for transparency, share credit scores and financial performance reports, and show a track record of successfully fulfilling contracts. A stable financial foundation reassures the NHS that the supplier can meet contract demands without disruption, which is particularly critical for healthcare supplies and services that directly impact patient care.
  9. Meeting high-quality standards is a non-negotiable requirement when supplying the NHS. Suppliers must adhere to stringent regulatory and safety requirements, which can involve obtaining ISO 9001 certification or equivalent quality management standards and ensuring compliance with sector-specific regulations, particularly in the areas of medical devices, pharmaceuticals, or healthcare products.
  10. The NHS expects suppliers to make a positive contribution to society through robust Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices. Suppliers must demonstrate a commitment to maintaining ethical working conditions and preventing modern slavery throughout their supply chains. Supporting local economies, particularly within underprivileged areas, is an increasingly important factor in the procurement process. From April 2024 onwards, the NHS will apply a minimum 10% social value weighting to all procurements, emphasising the importance of tangible social contributions. Companies that can demonstrate measurable social impact, such as reducing inequalities and promoting local job creation, will be better positioned to secure NHS contracts.
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Contract Award and Performance Evaluation

In this section, you'll learn about the steps involved in awarding contracts through the Evergreen Assessment and how supplier performance is evaluated. Focus will be placed on the criteria for awarding contracts, the processes following the award, and methods for monitoring performance.

Awarding Criteria

Contracts are awarded based on a method called the Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT). This process doesn't just choose the lowest bid but considers multiple factors, such as quality, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness.

These criteria ensure that the NHS gets the best value for money while also meeting sustainability goals. Suppliers must demonstrate their commitments to carbon reduction and environmental responsibility. This makes the assessment not only economical but also aligned with the NHS’s green targets.

Post-Award Process

Once a contract is awarded, suppliers need to follow specific guidelines to ensure compliance. They are required to submit detailed plans showing how they will meet the agreed-upon requirements.

Schedules for deliveries, payments, and regular meetings are set up to facilitate smooth operations. This structure allows any issues to be quickly identified and resolved, maintaining efficiency throughout the contract term.

Performance Monitoring

Monitoring supplier performance is crucial to making sure that they meet all contractual obligations. Regular assessments evaluate whether suppliers are achieving set targets, particularly in sustainability.

The NHS uses specific metrics, such as carbon emission reductions, to gauge effectiveness. Feedback systems are in place so that suppliers can improve their processes and maintain a high standard of service delivery. This continuous evaluation benefits both the NHS and the suppliers, fostering long-term partnerships.

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