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Bid Writing for CCS Courier, Distribution, Storage and Specialist Services

Written by Thornton & Lowe


Jun 03, 2024

Opportunity Summary for Framework RM6354: Courier, Distribution, Storage and Specialist Services

Description: This framework provides public sector organisations with access to comprehensive courier, distribution, storage, and specialist solutions. Services include same-day delivery, international shipping, secure handling of sensitive items, and warehousing.

Value: A substantial opportunity involving contracts that could span multiple millions, offering various services to public sector clients.

Key Dates:

  • Pre-market Engagement: January 2024 to March 2024
  • Drafting of Procurement Documents: April 2024 to June 2024
  • Publication of FTS Notice: July 2024
  • Framework Award: December 2024


  • Pass/Fail Criteria: Compliance with security and delivery standards, evidence of capacity to handle diverse logistical needs.
  • Engagement Activities: Participation in supplier engagement sessions and detailed pre-market consultations.

Action Steps:

  • Supplier engagement events from January to March 2024.
  • Express interest by contacting the framework management team via the CCS website.
  • Compile evidence of successful past projects, highlighting capabilities in courier, distribution, and storage.
  • Develop detailed case studies demonstrating compliance and expertise.
  • Align your teams with the framework’s service requirements.
  • Gather necessary documentation and stakeholder input for pre-market engagement.

Website for More Information: Crown Commercial Service - RM6354.

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Bid Writing Support for Courier, Distribution and Storage Tenders and Frameworks

Thornton & Lowe provides comprehensive bid writing services designed to help clients win a place on the CCS Courier, Distribution, Storage and Specialist Services framework. Our process begins with planning and understanding of the framework requirements. We assist in gathering and developing compelling evidence, ensuring all necessary compliance documentation is in place.

Our experienced bid writers create high-quality, persuasive content tailored to the specific needs of the framework. We manage the entire submission process, from initial drafts to final edits, ensuring your bid is complete, compliant, and competitive. By partnering with Thornton & Lowe, clients can significantly enhance their chances of winning contracts through expertly crafted bids.

Specifically, our services include:

Bid Writing Courses and Training: Our courses provide the skills and knowledge needed to write successful bids, covering everything from initial planning to final submission. Participants learn best practices for structuring responses, meeting compliance requirements, and creating persuasive content.

Bid Reviews: We offer detailed bid reviews to ensure your submission meets all criteria and is of the highest quality. Our experts provide feedback on content, structure, and compliance, helping you improve your bid before submission.

Preparing for the Framework: We help clients prepare for the framework by ensuring they are tender ready. This includes gathering necessary documentation, developing case studies, and aligning your team with the framework's requirements.

Bid Writing for Quality Questions: Our experts focus on writing high-quality sections of your bid that demonstrate your capabilities and strengths. We ensure these sections are clear, concise, and compelling.

Full Bid Management: We offer full bid management services, handling every aspect of the bid process. From initial planning and strategy development to writing, reviewing, and submitting the bid, we ensure a seamless and efficient process.

By using Thornton & Lowe’s bid writing services and expertise, clients can bid more efficiently and effectively for CCS frameworks. For more information on how we can support your tendering efforts, contact us now: / 01204 238046

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Surgical Gowns single use, Theatre Scrub brushes & Headwear
UK Edinburgh The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) (NSS)

For the supply of Surgical Gowns single use, Theatre Scrub brushes & Headwear delivered into NHS Scotland NDS Larkhall for distribution to NHS health boards across Scotland.

Value: 9600000
Published: 2025-02-07
Deadline: 2025-03-10
9600000 2025-02-07 2025-03-10
Repairs and Maintenance of Block Storage and Other Heaters
UK Glenrothes Fife Council


Value: 300000
Published: 2025-01-29
Deadline: 2025-03-03
300000 2025-01-29 2025-03-03
MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing) Works and Services Framework Contract
UK Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council

Framework tender for MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing) Works and Lift Installation Replacement Framework Contract.The initial proposed lots under these workstreams have been listed in this notice.This framework will allow for works to be carried out in residential and potentially non-residential buildings comprising the various packages below.1.0 Preliminaries2.0 Mechanical Installations2.1 Space Heating2.2 Domestic Hot & Cold Water Services2.3 Mechanical Ventilation3.0 Electrical Installations3.1 Electrical Distribution3.2 Small Power3.3 Electric Heating Systems3.4 Electric Vehicle Chargers3.5 Telecommunication Systems3.6 TV Distribution System3.7 Lighting3.8 CO, CO2, Fire Alarm Detection & Alarm Systems3.9 Door Entry/Access Systems3.10 Emergency Assistance Alarm Systems4.0 External Services4.1 Mains Water4.2 Natural Gas4.3 Electricity5.0 Multi-tennant Properties5.1 Centralised Boiler Plant5.2 Centralised Cold Water Storage5.3 Centralised Domestic Hot Water Storage5.4 Centralised Mechanical Ventilation Systems5.5 Centralised Electrical Distribution5.6 Centralised Small Power5.7 Centralised Lighting & Emergency Lighting5.8 Centralised Fire Detection & Alarms5.9 Centralised Door Access/Entry & Intercoms5.10 Fire Compartmentation/Fire Stopping5.11 Centralised Automatic & BMS Controls5.12 Builderswork In Connection With Services6.0 Renewable Energy Systems6.1 Air Source Heat Pumps6.2 Photovoltaic Systems7.0 Lift Installation7.1 Lift Installation

Value: 20000000
Published: 2025-01-28
Deadline: 2025-02-28
20000000 2025-01-28 2025-02-28
MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing) Works and Services Framework Contract
UK Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council

Framework tender for MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing) Works and Lift Installation Replacement Framework Contract.The initial proposed lots under these workstreams have been listed in this notice.This framework will allow for works to be carried out in residential and potentially non-residential buildings comprising the various packages below.1.0 Preliminaries2.0 Mechanical Installations2.1 Space Heating2.2 Domestic Hot & Cold Water Services2.3 Mechanical Ventilation3.0 Electrical Installations3.1 Electrical Distribution3.2 Small Power3.3 Electric Heating Systems3.4 Electric Vehicle Chargers3.5 Telecommunication Systems3.6 TV Distribution System3.7 Lighting3.8 CO, CO2, Fire Alarm Detection & Alarm Systems3.9 Door Entry/Access Systems3.10 Emergency Assistance Alarm Systems4.0 External Services4.1 Mains Water4.2 Natural Gas4.3 Electricity5.0 Multi-tennant Properties5.1 Centralised Boiler Plant5.2 Centralised Cold Water Storage5.3 Centralised Domestic Hot Water Storage5.4 Centralised Mechanical Ventilation Systems5.5 Centralised Electrical Distribution5.6 Centralised Small Power5.7 Centralised Lighting & Emergency Lighting5.8 Centralised Fire Detection & Alarms5.9 Centralised Door Access/Entry & Intercoms5.10 Fire Compartmentation/Fire Stopping5.11 Centralised Automatic & BMS Controls5.12 Builderswork In Connection With Services6.0 Renewable Energy Systems6.1 Air Source Heat Pumps6.2 Photovoltaic Systems7.0 Lift Installation7.1 Lift Installation

Value: 20000000
Published: 2025-01-27
Deadline: 2025-02-28
20000000 2025-01-27 2025-02-28
Provision of Storage and Transportation Services
UK Edinburgh Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service

SCTS is looking for the a fully managed service addressing the provision of storage and transportation of goods and furniture for the entire SCTS estate across Scotland

Value: 480000
Published: 2025-01-20
Deadline: 2025-02-19
480000 2025-01-20 2025-02-19
Framework Agreement - Courier Services for Oversized and Specialist Shipments
UK Gourock CalMac Ferries Limited

CalMac Ferries Ltd (CFL) is looking to appoint a minimum of one supplier(s) to undertake all oversized and specialist courier services within the UK.

Published: 2025-01-14
Deadline: 2025-02-17
2025-01-14 2025-02-17
Virtualisation Infrastructure Servers and Storage
UK Riccarton, Edinburgh Heriot-Watt University

The University wishes to procure a contractor who can provide a fully designed and supported Virtual Infrastructure, Hardware and Software solution.

Published: 2025-01-10
Deadline: 2025-02-14
2025-01-10 2025-02-14
Housing Removal, Relocation and Warehouse Storage Framework
UK Paisley Renfrewshire Council

This Framework is for Housing Removal, Relocation and Warehouse Storage Services.The Framework will be a single lot, multi-supplier ranked framework. The lot is as follows:Lot 1 – Housing Removal, Relocation and Warehouse Storage Services shall include for the decant of Council tenants and storage for the Council’s Homeless and Housing Services - (itt_56062).

Value: 350000
Published: 2024-12-20
Deadline: 2025-02-05
350000 2024-12-20 2025-02-05
Kincorth Sports Centre, Replacement Heating & Hot Water Plant (8350)
UK Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council

The following systems are to be supplied, installed, set to work, tested, commissioned, handed over and maintained for the 12 months Defects Liability Period:- Downtakings and Removals- Internal Gas Service- Replacement of Existing Heating Plant and Associated pipework, flue, valves and pumps- Cold Water storage tank and Booster Set replacement- Hot Water Service Plant replacement- Automatic Controls Installation- Thermal Insulation- Associated General Works- Builderswork in connection with services- Minor Electrical Works- Testing & Commissioning- Defects Liability Maintenance- Asbestos surveys and removals

Published: 2024-12-17
Deadline: 2025-01-31
2024-12-17 2025-01-31
Provision of Hard FM Services
UK Edinburgh National Galleries of Scotland

National Galleries Scotland (NGS) wish to award a term contract for the Provision of Hard FM Services to a single Contractor.The scope of the contract is a term contract for the provision of Hard Facilities Management Services for the National Galleries of Scotland estate, which comprises 4 public gallery buildings and storage facilities across the city of Edinburgh. The Hard Facilities Management Services included in the scope are: Managed Services, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) Repairs and Maintenance; and Building Repairs and Maintenance.Stage 2 Tender documents are provided for INFORMATION, GUIDANCE & TRANSPARENCY ONLY. Stage 2 documents are in draft and may be subject to change prior to Invitation to Tender.The Contractor must have a clear understanding of the contract requirements and the organisational needs of NGS.NEC4 Term Service Contract will be used.It is a requirement that the Contractor as a minimum, hold or commit to obtain prior to the award of contract, a valid Cyber Essentials Basic Certification (or equivalent) in place throughout the duration of the contract.Baseline Personnel Security Standards are required under the contract. All operatives who will be working on NGS sites will be required to hold valid basic disclosure certification.There is no commitment to a minimum spend over the duration of the contract. Under this agreement, no minimum spend is guaranteed.The agreement will be non-exclusive i.e., NGS reserves the right, in certain circumstances, to procure out with the Contract Agreement, as and when required.In the event of unsatisfactory performance by the successful Contractor and the termination of the contract by either party, NGS reserves the right to negotiate the continuance of the services with the second and third placed Contractors.

Published: 2024-12-13
Deadline: 2025-02-07
2024-12-13 2025-02-07
Garden Waste Permit Printing and Distribution 2025/26
UK Paisley Renfrewshire Council

Renfrewshire Council require a Service Provider to deliver a printing, packaging and distribution of garden waste permits across the Council’s area.

Published: 2024-12-11
Deadline: 2025-01-13
2024-12-11 2025-01-13
Cycle parking in Aberdeenshire Schools
UK Aberdeen Aberdeenshire Council

Supply and installation of cycling storage for 10 schools across Aberdeenshire. Some schools require new storage while others require maintenance to existing storage.

Value: 55000
Published: 2024-12-06
Deadline: 2025-01-10
55000 2024-12-06 2025-01-10
The Supply, Installation and Support of a Media Server Solution
UK Glasgow City of Glasgow College

City of Glasgow College require the supply, installation, and support of a post-production media storage solution which is secure and easy to use for both staff and students.Creative Industries propose to augment their workflow with the addition of a specific media storage server solution to handle and secure our student media assets and allow the faculty to fully embrace continuing use of high-definition video.

Published: 2024-12-05
Deadline: 2025-01-08
2024-12-05 2025-01-08
Measured Term Contract for Water Quality Management Services
UK Irvine North Ayrshire Council

NAC seek to appoint a suitably qualified service provider to deliver services to manage legionella control and water quality management including regimes for temperature testing; cleaning and disinfection; sampling and analysis of results, cold water storage tank inspections; hot water storage system inspections; servicing of thermostatic mixing valves and risk assessments in North Ayrshire Council Non-Housing properties and Communal Areas within Sheltered Housing Units and Supported Living Units.

Value: 1000000
Published: 2024-12-04
Deadline: 2025-01-23
1000000 2024-12-04 2025-01-23
Harbour type oil spill fence boom
UK Stornoway Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Supply of harbour type oil spill fence boom and storage

Value: 60000
Published: 2024-12-04
Deadline: 2025-01-06
60000 2024-12-04 2025-01-06
Estates Marketing - 14 Anderson Street, Airdrie, ML6 0AA
UK Motherwell North Lanarkshire Council

North Lanarkshire Council (NLC) offers to the market this standalone Grade C listed building formerly occupied by the Citizens Advice Bureau. Located within Airdrie Town Centre, well positioned for public transport.-Private parking.-Cellular office space includes staff toilets, kitchen and storage areas.-In need of some improvement.-Benefits from substantial plot to rear.-The property is located on the north side of Anderson Street, accessed off Bank Street (B803), which is a principal vehicular traffic route within Airdrie Town Centre. Surrounding buildings are occupied as professional offices, salons, retail units and residential premises.-Bids over 150,000 are invited for this property exclusive of VAT.

Value: 150000
Published: 2024-11-29
Deadline: 2025-02-21
150000 2024-11-29 2025-02-21
George Square Statues - Removal, Storage, Conservation & Reinstatement
UK Glasgow Glasgow City Council

Removal, storage and conservation works of 11 bronze statues situated within George Square. Reinstatement of the statues will also be required once the works are complete

Value: 1500000
Published: 2024-11-29
Deadline: 2025-01-06
1500000 2024-11-29 2025-01-06
Supply and Delivery of Scenario Based Training Equipment
UK Glasgow Scottish Police Authority

The Scottish Police Authority (known as the “the Authority”) has a requirement for Scenario Based Training Equipment. This equipment will assist Police Scotland’s Training Department deliver dynamic, hands-on reality training while minimizing risk by providing a safe environment for students to learn and practice their skills.Modular components should be constructed using robust PVC/polyfoam type material or equivalent that is self-supporting, free standing and can be customised. It must be easily assembled and disassembled by no more than two people, making it convenient for storage and transportation.These are training mock-ups, therefore no plumbing, electrical or installation will be required.

Value: 500000
Published: 2024-11-21
Deadline: 2024-12-23
500000 2024-11-21 2024-12-23
Supply Only and Supply & Distribution of Groceries and Provisions
UK Paisley Scotland Excel

This Contract Notice is in relation to the renewal framework for Groceries and Provisions.It is anticipated that the scope of materials covered under the framework will include, but not be limited to, dairy and chilled, dried goods and ambient products, and crisps, confectionery, soft drinks and water.

Value: 160000000
Published: 2024-11-15
Deadline: 2024-12-13
160000000 2024-11-15 2024-12-13
Hire of Portable Accommodation & Safe Storage Container Units
UK Larbert Falkirk Council

Falkirk Council wishes to undertake a tendering process to enter into a framework agreement for the Hire of Welfare Accommodation along with associated Support Services and Safe Storage container Units, to be utilised for on-site use within Falkirk Council’s area ofOperation. The agreement is split into 2 lots (lot 1: Static Welfare Accommodation & Safe Storage Containers c/w associated Support Services) & (lot 2: Mobile Welfare Accommodation).

Value: 1100000
Published: 2024-11-15
Deadline: 2024-12-17
1100000 2024-11-15 2024-12-17
Brae Rural Energy Hub - Community Centre Refurbishment - Brae, Shetland
UK Lerwick, Shetland Shetland Islands Council

Shetland Islands Council proposes to refurbish the existing Brae Community Centre. The building is timber framed with blockwork outer leaf. Gross external area = 506m².Building refurbishment comprises the upgrading of the insulation fabric of building including floors, walls, ceilings, external doors. Internal reconfiguration of partitions in part of the building (200m²) including new toilets and kitchen.Redecorate throughout, repaint walls, ceilings, doors, skirtings, new floor coverings.Services upgrades, new heating, lighting, ICT installations. New solar panel installation.Provision of car charging facilities and ebike charging and storage.

Published: 2024-11-14
Deadline: 2024-11-27
2024-11-14 2024-11-27
NP50825 Hygiene Paper Products
UK Edinburgh The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) (NSS)

Commencement of a new procurement process for the supply of paper products (including but not limited to - hand towels, toilet tissue, couch rolls).These will be supplied by our National Distribution Service supporting all health boards (including special boards ) within NHS Scotland.

Value: 93581000
Published: 2024-11-13
Deadline: 2024-12-18
93581000 2024-11-13 2024-12-18
Provision of PR Services for Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (DHI)
UK Glasgow University of Strathclyde

The University of Strathclyde, acting as the Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (DHI), is seeking to appoint a single supplier to provide a variety of PR services on a 3-year call-off contract (with the option to extend for another 1 year) to raise awareness of key activities both nationally and internationally across a range of media platforms to position us as experts in our field.Activities may include but not limited to:- Developing media relations with key journalists, publications and media outlets (nationally and internationally)- Providing expert support to our in-house PR Assistant with content creation and distribution in particular high-value press releases and thought leadership pieces- Managing public affairs and lobbying.- Supporting strategic stakeholder engagement- Providing measurement and analytical support to measure the impact of our activities- If required corporate communications and crisis management.

Value: 96000
Published: 2024-11-13
Deadline: 2024-12-04
96000 2024-11-13 2024-12-04
Garden Waste Permit Management Solution
UK Kirkintilloch East Dunbartonshire Council

East Dunbartonshire Council is looking for a suitably qualified service provider to manage the printing and distribution of garden waste bin permits on an annual basis across residential properties within East Dunbartonshire. Full details of the requirement can be found within the supporting documents.

Value: 250000
Published: 2024-11-06
Deadline: 2024-12-04
250000 2024-11-06 2024-12-04
High Capacity Storage System
UK Aberdeen Scottish Government

The Scottish Ministers invites tenders for the purchase of a high capacity storagesystem.The Marine Directorate (MD), a directorate of the Scottish Government, as a whole collects large volumes of data on an annual basis. The data collected serves many of the directorate’s needs for evidence to underpin policy development, and to meet statutory or legal requirement of Scottish Government.

Value: 400000
Published: 2024-11-01
Deadline: 2024-12-02
400000 2024-11-01 2024-12-02
Corporate Scanning
UK Motherwell North Lanarkshire Council

Capital funding was awarded for the 2021/22 and 2022/23 financial years for a Corporate Back-scanning Solution and Storage Requirements. The aim of this project was to only maintain physical files where there is a business, historical or legal requirement – this will result in the cost of physical storage being reduced, information being easily accessible electronically when required, retention can be applied automatically and physical files that are retained will be less likely to require regular access.

Published: 2024-10-29
Deadline: 2024-11-28
2024-10-29 2024-11-28
Wild Strathfillan Project – Rainforest bryophytes survey and assessment
UK Balloch Loch Lomond & The Trossachs Countryside Trust

The Countryside Trust has been awarded funding through NatureScot’s Nature Restoration Fund for ‘Lochside to Mountain-top', the first delivery phase of Wild Strathfillan. Wild Strathfillan is an ambitious landscape-scale nature restoration initiative which covers approximately 50,000 Ha of the Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park. The Trust is working in partnership with land managers, local communities, environmental NGOs, government agencies, businesses and the Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park Authority to deliver this work. You can read more about the project here.The western area of Wild Strathfillan falls within the easternmost reaches of the Scottish Rainforest Zone, renowned for its diverse bryophyte flora. Although detailed information on the specific bryophyte species within the Wild Strathfillan area is currently limited, it is acknowledged that in certain areas these plants are under pressure from herbivores. Populations of rare bryophytes in Britain require meticulous monitoring, as many species are at risk due to habitat changes or accidental destruction. The latest census by the British Bryological Society identifies 1,098 bryophyte species on the red list in Scotland. This gives Scotland a significant international responsibility to conserve these species. Additionally, bryophytes are ecologically important and sensitive to environmental changes, making them excellent indicators of the landscape's ecological health.Gathering comprehensive data on the bryophyte populations within the project area is crucial for minimising future losses and ensuring effective conservation strategies are planned and implemented. This tender, aims to progress these objectives by systematically documenting the presence and distribution of bryophytes, assessing the pressures they face, and recommending targeted conservation actions to protect these valuable species.We are therefore seeking to appoint a contractor with specialist bryophyte knowledge to plan and undertake targeted surveys to help gather baseline data. This contract will focus primarily on bryophyte species associated with temperate rainforest habitat, although montane bryophytes will be considered as part of the desk study.

Value: 8000
Published: 2024-10-18
Deadline: 2024-11-04
8000 2024-10-18 2024-11-04
Provision of Metal Sheds and Garden Storage
UK Glenrothes Fife Council

Supply and installation of metal sheds and garden storage.

Published: 2024-10-17
Deadline: 2024-11-15
2024-10-17 2024-11-15
Courier Services for Prepared Food and Related Sundry Products
UK Glasgow Glasgow City Council

The council requires courier services to pick up and drop off prepared meals and related sundry products from a number of preparation kitchens to a variety of venues across Glasgow. The supplier will collect and deliver readymade meals and associated menu products from council premises within the boundaries of Glasgow City. Drivers must collect the empty food trays from each establishment and return to the original collection venue either on the same day or the next calendar day.

Value: 1706000
Published: 2024-10-17
Deadline: 2024-11-18
1706000 2024-10-17 2024-11-18
GGC0920 Oral Health Distribution
UK Glasgow NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

This tender describes NHSGGC need to commission a contract that will allow the following; the receipt, storage, handling and distribution of Oral Health products to meet the requirement of Childsmile and Priority Groups Prevention Programmes.For planning purposes, the birth cohort for NHSGGC Health Board is approximately 13,000 per annum. Each child must receive six allocations of oral health packs between the ages of 0-6 years. Additional packs, toothbrushes, and other resources (please see Appendix 1 Product Information Table) are required by dental practices, nurseries, schools, clinics and hospitals.The Childsmile Nursery and Childsmile School Fluoride Varnish programme delivers a range of preventive care interventions for children from nursery age 3 years until they leave primary school, who are at increased risk of dental disease. For planning purposes Fluoride varnish is applied twice yearly in 150 nurseries and 200 schools. Products are required to support this programme.NHSGGC Health Board has a requirement to encourage participation in Oral Health Promotion and Prevention Programmes.Childsmile ProgrammesChildsmile is a national programme designed to improve the oral health of children in Scotland and reduce inequalities both in dental health and access to dental services. It is funded by the Scottish Government and has four main elements:-Childsmile Core Programme-Childsmile Community & Practice-Childsmile Nursery and School-Childsmile Ante natal (NHSGGC only)Further information on Childsmile is available at:

Value: 295000
Published: 2024-10-15
Deadline: 2024-11-19
295000 2024-10-15 2024-11-19
Field Hydrometry and Support Services
UK Livingston West Lothian Council

Field hydrometric services including the maintenance and provision of telemetry-based rainfall, water level sensors and data loggers in various locations across West Lothian Council’s administrative area. The service includes the provision of field maintenance including repair and the replacement of defective equipment, providing a secure IT platform and software and cloud-based data storage available via a range of devices to users 24-hours per day, seven-days per week on which key information and critical data can be securely viewed and downloaded.

Value: 50000
Published: 2024-10-08
Deadline: 2024-11-06
50000 2024-10-08 2024-11-06
Marketing Communications Support
UK Gourock CalMac Ferries Limited

Caledonian MacBrayne Brand Marketing Team is looking to work with a supplier who can offer the following services:- Support in planning and creating a comprehensive Marketing Communications (Marcomms) Strategy. This strategy must be integrated with our broader campaign and marcomms activities and include newsletters, blogs, and other relevant content.- Execute the development and distribution of tailored content and outputs targeted at specific segments and audiences, including both copywriting and creative aspects.

Value: 175000
Published: 2024-10-04
Deadline: 2024-11-04
175000 2024-10-04 2024-11-04
EHub Phase 2 Scope 3 – Energy Hubs Black Start and Energy Storage Requirements
UK Aberdeen Net Zero Technology Centre Limited

EHub Phase 2 Scope 3 – Energy Hubs Black Start and Energy Storage Requirements

Published: 2024-10-03
Deadline: 2024-10-24
2024-10-03 2024-10-24
Supply and Installation of Cycling Shelters and Storage Facilities
UK Alloa Clackmannanshire Council

Supply and installation of cycling shelters and storage units as well as other active travel infrastructure such as containers, scooter racks, Sheffield racks and electric bike battery charging lockers.

Published: 2024-09-25
Deadline: 2024-10-18
2024-09-25 2024-10-18
Conversions and Enhancements at Aitkin Court, Kirkcaldy
UK Edinburgh Cairn Housing Association

Extension and refurbishment of common lounge, fitting of new windows and PV panels, construction of mobility scooter storage, conversion of former warden's house to 2 x properties for let.

Published: 2024-09-20
Deadline: 2024-10-18
2024-09-20 2024-10-18
PS-24-87 - Construction of a Central Catering Store, Rowallan Business Park, Kilmarnock (PRJ0013458)
UK Kilmarnock East Ayrshire Council

Name: Central Catering StoreNature: Construction of single storey steel framed storage building with insulated roof and wall cladding panels.Location: Rowallan Business Park, Southcraig Avenue, KilmarnockTimescale for construction work: 20 weeks

Published: 2024-09-18
Deadline: 2024-10-23
2024-09-18 2024-10-23
Supply & Distribution of Fresh Wild Venison
UK Lochgilphead Argyll and Bute Council

Argyll and Bute Council are looking to appoint a single supplier to supply and distribute fresh wild venison to catering establishments on the Isle of Islay and Isle of Jura.

Published: 2024-09-16
Deadline: 2024-09-30
2024-09-16 2024-09-30
Seed Collection & Associated Services
UK Inverness Forestry and Land Scotland

Forestry and Land Scotland (the Authority) look after the national forests and land to enhance biodiversity, support tourism, and increase access to the green spaces that will help improve Scotland’s physical and mental health and well-being. The Authority also continues to provide vital timber supplies to support a sustainable rural economy. Further information on who the Authority is and what it does can be found here: Authority has a requirement to place a Framework Agreement with external Contractors for the provision of Seed Collection and Associated Services (including, Processing and Testing and Seed Supply).The Authority plants an estimated 25 million trees per annum across the National Forest Estate. Presently 28% of these trees are grown at the Authority’s owned Newton Nursery with the remaining 72% currently contract grown or purchased within the private nursery sector.The Authority also purchases a proportion of seed externally to support the production of stock from its Newton Nursery operation. However, the Authority also sells a proportion of the seed it collects and that is surplus to requirements in support of the wider UK forestry sector. Purchased seed typically includes; Scots pine, Norway spruce, Douglas fir and Alaskan Lodgepole pine, with seed sold to the sector being mainly improved Sitka spruce. Seed availability and plant demand however is subject to change due to the impact of multiple unpredictable variables; e.g., unpredictable mast years or changes in felling/restocking sites, disease etc. Purchased and sold seed may also require chemical treatment to ensure protection from pests, or indeed for seed primed or coated using new innovation technologies which can help to increase germination rates.Within this Framework Agreement specification, the Authority has a requirement for the provision of the following services:- Aerial Seed Collection;- Ground Seed Collection;- Rope Access Seed Collection;- Seed Processing, Testing and Storage; and- Seed Supply.

Value: 3210000
Published: 2024-09-13
Deadline: 2024-10-25
3210000 2024-09-13 2024-10-25
Surgical Staplers, Cutters & Clip Appliers and consumables
UK Edinburgh The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) (NSS)

Renewal of National Framework for the Supply of Open/ Endo Surgical Devices covering the following products to NHS Scotland. Products canbe either supplied via the NDC(National Distribution Centre) or direct to hospitals across NHS Scotland. It is expected that the annualvalue across all lots will not exceed GBP 7m excluding VAT.The following products ranges are included:Lot 1 Staplers only and consumablesLot 2 Stapler/Cutters and consumablesLot 3 Clip Appliers and consumablesLot 4 Combination LotLot 5 Enhanced Service/ Innovation Lot

Value: 23500000
Published: 2024-09-11
Deadline: 2024-10-17
23500000 2024-09-11 2024-10-17
Processing of Food Waste (PS/24/71)
UK Kilmarnock East Ayrshire Council

Collection, transportation, storage (if required), treatment and diversion of food waste.

Value: 480000
Published: 2024-09-06
Deadline: 2024-10-07
480000 2024-09-06 2024-10-07
Fire Retardant Bedding and Towels
UK Inverness Caledonian Sleeper Limited

CSL are looking for supply, storage and delivery of bedding tested to fire regulations for trains EN45545-2 and supply of towels.

Value: 320000
Published: 2024-08-20
Deadline: 2024-09-17
320000 2024-08-20 2024-09-17
Sterile Procedure Packs
UK Edinburgh The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) (NSS)

Supply of Sterile Procedure Packs & Supplementary Items to Health Boards via both the National Distribution Centre & Direct Delivery

Published: 2024-08-12
Deadline: 2024-09-11
2024-08-12 2024-09-11
Supply of a Latch Rack Tube Store and related accessories, consumables, ext. warranty and service & maintenance
UK Dundee University of Dundee

Automated Freezer Storage

Value: 155000
Published: 2024-08-05
Deadline: 2024-09-04
155000 2024-08-05 2024-09-04
Investigation into the potential risk of entanglement of marine mammals with discarded fishing gear associated with floating offshore wind farms
UK Edinburgh Scottish Government

The Offshore Wind Directorate invites a tender from a suitable contractor to define the risk of entanglement with discarded fishing gear around mooring lines at floating offshore wind farm (FOW) sites.The Scottish Government has set a range of targets to cut greenhouse gas emissions and to generate more energy from renewable sources. The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2019 commits the Scottish Government to reach net zero emissions of all greenhouse gases by 2045.Offshore wind will play a vital part in meeting these targets, and is set to expand substantially in Scotland over the next decade and beyond, as evident by the recent ScotWind seabed leasing round by the Crown Estate Scotland. In January 2021 and through its clearing process in August 2022, Crown Estate Scotland has offered Option Agreements for 20 offshore wind projects around Scotland totalling 27.6GW of potential new offshore wind developments. The related offshore wind Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas (INTOG) decarbonisation planning and leasing process outlined a further 5.4GW of projects.This project will assess entanglement risk by using monitoring tools such as load cells, remote operated vehicles (ROV) and other tools to identify the snag rate of abandoned, lost or discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) on mooring lines of FOW developments. This will be coupled with modelling of density and distribution of ALDFG across Scottish shelf waters or estimation of snag rate at a given site based on data detailing potential sources, identified prevalence based on available data and oceanographic drift. Should substantial risk be identified, the project should also consider and suggest potential mitigation measures and any associated future research needs to deliver these.This project will contribute to the overall process of the sustainable expansion of floating offshore wind in Scottish waters by improving the evidence base for environmental assessments and build on previous work seeking to establish the risk of entanglement.

Value: 130000
Published: 2024-07-29
Deadline: 2024-08-29
130000 2024-07-29 2024-08-29
Lead (M&E) Designer for Water tank and Lift core overheating
UK Glasgow NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGG&C) are seeking to appoint a Lead Consultant (with M&E experience) for a feasibility study at the QEUH/RHC. The lead Consultant will be tasked with providing a feasibility study of the state of water storage tanks in the QEUH/RHC and provide design to alleviate overheating in the lift shafts within the Adults and Children’s Hospitals.

Value: 30000
Published: 2024-07-22
Deadline: 2024-08-19
30000 2024-07-22 2024-08-19
UK UK Scotland Gas Networks Plc and Southern Gas Networks Plc (together hereinafter referred to as "SGN")

Published: 2024-07-12
PS-24-50 - Furniture & Equipment Removals & Storage Framework
UK Kilmarnock East Ayrshire Council

The Council is inviting tenders from Service Providers to provide a relocation service for the Council. The Framework Agreement will be a framework agreement of two Lots, which will enable East Ayrshire Council to carry out a range of small office relocations, office relocations of 10 or more staff and their associated furniture and equipment and education re-location projects and also residential property moves to new addresses and also to temporary storage.

Published: 2024-06-26
Deadline: 2024-07-26
2024-06-26 2024-07-26
Courier Services - Question Paper Delivery
UK Midlothian Scottish Qualifications Authority

Delivery service

Value: 520000
Published: 2024-06-19
Deadline: 2024-07-22
520000 2024-06-19 2024-07-22
Cloch Housing Association - Three Year Contract for Water Hygiene Maintenance and Management
UK Greenock Cloch Housing Association Ltd

The Contract will involve planned maintenance visits to 10 properties of HMO or supported living as detailed in the schedule of addresses described with Tender Document B ‘Address list’ tab.The works and services comprise the following;Annual TMV Servicing for each property.Clean and disinfect existing shower head in accordance with current legislation including HSE L8 (Fourth Edition) 'The Control of legionella bacteria in Water Systems' and HSG274 Part 2 'The Control of Legionella Bacteria in hot and cold water systems'; re-commission and fill hot water storage tank (Quarterly inspections)Monthly H&C TemperatureAnnual hot water cylinder flushingSix monthly expansion vessel flushingSupply all necessary registration and certification of completed checks and detail subsequent necessary remedial repairs to ensure compliance.All certification to be provided in an electronic format to be approved by the Cloch Housing Association.The Contract will primarily involve maintenance services to existing hot water systems to be undertaken in accordance with current legislation including HSE L8 (Fourth Edition) 'The Control of legionella bacteria in Water Systems' and HSG274 Part 2 'The Control of Legionella Bacteria in hot and cold water systems';The Principal Contractor is advised that all flatted properties that are included within the Contract belong to Cloch Housing are HMO’s, or are supported living units with elderly residents or residents with assisted living needs.The Contract term will be for an initial three-year period (2024-2027) with optional 1 + 1 YearAnnual Extensions up to a maximum contract duration of five years overall.

Value: 100000
Published: 2024-06-14
Deadline: 2024-07-12
100000 2024-06-14 2024-07-12
Provision of Secure Offsite Storage and Management of Records
UK Glasgow Scottish Police Authority

The Authority is seeking a Single Supplier to apply appropriate processes for the secure collection/retrieval of boxed records and the indexing, intellectual control, physical storage and disposal of the Authority`s current records and for any new records that may occur throughout the lifetime of the Contract.

Value: 650000
Published: 2024-06-12
Deadline: 2024-07-15
650000 2024-06-12 2024-07-15
Delivery / Supply of C02 and chemicals in Leisure Facilities
UK Dumfries Dumfries and Galloway Council

The purpose of this contract is to bring under one contract the delivery, supply, storage, and maintenance of C02 required in various council swimming pools. There is also the secondary purpose of the supply and delivery of chemicals required in council leisure facilities and schools.

Value: 180000
Published: 2024-05-29
Deadline: 2024-06-21
180000 2024-05-29 2024-06-21
NP48324 Emergency Planning Storage and Distribution
UK Edinburgh The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) (NSS)

This Public Contract is for the storage, stock management and distribution of Goods for the Scottish Government Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Programme (PIPP) and Emergency Preparedness Resilience and Response (EPRR) to NHS Scotland.

Value: 3300000
Published: 2024-05-28
Deadline: 2024-06-27
3300000 2024-05-28 2024-06-27
Supply & Distribution Of Fresh Fruit, Vegetables, Potatoes, Prepared Products, and Milk
UK Lochgilphead Argyll and Bute Council

Argyll and Bute Council is undertaking a multi-lot tender to meet the requirements covered by this Tender for the Supply & Distribution Of Fresh Fruit, Vegetables, Potatoes, Prepared Products, and Milk.

Value: 1626000
Published: 2024-05-21
Deadline: 2024-06-26
1626000 2024-05-21 2024-06-26
Provision of Soft FM Services
UK Edinburgh National Galleries of Scotland

National Galleries Scotland (NGS) "The Authority" wish to award a term contract for the Provision of Soft FM Services to a single Contractor.The Facilities Management provider will deliver Soft FM Services across NGS estate which comprises of 4 public gallery building and storage facilities across the city of Edinburgh.Whilst NGS will retain overall strategic control, NGS shall delegate the day-to-day management and delivery of the specified Soft FM Services. The Contractor shall manage the Services in support of NGS’s business aims and objectives.The Contractor shall have full responsibility for the delivery of all Services whether by directly employed personnel or sub-contracted personnel.Services included within the contract scope may include (but are not limited to) routine and periodic cleaning, waste management, pest control and portering. Please refer to the document ‘Draft Soft FM Scope – May 2024’ uploaded to the portal for further details.Stage 2 Tender documents are provided for INFORMATION, GUIDANCE & TRANSPARENCY ONLY. Stage 2 documents are in draft and may be subject to change prior to Invitation to Tender.The Contractor must have a clear understanding of the contract requirements and the organisational needs of NGS.NEC4 Term Service Contract will be used.It is a requirement that the Contractor as a minimum, hold or commit to obtain prior to the award of contract, a valid Cyber Essentials Basic Certificate (or equivalent) in place throughout the duration of the contract.Baseline Personnel Security Standards are required under the contract. All operatives who will be working on NGS sites will be required to hold valid basic disclosure certification.There is no commitment to a minimum spend over the duration of the contract. Under this agreement, no minimum spend is guaranteed.The agreement will be non-exclusive i.e., NGS reserves the right, in certain circumstances, to procure out with the Contract Agreement, as and when required.In the event of unsatisfactory performance by the successful Contractor and the termination of the contract by either party, NGS reserves the right to negotiate the continuance of the services with the second and third placed Contractors.

Published: 2024-05-14
Deadline: 2024-06-19
2024-05-14 2024-06-19
Supply of Bidet Style Toilets and Associated Services
UK Edinburgh The City of Edinburgh Council

The City of Edinburgh Council wish to put a single Lot Framework Agreement in place with a single Supplier for supply of bidet style toilets and associated services, encompassing:- supply deliver and installation of equipment- planned preventative maintenance and servicing- reactive repairs of equipment- removal, refurbishment, storage and re-use of equipmentThe City of Edinburgh Council work collaboratively with Midlothian Council, East Lothian Council and NHS Lothian, all of whom order the Equipment via their Community Equipment Loans Store.

Published: 2024-05-10
Deadline: 2024-06-13
2024-05-10 2024-06-13
Keepers Cottage - Energy Efficiency Works
UK Perth Crown Estate Scotland

Improving thermal envelope. New kitchen, decoration, floor finishes. Installation of solar, battery storage, EV charging point.

Published: 2024-04-30
Deadline: 2024-06-07
2024-04-30 2024-06-07
Retrofit and Decarbonisation Framework
UK Livingston LHC Procurement Group for the Scottish Procurement Alliance (SPA)

LHC Procurement Group is seeking suitable organisations for our Retrofit and Decarbonisation Framework Works Framework N9. This new Framework will replace LHC's successful Energy Efficiency Framework (N8) and our Energy Efficiency Consultancy Framework (N8C).The Retrofit and Decarbonisation Framework will provide our clients with access to a range of retrofit and decarbonisation measures on their journey to achieving net zero targets.This Framework consists of the following workstreams, and lots within them:WORKSTREAM 1 - CONSULTANCY SERVICESLot 1 - Energy Policy/Strategy and Grant Funding SupportLot 2 - Management Agent / Multi-Disciplinary ConsultancyLot 3 - PAS 2035 (Domestic Building Audits and Heat Decarbonisation Plans)Lot 4 - PAS 2038 (Commercial Building Audits and Heat Decarbonisation Plans)WORKSTREAM 2 - MULTI-DISCIPLINARY WORKSLot 5 - Multi-Disciplinary Works - 0 to 750KLot 6 - Multi-Disciplinary Works - 750K to 2.5mLot 7 - Multi-Disciplinary Works - 2.5m plusWORKSTREAM 3 BUILDING INSULATIONLot 8 - Internal InsulationLot 9 - Loft InsulationLot 10 - Cavity Wall InsulationLot 11 - External Wall Insulation - up to 11mLot 12 - External Wall Insulation - 11m and HigherLot 13 - Rainscreen CladdingWORKSTREAM 4 HEATING AND VENTILATION SYSTEMSLot 14 - Domestic Boiler Based Space Heating SystemsLot 15 - Domestic Renewables Space Heating SystemsLot 16 - Commercial and Communal Heating SystemsLot 17 - District and Network Heating SystemsLot 18 - Electrical Space Heating SystemsLot 19 - Building Ventilation SystemsWORKSTREAM 5 BUILDING CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMSLot 20 - Building Management SystemsLot 21 - Individual MeteringWORKSTREAM 6 - SOLAR PV AND ELECTRICALLot 22 - Solar PV and Electrical Energy Storage Systems (EESS)Lot 23 - EV ChargingFurther descriptions of each lot are set out later in the notice and tender documentation provided.In order to encourage SME Bidders, for a number of lots within this framework LHC are reserving two places for micro or small enterprises, details of the number of appointees are set out within each lot.Additionally, whilst this is a national framework, each lot is broken down into a number of regional areas allowing bidders to apply for this framework in the regional areas most suited to them.

Value: 120000000
Published: 2024-04-29
Deadline: 2024-06-21
120000000 2024-04-29 2024-06-21
Supply Chain Mechanism for Carbon Capture and Storage on the Seabed
UK Edinburgh Crown Estate Scotland

This Invitation to Tender ("ITT") initiates a call to appoint a consultancy to provide advice to Crown Estate Scotland (“CES”) on a supply chain requirement to be incorporated to seabed agreements for Carbon Capture and Storage (“CCS”). This work will be delivered by a written report, preceded by a workshop during which the findings will be presented. Three deliverables will be achieved in these estimated timescales:(1) Draft report: 8 weeks after kick-off meeting(2) Report presented to CES: 2 weeks after (1)(3) Final Report: 2 week after (2)

Value: 57500
Published: 2024-04-26
Deadline: 2024-05-28
57500 2024-04-26 2024-05-28
Gourlaw Farmhouse - Energy Efficiency Works
UK Perth Crown Estate Scotland

Improvement to the thermal envelope and installation of PV, battery storage, ASHP and EV charging point.

Published: 2024-04-25
Deadline: 2024-05-31
2024-04-25 2024-05-31
Framework Agreement for CCTV Upgrades
UK Gourock CalMac Ferries Limited

Framework Agreement for the design, supply (including delivery, storage and preservation), installation and commissioning of CCTV Upgrades on CFL vessels. This framework will cover all CFL vessels, the first vessel to use the framework will be the MV Isle of Arran.

Value: 800000
Published: 2024-04-19
Deadline: 2024-05-20
800000 2024-04-19 2024-05-20
Modernisation of Lift Installations at Oliphant Court, Paisley, Renfrewshire
UK Paisley Paisley Housing Association Ltd

The existing installation consists of two independent 10 person, 750kg traction passenger lifts,each serving eight floors and with a single entrance having power operated single panel carand landing doors.The proposed works comprise the modernisation of the lift engineering installations with themanufacture, site erection, commissioning, certifying and maintenance for 1 year followingpractical completion of the replacement of the lift control panels and control system cables, thereplacement of the main drive sheaves, the replacement of the suspension ropes and thereplacement of the car doors & door operators, landing entrances and architraves together withmodifications to the lift cabins and slings to accommodate the works.Inclusion shall be made for the replacement of all control wiring including trailing flexes and theContractor shall liaise with the control system manufacturer to establish the preciserequirements for same to ensure compatibility between new and any retained components. TheContractor shall make all allowances to interface new and any retained electrical equipmentwith new galvanised trunking and conduits.The existing hoisting machines, lift cabins, counterweights and guide rails shall be retained towork in conjunction with the modernised installation. Where any incompatibility or inadequacyis established, inclusion shall be made for any necessary modification or replacement ofcomponents, wiring or software and/or additional components, additional wiring or additionalsoftware to ensure that all other aspects of the proposed works can be accommodated and willfunction as required by this Specification.Inclusion shall also be made for all necessary attendant trades’ works associated with theinstallation of lift equipment and the Contractor shall be responsible for the appropriate coordinationand site management of any sub-contractors engaged in this respect.Inclusion shall also be made for all necessary lifting equipment, storage, temporary electricalsupplies, protection, cutting of ways, builderswork, making good, fixtures, all plant and materialsspecified or otherwise to form a complete and working installation.The works shall be undertaken during the continued occupation of the building and theContractor shall be responsible for the safeguarding of landings and lift entrances during theworks.

Value: 210000
Published: 2024-04-17
Deadline: 2024-05-15
210000 2024-04-17 2024-05-15
Solar Panel, Battery Installation
UK Inverurie Chapel of Garioch Village Hall

solar panels with battery storage on village hall roof

Value: 30500
Published: 2024-04-10
Deadline: 2024-05-03
30500 2024-04-10 2024-05-03
Installation of Infrared Heaters
UK Falkirk Global Family Care Network (SCIO)

To supply and install infrared heating to main hall area complete with new 3 phase electrical distribution board

Published: 2024-04-09
Deadline: 2024-04-23
2024-04-09 2024-04-23
PKC12748 - Cycle Parking & Storage in Perth & Kinross Council Area Framework Agreement
UK Perth Perth & Kinross Council

Perth & Kinross Council (‘the Council’) is seeking to appoint suitably qualified and experienced suppliers to a Framework Agreement (‘Framework’) for the provision and installation of a mix of cycle parking throughout the Perth and Kinross Council Area.The Framework shall consist of 3 Lots as follows:Lot 1: Residential cycle parking for people in flats without secure, convenient cycle parking and, secure bicycle storage for schools.Lot 2: A mix of different types of cycle parking at bus stops, village halls, medical centres and an allotment.Lot 3: Two bookable bike nests/hanger for a pilot to provide short-term bicycle parking near two bus stops. This is for a trial for 2 years with a potential to extend if successful.

Value: 134000
Published: 2024-04-05
Deadline: 2024-04-26
134000 2024-04-05 2024-04-26
LSL/MED/0154 - The Supply of Flaked Ice Machines
UK Bristol Leidos Supply Limited

In April 2015 the MOD signed a thirteen year contract with Leidos Europe Ltd to provide the procurement and inventory management of commodity items (as well as the storage and distribution services) historically provided in-house by the Logistic Commodities and Services Operating Centre. Leidos, working with the MOD, will transform the way these services are delivered to ensure requirements continue to be met whilst providing best value for money for the department. The organisation delivering these services is known as Team Leidos. Team Leidos would like to make interested suppliers aware that it is inviting tenders for its supply and delivery of Flaked Ice Making Machines Leidos Supply Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Leidos Europe Ltd, is undertaking this procurement as a subcontractor to Leidos Europe Ltd to meet a requirement of the UK Ministry of Defence pursuant to the logistics commodities and services transformation delivery partner contract (LCS(T)/0001 dated16.4.2015) between Leidos Europe Ltd and the UK Ministry of Defence. Please note all information provided to organisations or individuals that respond to this notice should be treated as Confidential, and not shared further without express written permission from Leidos Supply Ltd.

Published: 2024-04-02
LSL/MED/0154 - The Supply of Flaked Ice Machines
UK Bristol Leidos Supply Limited

In April 2015 the MOD signed a thirteen year contract with Leidos Europe Ltd to provide the procurement and inventory management of commodity items (as well as the storage and distribution services) historically provided in-house by the Logistic Commodities and Services Operating Centre. Leidos, working with the MOD, will transform the way these services are delivered to ensure requirements continue to be met whilst providing best value for money for the department. The organisation delivering these services is known as Team Leidos. Team Leidos would like to make interested suppliers aware that it is inviting tenders for its supply and delivery of Flaked Ice Making Machines Leidos Supply Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Leidos Europe Ltd, is undertaking this procurement as a subcontractor to Leidos Europe Ltd to meet a requirement of the UK Ministry of Defence pursuant to the logistics commodities and services transformation delivery partner contract (LCS(T)/0001 dated16.4.2015) between Leidos Europe Ltd and the UK Ministry of Defence. Please note all information provided to organisations or individuals that respond to this notice should be treated as Confidential, and not shared further without express written permission from Leidos Supply Ltd.

Published: 2024-04-02
The Supply of Future Maritime Operating Tables
UK Bristol Leidos Supply Limited

In April 2015 the MOD signed a thirteen year contract with Leidos Europe Ltd to provide the procurement and inventory management of commodity items (as well as the storage and distribution services) historically provided in-house by the Logistic Commodities and Services Operating Centre. Leidos, working with the MOD, will transform the way these services are delivered to ensure requirements continue to be met whilst providing best value for money for the department. The organisation delivering these services is known as Team Leidos. Team Leidos would like to make interested suppliers aware that it is inviting tenders for its supply and delivery of Future Maritime Operating Table. Leidos Supply Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Leidos Europe Ltd, is undertaking this procurement as a subcontractor to Leidos Europe Ltd to meet a requirement of the UK Ministry of Defence pursuant to the logistics commodities and services transformation delivery partner contract (LCS(T)/0001 dated16.4.2015) between Leidos Europe Ltd and the UK Ministry of Defence. Please note all information provided to organisations or individuals that respond to this notice should be treated as Confidential, and not shared further without express written permission from Leidos Supply Ltd.

Published: 2024-04-02
The Supply of Future Maritime Operating Tables
UK Bristol Leidos Supply Limited

In April 2015 the MOD signed a thirteen year contract with Leidos Europe Ltd to provide the procurement and inventory management of commodity items (as well as the storage and distribution services) historically provided in-house by the Logistic Commodities and Services Operating Centre. Leidos, working with the MOD, will transform the way these services are delivered to ensure requirements continue to be met whilst providing best value for money for the department. The organisation delivering these services is known as Team Leidos. Team Leidos would like to make interested suppliers aware that it is inviting tenders for its supply and delivery of Future Maritime Operating Table. Leidos Supply Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Leidos Europe Ltd, is undertaking this procurement as a subcontractor to Leidos Europe Ltd to meet a requirement of the UK Ministry of Defence pursuant to the logistics commodities and services transformation delivery partner contract (LCS(T)/0001 dated16.4.2015) between Leidos Europe Ltd and the UK Ministry of Defence. Please note all information provided to organisations or individuals that respond to this notice should be treated as Confidential, and not shared further without express written permission from Leidos Supply Ltd.

Published: 2024-04-02
LSL/MED/0154 - The Supply of Flaked Ice Machines
UK Bristol Leidos Supply Limited

In April 2015 the MOD signed a thirteen year contract with Leidos Europe Ltd to provide the procurement and inventory management of commodity items (as well as the storage and distribution services) historically provided in-house by the Logistic Commodities and Services Operating Centre. Leidos, working with the MOD, will transform the way these services are delivered to ensure requirements continue to be met whilst providing best value for money for the department. The organisation delivering these services is known as Team Leidos. Team Leidos would like to make interested suppliers aware that it is inviting tenders for its supply and delivery of Flaked Ice Making Machines Leidos Supply Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Leidos Europe Ltd, is undertaking this procurement as a subcontractor to Leidos Europe Ltd to meet a requirement of the UK Ministry of Defence pursuant to the logistics commodities and services transformation delivery partner contract (LCS(T)/0001 dated16.4.2015) between Leidos Europe Ltd and the UK Ministry of Defence. Please note all information provided to organisations or individuals that respond to this notice should be treated as Confidential, and not shared further without express written permission from Leidos Supply Ltd.

Published: 2024-04-02
The Supply of Future Maritime Operating Tables
UK Bristol Leidos Supply Limited

In April 2015 the MOD signed a thirteen year contract with Leidos Europe Ltd to provide the procurement and inventory management of commodity items (as well as the storage and distribution services) historically provided in-house by the Logistic Commodities and Services Operating Centre. Leidos, working with the MOD, will transform the way these services are delivered to ensure requirements continue to be met whilst providing best value for money for the department. The organisation delivering these services is known as Team Leidos. Team Leidos would like to make interested suppliers aware that it is inviting tenders for its supply and delivery of Future Maritime Operating Table. Leidos Supply Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Leidos Europe Ltd, is undertaking this procurement as a subcontractor to Leidos Europe Ltd to meet a requirement of the UK Ministry of Defence pursuant to the logistics commodities and services transformation delivery partner contract (LCS(T)/0001 dated16.4.2015) between Leidos Europe Ltd and the UK Ministry of Defence. Please note all information provided to organisations or individuals that respond to this notice should be treated as Confidential, and not shared further without express written permission from Leidos Supply Ltd.

Published: 2024-04-02
Courier Services - Blood Products
UK Edinburgh The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) (NSS)

The Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service (SNBTS) require a contract to be put in place in respect of Courier Services – Blood Products.

Published: 2024-03-28
Deadline: 2024-05-06
2024-03-28 2024-05-06
Cloch Housing Association - Replacement of Existing Lift Installation at 58 Regent Street Greenock
UK Greenock Cloch Housing Association Ltd

The existing installation consists of one 8 person, 630kg electric traction passenger lift servingfour floors with a single entrance having a power operated, side opening door arrangement.The proposed works includes for the removal of the existing lift installation and for themanufacture, site erection, commissioning, certifying and maintenance for 1 year followingpractical completion of one machine-room-less, AC gearless traction passenger lift packageincorporating VVVF drive system complete with all facilities required by this specification.Inclusion shall be made for all necessary control wiring including trailing flexes and theContractor shall liaise with the manufacturer and establish the precise requirements for sameto ensure compatibility between components.Inclusion shall also be made for all necessary attendant trades’ works and the Contractor shallbe responsible for the appropriate co-ordination and site management of any sub-contractorsengaged in this respect.The Contractor shall submit a programme to the Engineer for comment and agreement prior tocommencing site activities. Activities considered noisy or of nuisance, e.g. drilling, hammeringand large deliveries, shall only be undertaken during periods agreed with the Purchaser.It is essential that a site presence is evident throughout the working week and accordingly it isa requirement that, as a minimum, 8 hours per day are worked each Monday to Thursday and6 hours on Fridays.It is a fundamental requirement that the existing lift shall not be taken out of service until all keyelements of the new plant are in the Contractor’s possession.Prior to submitting their offer, firms Tendering shall undertake all necessary site inspections &evaluation of prevailing site conditions and/or restrictions to ensure that their Tender takes fullaccount of same and to verify the feasibility of the proposed works as Specified. In undertakingsuch inspection firms tendering shall provide their own labour and equipment. For inspection ofthe landing entrances and well this inspection shall be undertaken at a time to be agreed withthe Purchaser. The safety of building users shall be protected at all times.The Contractor shall submit a programme to the Engineer for comment and agreement prior tocommencing site activities. Activities considered noisy or of nuisance, e.g. drilling, hammeringand large deliveries, shall only be undertaken during periods agreed with the Purchaser.A complete survey of the existing installation shall be carried out by the Contractor upon theirappointment to verify the viability of installing the proposed equipment and to agree the finalsizing of such items. The Contractor shall provide all necessary details to suppliers to satisfythemselves of the suitability and compatibility of specified components in meeting thisSpecification and the design intent.Inclusion shall be made for all necessary components and labour, specified or otherwise, toprovide a complete and working installation meeting this Specification and the design intent.The Contractor shall establish the capacity of the existing sub main cable and earthingarrangement, switch gear and distribution arrangement serving the lift plant room and, takingaccount of the new lift equipment being installed, shall confirm to the Engineer that thisproposed arrangement can be accommodated.At all times working areas shall be kept clean, tidy and free from debris during the works andany redundant materials or packaging shall be removed on a daily basis.On completion of the works The Contractor shall provide test records, certificates of complianceand manuals and the works shall not be taken over until these have been delivered.

Value: 100000
Published: 2024-03-27
Deadline: 2024-04-24
100000 2024-03-27 2024-04-24
SSEN Distribution Contact Channel Management - Contact Centre as a Service(CCaaS)

Published: 2024-03-22
SSEN Distribution Contact Channel Management - Contact Centre as a Service(CCaaS)

Published: 2024-03-22
SSEN Distribution Contact Channel Management - Contact Centre as a Service(CCaaS)

Published: 2024-03-22
The Supply, Installation, Management and Maintenance of Secure Cycle Storage Units
UK Glasgow Glasgow City Council

The Supply, Installation, Management and Maintenance of Secure Cycle Storage Units.The council invites bids for the expansion of Glasgow City Council's Secure On Street Cycle Storage Scheme. This will include the supply, installation, management, and maintenance of new secure cycle shelters.The supplier shall be responsible for the management, scheduled and ad hoc maintenance of the existing 205 residential shelters located throughout the City when the current contract expires.There may also be an opportunity for the supplier to take on the management, scheduled and ad hoc maintenance of the 20 existing short stay shelters located in the city centre when this contract expires in 2027.

Value: 2500000
Published: 2024-03-21
Deadline: 2024-04-22
2500000 2024-03-21 2024-04-22
Energy Improvements - Year 2 Contract
UK Kirkwall NHS Orkney

Decarbonisation Project for NHS Orkney at the following locations at North Ronaldsay, Westray, Sanday and Stronsay.The works include external insulation, loft insulation, replacement windows anddoors, replacement heating installations, Solar panels and heat batteriesThe works include the Contractor design of all performance specified mechanical and electricalworks, vizASHP and LTHW HeatingDomestic Hot WaterSolar PV and Battery Storage

Value: 2250000
Published: 2024-03-20
Deadline: 2024-04-26
2250000 2024-03-20 2024-04-26
Removal, Storage, Redistribution and Disposal Services 2024-26
UK Motherwell North Lanarkshire Council

North Lanarkshire Council (the Council) require a single external provider to perform a variety of removal, storage, redistribution and disposal services with sufficient skill and care whilst doing so in a safe and compliant manner.

Value: 450000
Published: 2024-03-08
Deadline: 2024-04-12
450000 2024-03-08 2024-04-12
University of Birmingham Supply & Distribution of Coffee & Ancillary Products
UK Farnborough Pelican Procurement Services

University of Birmingham Supply & Distribution of Coffee & Ancillary Products

Value: 145000
Published: 2024-03-06
Deadline: 2024-04-04
145000 2024-03-06 2024-04-04
Manufacture & Supply of SRP Products
UK Warrington Sellafield Ltd

Sellafield Ltd is responsible for the safe, secure, and appropriate storage of nuclear materials. As materials, containment layers, and stores age, periodic reprocessing and repackaging is required to ensure this responsibility can continue to be met. <br/><br/>The inventory held within Sellafield Ltd’s Special Nuclear Materials (SNM) value stream is at such a point, that the Sellafield Product and Resides Stores (SPRS) Retreatment Plan (SRP) is due to start operating in FY 2028/29 to retreat and repackage nuclear material to enable safe and secure long-term storage.<br/><br/>Sellafield Ltd requires manufacturing capability (using Sellafield Ltd’s NPI process) for the supply of quality, repeatable, volume manufactured products for the reprocessing and repackaging operations within SRP for the long-term storage of the nuclear material (the SRP Products). SRP Products are high integrity, precision engineered products and perform critical functions in the long-term storage of nuclear material. <br/><br/>There are five (5) SRP Products in early design maturity which fall into the following two product types: <br/><br/>1. Container Products (those products that will form part of the long-term storage package), including: <br/>i. SRP Outer Container (Body and Lid); <br/>ii. SRP Intermediate Container (Body and Hollow Plug Assembly); <br/>iii. SRP Inner Container (Body and Lid); <br/><br/>2. Consumable Products (single-use process enablers required to safely operate the SRP facility that do not form part of the long-term storage package), including: <br/>iv. SRP Package Carrier (SPC) (Body and Lid); <br/>v. SRP Sphincter Plug (Body and Lid). <br/><br/>Sellafield Ltd is seeking to appoint one (1) supplier who will be awarded one (1) contract to provide manufacturing capability to support design, manufacture, and supply of the SRP Products.<br/><br/>Details in relation to the estimated annual volumes can be found in the Procurement documentation published via the OneNDA e-procurement system Atamis under reference C14801.

Value: 75000000
Published: 2024-03-06
Deadline: 2024-05-07
75000000 2024-03-06 2024-05-07
ICT Hardware & Peripherals Equipment Framework Agreement
UK Salford Crescent Purchasing Limited

This Lot is for the provision of goods and services including but not limited to supply, and supply and installation (where required) for desktop computers (Tower, Small Form Micro and All In Ones), thin clients, laptops, notebooks, netbooks including Chromebooks, tablets, PDA’s, mobile internet devices (excluding mobile phones), high performance and gaming / eSports desktops and laptops, and all other related products. The scope includes, new as well as, refurbished equipment and remanufactured equipment, bespoke equipment, new and emerging ICT hardware. Services include but are not limited to installation, imaging services, maintenance services, other relevant services including asset tagging, mobile device management, training & support for all solutions.The lot also includes equipment and peripherals not limited to charging carts, docking stations and storage trolleys, printers, scanners, monitors, keyboards and mice, including both wired and wireless, virtual reality equipment, gaming equipment, headphones, earphones, external hard drives, memory upgrades, speakers, spares, cables, components & accessories including locks and brackets, carry cases, memory sticks, telephone handsets (not complete systems) and other related products, including new and emerging technologies. The lot also covers the provision of software, where sold with equipment.Please note this lot excludes Apple products.

Published: 2024-03-06
Deadline: 2024-04-10
2024-03-06 2024-04-10
Logistics, Storage, Maintenance and Crane Hire: Environment Agency Incident Response
UK London ENVIRONMENT AGENCY (Defra Network eTendering Portal)

2.1 STORAGE <br/>The purpose is to ensure the EA assets are stored securely and accessible 24/7, 365 days per year. A key part of the contract is ensuring flood barriers, pumps and other equipment is ready for rapid deployment to protect against flooding and other incidents, this is of national importance with a great deal of political sensitivity. <br/>• One site – manned- for all storage – central England location<br/>• Flexible monthly storage space ranging from 1000m2 (approx. 10,000sq Ft) to 3000m2 (approx. 30,000sq Ft). For the first 24 months of the contract there will be a guaranteed requirement of 2000m2 (20,000sq Ft) of internal storage.<br/>• Access is required 24/7, 365 days per year.<br/>• Must be manned 8-5pm, and include callout for staff outside these hours, as needed to access equipment. <br/><br/>2.2 LOGISTICS <br/>The purpose is the appointment of a multi-faceted logistics support supplier capable of a wide range of support activities, skills and management abilities to undertake major incident response logistics including heavy haulage, lifting activities and onsite support. <br/>• This service is required 24/7, 365 days per year.<br/>• Out of hours service<br/>• Direct access to booking system through a dedicated coordinating manager for the EA.<br/>• Dedicated customer service support<br/>• Include daily haulage activities. <br/>• Driver only – availability<br/>• Onsite vehicle support e.g. HGVs/Lifting vehicles on site and associated paperwork for lifting operations.<br/>• There is a possibility for a requirement for logistics requirement across EU and non-EU countries, this is included in contract.<br/><br/>2.3 MAINTENANCE<br/>The requirement is to maintain EA assets across England:<br/>• Provide mobile maintenance visits to our sites across England.<br/>• The maintenance staff are required to work at EA depots and there could be a requirement for these staff to be based at an EA site.<br/>• Maintenance staff will require forklift license.<br/>• Support EA site visits and inventory management of all EA Principal Depots, with a stock check and full equipment review. The site visits must be made in the most sustainable and economical way. <br/>• Undertake warehouse management duties of EA equipment and ancillaries at contractor warehousing facility.

Value: 7000000
Published: 2024-03-05
7000000 2024-03-05
YPO - 001248 Sports Play Equipment and Sports Equipment, including Accessories, Sports Posts, Nets, Goals and Balls
UK Wakefield YPO

This Lot is for the provision of Sports Play Equipment to be delivered into YPO's distribution centre in Wakefield

Value: 20000000
Published: 2024-03-05
Deadline: 2024-04-08
20000000 2024-03-05 2024-04-08
GB-Bristol: Changing Places facilities installations - Turnkey Modular Builds
British Oversea Territories UK-Bristol: Road graders. Forestry England (on behalf of Forestry Commission)

Works to design, configure, prefabricate, deliver, and install a Modular building Unit (partitioned into CPT & Storage) including internal fitting of specialist equipment to meet a registered Changing Places toilet as set out in BS 8300-2:2018 that meets the needs of every user. All works are delivered full turnkey. The requirement is divided into 2 Lots: Lot 1- Highlodge Lot 2 - Beechenhurst Lot 1 must be completed by end October 2024 and Lot 2 must be completed by end November 2024.Additional information: The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement.

Value: 500000
Published: 2024-03-05T00:00:00Z
500000 2024-03-05T00:00:00Z
Funeral Director Services
UK Edinburgh The City of Edinburgh Council

The City of Edinburgh Council intend to establish a single Lot Framework Agreement for the provision of Funeral Services under the terms of Section 87 of the Burial and Cremation Act (Scotland) 2016. This will include provision of funeral services, transport and storage of the deceased. In terms of Section 87 of the Burial and Cremation Act (Scotland) 2016, the Council has a duty to make funeral arrangements for any person who dies or is found dead within the Local Authority area where no other Local Authority is liable to make those arrangements and where no other person has come forward to make a suitable funeral arrangement for the deceased.This Framework Agreement will be primarily used by the City of Edinburgh Council, but Midlothian Council may also use this Framework Agreement.

Value: 250000
Published: 2024-03-01
Deadline: 2024-04-05
250000 2024-03-01 2024-04-05
Pistenbulley Wetland Harvester Operation, Transport and Storage
UK Cardiff Natural Resources Wales

Framework contract for the supply of the services to operate, transport and store NRW’s South Wales Pisten Bulley Wetland Harvester machine

Value: 100000
Published: 2024-03-01
Deadline: 2024-04-09
100000 2024-03-01 2024-04-09
Funeral Director Services
UK Edinburgh The City of Edinburgh Council

The City of Edinburgh Council intends to establish a single Lot Framework Agreement for the provision of Funeral Services under the terms of Section 87 of the Burial and Cremation Act (Scotland) 2016. This will include the provision of funeral services, transport and storage of the deceased.

Value: 250000
Published: 2024-02-29
Deadline: 2024-04-05
250000 2024-02-29 2024-04-05
Invitation to Tender - QED-Morlais 76 Tidal Turbine Power Take-Off
UK Edinburgh QED Naval Ltd

QED Naval is an innovative company specialising in tidal energy technology. The company has developed disruptive technology that can be applied globally. This includes our self-deploying, submersible tidal platform, the Subhub Industrial Demonstrator (ID), that is proven to work efficiently and reliably with our subsidiary company Tocardo’s horizontal axis tidal turbines.The Torcardo T-3 is the next generation in Torcardo’s turbine series, with the previous iterations being used in the Oosterscheldekering storm surge barrier. The design prides itself on simplicity and reliability whilst maintaining effective tidal energy capture. The turbine has a 14m blade diameter, a passive bidirectional pitch system, and uses a split winding permanent magnetic synchronous generator.QED’s next generation of Subhub ID will feature 3 of Tocardo’s turbine-generator pairs, which will be individually controlled and then combined into a single grid output within the Subhub ID’s dry compartments under water.QED Naval is looking for a supplier to provide the various power take-off circuitry to support this delivery of grid compliant power from the Subhub Platform Control Unit (SPCU) into the National Grid at distribution level.The solution will accommodate 3 independently controlled T-3 turbines, each with a power rating of 350 kW and generator output voltage of 690 V. Each generator’s PTO solution will be housed in a standard double electrical cabinet with dimensions 2000 x 1200 x 600 mm (excluding the shared transformer) if possible. The cabinets will be held within the SPCU. The SPCU consists of two sealed pressure hulls that have an inner diameter of 3 m and a length of 10 m. The solution will be supplied fully assembled and complying with necessary electrical standards. A supporting single line drawing of the complete system should also be provided.This tender requires the delivery of a single turbine-generator PTO configuration in 2024 for testing before the remaining 2 PTO configurations are delivered to complete the Subhub ID arrangement for subsea deployment. The successful delivery of the tender described in this document could establish a relationship for future plans that include the initial extension from one Subhub ID to a mini-array of five (totalling 5 MW) followed by additional phases to a maximum array size of 30 MW.

Published: 2024-02-28
Deadline: 2024-03-19
2024-02-28 2024-03-19
Clyde Metro Multi-Disciplinary Consultancy Framework
UK Glasgow Strathclyde Partnership for Transport

The generic areas of this lot are listed below. In future we may call off services which are linked to this list, but the list is not exhaustive and we may utilise this framework for any or all of our transport engineering requirements in relation to the Clyde Metro.Transport EngineeringFixed route public transport engineering including planning, design, systems maintenance and optimisationPermanent Way Design for a variety of fixed route public transport modesFixed route public transport systems operational policy and proceduresFixed route public transport signalling and control systemsRoads, Highways, Bridges & Infrastructure EngineeringPedestrian Way DesignCycleway DesignHeavy and light rail engineering systems design including rolling stock and power systemsAdvise on New Fleet Commissioning, Lifespans, Maintenance and Replacement processes across a variety of public transport modesSpecialised Transport Engineering Services for Bus, Train and Mass Transit Station Development including Mobility Hubs and associated facilities to assist with public transport integrationCivil, Structural & Geotechnical EngineeringCivil EngineeringStructural EngineeringTunnelling including Refurbishment and MaintenanceGroundwater, Geotechnical and Topographical servicesDrainage Design and Water and Waste Water EngineeringGeotechnical EngineeringBuilding Design and Refurbishment including depots and maintenance facilitiesUtilities Design and RelocationMechanical & Electrical EngineeringHigh voltage power supply and distribution systems designMechanical and Electrical Engineering DesignHeating / Energy System and Lighting DesignConsultation & EngagementAssist with the preparation of consultation responses and parliamentary inquiries on Clyde Metro mattersConsultation and engagement with elected members, stakeholders, businesses and communitiesDevelopment of stakeholder management plans and stakeholder mappingMiscellaneousQuantity SurveyingPractical application of new technologies and related design solutions for their implementation

Value: 20000000
Published: 2024-02-28
Deadline: 2024-03-28
20000000 2024-02-28 2024-03-28
Storage, Distribution and Labelling of Drugs for Clinical Trials
UK Leeds University of Leeds

This trial is subject is currently awaiting a funding award based on the funding application. The outcome of this tender will be part of the final application as we are required to demonstrate that we have sought to provide the best value for money to the funding body.The estimated start date for this trial is Q1 2025.

Value: 250000
Published: 2024-02-27
Deadline: 2024-04-08
250000 2024-02-27 2024-04-08
YPO - 001242 Supply of First Aid and Medical Supplies
UK Wakefield YPO

Lot 1 is for the provision of first aid products and will be a mix of goods to be delivered into YPO's distribution centre in Wakefield and direct to the end user.

Value: 6500000
Published: 2024-02-24
Deadline: 2024-03-22
6500000 2024-02-24 2024-03-22
YPO - 001199 Removals, Recycling, Storage and Associated Services Framework IV
UK Wakefield YPO

This Framework will provide a managed service solution within the remit of Removals, Recycling, Storage and Associated Services for the provision of the following which includes but is not limited to office moves, laboratory moves, removal services, relocation, storage, assets recycling and other types of associated services including but not limited to IT moves, IT asset disposal, confidential waste disposal, POP’s waste (persistent organic pollutants), and asset management. The Provider will act as a single point interface with each participating Contracting Authority, and co-ordinate delivery of the services as per the Contracting Authorities requirements which are called off via the Framework.

Value: 30000000
Published: 2024-02-23
Deadline: 2024-04-02
30000000 2024-02-23 2024-04-02
Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Person Lifting Equipment
UK Kilmarnock East Ayrshire Council

General Services included within Lot 1 shall include - The surveying of domestic properties for the installation of stairlifts and the provision of stairlifts for same; the supply and installation of new and reconditioned stair lifts; re-siting and re-fitting of stair lifts; removal, inspection and storage of stairlifts and refurbishment/recycling of stair lifts for reinstallation

Published: 2024-02-23
Deadline: 2024-03-27
2024-02-23 2024-03-27
121_24 Sandwiches and Food-to-Go

ESPO is seeking to put in place a multi-supplier framework for the supply and distribution of a range of pre-packed sandwiches and associated food-to-go products.To tender:(a) Go to; (b) Register (if not already registered on ProContract); (c) Search for tender opportunity '121_24' (via "View Opportunities" from the 'EastMidsTenders' Portal); (d) Express an interest (if not already completed via the previously Published PIN); (e) Download the tender documents (from the ProContract Activity summary screen, once an Expression of interest has been completed).

Value: 30000000
Published: 2024-02-22
Deadline: 2024-03-28
30000000 2024-02-22 2024-03-28
Procurement for the Provision of Individual Carbon Monoxide Monitors and Distribution Services for Pregnancy Smoking Cessation Support On Behalf Of NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board
UK London NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board

NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board is inviting suitably experienced and capable providers to apply for the Procurement for the Provision of Individual Carbon Monoxide Monitors and Distribution Services for Pregnancy Smoking Cessation Support.The Contract to be offered to the Recommended Bidder at the end of this Procurement will be for a duration of up to two years which is intended to run from the Commencement Date (anticipated to be from April 2024 at the earliest) with the option to extend for an additional two years, up to a maximum contract duration of four years. The estimated value of the contract is £110,000 per annum and estimated overall maximum contract value of approximately £440,000 for the maximum term of the contract. The Contracting Authority requires the Specification to be delivered for an indicative estimated number of 1500 or more iCO devices for each contractual year. NHS Shared Business Services is an agent of the Contracting Authority, acting on its behalf solely to carry out the Procurement. All decisions regarding the Contract will be made by the Contracting Authority.For full details of the Service and any additional information regarding this Procurement please see link to the Specification and Invitation to Tender documentation that can be accessed via SAP Ariba.Invitation to Tender documentation that can be accessed via SAP Ariba reference Doc1858020681,

Value: 440000
Published: 2024-02-20
Deadline: 2024-03-20
440000 2024-02-20 2024-03-20
St Anne's Catholic High School for Girls Hard FM Tender
UK London St Anne's Catholic High School for Girls

In general, the School will require the following services to be maintained and supported. Site Specifics will be outlined in the Invitation to Tender.- A single point of contact (Helpdesk).- Proven PPM / Reactive Callout electronic documentation system.- Management and Reporting of all the services being provided by the Contractor.- Regular Site / Contract Meetings (a minimum number will be defined within the ITT).- Provide a Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) and a Reactive Callout Service acrossall the services contained within the Contract. These services may include (but are not limited to):Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC), etc.Hot Water systems including Calorifiers and Point of Use Water HeatersMVHR unitsClosed Loop Water Treatment and monitoringWater Hygiene monitoring including AnnualChlorination (if required) of tanks and‘down’ servicesTrace Heating and Heat Maintenance TapeBuilding Management Systems (BMS)Thermal Imaging of Electrical Panels and Distribution BoardsFire Alarm systems (this may also include Remote Monitoring systems)Other Fire Fighting systems such as Dry RisersSmoke Extract / Ventilation systems.Roller Shutters / Fire Curtains linked to the Fire SystemIntruder alarms (this may also include Remote Monitoring Systems)Refuge Point and Induction Loop systemsPrepared by: John Ashton RM&C Consultants LtdAccess Control systemsLightning Protection Systems ü ‘Mansafe’ systemsThe contractor will be responsible for ensuring Compliance of the equipment / systems for which they are responsible and issuing the associated documentation to the School.Please Note1. There is a requirement to provide Site Operative support (for example Caretaking, Porterage, overseeing the Cleaning Contract and Event Management) as part of this Contract during the weekdays and evenings, plus at weekends to cover lettings on an Ad-hoc basis which could develop into a regular position.2. TUPE will be applicable for some of the positions.All Staff must be suitably qualified for the work that they are employed to do. Copies of their qualifications may be requested and held on file.The successful Contractor will ensure all Staff and Specialist Sub-Contractors hold a current Enhanced DBS Certificate which is no more than 3 years old.

Published: 2024-02-20
Deadline: 2024-03-22
2024-02-20 2024-03-22
G-Cloud 14 (Lots 1-3)
UK Liverpool The Minister for the Cabinet Office acting through Crown Commercial Service

Cloud hosting services sold through G-Cloud are cloud platform or infrastructure Services that can help buyers do at least one of the following:Deploy, manage and run software, provision and use processing, storage or networking resources. Buyers only need to pay for what they use. The G-Cloud cloud hosting Lot is equivalent to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) definitions of ‘Platform as a Service’ and ‘Infrastructure as a Service’: cloud hosting Suppliers will provide services in at least one of these categories:Archiving, backup and disaster recoveryCompute and application hostingContainer serviceContent delivery networkCyber securityDatabaseData warehousingNoSQL databaseRelational database Load balancing Logging and analysis Message queuing and processing Networking (including Network as a Service) Platform as a Service (PaaS) Infrastructure and platform security Distributed denial of service attack (DDOS) protection Firewall Service intrusion detection Protective monitoring Search Storage Block storage Object storage.This Lot is for Direct Award only. No Further Competition is permissible.

Value: 6500000000
Published: 2024-02-20
Deadline: 2024-05-07
6500000000 2024-02-20 2024-05-07
Storage, Distribution and Labelling of Drugs for Clinical Trials
UK Leeds University of Leeds

Storage, Distribution and Labelling of Drugs for ACCORD (Myeloma XII) clinical trial.This is a live trial currently in progress.

Value: 380000
Published: 2024-02-14
Deadline: 2024-02-28
380000 2024-02-14 2024-02-28
Notice: Multi-level, Mass Fatalities Body Storage capability
UK London Home Office

The scope of this contract is to provide a multilayer mass fatalities capability solution. In which the supplier holds in reserve or mobilises the required assets for a fixed fee and deploys these to specified timeframes when called upon for an additional cost. The contract should consist of a retainer fee being paid by HO annually to ensure a response remains readily available should it be called upon. We envisage additional pre agreed ‘top up’ costs to be paid should a deployment be necessary.

Value: 1500000
Published: 2024-02-13
Deadline: 2024-03-18
1500000 2024-02-13 2024-03-18
YPO 1224 - Soaps and Sanitisers
UK Wakefield YPO

Lot 1 is for the procurement of wipes to be delivered into YPO's distribution centre in Wakefield.

Value: 1100000
Published: 2024-02-10
Deadline: 2024-03-15
1100000 2024-02-10 2024-03-15
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